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Mandatory Level Sync, dumbest idea ever...No POINT in having a level based system.


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"News broke yesterday that after a long struggle against the concept, Star Wars: The Old Republic was going free-to-play until level 50. The switch aims to reverse a flow of exiting users, tired of the game and more pressingly, not believing it to be worth a monthly fee." Forbes: Five Lessons Learned as SWTOR Surrenders


"Once upon a time, way back in 2011, there was another MMO that swore it could compete with World of Warcraft and still charge a monthly subscription thanks to its rabid and devoted fanbase. Star Wars: The Old Republic also boasted a $200M budget, and was based on most beloved series in pop culture history as an added bonus. But even Star Wars wasn’t enough to convince The Old Republic players that the game was worth a monthly fee." Forbes: Predicting The Biggest Video Game Disaster Of 2014: The Elder Scrolls Online

what does any of this have to do with anything that i've said?

I remember they posted about their data showing that most people played the story, and some tried flashpoints and ops, iow, they did not exhaust post-story content, they barely touched it. People play for the outstanding parts of SWToR, the class stories. BW is merely adjusting to their data.
you're making a conclusion based on data. it's an interpretation. if you think it's the only interpretation, then i hope for your sake you never have to run a business.

I am one of them, I get sucked into the story and I don't have the time to do flashpoints, or heroics, because I want to know what is going to happen next. Now I can go back and do the heroics, the flashpoints, everything that I did not try yet and every hour I spend in the game is an hour where I could decide to buy something from the Cartel Market. That is their profit.
ok...? i'm not sure what anyone is supposed to say. that's how you play the game...and i hope you enjoy it.

And of the few people that do post, most do not post about their happy-experiences with the game. Stop denying the obvious.
nothing is obvious. stop drawing conclusions that support your opinions. people posting or not posting doesnt quantify anything. i would be foolish to come here and claim "everyone just quit and wont want to post on the forums".

That is, so it appears, as planned. You sub only to 'get' the content then
new content, yes.
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*cough* Bull *cough*....

You did not ask me...so no you have no power as your statement was based on a fallacy... :p


No no no...I did though...I logged in, typed out "Hey slackers, I'm speaking for you. If you don't want me to, speak now or shut up!"...nobody said anything Capt. ;)

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No no no...I did though...I logged in, typed out "Hey slackers, I'm speaking for you. If you don't want me to, speak now or shut up!"...nobody said anything Capt. ;)
as it's already been stated, silence is agreement so i think you win sir
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No no no...I did though...I logged in, typed out "Hey slackers, I'm speaking for you. If you don't want me to, speak now or shut up!"...nobody said anything Capt. ;)


Speaking to an empty "room" does not mean you've said anything as there was no one to prove it one way or the other... ;) But nice try Tux. *biting my tongue from calling you, your "nickname"*

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Seriously, whoever came up with this should just be outright fired. What's the point of levels now? You're just going to be brought up/down to be on par with the mobs.[/Quote]

Seriously, you should have thought about this a couple of minutes before flaming the developers.


It does make sense in a couple of ways.

You could have recognized that if you had thought about it.


One of them is that you always get a decent amount of XP when killing a mob.


OK, you can not steal a lollipop from a Baby anymore, like you did before...

So it does make sense in a couple of ways!


Why would you go to a 'low Level planet' anyways?!


This change has nothing to do with difficulty and is completely asinine. Some of us like to go back to old stuff and farm it for credits/kill time/etc...[/Quote]

Maybe that's what they did NOT want to anymore?!

Maybe they have an Agenda?!

Maybe they thought about how cool it would be when you could Level your Level 55 char with a friends Level 20 char?!


And levelsync is nothing new - Final Fantasy 14 has it for a while, though for their 'Flashpoints'...


I actually had no complaints about changes we've heard coming in KotFE until this. forcing it on players isn't just a plain crap thing to do but doesn't make sense in a LEVEL DRIVEN GAME. you might as well just remove all Experience and Levels at this point.[/Quote]

What the hell is your Problem?!

Are you one of the guys who grind with a high Level char on a low Level planet?!

Why would you do that?! There are other ways to spend your time in an MMO...


And that's why you Play an MMO:

You have time you don't want to do anything useful with it...


Idiotic..completely idiotic.

No it is not.

It makes sense and has some Advantages..

But you may not kill a world boss alone anymore. So some sacrifices had to be made. So what?!

Be a man - deal with it!

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what does any of this have to do with anything that i've said?


I'll provide the context:




Their biggest mistake was to go for a subscription model. That cost them millions of players who never even tried because of the monthly fee.

or it was having no endgame content and everyone left...or because they are wow addicts. or because maybe they didnt like it. there are a million reasons but it sounds like you made up your mind already so you already have the answers.


you're making a conclusion based on data. it's an interpretation. if you think it's the only interpretation, then i hope for your sake you never have to run a business.

It's their data and their conclusion. But it seems it certainly does not support your interpretation.


nothing is obvious.

It's obvious that the people posting here do not represent the entire population of players. So nothing of what is claimed here in terms of numbers or votes, can be extrapolated to the entire player population.

Off course, if you insist doing numbers, there are about 500000 subscribers (last number I heard), if 140 of them are having enough of a problem with level-sync to voice their opinion, then that is really of no significance at all.


Edit: I'll just quote you:


as it's already been stated, silence is agreement so i think you win sir


That goes for all the players that did not speak out against level-sync? ;):D:p

Edited by nimmerstil
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Let's be honest, Planetary Level Syncing is a minor bump in the road for max level Players. So ya won't be able to make your farming runs in record time, big deal. :p


People leveling toons will see many benefits.


- World Bosses won't be soloed by a single, selfish high level with a Rambo complex. Shucks, you'll need a Group for that. This means greater opportunity for everyone to get the Achievements, as well as any Mission objectives tied into taking them down.


- High levels won't be able to run around and farm nodes out from under their noses as quickly. That means more opportunity to keep progressing toward their own Crafting goals.


- World PvP on Contested Planets against much higher levels won't be comprised of them running at you, hitting you once with auto-attack to kill you and moving on. At least you have a chance to fight back now. This will help expedite the process of achieving Conquest goals related to PvP as well since the chance of a kill will be higher for anyone in that level range.


- Even if you're scaled down you get experience relative to your real level, helping your buddies on a lower level Planet with Missions will net you the same experience as doing Missions on your current Planet. Kind of wish they boosted the Credit reward for those who are already capped, and past Legacy level 50.


- As long as you're still leveling, Missions on any Planet are a valid way to continue leveling.


- Groups with a high level or two won't suffer heavy experience drops and the lower levels will even be able to contribute to encounters. No more snooze fest of just following the path of destruction and picking up Loot, you get to be a part of making that path.


- Most [Heroic 2+] Missions will still be easy to solo I wager, especially since Companions will now have Healing/Tank and DPS specs you can change on the fly. By all means though, get a Group going and get those Social Points. You might actually visit a Social Items Vendor other than the one on Coruscant just to complete the Intro Mission. You can go back to being a hermit when it's all over, I promise.


To me, there are far too many good things that Planetary Level Syncing brings to the table to be bothered about a few minutes of time lost farming low level Crafting materials. I'm looking forward to it. :)

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So one of the "advantages" of level-sync is that 60's cannot steal a WB from a group.

a) How often has that ever happened?

b) Have any of you TRIED to get a group together to fight a WB? I have numerous times over the last month. It is damned near impossible since only a few people want to take on the WB. So what in 4.0 is going to change THAT?

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Is it Eugene? I bet it's Eugene. It's always Eugene.


ROFL No it's not, but I actually have a good friend who's middle name is Eugene. lol His first name is unusual too. He goes by a nickname. Like 98% it seems like only know him by his nickname too.

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It's a great feature and it improves the relevance and fulfillment of doing older content. I'm glad Bioware is sticking to their guns and keeping the feature because listening to the "community" would be a terrible idea. Look at WoW. I trust the developers of the game more to make the decisions in regards to the direction of the game, rather than some crybabies that don't even make up 1% of the entire playerbase.


Oh look!!! Iffyluse magically has statistics and calculations NO other player in the game has... Must be a Bioware developer. No? Then must be full of crap.


You don't know what the population is; as others have stated, your conclusions are flawed and you ASSUME someone not coming to the forums to post is a vote in favor of this change. You can't prove that. You can't prove any of what you're saying. You're making a whole lot of assumptions though and pretending that they're "statistics" (for those of us who actually have taken and passed Business Statistics, your conclusion is illogical, filled with irrational variables and conclusional bias and your standard deviation is far too broad) are accurate.


I can pull numbers out of thin air too. It doesn't add any credibility to what you type, and it actually makes your conclusions lose any weight at all in the discussion.


Each statement I make can be quantified, and in the name of fairness, I directly call out any flaws in my logic. For example. you might in fact be a BW developer and have the "magical numbers". But statistically, it's X number of employees at BW:A divided by the entire world population. My assumption that you're not is well within the realm of likelihood. Now THOSE are facts... See the difference?

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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I never farm low lvl planets but I will still shed a tear when this change happens simply because it is really rewarding when you go back to a low lvl planet to help a friend with something or for whatever reason and you feel like a real Jedi or Sith. When my fully lvld/geared Sith walks by those low lvl NPCs that used to try and kill me they now just cower in fear! and if they are ever stupid enough to take a shot I just redirect the bolt back at em with a flip of the wrist and they are all dead... it is really rewarding and fun and I think it is sad they are taking that away simply because they want to stop people from farming.
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So one of the "advantages" of level-sync is that 60's cannot steal a WB from a group.

a) How often has that ever happened?

b) Have any of you TRIED to get a group together to fight a WB? I have numerous times over the last month. It is damned near impossible since only a few people want to take on the WB. So what in 4.0 is going to change THAT?


Seems to happen a lot on Harbinger, but it's a heavier populated server. The fact that they can't solo a WB is going to drive up the need to be in a Group, so all the people that used to cruise around and solo them will need one. WB Groups will increase, it might not be a fantastic increase but it will. You'll encounter a living WB more often, driving the opportunity to group and kill one up even further.


There's at least one Event (Relics of the Gree) and I believe Conquest goals that involve WB takedowns. Perhaps if there were more of those, it would help as well but I don't see that in 4.0 directly.


So even if you don't see how many 60s solo a WB (often you're not in the area or it hasn't respawned) that ability is no longer available. It's not everyone's cup of tea but there will be an improvement in that regard. :)

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So one of the "advantages" of level-sync is that 60's cannot steal a WB from a group.

a) How often has that ever happened?

b) Have any of you TRIED to get a group together to fight a WB? I have numerous times over the last month. It is damned near impossible since only a few people want to take on the WB. So what in 4.0 is going to change THAT?


Unknown, back in the day one of the things a couple of guilds I was in did to get people together was go after some wb's it was one of the few things you could do with new low level members since there was no mentoring system, tactical fps that scaled them, or gsf. It wasn't just 2 of the guilds I was in, other guilds did wb too, more than once we'd run into another guild or group of randoms and even the occasional solo player taking on the wb.


More recently trapjaw and rgl whatever on nar shaddaa are point targets for conquest so people solo them quite a bit.


I disagree that it really was such a big deal to warrant mandatory level sync, ie the solution is so much more than was needed to solve this supposed horrible problem if we accept that it was a huge problem. The solution simply could be to have the wb require x people, or one shot single players etc.


As far as trying to get a group together to fight the wb, when I was leveling and people asked the first few times I went (years ago) saw it was pretty much a waste of time. I'd hang around with 5-10 other people or less as the others gathered up before the leader usually a high level player took on the wb and the loot/credits were lame. I could've made more crafting and running my own missions and not wasted the time standing around waiting for people to showup.


Of late it has been 12x class xp, so why bother with the wb? I did a good number of them if not them all, probably missed some but I really don't care.


I can guess that with 4.0 the fact that no one CAN solo the wb means that if anyone wants to take one down then they have to solicit others to help and while they do that no one will show up and take it down, So it won't directly make people suddenly go hey I should take down the wb but if they care or are interested there is a greater chance the boss will be up and in the force scaled system that they are more integral to the process. Unlike myself way back when and the lowbies my past guilds took along for the ride everyone will be 'useful' as opposed to half a dozen players just sort of there while one or two high levels do the brunt of the work.


I guess the problem then remains is are the rewards worth it? I doubt it as I said I did several when I was the right level for the planet and the loot was pretty meh. Who knows if they do more stuff with wb and conquest and have better rewards maybe it will be worth it to more people, probably that's the only real draw with 4.0 conquest and you can't do it alone.

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Yes I'm sure calling Bioware dumb and idiotic really hurt their feelings. Bioware's employees are probably wiping away their tears with wads of $1,000 bills they made from making all their highly successful and widely popular games.


And level sync isn't just Bioware's idea. For instance Bathesda uses it in their Elder Scrolls Games where the mobs all level with the player. And no one thinks any of the elder scrolls games are fun, right?

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For instance Bathesda uses it in their Elder Scrolls Games where the mobs all level with the player. And no one thinks any of the elder scrolls games are fun, right?


Total off topic: I love Morrowind but couldn't get into Oblivion and Skyrim because of level sync. I keep redoing another run of Morrowind, even right now.


Since you mentioned Elder Scrolls, do you know of any mod that un-sync's levels? I've tried Google and some board recommendations, but Norton either blocks the website or blocks the files themselves as suspect. Ditto the recommendations on ES boards...


Thank you.

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