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WTB Musco! Rest of promised BLOGS???


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What they should of done is generate 2 instances of every planet. When you go to that planet. You have to make a choice. Sort of like when you start an op and have to choose SM or HM. In this chase you have to choose the level synced version or the non synced one.


That way all people in each instance are all placed with the same type. If this was put in everyone would have a choice in play style. That way level synced people don't have to mix with non synced people.

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What they should of done is generate 2 instances of every planet. When you go to that planet. You have to make a choice. Sort of like when you start an op and have to choose SM or HM. In this chase you have to choose the level synced version or the non synced one.


That way all people in each instance are all placed with the same type. If this was put in everyone would have a choice in play style. That way level synced people don't have to mix with non synced people.

Or remove levels completely, and everything is the same, all players, npc's.

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Let me take a crack at some of these!

  • they will be collapsed into the relevant material of the same grade.
  • No plans that I know of to make this optional.

Hopefully that covers your questions!




What is same grade? all existing >7 become 8 or just top level become 8? Or???


Very disappointed about not optional. I don't do ops. So I have no reason to go grind away. So once I get to max level, I am just doing achieves or exploration on lower level planets, far more time than on max level planets. This change won't make it impossible or even particularly challenging. But it will make it much, much, much more time consuming. So I will get a toon or two to max level and then put SWTOR on a financial time out. Huge nerfs to my character and play are not appreciated, especially when games like Rift understand and make it optional.

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What about this question: What are you guys doing to make queuing through Group Finder worthwhile for tanks and healers? Anything, nothing, who cares? Changing 40 Basic Commendations to 40 green color crystals is not tricking us at all. Plans to do something meaningful?
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However, we do realize that this could mean some players will lose Achievement points in 4.0


To my knowledge all that have the companion affection achievements will lose them and the achievementpoints.


It is good that you know this, perhaps you can archieve them instead of deleting them :tran_wink:

Edited by Icestar
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1. No one was asking or demanding it be implemented.

2. People that play other games with level-sync have had mixed results with it.

3. Level-sync is a massive change to gameplay, being added (with no public beta testing) with no explanation as to why BioWare thinks it is a necessary change to the game.

4. It's being tossed in to the mix of yet another massive change to the game as part of an expansion. You even alluded to the potential for problems in your post, and you have a huge signature of your support for level-sync (IN ALL CAPS, just in case anyone wasn't sure.)


1. That's immaterial. A majority of additions and implementations are not included because they were requested. They were created with a purpose by the development team (who doesn't need your demand nor approval.)

2. Meaning some have had GOOD results with it. So again, it's immaterial.

3. Level sync is a MINIMAL change to gameplay. How much time do you think end level players spend on early planets? So now they can't solo world bosses (never should have been able to anyway) and maybe have to fight off some mobs. Hardly a "massive" change.

4. The amount of other changes in the game are also immaterial.


Level synch just isn't that game-changing. It DOES mean all content on every planet is valid levelling/xp for every sub-65 level, and that's pretty good. Having it forced is only an inconvenience for a small percentage of players.

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ERIC! Completely off topic, but any news on adding Weapons to outfit designer? :p


Also, draw distance is plaguing Soa and Corruptor Zero. Reroll inc?


OMG - I hope this is on the drawing board. Would buy more BoE CM sabers if it was.

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That's the thing there isn't a clear point from the community to make it optional. Some are for it and some are against it. Who do they listen to.


The ones that are for it seem to be under the impression that they are doing it for some overarching ideal scenario that will bring more content to old planets rather than just bring in...new planets. Or they are avid PvPers that see this as a balancing act and a chance to do more open world PvP and not have in constantly be a one sided affair. It boils down to idealists seeing the Mandatory Level Sync as being some grand solution and promise for a brighter future versus realists who see it as a ploy to recycle old content and make it viable once more as opposed to making new bonus content. So yes there is a pretty healthy split of those for and against it; however, the posts that I have seen (and there are many) that are for give these hypothetical instances about brighter tomorrows as opposed to those against the mandatory level sync as if ruins their bright here and now for something that they have no interest or a limited interest in.

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1. That's immaterial. A majority of additions and implementations are not included because they were requested. They were created with a purpose by the development team (who doesn't need your demand nor approval.)

2. Meaning some have had GOOD results with it. So again, it's immaterial.

3. Level sync is a MINIMAL change to gameplay. How much time do you think end level players spend on early planets? So now they can't solo world bosses (never should have been able to anyway) and maybe have to fight off some mobs. Hardly a "massive" change.

4. The amount of other changes in the game are also immaterial.


Level synch just isn't that game-changing. It DOES mean all content on every planet is valid levelling/xp for every sub-65 level, and that's pretty good. Having it forced is only an inconvenience for a small percentage of players.


This is the exact apologist/fanboi bulls**t I mentioned earlier.


1. A "majority" of additions and implementations are added "just because"? How obtuse are you anyways? Balance passes (a.k.a. "nerfs") result from player feedback. For 3.0, BioWare explained why they were changing classes to remove hybrids. (Sure, some people didn't like it, but at least there was an explanation.)


Four years after the launch of the game and suddenly a level-sync system gets added. There was no huge outcry for it, no hundreds of threads. There also hasn't been an explanation from BioWare why they felt the need to add it, other than, "high level players can go adventure with their friends is they want to do that", which is utter bollocks. High level players could group with low-levels, steamroll the content, and the only thing that changed was the lowbies didn't get a lot of XP for the mob kills. Bonus mission/Mission XP was unchanged. So, said "lowbie" could clear a planet in a much shorter time. Again, this "addition" makes no sense (since BioWare won't explain it), but the fanbois like you all LOVE IT just because... well it's from BioWare, so you love it!


2. Meaning some people like it, but it was in the game from the get-go, not tossed in after several years. That means the level-sync was well-tested, etc.


Now BioWare wants to toss in a level-sync system on planets that have multiple levels, and multiple other sync mechanics. Alderaan has three different level grades on it, and a fourth when you count the level-matching for Bounty Contracts. Just a little reminder here, bounty contracts are a level-match for a specific mission, regardless of planet mission range, and that one was still borked enough that the ability for high-level players to go to Ord Mantell and Hutta was removed.


So yeah, I'm a little skeptical when BioWare says this whole new level-sync thing they plan to wedge into the code is gonna work out just fine.


3. Again, you really are blind to facts here. It's not "minimal change". A minimal change is making a heal or attack do less or more damage, or changing the length of a cooldown. Level-sync is supposed to check your level, and then nerf your health, damage, and defenses down to the highest level you could be and still gain XP from that planet. What could possibly go wrong with something as simple as that, right?


Finally, you REALLY need to look up the definition of "immaterial". To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, you keep using that word, like you know what it means.


An expansion, level increase, combat changes, Conquest changes, level-synch, and a massive change to crafting, and your stupid enough to call them "immaterial".


I guess you fanbols are too busy defending your holy BioWare to actually think about what you're writing.

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I've actually got a good idea that will save you time an trouble.


Remove the NDA on PTS players for everything except story content. The community always does the best job of explaining things and seeing how things work etc. anyway so why bother having us all wait and just let them at it.


Then we can just visit sites like Dulfy's ( who probably already has a TON of guides just waiting to have the 'publish' button hit ) and answer our own questions and not have to bother you any further Eric. ;)

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Eric, if you please I'm looking for a clarification on companion affection/influence.


If we currently have 10k max affection with a companion, will that be transferred to influence, or do we have to start over again from zero?


I'm not referring to the achievements here; just the affection points themselves. It would be a shame to have to start over after using all those gifts and such.

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This was answered to an extent in the Crafting changes blog. We have a list of all of the materials being removed in that blog, they will be collapsed into the relevant material of the same grade.


This isn't the answer the OP was hoping for. I might draw up a chart.


No plans that I know of to make this optional.



Deeply sorry to hear that. Quite dissappointed.


Older Crafting patterns that were impacted by the Mastery changes, or shared duplicate purpose, have been removed. Older Crafting patterns that still had a cosmetic appearance, have been moved to an Archive section. This is also affected by the other changes noted in the Crafting blog (such as changes to who crafts what)


Not the question being asked. The issue that concerns us crafters is that Armorings are being removed from cybertech and enhancements are being moved from artifice. The ones that are still in the game, but that which we will be losing.


There are no plans to auto-grant the kill Achievements. However, we do realize that this could mean some players will lose Achievement points in 4.0 (or gain them, if they already have the kill Achievements)


Again, dissappointing.

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SebastiaanZ as always thinking he is the majority of the community :D


Dude, when do you plan to go out of your fictional world? As always I will remind you that the majority doesn't even visit forums and people who actually come here voted in the poll and what I can see is that 41% is for mandatory level-sync and 40% is for optional. That's not the majority of the forum community at all. I would also like to add that 700 people who participated in the poll can't be even taken into consideration when we talk about the whole community of this game. Plus, making level-sync optional completely defeats the purpose of having it in the first place which has been discussed in the topics related to this issue.





Bunch of Fictitious lies u spew out. First of all a Lot of ppl could not vote on that site including me. It so happens a lot of those voters were trying to vote Against this stupid lvl-sync.


Most ppl that i have talked to, and listened to in-game seem to like lvl-sync, But but still want the Option to stay out of the lvl-sync and be able to kill anything that We all damn well plz and at Hight lvls we have earned that right to 1-shot kill things. Nothing wrong with that because We Earned our Godly powerful selves.


A Lot of ppl will be pizzed off when they play KOTFE/ SWTOR 2 that are for this lvl-sync, and find that they hate it.


So many ppl either don't get that Fact, or not intelligent enough to get that 1of the Senior Devs along with some others don't give a damn about what ppl want and only cares about their own fantasy-land in their own special bunker where only their own Agendas makes sense. I don't know what some devs are smoking.


The Devs on purpose didn't and haven't let out a lot of information because of the Fact that a lot of ppl don't like some of the changes, therefore EAWare of course decided to wait as long as possible because most peoples subscriptions start on the 1st or 3rd of the month. So when they come out with the lvl-syncing junk a lot of ppl have already been doing the 3 month subscription so that that can get all the Nico Okarr stuff along with Early Access.


Thing is a lot of ppl have already cancelled their Subs because of big things like not having enough Pvp, recycling old has-been Fp's and Op's instead of making new and better End-game Fp's and Op's.


Every1 should have things like Lvl-sync and 12X xp as an Option.


I do see the reasoning for forced lvl-sync in Only Pvp servers.

Edited by MandFlurry
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1. That's immaterial. A majority of additions and implementations are not included because they were requested. They were created with a purpose by the development team (who doesn't need your demand nor approval.)

2. Meaning some have had GOOD results with it. So again, it's immaterial.

3. Level sync is a MINIMAL change to gameplay. How much time do you think end level players spend on early planets? So now they can't solo world bosses (never should have been able to anyway) and maybe have to fight off some mobs. Hardly a "massive" change.

4. The amount of other changes in the game are also immaterial.


Level synch just isn't that game-changing. It DOES mean all content on every planet is valid levelling/xp for every sub-65 level, and that's pretty good. Having it forced is only an inconvenience for a small percentage of players.


Damm, ur way off about how MMO games are supposed to be like. From lessons learned from the Real Bioware team, and Not EAWare teams.


1) Yes they DO NEED to Tell Us what Big Junk like level-syncing they are adding in the game without Customer approval in the Original Bioware team made a promise that They would ask the Community on whether to do such stupid things as Lvl-sync which would've been voted out.


2) Don't Lie about the Fact that stuff like Lvl-sync was Not in High Demand at all. But more newer Pvp and New Op's and Fp's have Always been known to be at the Top of the Most Requested list, so don't lie about what has been requested and whatnot.


Recycled Low-lvl'd Planet with Recycled/ Re-used/ Has been Content, does Not make any Recycled old Planetary missions and Fp's valid. It only makes them Recycled/ Rehashed content that has little meaning.


3) it means that the Devs and especially the highest Senior Dev/ devs are in-capable and Lack any real Imagination for what they should have been doing in the first place, and that is creating Much newer and innovative content with stuff like Pvp, Op's, Fp's and more story for ppl. What EAWare is doing now is what SOE would do.


And that is why so many ppl started leaving right after 3.0. With this KOTFE coming in. SWTOR will no longer be SWTOR. KOTFE/SWTOR 2 is really a whole New Game.

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As Mr. Kesuke Miyagi would say:


Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later

[makes squish gesture]

Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, Level Sync, same thing. Either you Level Sync do "yes" or Level Sync do "no." You Level Sync do "optional,"

[makes squish gesture]

Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?


You Sir have just made my day (as sad as that sounds).

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Are our lost schematics going to Archive instead or just GONE, etc.


Lots of QUESTIONS have not been answered in regard to what has been posted. I listed a mix of things that does not include EVERYTHING they have been promising "Blogs" about for last couple months.


This one I can answer, you have to goto the twitch to watch the video but all current schematics(namely armor) will be archived so you still can craft them but namely only for just cosmetic effect and not for stats. Only the new schematic will be used for stats.

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Not the question being asked. The issue that concerns us crafters is that Armorings are being removed from cybertech and enhancements are being moved from artifice. The ones that are still in the game, but that which we will be losing.


I can understand the Armouring schematics being removed as they will no longer exist in the DB as the stats on them will no longer be in the game, but there are a ton of enhancements that the Artificer has that are still relevant to the game.

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This is the exact apologist/fanboi bulls**t I mentioned earlier.


Now BioWare wants to toss in a level-sync system on planets that have multiple levels, and multiple other sync mechanics. Alderaan has three different level grades on it, and a fourth when you count the level-matching for Bounty Contracts. Just a little reminder here, bounty contracts are a level-match for a specific mission, regardless of planet mission range, and that one was still borked enough that the ability for high-level players to go to Ord Mantell and Hutta was removed.


So yeah, I'm a little skeptical when BioWare says this whole new level-sync thing they plan to wedge into the code is gonna work out just fine.



What's stopping BW from normalizing all the levels on mobs on the planets now? It should be relatively simple, in the grand scheme. They can script out conquest rewards after a fix, so they should be able to do that as well.


I, for one, am looking forward to the changes and patiently wait to come to my own conclusions once I have a chance to play KotFE. Who knows, my opinion may change once I see everything in action.

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Sorry, but did nobody else watch the live stream? He clearly showed how he was level synced on DK, went to a heroic area and absolutely chewed it up. You're not going to struggle to kill anything like a fresh out of the box level 10 or whatever, you'll still be a monstrous powerhouse in those areas, synced or not. Get a grip and play the damn game!
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Sorry, but did nobody else watch the live stream? He clearly showed how he was level synced on DK, went to a heroic area and absolutely chewed it up. You're not going to struggle to kill anything like a fresh out of the box level 10 or whatever, you'll still be a monstrous powerhouse in those areas, synced or not. Get a grip and play the damn game!


Why worry about facts when I can read ambiguous statements from Bioware or better yet other forum users and imagine all the negative possibility!

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Sorry, but did nobody else watch the live stream? He clearly showed how he was level synced on DK, went to a heroic area and absolutely chewed it up. You're not going to struggle to kill anything like a fresh out of the box level 10 or whatever, you'll still be a monstrous powerhouse in those areas, synced or not. Get a grip and play the damn game!


Which only begs the question; If it makes no appreciable difference, why waste time and money doing it?

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