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Everything posted by Lansotey

  1. Can you guys PLEASE fix the damn cut scenes to stop companions from having their gear change or skin mesh from dropping out during cut scenes. Also, can we get someone the fix these item placements for the missions on Odessen. - 1. On the mission Echoes of Oblivion, the ship parked inside the hanger is too big for the space that it's in...literally clips through the ship parked on the ground, into the beam on one side and the fin on it would go through the rocks on the roof. Place it on the outside mesa that was used before or something else if you want to use that ship or use a different one that fits. - 2. Lana (who seems to be the biggest offender of this) drops her texture meshes often and seems like she is wearing armor or other armor that does not correspond with what she is actually wearing. Though this in the grand scheme is a lesser issue, it is still an issue of continuity for the player who gave them armor...and I'm not even going to bring up about the fact that companion armor 90% of the time or more does not hold its color unity, so they end up with mismatched pieces on them. - 3. This one is more of an issue: During the same mission for Echoes of Oblivion, while in the hanger talking to Lana, Theron, Senya, etc. the majority of the group walks straight through a box placed on the ground for the, so it makes them walk through it right in front of you. This is partially why the comment about getting a damn cinematographer (because it seems like you guys don't have one at all for these scenes). Too many of the scenes are shot as the extremely close up focused shots on faces for no narrative reason, the conversation does not warrant it and it often leads to partial cropping of character or NPC heads in scenes from being in frame...which is okay from time to time, but it seems like 85% of the shots in the recent expansions are being done this way. For the most part it is just the uninteresting situation of Camera 1, Camera 2, conversations. This on top of the obvious graphical glitches in place where either the character or NPC experience things like; facial contortion, eyeballs extending beyond the eyelids, clipping of predetermined armor and body parts during cut scenes, etc. So many things like this taking place. The story seems relatively acceptable for what is having to be managed with it (telling a story that makes sense for both force users and non-force users and for classes with different backgrounds coming together into one continual story). Not even going to touch on all the issues that are going to come from the new multi-class system being put in place... in this post.
  2. More of a story issue for Marauder: Playing as a Marauder (Shadow Combat Style) and on the mission "Laying Waste" for the class story the story got stuck in a loop of talking to the son and Cellvanta Grathan over and over when fighting them. UPDATE: Once the son respawned and fought once more after playing the cutscene once more the mission was able to trigger correctly and finish.
  3. Due to the games limited planetary locations (when compared to how many are present in the SWU in this time frame) often planets will have to play host as other locations, not all the flora and fauna are either as aggressive or a plentiful in all planets (and certainly not in droves as they are in most locations within the game). As well, there are non-lethal approaches to be taken instead of ending life. These thing lead to a break in immersion for the players who do partake in RP. People ask "Why don't you just RP it in." That's a fair question and at times you can, other times you cannot. Being at a higher level allows for you to ignore the mobs that would otherwise attack you and remain IC instead of having to break to kill stuff or die typing. This game is going casual because of other reasons aside from lack of effort from players. I agree that people should take some time to learn the game aspects and not just cry out "It's to hard to figure out which of the four stats applies to my class!" Often I think most people dont take the time to form up the same type of social aspects that were once center stage in many MMO's is due to the lack of need for people to group up for missions. Forcing people to level sync for planetary missions will not encourage this since as it stand you can make a character, not adv class and make it to 55 without gear in anything aside from your main and off hand (I know...ive done it twice...one Pub, one Imp both before and during the 12x xp). I am no stranger to grinding out experience in a game, have done so for a long time. I am both for and against level sync; I am for putting in the option to be able to level sync missions, flashpoints, operations, etc. with others to either expand grouping options or range at which you can help people. I am against mandatory level sync since it denies that choice to players that have put in the time and effort to level up a character (and not just purchased with the new free level 60 characters...seriously how is -that- not an issue??). Saying that the majority of complaints are coming from those who are too lazy, entitles, etc. is as ignorant a statement as saying "the majority of those for the forced level sync are only in it so they have more fodder to mulch through in full pvp gear when they don't have any." There are many varying types that are for and against the issue with many different play styles. As stated above, I am not lazy when it comes to honing my characters to make them better, I just don't want a; forced, mandatory, required, etc. level sync if I choose to take a break from the grind (and lack of varied end game content) to go and explore planets that are below my level, or role-play on them without being hounded by mobs or have lower level party members killed by mobs while while we try.
  4. The ones that are for it seem to be under the impression that they are doing it for some overarching ideal scenario that will bring more content to old planets rather than just bring in...new planets. Or they are avid PvPers that see this as a balancing act and a chance to do more open world PvP and not have in constantly be a one sided affair. It boils down to idealists seeing the Mandatory Level Sync as being some grand solution and promise for a brighter future versus realists who see it as a ploy to recycle old content and make it viable once more as opposed to making new bonus content. So yes there is a pretty healthy split of those for and against it; however, the posts that I have seen (and there are many) that are for give these hypothetical instances about brighter tomorrows as opposed to those against the mandatory level sync as if ruins their bright here and now for something that they have no interest or a limited interest in.
  5. Explain you side then. Because they aren't going to take existing areas and revamp them by taking out old content and adding in new content, thus they would need to create new areas or instances for them. This would lead to them being able to make those areas; at a certain level, higher level, instanced for groups, etc. Or just make Level Sync optional for all content on outleveled planets. Forcing people to outleveled planets already happens during the Class Missions, why should a player be punished for going to a outleveled planet to do a single Class Mission when they are level 40 on a level 24-28 planet? Thus they can in fact accomplish adding new content to old planets without enforcing a Mandatory Level Sync.
  6. How will Mandatory Level Sync prevent players from getting spammed in any way? Answer: It won't. The Spammers can sit on fleet and plow through names, sending out mail to massive amounts of players at level 1. Mandatory Level Sync does nothing to prevent that.
  7. This could be done just the same with Level Sync being optional.
  8. Thats great...if you PvP. I do not PvP outside of warzones and occasionally dueling another player because they stole my objective in open world I was fighting for. Mandatory level sync will do nothing to alleviate that issue, in fact it will compound the issue of people stealing objectives since more people will be running for the same objectives as you at any given time. In PvE and RP forcing a level sync doesn't accomplish anything but try to regurgitate old content into our laps that we have already out leveled...as such making it optional would not affect anything.
  9. To what end? They get some quick xp? They get some great money? The only time people will bother exploiting a game is when it benefits them more than another legitimate method would. By the same token a player that has been level synced down could just run heroic missions with people and grind through them faster than someone going through the content fresh could...would that not also be an exploit since the higher level player that has been level synced down is supposedly so much stronger than the normal player? At the end of the day when a player reaches max level the experience no longer matters, then it's down to the credits you get from it. Do you think that even face rolling through heroics in the exploit you're proposing would pay out more than doing dailies?
  10. I get where you're coming from, but at the same time that is where the game portion comes into affect. By the same token one could say that it makes perfect sense that when you leave Tython you are a Padawan that is newly promoted to being a Knight, and that by the time you return you have honed your skills to a higher degree through necessity to being even sharper than they were before to prevent yourself from dying. Not to mention the idea that as a Jedi you're; going up against beings using weapons that your lightsaber would slice right through, scoring a direct hit to an enemy that would slice right through them, etc. The statement that having a mandatory level sync would enforce the realism of lore is moot when you take that into consideration...the stories behind the weapons are right, but the application of them is not always accurate. The logic applied here would be more prevalent as applied to non-Jedi characters. Again this is a point where one must differentiate between lore accurate and game play. Either point can be argued with validity on both sides, so dismissing either would be negligent. Not true. Currently in the game there are multiple instances where you return to a previous planet that is below your level range to take part in a mission (be is dread seeds, class missions, etc.) that has mobs that are within your level range. Saying definitively that level sync will make this possible isn't a fully true statement since they already do this and it doesn't normally (i have wandered into higher level areas with lower level characters too) affect most players. As for saying this would open up a chance for them to send us back to the same planets we already go to all the time, I would venture a statement that most people do not want to just return to previous planets for a few new bits of content; that instead they would rather have new planets to explore instead...it's a huge universe, they only have a tiny bit of it used thus far. The argument is based on a hypothetical...so...yeah. Trolling happens, on all planets, regardless of; level, gear, skills, etc. Griefing happens, Kill stealing happens; all these things happen without regard of people being higher level. By the same token a raiding party could be organizing and have a whole other raiding party swoop in and steal the world boss from them. Common courtesy is what it boils down to; some people log into a game to go and ruin someone's day, others log in to play the game, still others log in for other reasons. Saying that implementing a mandatory level sync would solve these issues wrong, these things happen in all MMORPG's...it's just a fact of gaming. The only time you don't have that happen is when you have private group instances for open world content. In games that are based on a level system you will always run in to; people blowing off steam by running through old content that they do not have to pay attention to, people farming mobs for items, gear, materials, etc., killing mobs that once took them out or gave them a hard time, etc. These things just take place in games. I have played games that did not have level systems and still ran into people doing this...inputting a mandatory level sync will not fix that. Not entirely accurate: If you're leveling a character up fresh you won't be level synced down so you wouldn't be "overpowered" for the planet...it would just be normal. Also, just because you choose to be a solo player or you do not have time to form up a group to do content, does that mean you should be denied to rights to? We already have Operations for that.
  11. Mandatory Level Sync is the enemy here not me: Ill start out by telling those that would that would say "you're just upset because you suck at the game and level sync will make it hard for you." For me, this game is not hard...the hardest thing to deal with is bad random group finder groups lol. I faceroll through content with my characters all the time (even through champion mobs in heroic 4 areas during events), I have ran characters through without advanced classes all the way to 55, and without adv. classes or any real gear upgrades (one armoring, one implant, main hand and off hand) and even that was only a slight challenge. this was both before and during 12x xp. I am actually not against the OPTION to level sync if one chooses to, I think it would be fun (might actually make for an entertaining challenge to my characters); however, I am adamantly against the MANDATORY level sync. The reasons are numerous and not just my not wanting a challenge...as I listed above, the challenge isnt bothersome to me. I have heard people saying the word immersion when talking about leveling their characters, and that's cool, but to those posing immersion for leveling a character...do you think it requires "deep mental involvement" to level a character? Because the only involvement I find necessary for leveling a character is making sure that they are pointed in the right direction as I watch a movie or something and hit buttons lol. The reason I apply the word immersion to things like role-playing is that it does take that thought process to commit to; acting, thinking, feeling, etc., the way your character would. Breaking that thought process to smash a mob is annoying and can often take people a few moments to get back into the role-play after the mob is dead. Not to mention that if you repeat this process as you walk across a planet or what ever you are using for your backdrop for the role-play, then you take an turn what would have been a 30-40 minute role-play into a 60-80 minute once you factor in the mobs attacking you that would normally leave you alone. This is just one of the reasons many role-players (at least the ones I know) choose to level up, so that it opens up more options for locations and there will be less hassle in using said places. "Why can't you role-players be flexible and adapt to the situation?" When the situation happens a few times, okay. When the situation repetitively happens numerous times during the course of one role-play it gets very old very fast; often time breaking immersion for Jedi characters...since Jedi are taught to preserve life. Mindlessly slicing through pack after pack of mobs in character as you go through an otherwise peaceful stroll on the well traversed pathway (which would have detoured most hostile creatures over time or had them killed off) would break that immersion into your character. For instance a Padawan to my Jedi character is an avid animal lover (actually anything to do with nature they love), and a pacifist...they do everything they can to avoid fighting. Mandatory level sync basically tells them that they cannot go out to planets and have their character be role-played the way that they choose to since they could not remain in character while killing a bunch of mobs. This is just one of many other instances where changing the mandatory level sync to being an optional one would be a more fair and balanced decision for all players. Will some go through without level sync and mash through mobs as they do now, sure. Has that ever been a lasting problem to anyone? Nope. You see more of an instance with people in Black Hole going after one of the rarest items in the game farming elite mobs, often times using bot programs to do so...this will not detour that sort of behavior which is the real problem.
  12. Actually I gave no merit to your point; I stated that in certain instances when outlining an RP for your group or guild, you will have a setting in mind that does not have the same standards as the planet you are using to host the event. For instance I used Quesh as the backdrop for a guild RP event that was supposed to be taking place on Ossus. "Ossus was originally a rugged, lush world with two-thirds of its surface covered in water and an abundance of flora and fauna. In 3996 BBY it was transformed with the destruction of the Cron Cluster into a desolate, irradiated desert world. Chemical and electrical storms swept the land, and little life remained on the surface." - Wookieepedia. Quesh fit the planetary backdrop description for Ossus, but not the life form description; this is where the immersion into an RP can be broken and make it less enjoyable for those taking part in it; when they have to stop to fight mobs, revive lower level players, etc., the immersion is broken to an extent. Each time this happens it compiles into the experience being less and less immersive and enjoyable. Being able to have the higher level players protect the lower ones from being one shot by mobs is often required for making their experience enjoyable; this is a problem in and of its self. Not to mention the other non-RP aspects that draw away from the enjoyment of the game due to mandatory level sync instead of simply making it an option. It's not a matter of "cheating" as some people have stated; it is using the limited locations provided for the purposes of role-play (in our instance on the RP server...correct place to do RP, yes? lol). In any game, as you grow stronger and out level enemies your options become more open as to what you can do; this is the purpose of having any form of advancement system; skills, levels, ranks, etc., they are all forms to grow stronger. To retroactively change something so basic to all games and make it mandatory, there is the real cheat there.
  13. I made a thread that was stating that the mandatory level sync should be made optional for the players, and that one was shut down within 48hrs. They do not want to hear any sort of harsh or logical response to the issues that are brought up by mandatory level sync instead of an optional one.
  14. its more a matter of breaking the immersion of it by having to stop and fight mobs every 30 seconds than not being able to adapt. not every RP scenario is set on the planets they have in the game.
  15. That would count if they were required to adapt and get stronger to survive. In this instance they are the ones that mass populated to create more offspring and they are being thinned out less due to the Sith and Jedi being killed off left and right. The only time this is true is when they are forced to evolve or grow stronger due to constant environmental input that creates a hazardous location to live, so it becomes a matter of adapt or die. Obviously this has been going on for ages on Korriban and yet the K'lor'slugs have not gotten any better at killing the Sith. Where as the Flesh Raiders were adapting and getting stronger, there are also those that are looking to change their ways as well so that they are not intrinsically evil, just more battle minded than others.
  16. While I am game for some of the changes, some of them are silly and seem to just be ways to waste time when considering there is still bugged or glitched content that could have been addressed instead, everyone has seen, heard, or experienced something in the last couple of months certainly. Let me preface this by saying this much on the devs side: I know going in and figuring out the source of some of these problems is more involved than just clicking a few buttons and pressing a few keys in most cases...the knee bone is not always connected to the thigh bone lol. The changes to companions - cool, if done right so that companions can be as strong as they are now if players take the time to properly develop their chosen companion. The changes to stats - potentially wasted effort. In 90% or more of MMO's out there players often need to take about ten minuted to understand how to optimize their skills, this is only important to those doing upper end content (which is in limited supply in this case...the content, not the players ). However, in combining four stat options into one they are limiting options for future expansion into other avenues of gearing up...though I won't go into that now. If more emphasis is placed on the tertiary stats (power, accuracy, etc.) and a lessening of the diminishing returns is put into place, then things could get very interesting with Critical and Surge being combined as well. That being said, if they increase the DPS people can put out, they need to also increase the healing and damage mitigation as well...this is a potential problem with the changes going into affect soon...time will tell on them. Mandatory level sync - Horrible idea. Now, I love me some level sync and have wished many times that they had the option to sync down to another players level to help them through stuff without killing their xp. However, this should be OPTIONAL. As you gain levels the mandatory level sync becomes more of a bother than a reward; since once you reach the new level cap of 65, as before with 60, you have no further need for experience any way. Now instead of being able to ignore mobs in areas that you would otherwise be too high a level for, you will be forced to fight mobs that should leave you alone, for no reason other than being forced to level sync down on lower level planets. Optional level syncing would no more adversely affect the game than bolstering players up to make them stronger than they normally are (i cannot remember how many times i got into a tactical flashpoint with someone where they left the group because they though they would get smashed). Flashponts, old content, etc. that is going to have a forced level sync is unfair to those that would like to go back and solo (since you technically arent supposed to be able to solo an operation...technically ) through content that they have previously outleveled. That is part of the intrinsic nature of any MMO. You get stronger (be it through leveling or alternate form of demonstrating power), then you can go back and teach a lesson to former content that had given you trouble in the past, be it for catharsis or a lack of desire to; be challenged at that time, feel like your lightsaber is actually a lightsaber, etc. The negative ramifications of forcing all players to level sync down to the planets top level is more unjust than anything else that has been proposed since the nurfing of tanks with 3.0 (seriously, the tanks too tanky?). Having the level sync be an option for all content, not just some is the only way to remain fair to all players concerned. Will many people use it as an alternate form of leveling instead of just leveling through new content? Sure. Will they enjoy it as much once they have once again capped their character? Not nearly as much as they did the xp they got before. Forcing a level sync also means that you will end up with more players fighting for the same groups of mobs than you did previously since now out leveled content is fair game for them; before people could out level a planet, this would prompt their moving on to the next planet and not making it hard for players behind them in the content suddenly be overlapping multiple players on the same missions (since it's rare to randomly group up with people in the field, even if they are on the same mission)
  17. Separation of the player base already happens, since there are already instances when a certain map grows to too large of a population. They still share a general chat channel and so on, they only thing they would not do in this instance is be trampling over one another for one reason or another...the same way they do already.
  18. He is talking that just because they are using the rakghoul tunnels as a setting doesnt mean that they would be there for the purposes of their role-play. Many planets play host during a role-play as places that do not exist within the game, however, they do in Star Wars lore. One such instance is the planet Ossus which is where the Great Jedi Library was located and was turned into a ruined a toxic waste land...much like the in game setting of the planet Quesh. "Ossus was originally a rugged, lush world with two-thirds of its surface covered in water and an abundance of flora and fauna. In 3996 BBY it was transformed with the destruction of the Cron Cluster into a desolate, irradiated desert world. Chemical and electrical storms swept the land, and little life remained on the surface." - Wookieepedia. In this instance the planet played host to limited lifeforms, so running into mobs every 20ft breaks the immersion into that role-play. When higher levels walk through, they are typically unassailed when compared to players that are lower level. This is the reasoning behind an optional level sync. If one wants to gain; commendations, worthwhile experience, better gear, etc., they would need to sync to the planet for missions or go to a higher planet.
  19. Comparing a casting decision for a movie and a mandatory (forced) level sync that will punish players who have taken the time to level/gear up their character so they don't have to deal with the headache of a planet is like comparing an apple to an orange. Making it an optional level sync is a more fair way to approach the matter rather than telling everyone, "If you want to go to Coruscant, you will have to sync your level down to 17." Since it's also telling people they are being punished in a way for having put in the time to level up their character and wanting to go back to a planet that is lower than their level. Creating a level sync is great so that people can go back and gain experience for content IF THEY CHOOSE, not all players are concerned with gaining experience from old content they have outleveled. Some players would play old content (missions, fp's, ops, etc.) just for the story aspects of them. This is also considering that not everyone wants to take the time to form up a group just to be able to run old content; there are many times that people will log in for 15-20 minutes to go and bash through some stuff. if you suddenly have to take that 15-20 minutes just to find a group to run non-groupfinder content then you no longer have the ability to go to a lower level planet or flashpoint and just crunch through in a short amount of time without regard to gaining experience or great monetary reward. How is forcing them to level sync just to gain more experience from this content fair? How is discounting that a person has already leveled up to 60 and geared up their character only to be forced to adhere to the level cap for the planet fair? How is punishing the player right? There was a post by someone on a different thread that made the statement that by doing this Bioware is essentially saying that levels no longer matter. In some ways I can understand their sentiment and agree to an extent. Forcing someone to downgrade their character simply because they want to go to a lower level planet and run around is discounting their time and effort in leveling up their character...this is why you have a leveling system in the first place. Players level up going through content until they out level it, then they move on making room for other people to come in and do the same missions. The far reaching downsides of a mandatory level sync go beyond the things I have listed so far. This in contrast to the potential downsides of an optional level sync? I will continue to push for an optional level sync rather than a mandatory one. The downsides to a mandatory one are so far reaching I dont think anyone has really take the time to consider how far it really goes.
  20. They could, though I would imagine that making a separate set of rules for just the RP servers would be harder to get put into motion than just having the blanket option for all servers to toggle the level sync on or off. Either way, I only play on an RP server. lol.
  21. True, thats where it's the company's responsibility to moderate such things. However, whom is it effecting by them adding the option to toggle the level sync on and off vs. how many of the players is it affecting by them making to mandatory? That is the intent of this as well. Because the change doesn't only have potentially negative ramifications on role-players, it can also negatively affect players who choose to PvE or PvP as well. Hence to reason to either instance the level sync to a version of each planet or add an out of combat toggle to turn it on and off (and sure people who got beat in open world PvP could turn off their level sync and go after the player, but whose to say the other player is not higher level as well?).
  22. Player input should always have a huge impact on a game you are invested in playing. This has been seen in many other games or during beta testing for games, where the player input has helped shape the game into an overall better product.
  23. I am actually optimistic about the system in certain aspects. I am bringing up the factor that it should not be mandatory...that's all. An optional level sync (similar to dungeon runs in WoW, the mentor system in CoH, etc.) would be more balanced method of execution than a blanket policy that everyone must suffer through a planet that they have previously finished as if it were their first time for the sole purpose of role-playing on the planets surface. That is why there are not many games that have taken the approach of mandatory level syncing in open world. In flashpoints, operations, etc. it is more understandable, however, being optional would be more entertaining. One can claim that the level sync for FP's and Ops is so people can enjoy the stories that are contained within them...but could that not also be said for someone that loads into a FP or Op now without having to by synced; arguably more so since they would not have to struggle through the fights to see the limited cut scenes involved in them.
  24. There are certain aspects of lore that are altered to compensate for the game play. Not all creatures would attack you, and not all would you have no other option but to kill them to stop them. And if you stand on top of a mob, grey or not, it will attack you (unless stealthed most the time). The proximity is key here, when you get too close to these mobs they will attack you; granted, many animals would when negatively reinforced upon the dangers of outsiders and/or to protect their home or offspring. By the same token others would see you an run. This is the accepted reality of animals. All that being higher level during an RP scenario does is allows players to nullify the majority of instances where they would be required to break immersion in their character (see earlier post about that subject) because the levels make the creature more hostile to you. Please read the OP where i state that i like level sync; this thread is to bring to light the faults in the requirement for all players on a single planet to sync to the same level regardless of intent of use for the planets areas. As long as the use does not break EULA it doesnt matter their intent of use.
  25. It's been done in the past with games where; you had the option to group up with people and sync to their level, you had instances that were set in a level bracket, dungeons that were level synced, etc. In these instances it does not break any aspect of the game. Forcing people that wish to go to old planets to sync to the level of that planet rather than the level they have worked their way up to is unfair and biased toward the PvE community and those that would use the planets as a area for PvP. As opposed to having the option where those who wish to not take part in the level sync for their own reasons, be it for role-play or for just mindlessly blowing off steam. In most cases when this happens it affects no one (not counting daily areas since everyone in there is normally tripping over one another regardless of level).
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