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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Lol.. I'm actually planning on not playing at all today. I'm actually going to relax with a few movies and play some Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and maybe replay Mass Effect 3 or finish up DA:Inquisition expansions. Tomorrow I plan to play all day on my Shadow and Assassin (My Rep and Imp side mains), One shall stand, one shall fall!
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Dailies. Going to bank some xp by not turning them in until tomorrow. Other than that wait... and just keep waiting.


Might play with the stronghold maybe, but really I'm already on cruise control. Don't even want to do Ops really... which is saying something for me.

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So last day of SWTOR as we knew it ... what are you gonna spend your time on?


Me? Might do some last minute credit farming, finish off Ilum story on my Jug.. but for the rest no planned activities.


Not sure.


Not enough time left to finish leveling the alts.


No point in upgrading companion gear.


No point in crafting anything.


Maybe do a couple random weeklies.


Probably take the 60s for the last visit they'll ever make to any of the low-level planets for anything, ever, no matter what "reason" Bioware tries to shove in.

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So I've done all the story stuff, makeb, revan, etc. except for the last part of the oricon quest line where I have to do dread fortress. I've had a hard time finding a group for it. Is it worth finishing out or should I just skip it and star kotfe?


And yes I know the op will still be doable. But the quest line won't be complete able right


Also haven't completed dreadseed

Edited by Flyguybc
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i may need to run ziost daily a number of times today, just under 100k credits per run, thats enough to sort out the 4 eyed carpet companion for the SW and treek as well, thats for my main. however HK will be a pain in the *** to get from 0 to 10k because it only likes weapon gifts and the the rating it gives is very poor, similar to ashara if your a female SI. on top ofthis weapons gifts are the most expensive to get each.
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If you can get Dread Fortress in, do it. It will be cakewalk as it isn't scaled.


Dreadseed on the other hand, might be easier to do after the drop. You will scale to level 55 when you do it, I think. But there will be a lot of people doing it again.

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always wanted to do df and dp, looks like i may never be able to do these ops.


i wished these ops had a first time solo run through with a few jesus bots so players would know the layout of the ops. they wouldnt get the prizes you find in an actual ops group, but it would complete these storylines for players who never done ops before.

Edited by Celise
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got no interest in crafting, i havent had any interest in crafting from the start. i have dabbled in it a few times but nothing significant. id rather run through ilum a few times being bored out of my mind then wait around on crafting mats to arrive.
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I'm just doing diplomacy and treasure hunting missions today. Gotta stock up on companion gifts since I've made a decision going forward to not escape out of conversations just to make my companions happy (even though that's what I've been doing from the start). Also my Jedi Consular isn't at LS V, so I gotta build that up a good bit today. I would hate to miss out on a neat conversation line because she didn't have a high enough LS rating.
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So last day of SWTOR as we knew it ... what are you gonna spend your time on?


Me? Might do some last minute credit farming, finish off Ilum story on my Jug.. but for the rest no planned activities.


Maybe I'll login and nab a screenshot of my achievements before they get castrated? No incentive tbh.

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im gonna spend all my credits on fireworks, twi'lek slave girls, and rill spice brandy. The apocalypse is tomorrow so im going out with a bang.


C..Can I come to your party?


On a serious note, Im farming WZ comms. So I can get as much gear as possible upon finishing the story/hitting lvl cap.

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I spent all weekend making sure I had at least one of each class at 60, & getting my lvl 60's ready for kotor (190 armor mods for everybody!) I've got the companions I actually like at max affection. So today I'm not gonna play. Today it's all about Monday night RAW & Monday night football!



^^^^ Haha wishful thinking! I'd love to see a new actual KOTOR. Especially if it was made sandboxier than the old ones, like Skyrim or Fallout.

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Well, I am preparing myself to have my wisdom teeth ex-filtrated from my mouth, so I will be that much less wisdomy after this week. As if I needed a reason be more dumber. So, if any one perchance, just happens to see an Ikinai running off of platforms or into walls or through large packs of mobs or in circles (more than usual) later this week. Yeah, pain meds.
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So last day of SWTOR as we knew it ... what are you gonna spend your time on?


Me? Might do some last minute credit farming, finish off Ilum story on my Jug.. but for the rest no planned activities.


Aren't you being a bit too dramatic? I mean, it's not like swtor is about to become an FPS or an RTS...

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I am correct though that if I don't run DF for the quest, and I start Kotfe I won't be able to complete the questline for Oricon any more right?


And they aren't changing any of the ops to have a solo version like the Revan op are the? I really wish they would do that for story missions. Just give the boss a lot of health and week attack so we can at least finish the quest lines without having to chase down 8-16 other people to help do it. The way they did that in Revan was great.

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