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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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This just shows your utter and complete lack of forethought. The events that occur bolster low level players, force lvl appropriate mob spawns, and/or tuck the event away in a specific area of a planet.


There is absolutely an argument, a very good one you are obviously incapable of grasping that would suggest that with this system, BW has far more range to implement activities that can span far more area on a a given planet/s without having to worry about mob spawn triggered Ala bounty week or scaling mobs down in key small specific areas Ala rakghoul.


I'm not going to pretend I know what BW has in the works, but it's borderline ignorant to think there is no argument that this system will in fact give BW more freedom to create all inclusive events that players of all ranges can participate together and benefit from together.


And making it optional does not change that one iota.


No one will until we actually play it. People are jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they have never experienced such a system in their life, and thus they are in panic mode.


And there are plenty of people who have experienced such systems throughout the years that they have been gamers.


Whether or not you like or dislike the levelsync system, it should not be optional. You simply can not have two different tiers of relative game difficulty that offer the same level of reward. The only way to make it even close to equitable is to severely gimp the benefits of not being levelsync'd. Or you just scrap the whole levelsync system, and at this point I assume it's far too late for that.

And yet, plenty of games have been able to do optional systems with no problems at all. No one here expects to get the better synced rewards for playing unsynced. That is a strawman argument when it comes to the terms of this discussion.

Edited by TravelersWay
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And making it optional does not change that one iota.



Other than being a complete logistical headache? what, you want a kiosk similar to the gsi and bolster, or an opt in button when you are present on the planet?


If the later, as some have suggested, you will see players derp off until they get to the location they need to be at to participate in whatever the hell it is that is so important that this topic exists in the first place, toggle the sync, complete objective, then toggle off again.


Now you have to deal with crafting the system to distinguish who qualifies for credit if for example we are talking about WBs, or create counter measures to penalize or outright prohibit un synced players from even having the option to engage in combat at all. Assuming they do something more with conquest than this is 10x as problematic.


If it's a kiosk that you can go to at the landing pad of a planet that syncs you down, ok sure but the issue with tagging mobs is still a thing, arguably a very minor or moot one even, but regardless of that why the hell is a lvl 65 player going to be farming low level mobs in the first place.


You are under valuing the importance of consistency with a system like this.


All I'm hearing is "make it optional so that if for whatever reason I feel the need to go back to DK for a datacron or acheivment, I won't be inconvenienced by mob aggro, despite it creating a speed bump for the development to work around"


Not making it optional keeps everything consistent, let's BW know for sure that events or systems added won't have any issues as far as player strength and planet relevance is concerned, and most of all, adds "game" back into the actual game.


It seems there are a few mentalities here, those feel this forced sync is BW taking something away from the player that they earned and or feel entitled to and those that simply see levels in an mmo like this as a means to an end in order to participate in the games various activities and offerings.

Edited by Exeeter
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1.Have you been reading this post. Honestly optional supporter talk about having to group. It was clearly stated that you should be able to solo Heroics if you play smart. People have said levels won't matter. But high higher level will effect game play because you will have more abilities and more passive. People who support level-sync make claims it will increase group etc. Nothing has been said that would support that either. So no we can't discuss it informed because people are too set in their opinion they make up facts to try to get their point.

The primary reason it was implemented was to offset the permanent and mandatory increased leveling speed they will implement along with 4.0. Sort of a 12x XP light without the White Acute Module to be able to opt out of the increased XP gains. The level syncing is a half-assed attempt to make up for the lack of the WAM option. It fails in that regard because the core reason people wanted to opt out of 2x and 12x was because of they want to control the pace of their leveling and how much or how little they are over-leveled for any particular piece of content at any particular piece of time.


2. We don't know the full mechanics of the said change so it might not able to be made optional. Heck it might be key to the planned future of the game. You have no idea the reasoning for it being mandatory so to say it has to be optional is just an opinion based on no information.

True we don't know the full mechanics, but there are plenty of games out there with many variations of this system, so it's not all that difficult to make educated guesses about how it will play out here in this game. Likewise, nothing about future content prevents the system from being optional because of all those examples we have.


3. There is almost no down side to this except I don't like it from the post I have seen. Mikey said he didn't like Life cereal Sam I am said he didn't like green eggs and ham. Again until you actually know how it works you really have no clue how much it effects your play.

You know, I have been playing games since before there were CRPGs. I have a pretty good handle on what I like and what I don't like in terms of my personal playstyle and the gameplay offered by any game. As I said above, we have plenty examples of this system to be found. I don't need to keep eating spinach from each and every different company that produces spinach products to know that it will never appeal to me.


4. Options aren't always better especially in games. In fact limiting the level game on a planet allows them to focus on getting the planet balance and spawn rate right. If you allow a huge disparity this can cause issue with balance and spawn rate. Warhammer if you got flagged PvP in a area where you were too high of level you got turned into a chicken with 1 hit point.

PvP is an entirely separate matter and there have been solutions presented that prevent ganking much more simply and effeciently than forced level scaling does. You know what I find amazing? That games have been able to do a pretty good job creating leveling content without a level syncing system at all, or by having an optional one.


The problem is there is no intelligent discussion when people discuss thing from a point of ignorance and closed mindedness. We saw 3 fights of character with no passive not fully geared where he was 4 level above what he was fighting. I am sorry that isn't any information. That being said yes we know what changes but we don't know how much it changes or what determines it.

Well the blog post, while not very detailed or specific, still gives us enough information to understand how this system will work. However, there are a lot of unanswered questions - like how the level syncing will affect planetary bonus missions and the class missions that return you to a higher level area on a low level planet. Glaring omissions of information by BioWare in my book.


The minute detail are everything because that is how the system works. They also determining if the system will work or not. The only ones the minute details don't matter to are people who are disagreeing or agreeing because of a belief that the system is good or bad. People who are coming from a point of belief are not usually ration about said belief so have no business in an intelligent discussion.

Yes, there are minute details, like I mentioned, that are still unknown at this point that we should absolutely know. However, enough is known, and many gamers here have had plenty of experience where there can be, and there most certainly has been, a good and intelligent discussion on the merits of the system being forced in this game (the trolls on both sides of the equation beside the point).


I think making it optional is the worst idea. You don't make a system like that optional you either do it or you don't. It mess too much with balance. There is a better chance for bugs and exploits in an optional system.

And yet, there are plenty of other games out there with downleveling/mentoring systems that are completely optional, and those games have no problems with it being optional. There is absolutely no better chance for bugs and exploits if the system is optional as compared to forced. Bugs and exploits will be there regardless of the system of changes that BioWare puts in. Part of that is the unavoidable facts of game design; part of it is also BioWare's complete lack of proper testing and vetting procedures for major changes in game mechanics like this.


Without knowing the system I can't say if it will be good or bad. The concept is good for the growth of the game.

Even knowing the system we still can't say if it will ultimately be good or bad for the long term health of SWTOR. The concept can be good for the growth of the game if it was optional as well - and optional may in fact be even better for growth than mandatory.



Besides studies show that options only decrease enjoyment not increase it.

A strawman that is affected by a great many factors and really no bears no fruits for the subject of this discussion.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Why is there this overwhelming need to control how others play by some players. If someone wants the option to not use it then that should be their choice. No one is going to be forced to option out. So those that choose the new system can use it till their heart is content. I going to use it but that is my choice. Someone doesn't want to it is theirs.

It isn't that complicated.

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This is a lazy change and will make going to the different plants exactly like it is in GW2. If they are hellbent on doing this I would suggest make it server specific. Let everyone who doesn't want it on one server and then the rest of the peeps who want it on another. Then everyone is happy.


Or make each planet have a version of the zone with level sync and the other not.


Sadly I have 2 months still on my account which I have already cancelled. If I could get those two months back I would ;P



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I don't care, so long as it is OPTIONAL. I for one like using my level 60 Sith characters to go back to low level planets after a hard day at work (I have a life) with incompetent coworkers, and slaughter thousands of Jedi effortlessly. That is my venting method. I enjoy being the level 60 "Godzilla" Sith that I am, and slaughtering everything lower level. I am NOT a world-boss farmer, the respawn time makes that too difficult so I never did that. I just like being able to mass-murder Jedi NPC's BY MYSELF. That's all. Level-synching would take away my venting method. I don't want that. If this gets implemented it MUST be optional.
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I dislike forced level sync and canceled my sub because of it.


Screen shot a pic of your account showing it is canceled.


You are so upset, you are still have the refer link in your sign, rather than showing dislike for this topic, and screen of your canceling.


I suspect most of you all claiming to have canceled, haven't and won't. And not one of you have been willing to prove it with screen shots.

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Screen shot a pic of your account showing it is canceled.


You are so upset, you are still have the refer link in your sign, rather than showing dislike for this topic, and screen of your canceling.


I suspect most of you all claiming to have canceled, haven't and won't. And not one of you have been willing to prove it with screen shots.


Ahh, so all those people who supposedly cancelled their subs in the months following launch actually didn't cancel their subs? All those PvPers who left in the two or three mass exoduses over the last four years didn't cancel either? All those Raiders who cancelled after the announcement of no new Ops until 2016 also didn't really cancel their subs?


In fact, it must have been a conspiracy perpetuated by BW so that they could launch their F2P initiative and force the dreadful CM upon us all. And then they can make claims about all these player who magically appeared after F2P. My Goodness man, you have just uncovered the biggest conspiracy in the history of all of gaming!!


Because I don't recall ever seeing a screen shot of somebody cancelling in the four years I have been playing this game. Not that it would matter, I suppose - you would just claim it was photoshopped.

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Screen shot a pic of your account showing it is canceled.


You are so upset, you are still have the refer link in your sign, rather than showing dislike for this topic, and screen of your canceling.


I suspect most of you all claiming to have canceled, haven't and won't. And not one of you have been willing to prove it with screen shots.


If you check my post history you'll see I'm not posting constantly in these threads. I spend most of my time in the story and star wars discussion. Now with that out of the way I'd like to point out I have quite a bit of extra tinfoil in my cabinet. Would you like some?

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Screen shot a pic of your account showing it is canceled.


You are so upset, you are still have the refer link in your sign, rather than showing dislike for this topic, and screen of your canceling.


I suspect most of you all claiming to have canceled, haven't and won't. And not one of you have been willing to prove it with screen shots.


Personally i'm not going to cancel my sub. I'm just not going to renew it when it's up. I thought this level sync thingy was the last nail in my coffin, but i was actually wrong about that. The new crafting changes actually drove that nail even more deeper. Well some of the changes seem good, but losing all the gazillion of purple schematics re-engineered during the last four years just makes my wanna bang my head to the wall until the wall or my head breaks.


I'm still not cancelling though, and no, you cannot have my gear. I'm just going to stop playing and paying as soon as i've seen the kotfe story through.

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Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting.


And if you don´t want to fight? No way out! Boring like in GW2!


Bye Bye old Planets! No more HK51 search, without: Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting.


No more Datcron search without: Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting.


Thank you levelsync!:D

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And another slot clears for the new player coming in who subs because they like the change.


Too much negative going on with the down leveling in combination with the other things recently mentioned that are also drawing a lot of negativity to SWTOR to be a real sell if you ask me. New or old. Time will tell of course as SW tends to bring in some no matter what. New and old gamers might stay or come to see the story and then see the massive dead end this game has turned into.

Edited by Quraswren
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I don't like the level sync one bit. From what I gather BW's primary agenda is to recycle old boring content (Heroics) into dailies and make them so that you need to grind them to re-acquire old companions.


I may be wrong about this, but this is what I believe based on the tidbits on info available (both official and datamined). Taking stuff away from people and asking them to grind old content to get the back is absolutely despicable.


Regardless of whether the above is true or not (and judging by things its probably true). I do not like the forced downscaling and if it is indeed as bad as I believe it to be I will quit the game. Id unsub in protest now, but I use GTCs and my sub doesnt expire for another 2 months or so; but if I dont like what I see in KOTFE im out.


Ive been subbed in this game continuously since Beta and launch, and the only time I ever unsubbed was to protest that time BW raised repair costs to insane levels (which they quickly backtracked after all the unsubs); though KOTFE is quickly sounding like the worst expansion ever so if it turns out to be as bad as it seems, this will be the proverbial straw. for me :(

Edited by BaronV
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I am a founder. I have played since launch as a sub. Because of mandatory level sync, my interest in the game has greatly diminished. I am seriously considering not renewing my sub. I could live with an optional sync, but not mandatory. What is the use of leveling now?


This comment largely echoes my thoughts on the matter. If it is as bad as I think it will be, I will not be renewing my sub.


At most I will be going to planets even less frequently. I have no interest in fighting mountains of trash mobs getting from A to B, so I guess I will just be spending even more time on the fleet - to hell with grinding to get back old companions, doing achievements or anything else that requires me to go to a low planet. (except maybe a special event).


What this forced downscaling does for me is to add tedium and thus reduce the attractiveness of doing anything on a lower level planet - effectively reducing content in the game for me. I see no reason I should continue to pay my sub.

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All of you who are complaining must be new to MMOs.... that being said, if you aren't new to MMOs than you would realize the investments (whether it be time, money, etc etc) that's now being rendered either entirely or wholly obsolete was inevitable. Therefore, you dug your own hole. In addition, to those who think 4.0 is gonna kill the game.... Stop being politicians. The game is not gonna die.... If anything, it's gonna die FOR YOU. That being said, the game doesn't revolve around you regardless if what you want is a mass shared opinion. So long as the new players coming in balance out the, excuse the language, *****-quitters, than there's nothing to get upset over. Now in terms of how badly things are being rendered obsolete or useless.... It could be MUCH worse. *cough* STO *cough*. Long story short, what are you all complaining about? All this uppity rabble is entirely frivolous. Of those who choose to complain, half say the devs don't care.... than what's the point?..... and the other half hope to force change around their collective but subjective concept of fun.... So I ask you look back to my original point. It's simple, either you play 4.0 or you don't. YOUR decision is nobody else's business and neither are your reasons. So, simply, play or don't.
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