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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Loss of 12 times xp won't be good


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I've thoroughly enjoyed coming back to swtor after 2 years away. I've played all class storylines up to level 25. I'm alternating back and forth and loving it. And that is where this game is so good. The stories. But I'm concerned when Oct 15 rolls around cause the leveling system is quest hub based and takes waaaaaay toooooo looooong to level a toon. Reason I left 2 years ago. And I won't go back to doing that.


So if I can get several toons up to 50 or 55 by Oct 15, I'm good. But otherwise, forget it.


I STRONGLY recommend leaving that 12 time xp in for 1 - 50 permanently. And I'll play swtor for a long long time in a galaxy far away.

Edited by agincourt
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I'd suggest watching the live stream from BW last week.


I think the new mission quests and side stories got beefed up to balance that out. Something like 8x I heard someone in guild mention might be the number. Don't quote me on that, but it sounds like they are trying to help folks still level quickly. (not too quickly as 12x has been around and now you can BUY a level 60 - so gee guess why?)


Anyways.. The free 60 with subs is nice, but I'd like to know the price in cc's soon for another one. I've 22 now and will have 23 when it goes live. If we really have 40 slots then that would be nice. LOTS of toons. ;)

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You have x8 instead or something close to it since you still level up only through class stories + the main planet stories.


It was a great disservice for the original work to ignore the main planet quests. They added a lot to the game and lore like Dread Masters, Czerka and its findings on Infinite Empire, Thana Vesh, even romancing Darth Lachris who was Marr's apprentice.


Making x12 instead of x8 from the very beginning was Bioware's mistake. Not only people didn't get ready to play their class at the endgame, they also missed chunks of valuable stories. Getting to Oricon without meeting Dread Masters on Belsavis is an unnecessary skip that makes you wonder who Dread Masters are and why they talk to you like you met them before.


Class stories + main planetary stories are just perfection.

Edited by PavSalco
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Class stories + main planetary stories are just perfection.


That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.

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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.


And that is why you can spend your pennies on a nice new Level 60 instead.

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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.

Indeed. Once you've done the planetary stories a few times, they really start to drag. Even Imperial Taris which is the only one I still do (because Thana Vesh) I skipped out on last time around.

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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.


You also assumed that this change affects me. So you failed.


I have done all the stories on both sides plus two other toons that I wanted. Half of them before X12 was introduced.


I'm saying it from the perspective of a new player unlike you. You are a player that only cares about his own needs and call the decision bad once it doesn't cater to your needs.


You have the possibility of buying instant 60s if you want level up your toons asap. Don't want to pay CC? Well, spend 40h on a character if you just want another alt at high level.


To quote more or less a wise guy from these forums:


One feature I don't like. I am going to threaten my money because an MMO should focus only around my needs. I can't be open minded, or understanding. I can't adjust my play style because I don't enjoy the game when they make one change I don't like. This change is enough to make me threaten the almighty dollar because my needs>the good for the game.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
rude part removed
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While I'm willing to give their streamlined leveling a chance, I'm honestly not looking forward to it. Especially when you factor in the mandatory planetary scaling. :( Just like there are planetary quest lines I always do...( like Imp Taris, Alderaan & Balmoria) there are some I avoid because they're kinda boring (Pub Balmoria I'm looking at you!)


It wouldn't upset me at ALL if they made and sold a 12xp legacy unlock.... I'd buy it! :D

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x12 was a temporary perk. Temporary means means it was only going to last for a period of time, and was never going to be permanent.


The new system is much better than the old system.


I'm appreciative of the new system instead of having to exist in the old system.


Not sure why people can't see the silver lining instead of trying to p*ss on it.

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x12 was a temporary perk. Temporary means means it was only going to last for a period of time, and was never going to be permanent.


The new system is much better than the old system.


I'm appreciative of the new system instead of having to exist in the old system.


Not sure why people can't see the silver lining instead of trying to p*ss on it.

If my goal is simply to create an alt, what silver lining is there? 12xXP was far superior to whatever the new system will be if it's anything less than 12xXP.

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You also assumed that this change affects me. So you failed.

I have done all the stories on both sides plus two other toons that I wanted. Half of them before X12 was introduced.


Good for you. Just because you did it that way doesn't mean everyone wants too. Nor does everyone want to pay the CCs to get a level 60, like you suggested.


I'm saying it from the perspective of a new player unlike you. You are a self-centered player that only cares about his own needs and call the decision bad once it doesn't cater to your needs.


Way to go assuming along with calling names & being insulting. *smh* But hey it's the internet, we have to stoop to that to get our point across.

New players have an option, they can use the 12x removal & level how they like. Some may not want that. They may want to level with class only. You're assuming that all new players need to do every planet quest along with class because of future stuff.

The setup they have right now caters to both play styles. But again way to go on pushing your idea on everyone. As it stands you're the only one being selfish right now.


You have the possibility of buying instant 60s if you want level up your toons asap. Don't want to pay CC? Well, spend 40h on a character if you just want another alt at high level.


Instant 60's you don't get to level anything. So that's an entirely different story/option. 40 hours for leveling 1 toon is way too high also. Wow.


Loosen up some dude.

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If my goal is simply to create an alt, what silver lining is there? 12xXP was far superior to whatever the new system will be if it's anything less than 12xXP.

The silver lining is that x12 was never going to be permanent, and the new system is far and away better than having to do almost all of the content on a planet in order to progress.

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With no option to then play your class story? How does that help?


The same class stories that you have done multiple times?


That whole "multiple times" reason you used to explain why you don't want to do the planetary stories anymore?


And there will still be other ways to get XP, right? They aren;t getting rid o fall of the side missions are they? PvP and flashpoints will still be out there. Space missions, even, if you want to do that, and GSF if that offers XP.


But if it's too much to ask, then just buy a 60.


If playing the class missions are that important to you then you will find a way to fill in the rest of the XP you need to get to cap.

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The silver lining is that x12 was never going to be permanent, and the new system is far and away better than having to do almost all of the content on a planet in order to progress.


I concur. Whilst I'm going to miss 12XP, not having it go back to the way it was before is going to be great for me.

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The silver lining is that x12 was never going to be permanent, and the new system is far and away better than having to do almost all of the content on a planet in order to progress.

Oh...ok...I thought you meant the silver lining of removing 12xXP for whatever this new thing is. I agree...the new system is better than it was, but 12xXP was better than that.


I'm very disappointed in the removal of 12xXP.

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