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  1. You realize, this will completely negate the Weekly missions you implemented just last expansion on Yavin 4. There's little reason for me to run through the weekly missions for my full set of companion armor when armor no longer matters.
  2. I know Jedi aren't supposed to care about money, but I'm honestly worried about my main here. She's an artificer, and you've stripped away the one thing she does more than anything. Artificers main markets are Enhancements, Dyes, Crystals, and Lightsabers, and you're taking the Enhancements, so let's take a look at what we're left with: Lightsabers people buy once and then use forever. It's like selling Crocs, the only people willing to pay for them only pay for them once. Unlike blasters, it's actually a bit difficult to see what kind of lightsaber you or someone else is carrying in the heat of battle, so design isn't as big a factor here. Add to that a new style of lightsaber comes out with every Cartel Pack, flooding the GTN with sabers. Unless you're willing to remove Lightsabers (and consequently all weapons) from the Cartel Packs and replace them with their appropriate schematic, there's really no point in trying to make money with these. Tradeskill-crafted Crystals can't keep up with the Cartel Market at all. Why should I keep spending credits upgrading my crystal to a slightly better one when I can buy a Cartel Crystal at level 10 secure in the knowledge that it is stronger than anything Artificers can produce below level 50? Artificers get a lock on the top three base colors, Red, Green, and Blue, but the Cartel Market has the entire rainbow in their pocket, not to mention multi-color crystals. I've got a Lime Green Crystal that does +41 Endurance and can be used by any character over level 10. 240 Cartel Coins means I can give as many copies of that crystal to my characters as I choose, so where's the incentive to upgrade? Unless Crystals are getting a major overhaul in 4.0, there is still little reason to make these. Dyes have always been a limited ability for us. All Dye combinations we can craft are overshadowed by the Cartel Market. The Hutts have a near monopoly on the colors Red and Black, for example. If Artificers are to be made market viable after removing Enhancements, this is where that change needs to be. Open the entire spectrum to us. Let us make the same colors as are available on the Cartel Market, or even better, let us make both Primary and Secondary Dyes for the whole spectrum, and then combine them as we choose. I'm going to withhold criticism until I see what you're implementing, but you see where my fears lie.
  3. I know, but if it's something new, I want to know about it. I just don't want to have to scroll through all of them to get to it. I figure a check mark saying "I've read this" that doesn't get reset when the Tutorial is updated would be useful.
  4. With one of the recent patches, half my characters got their entire tutorial menu reset. I was thinking it would probably be a good idea to put in a checkbox option on the menu, so that when this happens, rather than have to click through 60-odd pages to get that jumping question mark to go away, we could just have a "Mark as Read" option and apply it to the selected tutorials.
  5. Honestly, this shouldn't be necessary. My Twi'lek Jedi has never had to worry about a hood. Head tails trump all. None of the robes I wear have hoods, but when i put that same robe on another character the hood reappears. I don't see why there isn't an option to switch the meshes so that everyone can use the head-tail friendly version.
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