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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Here's a thought. Why do you even go back to the lower level planets anyway? You probably do not now, as it is pointless unless you're helping a friend. So it won't affect you in any way or shape, you'll either crowd fleet like a chump waiting for an Ops group or just loiter.


You forgot about dailies? You forget about finishing up content you never did.

Getting aggro from everything is irritating. Getting knocked off your mount is even more irritating.


But, this system is not the problem, it's nice for those that want it/use it. IT BEING FORCED UPON US, is the real problem.

Edited by Tahra
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The problem is time, I spent a long time levelling up my character to max. I don't like the idea of going back to old planet and having all my hard work "synced" away like that.


Make it optional would make everyone happy those who want it can use it, those who don't don't. Just lock out those of us who don't out of the Heroic dailies if they mean that much to you.


Why do you even care? Do you intentionally go there at high levels a lot? I certainly didn't go to low level planets at all really when I out leveled them. If I did it was to help friends out mostly and since I'll be scaled down to a planet, I can help them level up a character easily and still out level them if I want.


I think this is an excellent change truth be told.

Edited by Philmors
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If i go to level 20 planet and i become level 20, what's the point of levels then ? get rid of levels ?

It is very stupid to go to a planet and be level 20, what about open world pvp ? and other things ?


If downscaling goes live, i will never visit and low level planets that's for sure.


I smell low level toons ambushing high level toons on PVP servers, on certain planets.

It will be the new thing for the PVP'ers to whoop about.


Was the 'reasoning' explained at least?

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To sum up your thread in three words: wah, wah, wah. I think the explanation given during the stream was sound - if you can't deal with it, well, bye.


It was stated that even with the synching, you'll effectively still be at max level for the planet and will pretty much be higher than the mobs you're killing. Considering how Musco was thrashing silver/gold mobs with just Mako along, it doesn't exactly seem like it's the end of the world (I was watching today's stream).


That, and it ties into how the planetary heroics will work now. Frankly, I would think that getting A) exp and B) rewards appropriate for your REAL level aren't bad things, but oops, I guess crying about how you're only going to be OP instead of super-OP on a planet is more important to some people.


Sometimes I wonder if people actually bother to watch and to listen when they watch a stream - it's like they hear the two-three words they want to hear and then find it impossible to rationally listen to the actual explanation for the change(s) in favor of throwing public hissy fits.

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My thoughts exactly. In fact, it will re-invigorate the old Heroics. Can't wait.


Yep, majority of those heroics I haven't done since Vanilla so I'm glad to have a reason to go back and do them. Not only that, I can group up with my friends who are notoriously slow levelers.


Really is a welcome change.

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Here's a thought. Why do you even go back to the lower level planets anyway? You probably do not now, as it is pointless unless you're helping a friend. So it won't affect you in any way or shape, you'll either crowd fleet like a chump waiting for an Ops group or just loiter.
Did you watch the stream?

You get (at your level) lockboxes. If you're a level 65, do dromund kaas heroics (sync'd to lv18) but your reward are 2 lockboxes that drop level 65 stuff and data crystals.


Here's the Heroic terminal window shown on stream: http://i.imgur.com/Vtk6U2C.jpg

I'm sure there are people who will attempt to complete all Weekly heroic in a week. (at least once) Probably an achievement for it.


These weekly heroics are picked up from a terminal at fleet, it has an automatic teleporter that takes you to the location.


Pick up 10 heroics, teleport to the frist from fleet, complete it; auto teleport to the second one, complete it and cycle through all 10. Get 2 lockboxes and data crystals each mission.

Edited by Falensawino
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You forgot about dailies? You forget about finishing up content you never did.

Getting aggro from everything is irritating. Getting knocked off your mount is even more irritating.


But, this system is not the problem, it's nice for those that want it/use it. IT BEING FORCED UPON US, is the real problem.


and at what point do you feel youre forced to do any of this stuff exactly? its optional, on the side for you to play at any time with free access to the missions. its not impacting anything you would have done before or afterwards either.


i fail to see what your point is.

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Can I have your stuff? :)

Hilarious stuff this, and original. The fun fact is, every time this stupid reply is posted, another player leaves. You should be concerned.


I unsubbed today just because of the level downscaling, I hated it in GW2, and I don't want it in Swtor.

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Why do you even care? Do you intentionally go there at high levels a lot? I certainly didn't go to low level planets at all really when I out leveled them. If I did it was to help friends out mostly and since I'll be scaled down to a planet, I can help them level up a character easily and still out level them if I want.


Again it's being forced it's not a choice, I am not given a choice if I want it to happen or not. I don't like my time and effort to get my character maxed are being stripped away from me.


Make it optional or I can see people leaving over this

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Hilarious stuff this, and original. The fun fact is, every time this stupid reply is posted, another player leaves. You should be concerned.


I unsubbed today just because of the level downscaling, I hated it in GW2, and I don't want it in Swtor.


can i have ur stuffz.. please?

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What is the problem with this exactly you are still god mode even with the level synch. Considering he went to Drumond Kaas and it put him at lvl 18 with all his advanced abilities still available. He took on 2 elites and 2 strongs at once and only lost 1/10th of this health. That doesn't seem to be an issue to me.


The heroic he showed conveniently was on Dromund Kaas... heroics get really nasty on later planets. So yeah, pretend you can still solo them and that you're not nerfed into oblivion. I don't buy it.

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To sum up your thread in three words: wah, wah, wah. I think the explanation given during the stream was sound - if you can't deal with it, well, bye.


It was stated that even with the synching, you'll effectively still be at max level for the planet and will pretty much be higher than the mobs you're killing. Considering how Musco was thrashing silver/gold mobs with just Mako along, it doesn't exactly seem like it's the end of the world (I was watching today's stream).


That, and it ties into how the planetary heroics will work now. Frankly, I would think that getting A) exp and B) rewards appropriate for your REAL level aren't bad things, but oops, I guess crying about how you're only going to be OP instead of super-OP on a planet is more important to some people.


Sometimes I wonder if people actually bother to watch and to listen when they watch a stream - it's like they hear the two-three words they want to hear and then find it impossible to rationally listen to the actual explanation for the change(s) in favor of throwing public hissy fits.


Appreciate your explanation of what they said.


Buuut.. I still don't get 'why' this was done or what the big deal was to spend dev-time on such a thing.


No matter, I reserve judgement until I experience it.

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What is the problem with this exactly you are still god mode even with the level synch. Considering he went to Drumond Kaas and it put him at lvl 18 with all his advanced abilities still available. He took on 2 elites and 2 strongs at once and only lost 1/10th of this health. That doesn't seem to be an issue to me.


If that's the case, why bother with the level change in the first place. I don't go to lower level planets for the rewards, I go there to relax, help others, do achievements, whatever. The rewards I get from fp's/ operations or pvp.

This change wasn't needed at all.

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If you quit over this, You are just looking for a reason to quit. You lose very little and gain a lot with this system. You are still strong enough to not die.


I doubt any one will quit over this, and if they do. It is because they are just looking for reasons to quit. Not because of syncing itself.

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Well, so much for this game.



If you quit over this, You are just looking for a reason to quit. You lose very little and gain a lot with this system. You are still strong enough to not die.


We gain nothing.


There is literally no good side to this change.


It has absolutely no benefit to the players.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Again it's being forced it's not a choice, I am not given a choice if I want it to happen or not. I don't like my time and effort to get my character maxed are being stripped away from me.


Make it optional or I can see people leaving over this


You're only being scaled to an appropriate level for the zone... You're not being stripped of anything. It's just a numbers change, you still retain all the hard progress you worked for only it's been scaled down appropriately.

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If that's the case, why bother with the level change in the first place. I don't go to lower level planets for the rewards, I go there to relax, help others, do achievements, whatever. The rewards I get from fp's/ operations or pvp.

This change wasn't needed at all.


The point is so you WILL go there for the rewards of XP, GEAR, and whatever else it rewards. The XP and gear will match your higher level which makes it worthwhile to do.

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We earned the ability to be Overpowered noob. If you don't get how stupid and pathetic this is than you have an IQ of a rock. Also, we have all been talking about this subject. We are supposed to SOLO everything on most Planets Period kid. Also he in NO WAY, NO WAY DID HE SOLO a HEROIC. Stop BS'ing.


Wow. Really? Someone has a differing opinion than you and you feel the need to go postal? Go outside for while, man. At least open a window and get some fresh air.

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And its forced. Not optional.

Worst. Decision. Ever.


You lost entrance to my wallet Bioware and I hope this goes for many others. Really don't get why its not optional and why they thought it was a good idea to force this on everyone. Yes it's nice for those that want it, BUT I DON'T WANT IT!

I agree, although optional woudn't have been a good idea either. I unsubbed because of this. Hated it in GW2.

I hope they'll reserve it in the future but till that happens I won't be subbing.

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You're only being scaled to an appropriate level for the zone... You're not being stripped of anything. It's just a numbers change, you still retain all the hard progress you worked for only it's been scaled down appropriately.


So... the progress is scaled down, but we "retain it".... right. :rolleyes:

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I saw that Level-Sync is not optional and the first thing I did was cancel my sub and sight that was the reason. Option are good forcing stupid **** on player is bad. I see that clearly the dev don't listen to players. I would love to hear the reason they thought this was good.





No you can't have my stuff.


Edited by Warrgames
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Sometimes I wonder if people actually bother to watch and to listen when they watch a stream - it's like they hear the two-three words they want to hear and then find it impossible to rationally listen to the actual explanation for the change(s) in favor of throwing public hissy fits.


They can't watch the stream and type the same question/comment/stupidity, all in caps, over and over at the same time. And we all know they won't stop typing...

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