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PVP Ppl are rude


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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:
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Nah it's not just pvp people in swtor. It's pvp people in general :D. (there are exceptions though) I just ignore them raging and screaming all over the screen. :p


Yeah. But i just can't understand how you can insult others like that, i thought we play games for fun. Some people act like if playing PVP for fun or trying different classes is a crime. :rolleyes:

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Yeah. But i just can't understand how you can insult others like that, i thought we play games for fun. Some people act like if playing PVP for fun or trying different classes is a crime. :rolleyes:


There is no consequences for it is why. If they go out in public behaving this way the odds of them running into a fist is pretty good.

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It isn't the PVP crowd here. It's the PVP crowd everywhere.


Any multiplayer game where you compete against other players comes loaded with lots of trash talk and/or nerd rage from people who forget its only a game. Also a certain percentage are sore losers, so any loss in a team match is never their fault and they'll rant and rave about how Republic/Empire/Player X sucks.


PVP is a lot of fun, but playing PVP anywhere definitely requires mentally filtering out the clowns. And there are a lot of clowns.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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There is no consequences for it is why. If they go out in public behaving this way the odds of them running into a fist is pretty good.


Lol I would love to see this happen.


Though, I'd be more concerned about those who use their fists when someone insults them. Both are wrong now, but only the one who threw the punch goes to jail and gets sued.

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


It's not just pvp, it's everywhere. However it never really bothers me, because I have titanium skin and can cut a douche down at the knees. You just don't know how to survive in this jungle. About a few weeks ago I was doing a random kdy run with a bossy healer.



Healer: "Hurry up and skip, I got things to do"


Aeristash: "I'll skip when I'm good & ready. Go pout."


Healer: "Are you serious? You want to talk **** to the healer!?"


Aeristash: "Yes sir, very much so, sir! :)"


Healer: "No healz for you then. Lets see how smart you are when you're constantly dying."


Aeristash: "lol, okay then"


We start killing mobs in the instance and eventually make it to a mini elite boss. So healer has been shielding & healing the tank & second dps and all the while I'm holding back on unleashing my full dps, keeping my aggro under the healers. When the boss kills the tank, the healer is next to go corpse up on the menu while trying to run. I turn up the dps and me & the other dps kill the boss. Afterwards I point at the healers corpse and "lolololololol".. Afterwards he begins shielding & healing me as well and we make it out victorious, with me having zero deaths to his four, lol. Moral of the story: learn to adapt to the eco system and you'll thrive. :o


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People who cannot maintain a modicum of decency and civility are a cancer on the fantastic idea of a MMO and group-based tasks. It erodes a whole lot of pleasure. Just do your due diligence, read and prepped before entering any group content, and do not pay attention to anyone using the formal way off address, Y.F.M.Y (You fffffg moron you)
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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


Oh please, pve is way worse. I've seen people refuse someone into a SM OP because they didn't have top tier raid gear or the clear achievement. People getting vote kicked out of HM FP's for being new etc....PvE players are way more vicious than pvpers. You all wont even hesitate to vote kick someone out or flat out refuse to let them join a SM ops....SM.....the difficulty tier that can be blown through with blue gear.

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People who cannot maintain a modicum of decency and civility are a cancer on the fantastic idea of a MMO and group-based tasks. It erodes a whole lot of pleasure. Just do your due diligence, read and prepped before entering any group content

Agreed when it comes to WZs (i.e., make sure your character is bolstered 2018), Ranked (have your character in WZ gear), being properly geared in general for PvE and knowing the fights for HMs and NiMs. But not in terms of knowing the fights when it comes to SM/TacM FPs and Ops. This is absolutely the main reason I do not do Ops. In SM, I want to see the story. I do not want either a) to have researched guides to the point where I know it backwards and forwards as if I had already done it or b) have my hand held the entire way and be told where to stand and when and what to aggro (or not aggro) and when to do so (or not do so).

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


I agree with you 100%.


I used to pvp for the fun of it but too many people would just act very rude and call people names, tell everyone they sucked, yell at people and then leave - screwing the rest of us, .... you name it. I no longer bother with the pvp in this game because of that very reason.

Edited by Jerqa
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Yeah, it's everywhere. Not everyone of course, but a lot of PvPers see being rude, trash talk and all that as part of the game. I don't get it personally, but whatever. I just try not to let it get to me when I PvP.

As a group (not every individual), PvPers gloat when they when and cry when they lose.

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR.


It's not fair to make blanket statements like this just cuz a few people aren't nice. They are the minority and just cuz they have the loudest voices doesn't mean they represent everyone else.


I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences, use /ignore of course, but what I'd also recommend is that if you notice a player who's actually trying to help lead and/or help with specifics then ask them to be /friends so they can help you learn if you're struggling with stuff. And I'm not talking about the passive-aggressive people that are like "so, let's just kill stuff, who cares about the huttball, am i rite?"


Look for legitimate players who seem helpful and go from there.

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