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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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They've changed plenty of thing in the past based on player feedback. Disliking descaling doesn't mean a player dislikes the game bran. They should care because we're customers.


If you stop and think about it for a moment.


Of all of the changes incoming with 4.0, this is possibly the one most contentious issue to split an already fractured game community. It's probably why current subscribers are receiving the game for "free", because BioWare are clinging on to some hope that once people try level sync, that they will literally appreciate being level synced and continue subscribing to the game.


You already know my views on this going into 4.0, along with the other issues the game has. My last subscription is in October, and after that I'm done until I see some effort on BioWare's end to communicate / listen / interact / resolve issues players have with their game.


Level sync is only one factor in the reason I'm not going to continue paying for a product I'll not be having "fun" with, however it's a pretty large factor overall. I'm not interested in the reasoning BioWare wish to give for having it in the game, be it for making gaining "influence" or "reputation" on certain things tied into the 4.0 story or whatever else they wish to come up with.


At least in this one instance, you'll be able to verify that someone has indeed unsubscribed TUXs.


And for everyone who does want level sync, absolutely fine, I hope it makes your own play more "fun". It's the reason we play games. I just hope it doesn't fracture the community so badly it never really recovers (considering the lack of any other real content in 4.0).

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The idea that they would - or could - make this optional, to me, is implausible.


I think you'd do better to realise this isn't SWTOR 4.0. This is KOTOR 3. KOTFE is, seemingly, for better or for worse, a different game. They aren't 'taking something away from you;' they are giving you something different.


Personally, I'll keep my panties untwisted and see what's what on 20 Oct 15 for myself.


And why do you feel it is implausible?


I'm sorry you can't see why people are upset. For those who are attracted to the level based RPG, who enjoy gaining levels, and stats, and power, they are losing a huge part of the game. Yes we are gaining things with the expansion, but we are also losing a huge part of the game. Make it optional and you lose nothing, but also gain the new stuff. It's a complete no brainer.

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And why do you feel it is implausible?


I'm sorry you can't see why people are upset. For those who are attracted to the level based RPG, who enjoy gaining levels, and stats, and power, they are losing a huge part of the game. Yes we are gaining things with the expansion, but we are also losing a huge part of the game. Make it optional and you lose nothing, but also gain the new stuff. It's a complete no brainer.


Nah, you're not losing anything.

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The amount of people is not the current problem. It was the problem at Launch and has since long past (though factions are still unbalanced player amount wise). The current situation is, due to long period of time with no real content to do people started griefing and "achievement hunting", resulting in lowbi farming and killtrading to pass the time. This is a common thing you see people talk about though done is secret as killtrading is supposedly not allowed. Well, plenty of peeps get away with it as we've seen.



Indeed its sad to see PVP servers go down in population. I mean jesus even RP server is heavier half of the time. But the fact is, world pvp is still something true pvpers want to do, and getting jumped is not the problem. Atleast its not for me but I can only speak for myself here. Its rather the corpsecamping and lowbiefarming that seem to be a new trend on pvp server. Imps getting on Ancorhead to farm rep lowbies for easy achievements is a common thing to see complained about on tatto chat while sitting in tatto stronghold.


And why i think you are looking too much into player power lvl when scaled? Because you literally brought it up multiple times yourself :p let me quote you "Except given the nature of level scaling and given how powerful people are claiming to be one level 25 won't matter."

Scaled lowbie vs lowbie is the lesser bad compared to lowbie vs 60. If you dont agree then then I cant help but to throw my hands in the air and say you exceeded my expectations of illogicality on this forum.


You haven't played many mmos with open world pvp have you? If there were no achievements or rewards people would still return to lower areas and farm lowbies. People do it because they get their jollies off ganking and destroying people. Some do it because it happened to them so it's a revenge shtick in order to feel justified for what they went through. Regardless it happens whether there's a reward to it or not. I've been camped as far back as on everquest and there were no pvp rewards at the time and people would do it for hours just because they want to get off on your rage.


The population is a problem because the game still doesn't have the population it did on launch. Most of the servers are light with a few that become standard during prime time. PvP servers always have a lesser population on any game than the PvE servers but here's the kicker. SWTOR doesn't have a massive population compared to some other mmorpgs. What does this mean? If PvP servers always have a smaller population than other servers then you have to look at the other servers. This means the PvP servers, by math alone, will have a smaller population than the PVE servers. Given the PVE servers aren't exactly brimming with players.. this means an even smaller population. KOTFE won't change this. PVE servers will always have the most people but it does mean if we get more people there will be more on the pvp servers by proxy.


Bluebies will always be the most representative of the community.

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I really don't understand all this complaining about this level sync.


I see it as very necessary for the lower planets. How many times has a lower level ask you for help and you go to help them and they get 5 xp for the mobs. That is hurting them in their leveling, whether you want to admit it or not.


The only person I've ever helped who has been lower level was my husband and only in his class phase when a particular boss was being nerve wracking.


I don't go to low level planets to help the low levels. I'm not there to hand hold them or pew pew their mobs for them. Give them advice? Sure. Tell them where something is? No problem. Group up and help them when the mission is so easy you have to be dumb AND blind to not do it? No.


If I'm on a low level planet, and I'm not helping my husband out, I'm there to do something for myself. I'm not there killing all the newbie mobs. Unless it's an achievement, otherwise, I'm there for something else.


I don't want FORCED downscaling, grouping, pvping, raiding, etc. All I want and many like me is options.


OPTIONS are good. MANDATORY is bad.

Edited by Eanelinea
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visible representation of a drama queen


Seriously ... title says all. Lots of people DON'T WANT THIS, still you force this upon us. I would be happy if this level synch means through terminals, but now you just get punished if you want to play the game in any way you want.


Seriously considering unsubbing right now.



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Old class and planetary quests aren't suddenly repeatable.

They've always been relevant because of the orange gear drops.

Vets could always do content with lowbies.

Open world could have had that sense of danger had YOU geared down.

WB mechanics could have been had you not taken the easy way out. Again, gear down.

OWPvP? LOL! PvP servers are dead...this doesn't help them or even impact them in any meaningful way.


Level sync isn't like spinach at all...forcing players away from how they've been playing isn't a good thing ever. Change is fine...destroying solo players isn't.


Why would it invalidate it in the OW if it were optional? Because some people wouldn't do it? DUH!


Seems as though even if people point out positives of this system, some will always find negatives with it.


It's not going to be optional TUXs. Adapt or game elsewhere or if you still want to play the game you CAN! It's not changing anything around how you play the game. Why won't people GET THAT!? It's not gimping you or doing anything like that in any way. It's making things relevant again.


Also don't tell me you're disappointed in me. I have explained what I mean in every single post that I made about this as well as my thread. I am not telling people to leave, they can do what they want! I am simply explaining this type of system to people that don't understand it or are taking it the wrong way! I am NOT saying they need to leave nor am I saying anything like that at all! But that's the reality. You always want to talk "real" right? What are the choices here. Either like the game, support the game, do things in the game and play it, adapt or take your business elsewhere and don't play the game. THAT'S what I'm saying! NOT telling people "get out" because they don't agree with something. Don't you see the difference!?


Like I have said many many times before. I am neither with this or against it yet. I have to see for myself what it entails and how to approach it. But from what I heard and saw, it is NOT that big of a deal that some posters on here are making it out to be! If you don't wan't to do the content level scaled, then simply don't go to the older planets. It's not like many people on these forums went to older planets in the first place. So why should it matter now? Why does it bother you if you never went before!? Is it because now you can't faceroll stuff that easy anymore? Did you not see the stream? Eric went STRAIGHT through those elites in 2 seconds.... so don't give me that crud about "you'll be garbage now".


They are doing it, it seems like GW2 style where it makes the whole game relevant instead of just stuff around YOUR LEVEL relevant. Doesn't anybody else see that?! Or are you so so against this to the point where anything anybody points out will be dismal and negative because you don't agree with it. If your mind is made up on what you want or don't want to do. I would suggest taking a break because games aren't meant to be like this or make a person like some of you are doing right now.


And if you don't want to take a break and continue playing, then DONT DO the level scaling on the older planets. There's an option right there. It's not like you went to the older planets anyway like I said. When you say stuff like "oh I can't rp!" yes you can. You can do every single thing that is in this game just like before but ALL THAT is happening is you are going to have a scaling level next to your character level that scales you to the content of the planet so it makes the entire game relevant instead of just what is around YOU for a couple levels! Why doesn't anybody get that.


It's not going to be optional. If you want to call me names or whatever or be "disappointed" that I'm saying it this way, factually, then I don't know what to say anymore. I try explaining myself best I can what this system entails but people take it personally. That's just ridiculous! I have explained how this system works and why it CANT be optional for over 25 posts now on this subject.


This seems like it's going to be good for the game because things added in the future will be scaled and every single thing all the time regardless of your level will be RELEVANT so you don't have to spin around in circles on fleet and trolling on chat or having races with people on speeders because you are bored. You will now have MORE to do! In the end, it's even MORE choice to the player whether you want to believe it or not.

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I really don't understand all this complaining about this level sync.


I think it will be fun to have atleast some difficulty on the lower level planet when the character is higher level.


The character will be very powerful as seen in the livestream anyway just not immortal :tran_wink:

Edited by Icestar
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And lots of people want this too. Just listen to general and you'll hear debates both ways. You can never make everyone happy.


You can make the majority help with it being optional. The only ones that won't be happy are the ones that want to force other to player their way and they will never be happy.


This is another half *** system BW doing just like conquest. See where that is today...

Edited by Warrgames
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It's been said since what, 2012?


This game didn't go to F2P because of its stellar performance.


While it reached alevel of stability, this down scaling of levels isn't some amazing feature that everyone seems to be enjoying. It seems it's disliked about as much as it is liked and thats not good for SWTOR.


This game has a bad engine and even worse record of fixing problems. It doesn't need another cluster "F" like a down scaling that isn't optional so there is a preservation of old game play many enjoyed and new game play should you want to enjoy that too.

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So if mobs are going to be a big issue with level syncing then they must be a problem on Ziost and Yavin right? I mean these are planets designed for lvl 60 characters. You cannot even get to Ziost before 60. So the mobs there must be a huge issue. In fact Ziost is a small space and the trash is everywhere.



Except, it doesn't work that way. There is nothing on the highest level planet in the game that is even a nuisance. Except for op level content and the world boss. Nothing knocks you off your speeder. I just ran Ziost* in like 30 minutes and didn't stop to fight hardly anything. I ignored it all. Why would the level sync planets be any different?


I've not been to the place you describe, so I can't respond to your example specifically.

But you have must have noticed the difference between trying to run through an area at level vs when the mobs are grey. You can get through an area often without even attracting agro, and certainly without being knocked off. It one of the perks to levelling (and thematically I've always pui it down to mobs seeing your that much more powerful and avoiding engaging).


Let's not even get into the fact you keep all of you abilties and passives.


Ok I get it, you earned the levels and you want to keep them, sure. It might makes things a bit more inconvenient. However it may be tied to a big new mechanic (Alliances) and the new Heroics farms are looking mighty fine. If it is tied to said mechanic then it cannot be optional.


I'm not interested in new stuff, and whatever this alliances thing is, if it takes power away from my character. This is the absolute fundamentals of an RPG we are talking about


Most of the complaints are hot air anyway. Most max level characters aren't hanging on low level worlds anyway or rping there, not with strongholds, the fleet and guild ships. However if they do there are plenty of aggro free places on every planet. Most played max out level toons are playing in endgame content.


With respect I've no idea where your pulling that from. I'm inclined to think you see people on the fleet etc and assume that's where everybody is, or maybe it varies across servers. But in any case the RP argument on it's own would be a weak one, but that is just yet another reason why some people don't want this.


Anyway the sky is not falling. We are out of coffins let alone nails at this point. Wait and play the expansion before you flip out.


I never suggested the sky is falling nor am I flipping out, but the time for feedback is now. If the expansion goes live with this forced upon people then it is likely to be that way forever. At that point the individuals who don't like this will have to make a decision how much they are bothered about it, and how much it affects their enjoyment of the game, and whether they tolerate it or move onto something else. Not voicing their opposition to it until the expansion has launched is closing the door after the horse has bolted.


When it comes to MMO's a lot of people just play the one game, and have done so for years, so you can't underestimate the impact of a monumental shift like this. They have to either tolerate the game fundementally changing or move on. Either is a big deal.

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You can make the majority help with it being optional. The only ones that won't be happy are the ones that want to force other to player their way and they will never be happy.


This is another half *** system BW doing just like conquest. See where that is today...


Sort of like the ones that told the people that like to group up with people when they wanted options as well. Kind of funny that you all are saying this now when a lot of you did the exact same thing to those that have been requesting options for the grouping in the new expansion when the expansion was released.


But of course this is different, right..... Nope same situation.



As I said I don't care whether there are options but if you give one group options you give the other group as well. I don't care either way but I think it should be fair to all players, not just the ones screaming and stomping because now it is bothering you when you didn't care about the others when they requested options. Very interesting how that comes around, isn't it.

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I can't wait for level syncing. This may be the single greatest improvement to the game since it launched.


As a completionist, it was such a nauseating bore to get a set of quests with this epic story behind it, only to go out and obliterate everything in your path with little to no effort. And this was while leveling up!



And if it was an optional system, that wouldn't be taken away from you, that is another great use for the system. Nobody is saying the system sucks and they don't want it. It is forcing it upon people at all time that is the issue.


My only gripe is that I don't have the option to be further synced down to a level that's at best, equal to the mobs I'm fighting. I think the game will still be too easy as a leveling experience for someone who doesn't want to skip content along the way. To be fair though, being synced during the leveling process may feel much more balanced than the level 60 syncing we had the privilege of seeing in the twitch stream.


As it stands they are in a no win situation where they have to balance it so it is not completely frustrating for people to simply move through lower level words, which then means it probably won't be particularly challenging, all in all a lose lose situation.


If it was optional, they could actually balance the level sync to provide a challenge (because it's not forced when it is not required)

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That's interesting, considering the number of comments from players declaring they're happy to avail themselves of it.


That's the great thing about making it optional. They can still be happy to avail themselves of it, while those of us who do not like it can toggle it off.

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This change brought to you by the Fixing Things That Aren't Broken Department, in conjunction with the We Do What We Want division of We Know What's Fun Better Than You Inc.


Oh Please don't forget to mention the division of never fix what is broken.

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