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Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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So the complete lack of any real comments honestly does break my heart.


As a player since launch-ish time (think I started 2 days after launch) as well as many others that have spent a ton of INVESTED TIME on this game, Eric and Taid you really owe us an answer. Or at least ACKNOWLEDGE THE ISSUES. Making statements like "We are monitoring feedback" or something similar doesn't friggin cut it.


So it looks like we are being forced to do something we frankly don't give 2 logs my dog drops on the lawn about (PvP) to get mats so we can actually do what we want in the game (crafting) through something that is so rigged to large guilds it ain't worth playing (Galactic Conquest).


Pretty sure you has some survey group and sample testing with 'ex' players asking "why you quit?" or "what would you change?" and pretty sure the marketing dept shot all over themselves in excitement. Here is some feedback for you - take it or leave (prob will leave it but hey) - YOU GOT TROLLED DUDE.


Now you unstickied the thread and hope it'll die. Nice Bioware nice.



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What a joke. So years of playing are just erased, why? All the hard work to craft now gone. Do these idiots who dream of these changes even play the game? I disagree with this whole crafting change - sure didn't take into account all the hard work put in by many people over much time. I've been playing the game since inception, but trust me I will unsubscribe and quit playing this now "joke of a game" soon.
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Artificers are trying to claim here that they make no money due to the patch. Hehe. Wow.


Now that Artifice has realized their forte is in Dyes, you should see the insane amount of money I am raking in. Before the patch I was lucky to get 50k for a Black and Deep red dye. Now I get a MINIMUM 300k per dye XD


And all the paranoids said this patch was going to destroy artifice :)

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Artificers are trying to claim here that they make no money due to the patch. Hehe. Wow.


Now that Artifice has realized their forte is in Dyes, you should see the insane amount of money I am raking in. Before the patch I was lucky to get 50k for a Black and Deep red dye. Now I get a MINIMUM 300k per dye XD


And all the paranoids said this patch was going to destroy artifice :)


You're getting that right now because the GTN isn't set yet and many haven't started playing. Did you see what mats it takes to make those dyes? No more rare crystals. The price is going to plummet to 10k very soon. See you back here in a week complaining when all artifices realize how easy it is to make those dyes.


Enjoy it for now. I am. But it's short lived.

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You're getting that right now because the GTN isn't set yet and many haven't started playing. Did you see what mats it takes to make those dyes? No more rare crystals. The price is going to plummet to 10k very soon. See you back here in a week complaining when all artifices realize how easy it is to make those dyes.


Enjoy it for now. I am. But it's short lived.


Maybe, but I won't be complaining. I'll be too busy playing the actual game, probably. It always amazed me how some folks can get on an MMO and never ever play it. They just sit and craft all day and all night and then call it a day. I had a friend once who immediately started crafting in an MMO he played, and whenever I asked him questions about the story since I was interested in playing, he couldn't answer them because he never played the story at all.


I am NOT saying it's wrong, but i will say you guys have a LOT more patience than I do. i actually need to be out doing something in a game for it to be entertaining to me. I took last week off and played farming Simulator 15, and even THAT was a hell of a lot more exciting than crafting LOL.


Either way, when the prices plummet, if they do, I'll use some of this money to buy back dyes as I completely fashion-whore out my characters. :)

Edited by Faelandaea
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Now that I have taken all of the time to level up a Cybertech you take the most helpful schematic away from them (Armoring) the same with my Artifice as well. This is basically what happened to Star Wars Galaxies to dumb down every single thing which then in turn cause SWG to tank and shut down. Took the time to learn all of the caveats of the game now is basically a whole new game that has to be learned all over again.. So hope you did not plan on keeping subscribers that like to craft!!!!!!!
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Not liking the new 4.0 patch, all that hard work gone. It was nice being able to add different mods to my companions, by taking that away you just made it easier for the players that don't take the effort to diversify their companions, I don't want my companion to be the same as everyone else's. If I want my companion to be stronger or weaker in any area that is my choice, now you just took that choice away from me. Please bring back the ability to add mods to my companions. As far as crafting is concerned it was more like real life before where it took some effort to make a higher item. Now no effort is involved the first time you craft you get a higher item, makes it easy for the lazy people, but its not as much fun now.
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Given its easy now to buy token gear with tokens you get while leveling, I don't see what purpose crafting has tbh. The important things like barrels and hilts we can't make anymore unless we raid. Augments are the only thing crafters seem to have left. Well, and a few dyes. Given the slots haven't changed most people would be able to keep their old augmented gear and just override the slots. So.... biochem with its consumables looks decent. The crafters who can make augments are ok. Apart from that? Not so much.


Someone seems to have take a determined swipe at crafting with the nerf bat. Not really happy about this, and as I pvp and don't raid..... what were all these changes for? To take crafting out of the game in the long run?

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I am curious about the new level 60 starts. I've noticed that the character starts with crafting skills at 500. That's nice, but I have started a level 60 in all 8 classes. I didn't keep them but I noticed that they started with either synth weaving or armor mech and saw no way to change other then going to a trainer and resetting those skills to 0. I hope this is only because it is early release. It seems you should be able to select the crafting skills during the character creation process. I know with my current characters their crafting skills would reach 500 previous to reaching level 60. There are many things in the new system i really like, for example i am so glad you did away with having to gear companions, it was very time consuming and used a lot of resources. I have created a level 60 that has completed

chapter 8 and is level 65. Impressive overall expansion, thx swtor dev team. :rak_01:

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ive been trying to find a constructive post in these threads. and all i see are people talking crap to other people about how they're idea sucks.... blah blah. , i know mmos people talk trash to eachother. but the swtor forums are not the place to do it... i mean the topic is Crafting Changes to KOFE and people are quoting STUFF LIKE took you long enough to admit you were wrong> bs like that> comon guys , im sure ill get trashed just for saying this...


But i would love to see them add some of the rarer dyes to be able to be crafted. cause cartel market controlled community is not the way to go.. it will have people work together more... trade forums will light up, if we could craft more things... not just have them on the marketplace. i dunno.. you should be able to RE a Black/Black dye.... Tythonian saber. all kinds of stuff.... not all but some.

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In Knights of the Fallen Empire, we are making quite a few adjustments to how Crafting will work.


Read more


So...having spent all those credits buying enhancement patterns for my artificer, I now have to buy them AGAIN for my cybertech? And likewise for armour and mods pattern that my cybertech has now lost? Seriously?? I didn't notice any refunds for those lost patterns...

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Well said.


Some of the servers are still buggy. There still a lot of bugs and glitches and issues in the old, even the original content. "Story flags" on characters are broken in some key places. Space PvE and GSF PvP are both neglected. Etc.


But they keep rushing off to the next thing they can make completely random changes to, instead of fixing what they've already built.


A house with a foundation of sand...


Is your head up your butt for the warmth. And I kinda agree with you.

Edited by MikeRindos
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If you're going to gut the system and recreate it, the very least you could do is make the schematics 'free' for a short period of time. I already purchased 60 levels worth of schematics on all of my characters and now I have to do it again on my crafters. My cybertech for example ended up dropping close to 500,000 to pick up all the new schematics that replaced the functional ones he had already purchased once AND then spent further time/resources on converting to Purple.


Its uneven as well as some crafts cost significantly less to buy all their new schematics.


Seriously, you flipped crafting completely without much input from the community and you did so with a goal of making it 'easier' for crafters by introducing extra steps? And then you didn't even update the system so that it was more like some of the better crafting systems out there (See ESO, where visual appearances are more customizable of the resulting item, etc) its just your old system with everything shuffled around, forcing players to have to re-grind content they have already basically performed and now to have to consume more materials/steps in doing so for the same basic results.




So at least make the schematics cost 0 credits for a few weeks after widespread release like you had with class skill trainers before you eventually made them all free all the time. I'm not even suggesting you go that route, but seriously, you're inflicting a lot of 'pain' on your loyal and long time customers for them to adjust to a new system they hadn't asked for.

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Imagine how the people with the BioChem skill feel re'ing Implants to purples.


Imagine having every crafting skill maxed out, and having spent time learning purples on a majority of them, with the time / credits / patience to do, so you could be self sufficient and sell a few things on the GTN once in a while. Then having it all taken away.


I don't really call it "improving" things. The crafting system wasn't brilliant to start with compared to other MMOs or RPGs, it was what it was though.


Now? Now I'm just not going to bother learning anything or gathering anything or crafting anything with all of the changes made. It's not worth the time and effort involved when in one fell swoop they essentially trash the hard work done by many players over the years, without any form of remorse or recompense to those players who had put in that effort.

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Imagine having every crafting skill maxed out, and having spent time learning purples on a majority of them, with the time / credits / patience to do, so you could be self sufficient and sell a few things on the GTN once in a while. Then having it all taken away.


I don't really call it "improving" things. The crafting system wasn't brilliant to start with compared to other MMOs or RPGs, it was what it was though.


Now? Now I'm just not going to bother learning anything or gathering anything or crafting anything with all of the changes made. It's not worth the time and effort involved when in one fell swoop they essentially trash the hard work done by many players over the years, without any form of remorse or recompense to those players who had put in that effort.


Don't have to imagine it.


Entire family unsubbed all of our accounts today.

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forcing players to have to re-grind content they have already basically performed


And that, right there, is the summary of the KoTFE expansion: 6-8 hours of new story (at best), and then a complete regrind of old content that was already done to death. All while you stay subbed until the new (likely) 1-hour of play time chapters start dropping in early 2016 and every month for 7 months starting then.


All the other play-hours on the sub? Regrind stuff you already did, that got taken away, and you want back.


People compare this to the NGE, but that is wrong. Even the NGE wasn't this face slapping insulting. The NGE just kicked us SWG players in the balls. SWTOR 4.0 *****-slapped people.

Edited by Jumajin
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In no regards to pre existing full paying patrons to the game did you think this out! On the one hand you made it completely easy to level up with your droid at your side! I feel you made it non strategic by removing droid parts and enhancements making you different from anyone else playing. Now it's not as important to go to the kiosk to get upgrades if your only upgrading yourself. The droid interaction was fun. You have made the game a Disney pre school game! I would be embarrassed of this new change it will be this SWTOR downfall! Restore previous settings make this game fun again we that are the paying customers have spoken!
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In no regards to pre existing full paying patrons to the game did you think this out! On the one hand you made it completely easy to level up with your droid at your side! I feel you made it non strategic by removing droid parts and enhancements making you different from anyone else playing. Now it's not as important to go to the kiosk to get upgrades if your only upgrading yourself. The droid interaction was fun. You have made the game a Disney pre school game! I would be embarrassed of this new change it will be this SWTOR downfall! Restore previous settings make this game fun again we that are the paying customers have spoken!


I'm a paying customer, and I fully endorse this expansion.


In terms of crafting, I think this expansion has been a god send. Before 4.0 crafting was something I would start, and then avoid because it was just too grindy. I got tired of never RE'ing a schematic. It was a waste of my time, and credits. Now 4.0 is here, and crafting is back up and running for me. I'm already crafting my 220 pieces and selling quite a bit of the 208 augs, Even better, for me at least, is that now Conquest is tied to crafitng so I have a reason to conquest.


I have a reason to raid as much as my heart may desire for mats. Basically this new crafting system has connected the parts of the game that I liked the most together so now I am fully integrated into what I want to be doing. No longer is it go off to a segment of the game while the other segment dies off for me. Everything is connected. I love that.

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I'm a paying customer, and I fully endorse this expansion.


In terms of crafting, I think this expansion has been a god send. Before 4.0 crafting was something I would start, and then avoid because it was just too grindy. I got tired of never RE'ing a schematic. It was a waste of my time, and credits. Now 4.0 is here, and crafting is back up and running for me. I'm already crafting my 220 pieces and selling quite a bit of the 208 augs, Even better, for me at least, is that now Conquest is tied to crafitng so I have a reason to conquest.


I have a reason to raid as much as my heart may desire for mats. Basically this new crafting system has connected the parts of the game that I liked the most together so now I am fully integrated into what I want to be doing. No longer is it go off to a segment of the game while the other segment dies off for me. Everything is connected. I love that.


So your opposition to the prior crafting was the rate at which you re'd things and that it felt grindy.


Guess what, that could have been fixed with a change to the re: chances on the existing crating system. Mats etc were already tied to Questing with the prior system, etc.


So the things you like were _tweaks_ that could have been made to an exisiting system. And how is adding creation of another component not 'grindy'? Before I create a pile of materials and then I craft items from that pile. Now I assemble a plié of materials, use them to assemble another pile of different materials and then use those materials plus some from my original pile to craft stuff.


On top of that, people who DID do the crafting grind you were too ADD to deal with, had many things re'd to purple and when they log back into the game after 4.0 all those things are mostly worthless and they had to go spend @ 2,000,000 credits to buy the schematics that replaced the schematics that were taken from them.


So glad you are on-board sport. Great you are enjoying it. That does not mean that peoples complaints about implementation are not valid. Since you were too lazy to re schems before 4.0 you're not affected, me, I had most of them made useless or straight up stripped from my character and then I had to go buy their replacements and now have to re-RE them to get my purples again.


YOU start fresh and find system great. I had things removed from me and start the system at the same point you are at, even though I have years of effort and expense previously invested. I can see how you thnk that is great. I, of course, have a different opinion.


New system isn't horrific, its certainly not 'streamlined' as claimed and implementation was horrible.

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New system isn't horrific, its certainly not 'streamlined' as claimed and implementation was horrible.


They didn't claim that the component system would streamline the game. They only mentioned "streamling" once, and it's three associated bullet points were:

1) No new grade of mats to grind out

2) No more visiting your trainer to get access to 401-450 and then 451-500

3) Changing grades from 1-6, 9, and 11 to 1-8


The addition of components was discussed in the section whose goals was to "ease the barriers of entry"... since you were an established crafter, this means that they weren't thinking about you, but rather people like the person to whom you replied.

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