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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Do any of you know if the level sync applies to flashpoints and what not? Or is it just planets?


I would be rather sad if I can no longer solo old flashpoints :(


EDIT: Also it was mentioned that they could be solo'd by competent players, does that mean that the old heroics that had mechanics that prevented a single player from doing them are fixed? Like the Heroic 4 in Section X, for example.


I don't recall it being talked about in the stream but I believe that they've previously announced that pretty much all FPs are going tactical. Sadly, you'll no longer be able to solo old ones but - you should be able to find a group for them more easily.

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lol optional, so people can just remove it and carry on roflstomping?




lol, any idea so great that if made optional no one would use it. And what does that really tell you about how bad it is. So bad that if it wasn't forced at best a minority of the playerbase would use it.



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I don't recall saying they're challenging?

You absolutely implied they are to you. You said anyone against this just wants to "roflstomp" npc's, which is what most people do anyway when you're 5 levels above them. "roflstomping" doesn't only occur at 20+ levels above.

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I'm curious, what false reasoning have you seen? I can't say I've ran across anything anyone has said thats just flat out false.


This by itself is an example.


I speak of false reasoning. This is about HOW you come to your conclusion. It doesn't judge whether the conclusion is false or not. A person may be correct by accident for example.


And you ask about something that's flat out false. That's about the conclusion, not the "how you got to it".


That is what I mean, you twisted my comment about how people reason and come to an opinion into the actual opinion itself.

Edited by Tsillah
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We're not all gamer gods like yourself...


Some of us like to, you know, take it easy while we play; have fun, free ourselves from RL woes.


ME too. Love going back to old planets and just rolling through them. Soloing some world boss for a bit of cosmetic gear or credits. Finding that mob on a cliff I can force push off. It's fun and entertaining. It's a bit of relaxation I enjoyed.


that's likely to be decreased somewhat with a forced down leveling BW is doing because of resists and decreased dodging and blocking and extra pulled mobs. All the things that comes with benig a lesser level than what I am

. Thats why I think i optional is the way to go. Forced? Not something I'll ever support.



Then why are you so upset about sync if you see no point in doing the 4y old content anyway? You dont seem to care much, so why stop on my enjoyment if I do want to do it and am happy to get something out of it too. You can chill on fleet while I do alderaan heroics with lowbies :)


So why stomp on someone enjoyment and entertainment they have been doing and enjoying for the last 4 years all so you can be down leveled and force everyone to do the same. There are 2 sides to this. Both side could be happy with an optional choice of down leveling or not.


How does this change lv60 facerolling the content? Just have lv 20 pull and nail it on 60 :p works in tunnels too


If your not in the same group, someone isn't getting a reward. If you're grouped, it scales everyone in the group. Easily solved like I said.


To be fair, having TOO MUCH options is what decreases happiness according to research. Choosing between hm/sm FP or synced/unsynced planet is hardly too much.


You'll have to show that research and what it applies to.


In a game, options are a great success and key to that. SM/HM/NM, solo, group, pvp, story, PVE events and so much more inbetween.

This down leveling things is no different. IT should have been designed as optional from the beginning.


And people were so sure a million things to this day would kill swtor. Kill it I tell you! And they understood the changes, by their words, and oh look its still not dead hmmmm[/quopte]


BW choices nearly did. Brought it to the brink. F2P was their only saving move. BW's choice has harmed this game making sure it's potential is lessened. It's a good F2P game but BW made sure to screw up it's subscription only game by bad choices.


I'm one of the people who disagreed on F2P, today i approve of it as it works fine despite my low expectations. Sure, there is still f2p ninjas and spammers and whathave you but it was a low inconvenience compared to the amount of great players that came in because of it. I am expecting this is how sync will work out too. Half player base terrified, after playing it it prolly wont be as bad as speculated.

If it is, well I promise to come back and complain about it then.


Isn't it great to have choices. F2P, preferred or subscription based. Choices are awesome.

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We're not all gamer gods like yourself...


Some of us like to, you know, take it easy while we play; have fun, free ourselves from RL woes.

I never said I was...and in case you didn't know, I'm against this being mandatory. I feel it should absolutely be made optional. Bioware is risking far more players that are solo/casual than they may think.

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This sentence by itself is an example.


I speak of false reasoning. This is about HOW you come to your conclusion. It doesn't judge whether the conclusion is false or not. A person may be correct by accident for example.


And you ask about something that's flat out false. That's about the conclusion, not the "how you got to it".


That is what I mean, you twisted my comment about how people reason and come to an opinion into the actual opinion itself.


So you got nothing really other than some general could be right could be wrong? I'll note that I guess. :rolleyes:

Edited by Quraswren
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lol, any idea so great that if made optional no one would use it. And what does that really tell you about how bad it is. So bad that if it wasn't forced at best a minority of the playerbase would use it.

This sums it up perfectly to me.


Make it optional and it becomes an amazing new addition to the game...force it upon players and you'll drive some away.

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I do not really see the big issue, all of the soloable content in this game is totally 'faceroll' even if your level is current, the only challenge is soloing flashpoints and heroics, and it looks like you are going to get MORE at your level now than before.


To me that seems a win win situation.


I would also like to request some kind of hardmode/nightmare solo content too for those of us who like soloing between pvp or ops stints, too much of the game is balanced around people who really struggle with the game mechanics i am assuming, it would be nice to see some instances or missions that are balanced around those that really know their class.

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Yea, remember when you had to do dailies at their own level? When Oricon came out at 55 cap? Yea that thing, it already existed.

Really, I dont do dailies either because I find the boring and repetitive as hell. Thats why i dont do them in the first place.... If doing them on your own level is that terrible do something else maybe, solved my problem quite easy, and the money still comes in \o/

What were you doing at lv 50 cap when the only dailies were you own level?


Are you saying that you would prefer it when the daily mobs are same level, the mission is equally boring and repetitive, but now it takes more time due to tougher mobs?

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You absolutely implied they are to you. You said anyone against this just wants to "roflstomp" npc's, which is what most people do anyway when you're 5 levels above them. "roflstomping" doesn't only occur at 20+ levels above.


Yeah that's why at the makeb staged weekly I go pick the heroics and solo them out of my own free will. 5 levels. :)


Or when Rothc went I was hitting the BH H4 on my lonesome also. 5 levels and *H4*


so, no, I didn't imply anything, :)

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This has probably been brought about due to the PvP ganking on some planets, especially when new players enter Outlaws den for example and get flagged.


Guild Wars 2 Level Sync's too - Warhammer turned high level players into a level 1 chicken - I really can't see the problem.

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I still say that I have my suspicions that this is more involved than just stat-scaling and that there are other back end reasons combined with details remaining to be revealed about the Alliance system that make this system non-optional.


Edit: Again, I don't know if I like the system or hate the system. It worked alright enough in GW2 when I messed around with that. I can see some perks. I can see some downsides. I think those leading a campaign to make it optional both have their points and are also being overdramatic on the consequences if it doesn't. I think those blindly praising it are in a similar boat; there seem to be some advantages to it, there is an annoyance in resources being spent making existing content relevant as opposed to new content. Basically... everyone needs to mellow out.

Edited by azudelphi
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This sums it up perfectly to me.


Make it optional and it becomes an amazing new addition to the game...force it upon players and you'll drive some away.


People who leave because of this change weren't contributing much to the game culture anyway. If your not engaged with the end game meta (stories, raiding pvp) why choose swto?r there are other games for you that like dynasty warriors or dayz that are geared toward mindles mob killing and harassing lesser players

Edited by tavrinDosa
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This sums it up perfectly to me.


Make it optional and it becomes an amazing new addition to the game...force it upon players and you'll drive some away.


Exactly, making it mandatory only drives people away whereas the alternative drives away no one. The supporters of the level synch aren't going anywhere regardless. If it was that big of a deal they would have never even started playing the game.

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People who leave because of this change weren't contributing much to the game culture anyway. If your not engaged with the end game meta (stories, reading pvp) why choose swto?r there are other games for you that like dynasty warriors or dayz that are geared toward mindles mob killing and harassing lesser players


Famous last words of many fan boys from dead games.

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So you got nothing really other than could be right could be wrong? I'll note that I guess. :rolleyes:


Incorrect....again. Just like how you incorrectly assumed that I was against the choice option in general... but if you don't even get the difference between an opinion and the reasoning process that leads to an opinion, then, notwithstanding your feeble attempts at deflection, it's perfectly clear to me how to value any of your comments here.

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Alright gonna ask this just the once, read the answers and then walk out.




You get a " gimp yourself " button to your disposal.


Use it? get scaled, give the enemy mobs a shot ( even if minor ) to take you out.


Don't use it? keep being the engine of destruction and mayhem you've been on these underleveled planets as it's been the last 3 years or so.


Now, in all fairness, how many people are honestly going to click on that said button? ;)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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People who leave because of this change weren't contributing much to the game culture anyway. If your not engaged with the end game meta (stories, raiding pvp) why choose swto?r there are other games for you that like dynasty warriors or dayz that are geared toward mindles mob killing and harassing lesser players

How do you know? They may not have been contributing to the social aspect, but maybe they bought Cartel Packs, sold resources, farmed mats, etc...


You don't have to be a raider to contribute.

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Alright gonna ask this just the once, read the answers and then walk out.




You get a " gimp yourself " button to your disposal.


Use it? get scaled, give the enemy mobs a shot ( even if minor ) to take you out.


Don't use it? keep being the engine of destruction and mayhem you've been on these underleveled planets as it's been the last 3 years or so.


Now, in all fairness, how many people are honestly going to click on that said button? ;)

What are the additional factors? Does the gimp button let me do the Tython Heroic and gain standing with the Jedi Order, which eventually lets Satele Shan be a companion (or however the Alliance system lets you get new people)? Does the gimp button let me do a side-mission on Balmorra to pick up a couple extra commendations that week or level an alt by gaining experience? Maybe a quick heroic lets me grab some credits doing something other than the standard dailies?


There are plenty of questions that Bioware needs to answer, but we need to be asking the questions... not having a hissy-fit over a feature that has admittedly some potential.

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