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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

KoTFE, What are you going to do first?


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Well, it is right around the corner, so once the xpac drops and you can get yourself logged in, what is first on your agenda?


-Setup skill points on my main.

-Pop an XP boost.

-Then turn in all of my dailies I held back from turn in for the xp.

-Create my instant 60. That toon is going to be my decision-making test bed.

-Jump right into the story.

Edited by Rafaman
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I will start the story on one of my characters that I have now. It will probably be my Sorcerer.


Since I have managed to avoid all spoilers they have made public about the chapters it will be a interesting experience to do the first chapter. I am very happy I do not know the first chapter story, I have seen other players become disappointed that they already know whats going to happen.

Edited by Icestar
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I'll do what I always do during early access: level my crafters/learn new schematics, take a look around and cater to those jumping right into the story. :p I'll take my sweet time with the story once the rush is over, first major bugs are fixed and performance in the new areas is back to normal. :D
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I'll do what I always do during early access: level my crafters/learn new schematics, take a look around and cater to those jumping right into the story. :p I'll take my sweet time with the story once the rush is over, first major bugs are fixed and performance in the new areas is back to normal. :D


Pretty smart. Yeah, crafting needs to be in the mix. But I can't help myself with the story part. Maybe, I should use my instant 60 as a crafting juggernaut.

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Reset skills, so hate doing this with level cap increases, I always forget what I originally had.

Look around to see what's changed real quick.

Pop an xp boost.

Take an excited breath.

Hop into the new story.

Do new story 8 times.


And then proceed over the course of like 6 months, level the other 14 toons I have to 65.


Do dailies again and wait for more content. :p

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First: I'm going to have my main Sentinel go back to Tython to do a level synched "Chamber of Speech", just because.

Then I'll probably do the Ziost dailies.

And finally I'll jump into the KOTFE story.

All that with XP boosts.

I don't want the possibility to repeat SOR and the fact that I was level 59 after Revan and had to go back and do dailies on Yavin 4 to finish leveling.

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Well, it is right around the corner, so once the xpac drops and you can get yourself logged in, what is first on your agenda?


-Setup skill points on my main.

-Pop an XP boost.

-Then turn in all of my dailies I held back from turn in for the xp.

-Create my instant 60. That toon is going to be my decision-making test bed.

-Jump right into the story.


1. Spend a few days running my free 60 through the first nine chapters. Don't want to commit my existing 60s immediately.

2. Look at what has been done to the game as a whole (crafting, leveling, etc.).

3. Sit down with my wife and decide whether we want to unsub.

4. Not sure what to do after that.

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I may jump right into new content, but I think I will probably go back using level synch clean up achievements first. :)


I am considering going back and doing all of the heroics because of the level sync and because it will be a huge xp boost. But... I think the new content will be way to tempting to hold off.

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-Setup skill points on my main.

-Pop an XP boost.

-Then turn in all of my dailies I held back from turn in for the xp.

-Create my instant 60. That toon is going to be my decision-making test bed.

-Jump right into the story.

Pretty much the same, except instant 60 for decision beta-testing. I'm planning to run at least 1 more toon through KotFE (aside from my main), so if choices really DO matter and I **** up something, so be it then :p

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Probably keep working on my low-level imps; maybe start the KotFE story wiht the char I team wiht my wife on if we've gotten to that point (currently hanging out between Korriban Incursion and Assault on Tython as far as story goes, so we probably won't be ready for KotFE yet). Might throw my endgame char in (l60 just started on Ziost).

Dunno what I'll do with my L60.

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Pretty much the same, except instant 60 for decision beta-testing. I'm planning to run at least 1 more toon through KotFE (aside from my main), so if choices really DO matter and I **** up something, so be it then :p


And I think that is the way it should be, but I'm going to hate myself if I may a decsion that takes away one of my fave companions. lol

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I'll do what I always do during early access: level my crafters/learn new schematics, take a look around and cater to those jumping right into the story. :p I'll take my sweet time with the story once the rush is over, first major bugs are fixed and performance in the new areas is back to normal. :D


Fyi - 500 will be the max in the next xpac and the best craftable item's components won't be available until conq goes live again (late nov or dec). I wouldn't look to hard at crafting initially.


My plan is to start leveling asap - turn in saved weeklies, run dylies on sectX, Ilum, Black Hole, try a couple heroics on the old worlds, etc.. I'll try a solo fp, maybe Esseles,. After a level or two I'll hit the stories. I will be paying close attention to companion changes and affection/influence changes. When I hit 65 I will spend comms and play with pvp - if my guess is right I will likely be moving to GW2 shortly after that.

Edited by Savej
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I am going to take my main character and do all nine chapters with all chat disabled except whisper. She will live with consequences of her choices, good or bad. Its part of the fun that I might goof up.


Then, I will level up to 65. I will equip with the best gear that my horded comms will buy. Then, I will take on the bolstered hard mode flashpoints, and hope that they still have a little challenge left.

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Well, it is right around the corner, so once the xpac drops and you can get yourself logged in, what is first on your agenda?


  1. Log in.
  2. Run through story.
  3. Log out.
  4. Go play various other games I'm looking forward to.


Essentially, I'm not going to bother with learning any new crafting schematics this time around, or running any PvP, or leveling all of my 60s or anything else like achievements that I've spent a lot of time on previously in-between content releases.


It's all good, it'll give me time to gauge if I'll bother to return for the rest of the story, so the first 9 chapters will need to be something really special to make me return some time towards the end of next year.

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head on Kartmatu, hes a sith warrior heretic, pure lightside. i want to see where that goes. get his skills and utility abilities sorted though. after getting kartmatu to the end of c9, head on probably Karajan, hes dangerous and has extreme view points and besides i want to also see it from a dark side point of view as well.
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Set up my skill points.


Check all my crafters and see what I need to do.


As far as the story, I will wait until my boyfriend is able to do it with me. He leaves this coming Monday for Air Force basic for sixty (60) days and then off to tech school, so when he is able to play then I will think about doing the story.

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I'm ready to pop an exp boost and dive into the story. I'll probably use my agent first (since she's pretty used to switching sides by now) and see if I can find a way to join the 3rd faction (Even if only temporary, just for fun). Then I'll go in fighting everyone on my sith warrior. Edited by Sarrkoth
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Re-pick skills as neccessary. Have a look at the new UI elements. Check what my crafting menu now looks like. Log out for a few days and play something else while the expansion-pack-launch-instability and player influx lag dies down.
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Troll pvp lol kidding but ok.


Set up skills on my main chars sorc warrior second, sage, then trooper.


Spend some cartel coins on any legacy unlocks I need.


Pop an xp boost if needed.


Start chapter one on my sorc.

Edited by Talosred
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Run and Gun my way through the Eternal Empires forces with my Vanguard, then slaughter my way through them with my Juggernaut.

After that...my other characters will follow and then I will use the Level Sync thing to help out my friends that are going to start the game and will farm some money.

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Fyi - 500 will be the max in the next xpac and the best craftable item's components won't be available until conq goes live again (late nov or dec). I wouldn't look to hard at crafting initially.


Well, if the best is not available, we'll have to take second best. ;)

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