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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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I got early access, but really, it's not that cool. It can wait a week. Heck, it can wait a month. My agent's class story's more interesting, Oricon is more interesting - I'd go as far as say levelling an alt in new system is cooler than KOTFE.
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I made a post about this on Facebook, but thought I'd repost my opinion on this issue here. Sorry for the dumbed down language but many of my Facebook friends are gamers but not MMO players and I wanted them to understand.




I have been a long-time player of Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is a fantastic game in every possible way. I love the Star Wars universe. I watch the movies and read the books. I have watched Youtube videos of detailed analysis of the fight between Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul and made comments from my own observations. I have sat through endless comparisons of the force powers and fighting styles of Sith Lords that lived thousands of years apart in the lore. Yes, I am a spectacular nerd. But there's a problem:


I have been playing SWTOR on and off since it came out. I preordered the Collector’s Edition, along with a huge, heavy hardcover book called the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia - The Definitive Guide to the Epic Conflict. I played for years, and dedicated more time than I like to admit to this game. I have taken a few several-month-long breaks since the game came out, when there was nothing new to do and I was bored with the pace of new content releases, but I have always come back to this game.


In August of this year, I decided it was time to resub and get back into the swing of the game. I had read several articles about the expansion due out in a few months and was quite excited to be a part of experiencing the new content firsthand.


I did not know at the time that Bioware (the company that makes SWTOR) had decided to create a reward program for subscribers. They offered 4 rewards to players that have been subscribed to the game at different points from the start of August to mid-October. The first of these rewards (and the best, IMO) was given to people that were subscribed on August 10th. I missed receiving this reward by a hair, as I resubbed after this date (having had no idea that this reward program existed.) This reward was an in-game companion. In essence, an NPC that follows you around, has his own skills and personality, and more importantly has his own storyline that players can experience with him. This really bothered me, as despite the fact that I am paying the company the same money as every other subscriber, I am losing out on actual storyline content. The next 3 rewards (all of which I was subscribed for) were various in-game items, weapons, armor and a mount. Any of these I would have been fine with missing, there are always other items that do the same thing and look just as cool. But losing out on that story content, that sucks. Regardless, I grumbled about it for a little while and then made peace with the fact that I would be missing out on that small amount of content. Nothing I can do about it now.


So my friends and I have been playing and having a lot of fun. But a wrench has been thrown in my plans. They offered another reward to players that were subscribed for all 4 of the reward dates: the ability to play the game a week before everyone else. As I missed the first reward by a hair, I do not have access to this bonus week (called a headstart in the video game world.) As of today (the start of the free week,) my friends and guild mates are now leveling and experiencing the new content, while I sit in the old world for the next week and twiddle my thumbs.


This is absolutely infuriating to me. I am PAYING for this game, the same amount as every other subscriber, and I have been for months, but despite that I have no access to the new content because of something that happened months ago. Let me state that again. I am PAYING to play this game, but everyone around me has access to content that I can not play. There is no way for me to get access to that content right now. I cannot come up with a single scenario where a company restricting content from one paying customer while giving it to another who is paying the same amount is ok. Not one.


I WANT to play this game. I am currently PAYING to play this game. Several of my RL friends are playing this game, and I am an officer in a fantastic guild of amazing and hilarious people who I want nothing more than to play and explore the new content with. I would happily pay extra for access to the headstart if that’s what I had to do. (Ok, maybe not happily, but I’d do it.) Unfortunately that is not an option. There is no way to gain access to the headstart if you missed even 1 of the reward days. If, for example, you have been playing and paying for this game nonstop since it was released in 2011, but there was an issue with your credit card that caused you to not be subscribed for 24 hours, and it happened to be one of the reward days, you do not have access this content. This is not ok.




Ok, my fire-retardant armor is on, troll away!

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I got early access, but really, it's not that cool. It can wait a week. Heck, it can wait a month. My agent's class story's more interesting, Oricon is more interesting - I'd go as far as say levelling an alt in new system is cooler than KOTFE.


^Quite literally this


KOTFE's "new content" amounts to about as much length as ziost. Once you do it with one character you will question if you really want to subject yourself to giving up all your companions again only to spend god knows how long trying to get them back.


Honestly, take this week to level another alt, you guys aren't missing much and you'll understand that in a week. Those 9 chapters are less than 2 hours to finish and then you get to wait another 5 weeks for the next blurb of story along with everyone else.

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I made a post about this on Facebook, but thought I'd repost my opinion on this issue here. Sorry for the dumbed down language but many of my Facebook friends are gamers but not MMO players and I wanted them to understand.




I have been a long-time player of Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is a fantastic game in every possible way. I love the Star Wars universe. I watch the movies and read the books. I have watched Youtube videos of detailed analysis of the fight between Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul and made comments from my own observations. I have sat through endless comparisons of the force powers and fighting styles of Sith Lords that lived thousands of years apart in the lore. Yes, I am a spectacular nerd. But there's a problem:


I have been playing SWTOR on and off since it came out. I preordered the Collector’s Edition, along with a huge, heavy hardcover book called the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia - The Definitive Guide to the Epic Conflict. I played for years, and dedicated more time than I like to admit to this game. I have taken a few several-month-long breaks since the game came out, when there was nothing new to do and I was bored with the pace of new content releases, but I have always come back to this game.


In August of this year, I decided it was time to resub and get back into the swing of the game. I had read several articles about the expansion due out in a few months and was quite excited to be a part of experiencing the new content firsthand.


I did not know at the time that Bioware (the company that makes SWTOR) had decided to create a reward program for subscribers. They offered 4 rewards to players that have been subscribed to the game at different points from the start of August to mid-October. The first of these rewards (and the best, IMO) was given to people that were subscribed on August 10th. I missed receiving this reward by a hair, as I resubbed after this date (having had no idea that this reward program existed.) This reward was an in-game companion. In essence, an NPC that follows you around, has his own skills and personality, and more importantly has his own storyline that players can experience with him. This really bothered me, as despite the fact that I am paying the company the same money as every other subscriber, I am losing out on actual storyline content. The next 3 rewards (all of which I was subscribed for) were various in-game items, weapons, armor and a mount. Any of these I would have been fine with missing, there are always other items that do the same thing and look just as cool. But losing out on that story content, that sucks. Regardless, I grumbled about it for a little while and then made peace with the fact that I would be missing out on that small amount of content. Nothing I can do about it now.


So my friends and I have been playing and having a lot of fun. But a wrench has been thrown in my plans. They offered another reward to players that were subscribed for all 4 of the reward dates: the ability to play the game a week before everyone else. As I missed the first reward by a hair, I do not have access to this bonus week (called a headstart in the video game world.) As of today (the start of the free week,) my friends and guild mates are now leveling and experiencing the new content, while I sit in the old world for the next week and twiddle my thumbs.


This is absolutely infuriating to me. I am PAYING for this game, the same amount as every other subscriber, and I have been for months, but despite that I have no access to the new content because of something that happened months ago. Let me state that again. I am PAYING to play this game, but everyone around me has access to content that I can not play. There is no way for me to get access to that content right now. I cannot come up with a single scenario where a company restricting content from one paying customer while giving it to another who is paying the same amount is ok. Not one.


I WANT to play this game. I am currently PAYING to play this game. Several of my RL friends are playing this game, and I am an officer in a fantastic guild of amazing and hilarious people who I want nothing more than to play and explore the new content with. I would happily pay extra for access to the headstart if that’s what I had to do. (Ok, maybe not happily, but I’d do it.) Unfortunately that is not an option. There is no way to gain access to the headstart if you missed even 1 of the reward days. If, for example, you have been playing and paying for this game nonstop since it was released in 2011, but there was an issue with your credit card that caused you to not be subscribed for 24 hours, and it happened to be one of the reward days, you do not have access this content. This is not ok.




Ok, my fire-retardant armor is on, troll away!


That is the one lesson I think will be learned from this, sure subscribers through all that time deserve early access, but give everyone a chance to buy in for that early access out of pocket. I knew I was late and didn't qualify and yes I would have paid for it too. From a business standpoint they're passing up a potentially huge revenue stream, rather than have people angry at the wording for what qualifies for early access and likely losing some subs as a result.

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That is the one lesson I think will be learned from this, sure subscribers through all that time deserve early access, but give everyone a chance to buy in for that early access out of pocket. I knew I was late and didn't qualify and yes I would have paid for it too. From a business standpoint they're passing up a potentially huge revenue stream, rather than have people angry at the wording for what qualifies for early access and likely losing some subs as a result.


Are you one of those people that throws a fit when your expired coupon doesn't work?


Edit - actually serious. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk. Although, it is a jerk question.... sorry

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I would not have been a sub for this past 4 months (or whatever it was) if not for the "head start". Sorry but if I had to pay those 4 months for this then no, you wait. I see no reason why you should get something for free wen I had to pay.


Now if you can't read or have reading comprehension problems then sucks to be you I guess.


PS. You lost nothing, I am extremely disappointed with the expansion.

Edited by Xanas
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I was unsubbed from 9-13th when myself and my family got back into town from a funeral. I know, you people don't give a shyt. I get that. It just sucks. Considering Ive been a sub to this game since literally day one of launch.

Contact support, if you qualify for all four subscriber rewards you should qualify for early access. I subscribed in intervals, qualified for all rewards and got Early Access so I know the text uder T&C is 'correct'.

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I find this funny people don't think this game is worth paying a subscription but then cry When they miss out on the rewards given to subscribers


This ^^^^^


and the fact that they complain and say bio "scammed" them becase they didn't actually take the time read.... its probable its the the same people who say they got "scammed" on gtn becase "pricing display" which is totally avoidable .... but again they didn't take the time to read .....


wow really ... there is two different examples of that ... wow ...that must means something...

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Now that I actually read all the terms and conditions of the subscriber early access perks, I get it, I think some of us newcomers just need to know that we will get the perks we were subscribed for when the actual knight of the fallen empire launch happens on the 27th, and that early access is only granted to those who have been subscribed continuously since July 31st, for all the reading we do in the game you'd think we'd read the whole message about the early release, but hey just think if all of us got early access, the server would probably crash trying to support everyone trying to get at the action at the same time at least this way it spreads it out a bit, and it's not like we didn't get access to the game updates as far as gameplay is concerned elsewhere
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Fairly certain that those news letters only went out to players that had been subscribers and weren't at the time those emails went out.


Actually I am one of the original beta testers and have been subscribed for some time even though I haven't been able to play much due to testing other games and health issues. I constantly receive newsletters from TOR and EA.

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I agree with you op, but hey if Bioware was a smart company, They would not have had such a bad game in the first place.



This thread is the reason why I hate this community.


This thread is not (for me at least) a reason to hate, but it shows what's wrong with this community (as always *parts* of it... large or at least loud parts).

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I knew this would happen. People don't read more than 1 line in FB/Twitter post and think they know everything about Early Access. Bioware should learn from the mess which was caused on the reward dates that they need to be very precise in their post on FB/Twitter so more people that don't read anything beyond that understand it clearly. All people screaming in the comments and asking where are their rewards on those dates should be a warning for Bioware to change their posts to be more explicit.


The word "choose" was unfortunate. Many non-native speakers thought that they can literally choose the time period from A to Z to get into Early Access. The words such as "Be a subscriber from A to Z" or "Remain a subscriber from A to Z" would be much better and explicit. I read Terms and Conditions so I knew about the actual rules and I tried to spread this info but it's impossible to reach everyone who asked about it.


This mess could be easily avoided. The warnings were there. Bioware did nothing about it. I think the fault is 50-50 between Bioware and customers.

Edited by PavSalco
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Bunch of idiots then, I guess.


I have never read the ToS (too boring and if you have read one ToS you HAVE read them all, I will guarantee that). I have also not even looked at the FAQ stuff relating to KotFE (mainly because most of the information and answers I needed were shoved in my face for the last 4 months, so no need for the FAQ). Yet I somehow understood perfectly how this whole promotion worked. They made it so clear even a 2-year old could understand it.


It was quite simple, if you qualified for ALL FOUR AWARDS, then you got early access - period. Not only was this very clear in literally every promotional email I got, but it was plastered ALL OVER the forums and web site. OH! And when people asked specifically about this in the live stream, Eric clarified this also.


If you guys could not understand the insane amount of information that was literally shoved in your face in huge, bold letters, banners, emails, web site, live streams, etc. etc. infinity, then you DEFINITELY should NOT be allowed on the internet unsupervised.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another character to start through the story.

Edited by Faelandaea
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I have early access and I agree they weren't exactly clear on the requirements for it. They have even given different dates. I think they should have been more clear about it and not jumped around on the dates as much. Just my opinion though and it means nothing.
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I have early access and I agree they weren't exactly clear on the requirements for it. They have even given different dates. I think they should have been more clear about it and not jumped around on the dates as much. Just my opinion though and it means nothing.


They were VERY clear. They said, specifically, on multiple occasions, "Qualify for all 4 awards and you get early access", so you look at the dates for those awards and make sure you are subbed on those days.


A friend of mine lost his sub for 2 weeks during this period, but those two weeks did not fall on one of the reward days. he just made sure he subbed before the next reward day and he got early access just fine.


They said this info in emails, they said it in live streams, players asked about it on these forums and it was explained that way. What was there POSSIBLY not to understand about that?

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A lot of people are upset about not getting into early access, either because of a bug, because their subscription was dropped for a few days since July, or because they misinterpreted subscribing from July to October as subscribe between July to October.


I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access. Active subscribers are left with nothing to do because the PvE content has been raised to 65, but they aren't 65 and can't level to 65.


If you don't have sympathy for those who weren't subscribed for a while or are in the "learn 2 read" club for those who misinterpreted the early access requirements, that's fair. All I'm asking is for BioWare to throw a bone to a lot of us who made a mistake. Personally, I wouldn't have subscribed until later had I comprehended the requirements correctly.



i'm one of the people the misinterpreted the early access sub terms; i thought it was basically "be a sub before Oct 19" the same way, iirc, SoR worked.


but the error was mine, and 7 days isnt a big deal. i dont feel they purposely mislead anyone but at the same time the wording could have been more clear.


what's the rush to level? it's not like theres any endgame to enjoy.

They were VERY clear. They said, specifically, on multiple occasions, "Qualify for all 4 awards and you get early access", so you look at the dates for those awards and make sure you are subbed on those days.
yes, VERY CLEAR in the fine print


the fact that so many people made this error in understanding proves for a fact, it wasn't clear to many.

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yes, VERY CLEAR in the fine print


the fact that so many people made this error in understanding proves for a fact, it wasn't clear to many.


Except that it was not fine print. They sent out emails with banners with bold tan (golden tan? That color is hard to describe) letters blasting me in the face with "be subscribed on these dates" to qualify. If that was fine print, I'd hate to read bold print. That'd be for blind drivers from Texas or something.


Either way, those who didn't read still get the access in only a few days. it's not like it's one of those MMO games that gives a whole month or something.

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These types of threads are not really geared towards discussion as much as they are a way for the community to express their opinions and concerns to the developers. While anyone can reply, I don't understand why the player community feels it's necessary to attack these types of threads. In this particular case, a lot of people misunderstood the offer. You may not have, but that doesn't change the fact that this misunderstanding did in fact occur for a rather large group of people. Was it their fault? Maybe it was, but I think everyone can also agree that this offer could have been worded far better than it was, preventing any of this from being an issue.


By far the most sensible post I've read in a while. That pretty much sums it up and should have been /thread.

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They were VERY clear. They said, specifically, on multiple occasions, "Qualify for all 4 awards and you get early access", so you look at the dates for those awards and make sure you are subbed on those days.


A friend of mine lost his sub for 2 weeks during this period, but those two weeks did not fall on one of the reward days. he just made sure he subbed before the next reward day and he got early access just fine.


They said this info in emails, they said it in live streams, players asked about it on these forums and it was explained that way. What was there POSSIBLY not to understand about that?


They did not say these things in emails, also only hardcore players watch dev streams and go to the forums for information. The bottom line is that there main marketing campaign exists on SWTOR.com and requires a disclaimer in order to be understood. Also they sent out emails that never directed people that clicked on the terms of service to be giving the term of service in stead they were directed here: http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/rewards when they should have been directed to the terms of service page for clarification. Regardless of intent the marketing campaign and is misleading and confusing!

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Except that it was not fine print. They sent out emails with banners with bold tan (golden tan? That color is hard to describe) letters blasting me in the face with "be subscribed on these dates" to qualify. If that was fine print, I'd hate to read bold print. That'd be for blind drivers from Texas or something.
the conditions for the items were clear, the early access was not.

proof: this thread and the dozen others.


and my swtor emails are trashed without being opened. if i want info on the game, i go to the website.

what's on the splash page:

Early Access

AUG 10 - OCT 19

Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!


also on the splash page:


gotta read the fine print! lol but it was all caps, you got a point!

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