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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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I thought I hated the idea of level synch until the crafting and gathering changes sunk in. Not only are all my purple schematics being made useless, but in some cases I'm losing the ability to even make that class of item because of moving **** around. For an extra kick in the groin, brand new 60s get 500 crafting and gathering skills automatically, and any level 15 with skill level 1 gathering skills can go to Yavin and farm materials.


I hope there are 100 slicing bots on every instance of Yavin on every server come Tuesday. **** this ****

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... any level 15 with skill level 1 gathering skills can go to Yavin and farm materials.

Have you ever tried bringing a level 15 to a high level planet?


Do you have any idea how huge the aggro radius is at that level difference?


Just because it's theoretically possible for a level 15 to farm materials on Yavin, doesn't mean it's going to be feasible. First of all, they're going to be killed if there's a mob within 10 light years of any gathering node. Second of all, with a skill level 1 gathering, they're going to get the bare minimum amount of materials from it.


If you're going to complain about the changes, at least educate yourself on what these changes will actually affect.

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Have you ever tried bringing a level 15 to a high level planet?


Do you have any idea how huge the aggro radius is at that level difference?


Just because it's theoretically possible for a level 15 to farm materials on Yavin, doesn't mean it's going to be feasible. First of all, they're going to be killed if there's a mob within 10 light years of any gathering node. Second of all, with a skill level 1 gathering, they're going to get the bare minimum amount of materials from it.


If you're going to complain about the changes, at least educate yourself on what these changes will actually affect.


Have you actually watched the various available videos of the bots that are being used to grab chests and crafting nodes? They don't get aggro, they warp through terrain, they move extremely fast. When you are cheating you go all out.

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Have you actually watched the various available videos of the bots that are being used to grab chests and crafting nodes? They don't get aggro, they warp through terrain, they move extremely fast. When you are cheating you go all out.

Well, that's interesting. No, I haven't watched videos of bots using cheating hacks, so that's something I haven't considered.


I will say that in the 3.5 years I've played this game, I've never actually seen this sort of behavior in the two servers I play on (BG and SL).


Not saying that it doesn't happen, but I find it hard to believe it's terribly common.

Edited by Khevar
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You know this is great and all that youre changing things around ... no wait NO IT ISNT! what about those of use who spent hours reverse engineering crap to get the purple armorings/mods on our cybertechs, or the enhancements on our artifices, etc? So youre taking that away from our characters and what? will the purple recipes to the character that has the requisite Crew Skill? Ive never leveled an armormech, never saw the need. So I am looking at losing a TON of purple schematics with this.


Also, how in the world can you think making all purple Medpacks Non-reusable is a good idea? When they were made that way for Makeb/Shadows of revan I didn't even bother to create any more of them. The components were so rare it would have been STUPID to use it for throw away medpacks. It will be the same in the expansion. I personally think you should go back to making medpacks reusable all the way up the chain with a requisite skill requirement.


Its these types of ******* changes that drive players away... :confused:

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You know this is great and all that youre changing things around ... no wait NO IT ISNT! what about those of use who spent hours reverse engineering crap to get the purple armorings/mods on our cybertechs, or the enhancements on our artifices, etc? So youre taking that away from our characters and what? will the purple recipes to the character that has the requisite Crew Skill? Ive never leveled an armormech, never saw the need. So I am looking at losing a TON of purple schematics with this.


Also, how in the world can you think making all purple Medpacks Non-reusable is a good idea? When they were made that way for Makeb/Shadows of revan I didn't even bother to create any more of them. The components were so rare it would have been STUPID to use it for throw away medpacks. It will be the same in the expansion. I personally think you should go back to making medpacks reusable all the way up the chain with a requisite skill requirement.


Its these types of ******* changes that drive players away... :confused:


Imagine how the people with the BioChem skill feel re'ing Implants to purples, to get all the purple BioChem Implant schematics you are often reduced to just a 10% chance to get a schematic and you have the RE many many blues before you complete out each set of purples. Aim, Willpower, Strength and Cunning each had 6 different potential purple Schematics if I believe so, at only a 10% chance for each. So 24 schematics at 10% chance each. and then multiple this by the number of levels you can create implants. Then add in as well the additional schematics you could only get as drops/from boxes. etc.

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Imagine how the people with the BioChem skill feel re'ing Implants to purples, to get all the purple BioChem Implant schematics you are often reduced to just a 10% chance to get a schematic and you have the RE many many blues before you complete out each set of purples. Aim, Willpower, Strength and Cunning each had 6 different potential purple Schematics if I believe so, at only a 10% chance for each. So 24 schematics at 10% chance each. and then multiple this by the number of levels you can create implants. Then add in as well the additional schematics you could only get as drops/from boxes. etc.


I feel like a winner because I made whatever implants my alts needed and a lot of money selling purples on the GTN. I think I'm going to go to Disneyland. So long old schematics, we'll always have 2.x. [With 3.x, my alts didn't need lowbie implants and I was too busy making bank with artifice in 3.x to bother making many.]


Maybe it will be annoying to relearn schems in 4.x, but at least they start at blue, only RE to the upgraded purple, and have a higher RE chance. I'll take that over getting depressed at the number of useless blue and purple schematics I used to have with the old system.

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I'll take that over getting depressed at the number of useless blue and purple schematics I used to have with the old system.

For what it's worth, the dross cluttering my craftable item list was really getting annoying, so I agree that it will be nice to have a more concise list.


But think about the actual gear that's being crafted. It's not going to be deleted, it's going to be "translated". Someone is wearing a +Might implant on Monday is going to be wearing a +Mastery implant on Tuesday.


Wouldn't it have been good if had they done the same thing for schematics?

Edited by Khevar
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For what it's worth, the dross cluttering my craftable item list was really getting annoying, so I agree that it will be nice to have a more concise list.


But think about the actual gear that's being crafted. It's not going to be deleted, it's going to be "translated". Someone is wearing a +Might implant on Monday is going to be wearing a +Mastery implant on Tuesday.


Wouldn't it have been good if had they done the same thing for schematics?


Yup and just removed the double ups, sounds too much like hard work though.

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Yeah. still useful on one, but no need to have on every character now.


Yep. I only had it on a few toons that needed a reusable stim.. (I called em everlasting-gobstoppers)


But am going to drop it on them now because of the loss of that, AND the change to our dummys.


Eh.. 56 pages, and no reply from Musco or Nick.. typical of bad moves they didnt think thru but dont wanna admit.


Thinking of NGE and how SOE/Smedly (now a cussword) treated the base!

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Have you ever tried bringing a level 15 to a high level planet?


Do you have any idea how huge the aggro radius is at that level difference?


Just because it's theoretically possible for a level 15 to farm materials on Yavin, doesn't mean it's going to be feasible. First of all, they're going to be killed if there's a mob within 10 light years of any gathering node. Second of all, with a skill level 1 gathering, they're going to get the bare minimum amount of materials from it.


If you're going to complain about the changes, at least educate yourself on what these changes will actually affect.


It is very very feasible unfortunately... what or "could" happen is the same disasters that hit GW2 TESO and to a less extent FF14 (which still has a very strong Ptp base, learn a lesson from Square Enix BW, fix the game) where low level essentially naked bots run underground magically appearing at point A and then fast moving to B C and then D etc... by making this one change to harvesting they have made bots or farmers lives laughably easy. No low level should be able to gain access to higher level areas, period. I can remember seeing a lvl 16 character on Illum way back when the game first started (what was it doing?) standing in one spot farming one chest as it re spawned... BW has been failing for quite some time protecting players and the economy. So now bots will farm raw mats as well as chests... I also have to agree, long time players have been shafted by BW... they are banking on the invisible what if super surge from the next SW movie, which isn't going to happen imo. This is not the way to look after long time (paying) players and those who have supported SWTOR in hope for positive change. By all means update crafting...but make it more interesting entertaining and more profitable within the economy (I guess profitable is out as you'll be trying to sponge even more money from paying player via the Cartel gambling crates) not an even more dumbed down crafting experience via menu.

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For what it's worth, the dross cluttering my craftable item list was really getting annoying, so I agree that it will be nice to have a more concise list.


But think about the actual gear that's being crafted. It's not going to be deleted, it's going to be "translated". Someone is wearing a +Might implant on Monday is going to be wearing a +Mastery implant on Tuesday.


Wouldn't it have been good if had they done the same thing for schematics?


I didn't say it wouldn't be good, just that I don't see it being a big deal for me. I made plenty of credits off the old schems, and I don't see them being that useful anymore. If you check, a lot of the old schematics (the base and best upgrades, not the random RE trash) had some pretty crappy stat distributions. So I'll have to wait and see what new schems are available (1-60) before I worry about missing what I had before.


If new blues are better than the old blues, and the new purples better, than I'd really rather not have the worse schems show up.

Edited by eartharioch
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Actually, it would be a lot of extra work to do it right.

This is only due to the change in "which crafting professions can craft which item".


They're already mapping gear X -> gear Y in one's inventory. It wouldn't have been that different to do the same thing for schematics, other than the fact that many schematics have moved to a different profession entirely.

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I'm not entirely sure even speed hacking will show low level farmers to survive on Yavin. There's a "fun" little thing you can do note that they removed the exhaustion zone around the mission area in the north west corner of the Dune Sea. Go there with a pub character, even one who is on level with the planet. There's a speeder bike you can click on. Click on it. You get teleported into an Imp base zone. The base revengers will kill you before you finish loading up the new location.

Other hacking might work, but I don't think speed or teleport hacking will.

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Actually, it would be a lot of extra work to do it right. And based on 3.x, EA/BW will ship whatever compiles on 10/19 regardless of whether or not it works.


I really don't think it would be that much work beyond some auto coding to get it put through, no different to how materials/augments are getting swapped in/out or comms.


That's of course assuming I'm even following the thread correctly heh.


I'm assuming people are saying if they had some level 20 Purple schem that used say Strength that they aren't get a replacement Mastery Purple Schem?


I never cared enough about my old schems to follow that part of the thread except a quick look at the end here.

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This is only due to the change in "which crafting professions can craft which item".


They're already mapping gear X -> gear Y in one's inventory. It wouldn't have been that different to do the same thing for schematics, other than the fact that many schematics have moved to a different profession entirely.


Even then - if the schem moves to a different profession then you lose it ... **** happens.


I mean we're losing it anyway, no reason we should get a replacement purple schem.


I guess though there could then be "outrage" that some class got to keep more of it's already RE'd schems because they aren't losing schematics to another profession and the unfairness of it all etc.

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"All previously reusable Cybertech grenades are no longer reusable. They are now more powerful than their Prototype equivalent. This is to balance the crafting skill with others and to encourage a market of these crafted items."


Just tossing this out there, but unless the 60-65 level seismic grenades are astronomically more powerful than the low level ones, the higher end grenades will never sell. The cost/benefit of making them just isn't there.


Cybertech's will continue to do in the xpac what they do now. Gather low level mats to make the low level grenades and sell them. The grenades aren't being made and purchased for their damage, but for their knock down effect.

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my question dont know if it been brought up (not searching 51 pages) is this, do cybertech and artvice get there money returned from all the skills they bought and has now been taken from that profession?
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This is only due to the change in "which crafting professions can craft which item".


They're already mapping gear X -> gear Y in one's inventory. It wouldn't have been that different to do the same thing for schematics, other than the fact that many schematics have moved to a different profession entirely.


I wasn't even considering the movement of armorings and enhancements. Schematics and items are different things, schematics would have to have the mats adjusted as well. Yes, it could *in theory* be done easily with a database update, but to do it *right* (my words), they would have to be tested, and that is extra work. Given that there have been defective schematics since release which were never fixed, BW couldn't get Willpower Implants/Earpieces right for SoR, and that SoR (and beyond, if rumors can be believed) still have Cunning Tank gear, no, I don't think "just run this query we don't need to test it" would be better than starting over -- and hopefully testing the new ones.

Edited by eartharioch
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I really don't think it would be that much work beyond some auto coding to get it put through, no different to how materials/augments are getting swapped in/out or comms.


And what do you base your opinion on? I base mine on years of experience as a software engineer and years of experience with BW/swtor. See my reply to Khevar.

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I cant say the unlocked missions being a one time use is welcome news, I sell them when my companions come back with them. It doesnt yield as much from crafting items. But it granted enough to help earn without crafting during my session, so i had more time to blowing up bad guys.


The rest of it im curious to see though.

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