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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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What is the problem with this exactly you are still god mode even with the level synch. Considering he went to Drummond Kass and it put him at lvl 18 with all his advanced abilities still available. He took on 2 elites and 2 strongs at once and only lost 1/10th of this health. That doesn't seem to be an issue to me.


The problem is time, I spent a long time levelling up my character to max. I don't like the idea of going back to old planet and having all my hard work "synced" away like that.


Make it optional would make everyone happy those who want it can use it, those who don't don't. Just lock out those of us who don't out of the Heroic dailies if they mean that much to you.

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So let me get this straight. People are upset they won't be able to go back and one shot enemies on old planets. Instead they will still kill stuff quick all the while gain coms ,gear and experience as if they were doing high level quests, and can group with lowbies for these quests without ruining their xp gain?


It's a travesty I tell you. :D

Edited by RaiderMid
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Because it is a cheap way to make new content - through recycling. And recycling is one of BWs principle.

I can currently play through all content as level 60 and still get all the content, and all stories.


For example i was leveling my sentinel with 12x xp via pvp, when i finished i stopped at level 58.

Then i went back and started all the PVE content from level 1 to level 50 and still enjoyed it as level 58, i watched all the scenes and did all the interesting heroics.


So how is level sync going to help me do things ? it will only get harder for me to do missions and that's why i will not do then on low levels, gear dropping will be useless now even for my companions, so i have absolutely no reason to go to planets below level 65.

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You people have a natural way with over-dramatizing EVERYTHING. Just stop and listen: Wait until it comes out to pass judgement. Getting worked up over it now is pointless, we don't know how exactly it'll work. In theory it could be a great addition or it could be a terrible deduction. We just haven't seen it in practice yet.
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If i go to level 20 planet and i become level 20, what's the point of levels then ? get rid of levels ?

It is very stupid to go to a planet and be level 20, what about open world pvp ? and other things ?


If downscaling goes live, i will never visit and low level planets that's for sure.


I don't care either way, but this change would actually make open world PvP fairer, because you can't just come in on a much higher character and ROFLStomp everyone that is the proper level.


Levels are probably an outdated idea as well, but they have a psychologically compelling component.

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It certainly will change things on PVP servers - wonder if they even considered that caveat with this decision.


Can't wait to hear horror stories of 65's getting ambushed by 1-2 20's @ the Dunes on Tattooine.


Doesn't make sense (classic Bioware at times?), I can't even recall a big push by any vocal minority ASKING for such a thing.


I missed the twitch - did they actually 'explain' why at least? (Can anyone comment - in-between cursing?)

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I think we have about 3-4 threads about this matter and you already made a thread discussing it too. Why you are acting like a spoiled brat with all your spam? I will just leave my posts from your other thread :D





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What is the problem with this exactly you are still god mode even with the level synch. Considering he went to Drumond Kaas and it put him at lvl 18 with all his advanced abilities still available. He took on 2 elites and 2 strongs at once and only lost 1/10th of this health. That doesn't seem to be an issue to me.


This here explains my thoughts exactly. Personally, I am very excited for this change. Allowing me to go back and help friends and low-level players without forcing them to lose out on precious experience, while also feeling powerful and benefiting my character while they helping them progress with their own.

Edited by RoraHell
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I don't mind the level syncing in the heroic areas but I don't want to see it everywhere else. Honestly my only reason for that is disliking the idea that every mob will aggro to me the same as it does when your at level. On the rare occasions I revisit those planets I want to do so hassle free. Level syncing ensures I'll have to fight my way through trash mobs. There is enough of that **** in this game under normal circumstances.


So I'll avoid going to lower level planets as much as possible. I don't do it a lot now but I'm really going to avoid it in the future.

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SWTOR will not die from this. GW2 does this and it's chugging along just fine.


GW2 is completely Free aside from buying the box (at least at the onset.) It used this because there isn't enough quests to actually get you from 1-80 in one go. You have to repeat a lot of the areas. It's also less level based on focuses more on skill. So it's more about your own personal skill than a normal character progression whereas this game is built more like a standard RPG. I also never understood why Guild Wars bothered with levels in the first place.

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The real test would've been the Oricon H2+, since it is 55 now, and is hell to do at lvl 60 still.


that can be easy to do solo, however it would depend on your characters class and the companion you are using. but with the changes in companions, that will no longer be an issue to a point. just keep on top of the control effects and dish out your own in equal measure.

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This here explains my thoughts exactly. Personally, I am very excited for this change. Allowing me to go back and help friends and low-level players without forcing them to lose out on precious experience, while also feeling powerful and benefiting them while they progress with their own characters.


Exactly, this change is for the good.

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So I can take my level 60 to help my friend that just started playing and NOT ruin his xp? Sweet!


Oh right.... no more easy mode for people that want to one shot everything on the planet and get an achievement for not actually achieving anything. Sucks to be you guys!

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Hate to tell you, the sky isn't falling and this really isn't a bad thing. If you think it is, then elaborate as to why, I don't get what the big deal is. So, you can't go to a level 1 planet and play with a level 60+ character without giving up "some" of your power. Why would you be hanging on a planet full of content created for lower level toons in the first place? Oh, so you could solo heroics, he was able to solo the heroic he demonstrated, maybe you won't be able to solo them all, but they are areas not created for solo consumption in the first place.


I think everyone needs to relax on this one a bit and see how it actually shakes out in the way of how it effects you, not merely how you think it will effect you.

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You do realize people have said the same thing as you for SWG, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, Matrix Online, etc? Where are those games now? Be careful when telling people to quit. No, I don't think the game will die but be very careful when calling people who are unhappy with a change whiners. The same was said in those games. People laughed at those who claimed they were quitting. I don't think they're laughing now.




Too slow. I don't want mobs knocking me off my mount when I'm trying to get to another area. I don't want to stop to fight things. Also if I intend on going back for achievements the grind is a lot less monotonous when you can drop one AOE and have everything die. Sometimes it's fun just feeling like a complete monster dropping an entire army but I digress. I'm still going to be subbed but I don't support the change.



Exactly, only that damned idiots here are okay with this crap syncing. The Devs used to give us Polls on big stuff like this. Wth...................... idiocy at it's best.

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