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Question: Why will we want to continue with the KoTFE story after lvl 65?


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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.

Edited by DarthDetonate
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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o
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If all you are interested in is raiding and pvping then why should there be a special reward or incentive for you? If you dont want to do it, you arent going to be forced to. Why does there have to be a special reward? Plenty of people are going to do it because they enjoy and want more story content.
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If all you are interested in is raiding and pvping then why should there be a special reward or incentive for you? If you dont want to do it, you arent going to be forced to. Why does there have to be a special reward? Plenty of people are going to do it because they enjoy and want more story content.




PvP'er like to OP just really ********* me off. Thank god they are not all like him/her. Why the hell they think they are special is beyond me. Thankfully the other PvP'er who have posted have a much more reasonable attitude.


If its a real question then the real answer is real simple. What has kept you playing until now? The level cap before was 60 before that 55 and 50 before that. Did you stop playing all together once you hit any of theses' levels? No! so what is any different once you hit 65. If you did stop then stop again until the level is raised again if that's what the issue is. But I doubt that as this is just another whine thread.

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I spend 95% of my time raiding or prepping for raiding.


I'm going to do the story, for the story, in my other 5% of playtime because I'm interested in the story. Regardless of my level. I just finished Makeb on my Vanguard like 2 weeks ago despite the fact he's pretty much BiS geared in PVE. I did it to see the story again, just like 2 years after hitting 55...


I'm also not likely to level my raid characters via the new story, since I will race my vanguard to 65 by whatever means and take my time in the story on a jedi of some sort since the story is looking to be dumb from any non force user perspective. May be prejudging though.

Edited by bdatt
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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


Did you level the last time you watched a movie?

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


This is what happens when people chase the carrot on the stick for years, they become addicted.

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


You get new 65 toons & abilities to bludgeon each other with. What more could you possibly want?

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You get new 65 toons & abilities to bludgeon each other with. What more could you possibly want?


I'd venture to guess they want increased difficulty, better rewards, unique rewards, snowflake titles, more battle grounds, more ops that are so super hard only 1.5% of the raiding population will make it to the end, and they want it all to be developed for them since they somehow make up the majority of the playerbase.



On Topic: I'll still be raiding and doing battlegrounds once I finish the first 9 chapters, I'll then go over to fallout 4 for about 6 months or so come back and do those chapters before returning to fallout, and sometime in the future when I feel the need to return back to min/max I'll come back and do some more raids.

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On Topic: I'll still be raiding and doing battlegrounds once I finish the first 9 chapters, I'll then go over to fallout 4 for about 6 months or so come back and do those chapters before returning to fallout, and sometime in the future when I feel the need to return back to min/max I'll come back and do some more raids.


^Best reply ever, and likely, I'll be doing the same thing myself.



Well, as best as I can guess, I'd assume we're getting a second level increase when they release additional KotFE content. I can see this happening when they add Chapters 10-16, though that is assuming they release those 7 Chapters all at once, rather than releasing 1-2 Chapters every few months. If we don't get a second level increase, I can see them increasing elder game gear, as in adding a higher tier, so you've got reason to continue through the last 7 Chapters. Finally, considering you're recruiting new companions throughout the story of KotFE, I can see them adding new people you can recruit in the final 7 Chapters of the story. However, as of now, these are just the best guesses I can come up with considering what limited information we have concerning post-launch content.

Edited by StarkillerVB
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I'd venture to guess they want increased difficulty, better rewards, unique rewards, snowflake titles, more battle grounds, more ops that are so super hard only 1.5% of the raiding population will make it to the end, and they want it all to be developed for them since they somehow make up the majority of the playerbase.


^ Lol, so much this. :D

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?

There is one reason and one reason only to play any game: it's fun.

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After 1 week of KotFE people playing for story will scream for more story. Seriously, how much story do you think it will have? And the replayability wont eb that high becuase the choices will be pretty much the same. So, will you just sit on fleet or wherever and do nothing after that?

Endgame content is necessary for a game of this type that Swtor is, both PvP and PvE, to keep people playing after the story is done with.

I bet everyone that is saying that they only play for story do pvp and ops and flashpoints aswell. So stop complaining about people wanting more content besides story, it is a necessity.

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I'll answer this question as if the OP is serious.


People will play the story chapters for the same reason people keep reading a book after the climax, or heck, read it in the first place. For the same reason people keep playing Zelda games once all items are collected. For the same reason people keep playing ANY game once reaching maximum power.


Because they're interested or having fun.


Seriously, there shouldn't have to be some special incentive. Play because you enjoy it :)

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After 1 week of KotFE people playing for story will scream for more story. Seriously, how much story do you think it will have? And the replayability wont eb that high becuase the choices will be pretty much the same. So, will you just sit on fleet or wherever and do nothing after that?

Endgame content is necessary for a game of this type that Swtor is, both PvP and PvE, to keep people playing after the story is done with.

I bet everyone that is saying that they only play for story do pvp and ops and flashpoints aswell. So stop complaining about people wanting more content besides story, it is a necessity.


To quote Bill Lumberg: "Hmm yeah...uh...I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there...yeah".



PvP is fun sure, So are OPS when your in a group you mesh with, but most ops guilds only do one raid a week on their "Raid Day", and most of pvp now is premade, I can't count how many times I joined a match today alone that my team threw the game. Not always the case but yes it happens.


On to my reasons, I have 21 characters with all but 4 level 57-60, about 9 or so deleted 50's and 55's that were scrapped to make room. I've played each story and every class so many times I don't even need to look at the map anymore to know where I'm going....point is it wasn't the raiding or the pvp that keeps me playing this game and it never will be.


Sure guilds say they do PvE, some even say they PvP, but most of the ones I've joined in the last few years never did nightmare modes, nor did they jump right in to the new ops that came out until months after.


Only the top 1.5% pve really care about endgame enough that it becomes the reason they sub or play(opinion), I believe that a majority of the people the ones who don't come on these forums only care about having something new to do.


I see the same people on these forums day in and day out trying to spread fear and dislike for this new expansion and they do it with every expansion, people like that for every MMO, same people who say MMO's are for multi-play only and casuals gotta leave(even though casuals make up a majority of the mmo market). Point I'm trying to make is if you truly don't care for the direction this game is going then move on, if it fails it fails, this happens, it happened to Tera, Rift, SWG, STO, Cabal, Ultima, Everquest 1&2 and so many others, but even those games still have a thriving daily communtiy so obviously for those consumers they are doing something right, SWTOR will be no different.

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When chapter 10 releases I will eagerly play through the story, regardless of rewards. The story is reward enough.


It's not like after chapter 10 is finished on one character, I'll have nothing left to do. I have 33 characters at different levels to work on. Achievements to chase. Influence to grind. I might get back to pvp. (I've been saying that for 2 years :p )

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I'd venture to guess they want increased difficulty, better rewards, unique rewards, snowflake titles, more battle grounds, more ops that are so super hard only 1.5% of the raiding population will make it to the end, and they want it all to be developed for them since they somehow make up the majority of the playerbase.



On Topic: I'll still be raiding and doing battlegrounds once I finish the first 9 chapters, I'll then go over to fallout 4 for about 6 months or so come back and do those chapters before returning to fallout, and sometime in the future when I feel the need to return back to min/max I'll come back and do some more raids.


Hardcore raiders may not make up a great proportion of the playerbase, but we make up a great proportion of the RETAINED playerbase. Your second paragraph straight up tells Bioware they shouldn't cater to you because you're leaving as soon as you get done with the incomplete story we're receiving on launch. (And you'll probably make a thread on the forums about how the story was crap because it ended on a cliffhanger.)

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