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Everything posted by Damoncord

  1. Dunno when it was changed but Military Gear gives more influence than Weapons now.
  2. I haven't played in a while, but when I logged in today I noticed a red mark above my companion's picture. It looked at first like the broken gear icon but when I moused over the red mark it it said something about not being eligible for her gear. She was wearing a full suit of Cartel armor, but it was saying that her Ashara's Lightsaber was no longer eligible. Everything but the Ashara's Lightsaber was an empty mold since I knew they didn't get stats, and her lightsabers only had the color crystals in them. I'm worried that if I go to change her gear I will not be able to put it back. Does anyone know if this was intended or will they fix it?
  3. Best low level way I found of making credits was selling the Cartel Market stuff. The packs could be hit or miss depending on what was in them and how long the pack had been around, the most steady value I found was selling character slots or Account wide unlocks. Higher level characters get a LOT more credits for doing the heroics, and it multiplies based on how many are in group doing them together. And Yes you can lose your account for buying or selling credits.
  4. The idea is now you will get exp and level appropriate rewards while you do his mission for him. Personally if I was helping one of my friends do stuff like this I had a character that was at the same level and point in story, but that's just me.
  5. And that's from the TINY chunk of the playerbase that actually go to the forums. As I said most of the people I asked had NO IDEA of the changes.
  6. Just for curiosity the last week I've been popping onto fleet and asking what people think of the 4.0 changes, Most have no idea what the changes are at first, and if I mention the Forums a large part say they don't wanna go to the forums to learn more. I've seen a few who liked the idea of Level Sync but MOST of the people who had heard of it HATED the idea. For the record Almost everyone was unsure on the crafting changes if it would be good or bad, and they LOVED the idea of the Datacrons going to Legacy.
  7. Honestly If I wanted something like the level sync I'd go play Guild Wars 2. If I'm over leveled I don't want trash mobs to be a challenge. I worked hard to get as powerful as I am so I could walk through the mooks swatting them down how ever I felt like. Level Sync to me says it doesn't matter how big you are we want you at THIS power level to go into this area no matter what YOU(The player) wants. If I'm paying for a game don't slap me in the face and tell me how I want to play the game is wrong unless I'm breaking the EULA/Rules.
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