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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Funny, how many of your people supported the individuals who wanted an option to be able to group with people in the new expansion and have it count once without them having to do it twice. What did 90% of you tell them? Can't recall well I can as most of you that saw the posts essentially told them to get over it and that bioware doesn't have time to put in an option just for you, but now the tables have turned and you want an option. What is fair for one group is fair for another group.


Maybe consider that the next time you all tell someone that there is no need for an option for their playstyle as sometimes it will come back around to you as well.


I don't care either way since I solo most things but I normally support options but from past history I have read and saw the posts from people that told these individuals to deal with it so why should I go out of my way to support what you want since you couldn't do it for another group.


Fair is fair after all.


This is my opinion to be honest lol. I don't really care but when the same people told Pvpers to stuff it about new maps, PvErs to stop asking for Operations cause Raiders literally Kephess, People who duo/group with friends and SO for Story missions to take a hike when wanting to group for story, and Etc it's ironic that they stamp their feet even harder and claim majority. I really think most are AFK Conquest crafters crying they can't farm low level matts anymore.


TLDR: I'm excited for Level Synch and relevant rewards, but can care less if they provide a toggle although mandatory for hypocrites is oh so delicious.:rak_03:

Edited by FerkWork
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Never claimed that, kid.


So you didn't claim this? :rolleyes:


The majority of players on Harb and Shadowlands are against this. 2 of most populated servers. Again, Bioware states they listen to the community. So if it's forums they listen to, then they are delusional. If it's chat, still delusional because no matter what front you see it as, the majority of whatever front are in distaste of this level sync. Spin it how you want, it ultimately means bioware isn't listening lol.


Again, where's your documented proof, kid.

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You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.[/quote


The people that use and make comments on the forums are a Minority. So if your basing your belief that the majority don't like Level-sync from the forums your making a mistake. I'm personally at a wait and see. I see it can have a positive affect on the game by allowing people to level together more effectively regardless of the level difference, but if it makes doing the dailies take longer, I won't really like it that much. I don't go to older planets personally unless I'm doing my dailies anyway.


If the ppl that speak are a minority, yet bioware says they here the majority, but the "majority" does not speak, and no one has mind reading powers at bioware, then tell me how it makes sense.

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Planet Level Sync






I will just buy a level 60 and skip 99.99% of the (original) below level 60 story content, flashpoints, and operations.




Not a problem. Once I get my level 60 character, through the c-market, I will just play the (new) over level 60 content. After I am done playing the new content, I will just let my subscription expire and leave. I will come back when you have another expansion.


Why go back to level 32 when you gave us a passport to level 60?




BioWare might as well delete the below level 60 story content, for the vast majority of the players will just buy level 60 characters. Level 60 will become to new level 1.


Since you will be able to buy level 60 characters, I don't see why anyone would bother with under level 60 content.


During the past few weeks, BioWare has spoiled all of the below level 60 story content.


Who cares at this point? Its gone.


If I didn't know any better, I would say this game is coming to an end.

This means that anything below level 65 is basically obsolete and level 65 gear is useless because it can only be used on level 65 planets, on all other planets your gear will be like wearing green level 30 or something which makes gear totally obsolete, also levels are now totally obsolete as you will be down scaled anyway if you want it or not.


From the blog:

Killing level 30 mobs, you will gain experience appropriate for being a level 60.


So this is totally useless, now even more, i don't even get any XP from it.

Edited by -Spc
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This is my opinion to be honest lol. I don't really care but when the same people told Pvpers to stuff it about new maps, PvErs to stop asking for Operations cause Raiders literally Kephess, People who duo/group with friends and SO for Story missions to take a hike when wanting to group for story, and Etc it's ironic that they stamp their feet even harder and claim majority. I really think most are AFK Conquest crafters crying they can't farm low level matts anymore.


TLDR: I do like but can care less if they toggle it although mandatory for hypocrites is oh so delicious.:rak_03:


Very true. Sometimes you need to be careful how or what you tell others or it will come back around and bite you.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community


A handful of people posting over and over and over isn't the community. And people who are ok with level sync aren't going to post much about it because we know its pointless to try and argue with deranged people.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread.


Yes, but as others have pointed out the members of the player base that post here is a small fraction. Further, if you go through the massive thread that you mentioned, you'll actually find that the count is skewed because some people are posting multiple times and there are many that are counter-balancing the point of view.


So even in that one thread, you have to count the individuals who don't want it (minus those who are on the fence or who are happy with it). And then still factor in that you are dealing with a minority of the player base of the game.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc...


If the feature was a forgone conclusion from the developer/business side of things, then no amount of feedback would have mattered. It seems that Bioware is considering this implementation an active strategy for going forward with the game. That means it likely had high degree of business priority for them and, as such, would likely not have changed one whit based on feedback.


So all that would have happened was that feedback would have been gathered ... and then ignored. Thus people would have gotten ticked off at that too. One can imagine all the complaints of: "Why did you bother asking us if you were going to do it anyway?!?!"


it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community.


I have not heard Bioware claim that they implemented this because it's what the community wants. Have they said that? I'm honestly asking that and not saying you are incorrect. I really don't know. I would be a bit surprised if they outright made that claim, for the same reasons that people here can't claim the "majority" of players don't want this. By the same logic, I don't see how Bioware could say the "majority" of players do.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:


Agreed on your points here. This is an area where the Bioware community team consistently falls down, I'm sorry to say. They simply don't seem to anticipate the logical questions that people will have about a given feature. Not only do they not anticipate and preemptively answer, but it often takes them a long time to figure out that they should answer at all, even if purely in a reactive fashion.

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Dangerous word using clear and facts when you have only conjecture if your intent is to present actionable information. There is a vocal group that does not want it. That is true. It may only be 100 folks or less doing all the spamming of replies. (probably less). How this represents the community as a whole. I have no idea, and neither do you.


So if accuracy is your intent, count the names of folks against it (not the replies)


Do you need documented proof the sky is blue too?

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So a "majority" of the tiny minority of players who post on the forums are against it because reasons.


I really don't see the issue at all you'd have all your powers and abilities,which is MORE than enough for anything on lower level areas. You just won't be able to do it as fast, and you might have to group up now and then. Neither one of those is a big deal or the sub-moronic "Death of SWTOR"



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Did you see the latest blog the devs posted?


Sucks to be you I guess.


I did.

BW makes sure to keep disappointing thats for sure when it comes to down leveling every player in the game.


kinda sucks that a decent feature, screwed up by being forced across the board as some interesting game everyone must do wasn't better implemented.

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community...


No, actually its not obvious. The community on the forums --even including things like Reddit-- is only a tiny percentage of the actual player base and we've repeatedly seen actual real evidence that the forum community is not representative of the player base as a whole.


So... the majority of a tiny non-representative fraction is not really convincing.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc...


Polls for games routinely skew results to the vocal minority of the player base. It's unfair to repeatedly make choices to serve this minority rather than serving the silent majority.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


Yes... a big long list of things that require so little brain power to think of that you'd have to be silly to imagine that you're the first one to consider them. The devs certainly have thought of them, but since you're not part of the dev team, you have zero rights to demand that they explain these things to you.

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So you didn't claim this? :rolleyes:




Again, where's your documented proof, kid.


Those were just the voices in his head.




If the ppl that speak are a minority, yet bioware says they here the majority, but the "majority" does not speak, and no one has mind reading powers at bioware, then tell me how it makes sense.


Watch out, he's using the Chewbacca defense

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I have zero issue with this and fail to see why ppl are getting so upset. Please unsub and go play something else so we don't have to listen to the constant whining and ************.




I can only guess most of the people whining have never actually played a game that does level syncing. It's great. All content remains relevant and playable. No point in rushing to end game.


Grinding mobs for coin /may/ become harder. GTN is going to be a pain in the *** while people figure out what others are really willing to pay.


The real question. Can I get to level 65 never leaving Korriban?

Edited by Haruen
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If the ppl that speak are a minority, yet bioware says they here the majority, but the "majority" does not speak, and no one has mind reading powers at bioware, then tell me how it makes sense.


Mmm? It's a well known fact that bioware consistently sends out surveys, monitors statistical data generated from those populating the servers and host/travels a slew of fan based events. Now it makes sense.

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I have wanted and hoped for this since SWTOR went live. Level sync is literally the single best change they could make to this game. All the planets I like to adventure on, relevant once more! This revitalizes the game on a fundamental level. Can't wait for KOTFE!
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I did.

BW makes sure to keep disappointing thats for sure when it comes to down leveling every player in the game.


kinda sucks that a decent feature, screwed up by being forced across the board as some interesting game everyone must do wasn't better implemented.


You might enjoy it though.

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Yeah, i can gain XP when i head back to planet XY.....

Nobody needs the XP when they reach the lvl cap.


Yeah, i can get rewards like equip.....

Nobody needs crappy equip when they reach the lvl cap and can buy better equip with commendations or get better equip in HC FPs or OPs.


Yeah, i can get credits there....

There are other ways to gain credits.


Yeah, this big bad lvl XY guy who was always ganking me now has a chance to die......

Don´t flag yourself and/or don´t play on a PVP server.


Yeah, nobody who plays solo can steal the WB cause you need a group for it now.....

The lvl XY player has to wait as long as your group for the respawn.


But it´s a WB, it shoudn´t be possible to kill it solo.....

For the little 5 year old boy a man with a rifle is a WB. The same WB-man standing in front of a tank is nothing.


Nobody should be able to one-shot other players or mobs....

See argument above.


Yeah, i can head back and do all the stuff again....

No, you can´t. You can only do the H2/4 Qs again and some repeatable missions.


But i want to play with my lowbie friend....

You can buy another char slot and level up another twink.


But i like this system....

There are as many people who don´t like the system.


But if they make this system optional then nobody will use it.....

The players who like this system will/can use it, the players who don´t like it won´t use it.


For every argument there is a counter-argument.

Only chance they have to make all people happy is to make this system optional!

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Watch out, he's using the Chewbacca defense


You know, I think that actually was the first time I can remember someone actually trying the Chewbacca defense in a non-ironic way.


EDIT: Oh god. The Chewbacca Defense is on Wikipedia. I was totally expecting that link to run off to a South Park Wiki or TVTropes...

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But you are trying to speak for this supposed majority, so by extension you are claiming to be the majority. Or are you in your viewpoint in the minority?


I'm posting an observation. You sir, are dense. Posting an observation does not mean I care one way or the other. Cuz really, Idc if they keep it in game or not, completely indifferent. But I am curious on the specific issues mentioned just for knowledge sake. And your deductive reasoning skills suck. Work on it, kid.

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Yes... a big long list of things that require so little brain power to think of that you'd have to be silly to imagine that you're the first one to consider them. The devs certainly have thought of them, but since you're not part of the dev team, you have zero rights to demand that they explain these things to you.

I don't think it's out of line to politely request more details on how those things will function. I'd much rather have answers straight from the dev team than swirling piles of misinformation being spread because players simply assume that things will work a particular way.

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