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KotFE Betrayal - Spoilers!


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Given the end of ME3 and the deus ex machina starchild stupidity, i wouldnt put it past Bioware to make it be something incredibly stupid along the lines of "Zakuul agents reprogrammed your ship droid and he does it" (it would work for everyone, ship droids are the only comp we -all- have) Edited by XiamaraSimi
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dont automatically assume that dark siders like sourge or mistaken types like guss tuno throw you off like that.


Guss tuno ain't mistaken, he's a greedy spineless coward.

He misrepresented himself as a powerful sith lord to his employer for the protection money and when it came time to actually do a little, you know, protecting? He ran off screaming with his tail between his knees, leaving his employer to the unknown (likely fatal) fate of those thugs. I had no more use for his services after he shared that jaw dropping bit of history. Hope I get the option to give him his comeuppance for his cowardice by feeding him to the wolves in kotfe.



Every time I look at his slimy face, I get irritated and want to punch him. :mad:

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Could this just be Theron Shan or some "companion" like that.


This is my opinion.


It would cost too much to make it one of the old companions. Different cut scene and VO for each class. It would have to be either Lana or Theron as they are the only common NPCs between all toons and it would have dramatic value, unlike the ships droids or Jakaroo.


So prepare for Theron to sell us out

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Given the end of ME3 and the deus ex machina starchild stupidity, i wouldnt put it past Bioware to make it be something incredibly stupid along the lines of "Zakuul agents reprogrammed your ship droid and he does it" (it would work for everyone, ship droids are the only comp we -all- have)


No kidding...

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Given the end of ME3 and the deus ex machina starchild stupidity, i wouldnt put it past Bioware to make it be something incredibly stupid along the lines of "Zakuul agents reprogrammed your ship droid and he does it" (it would work for everyone, ship droids are the only comp we -all- have)


Charles Boyd isn't Mac Walters writing at the last minute trying to come up with some big sounding pretentious character. Considering the work put into DAI, I'm certain the company is aware that they can't make a screw up like ME3 again.


So it'd probably be hilarious if the ship droid betrays you, but I seriously can't see it happening. He'll more than likely either go down with the ship or give you some tea and a foot massage upon your return.

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I think it all boils down to whether you side with valkrion or not. If you do I can see some betraying you, mainly the ones who are loyal to the empire (Quinn, Pierce, Jaesa(Dark side), Temple, Ashara(maybe?), and etc) The only way they wouldn't betray you is if you were their husband or wife.
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humm well, for my personal toons, and why ...



Agent ---- not Temple ( I'm a Chiss, she worked for the Chiss; and I'm a merit adoptive too -- she better not )

Kaliyo, yep I can see her doing it -- as well as Scorpio, but Lokin? nah ... he's into his "experiments" not betrayals ..

JK --- hum, no one really, Rusk may have his issues, but I kinda like him ( and thinking about keeping him around.... )

Smuggler --- not Risha --- if you played her story out, you find out she's gone and married a Count -- I just can't see her a vengeful little so and so ...... Guss, possibly -- I never liked him ( and would love to kill him )

Bouny Hunter --- Gault more than likely -- beside he needs to die and forever keep me from getting into trouble for that slight braking of the rules I did in the Great Hunt .....


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whom i think will have the capacity of betrayal;


JK: none.


JC: [certain] Zenith - prodded into something like an alliance with the empire and he having no choice, he would likely assassinate these imperials and when pushed back by the JC, he would carry a grudge until he gets his point across.


[possibly] Irreso - it would depend how the sith knowledge in his head unpacked itself and if instead he uses that knowledge by telling the republic about it as it comes in a secured area until the jedi have dealt with it. at this point he could go insane or he could return to the JC later on.


TR: [certain] Vik - doesnt matter about your alignment, he wants to make money off selling weapons, armour and other things because thats who he is. if he could sell the supplies on the ship and the thunderclap itself if given the chance, he would do it and disappear. then he would send your team on a wild goose chase on a "secret order" from the republic to make sure he gets away. i can easily see him building bombs to deal with the team and your character just for kicks.


SM: [possibly] Spar - she would likely leave your service to find her place and to become a mandolorian clansman again.


SW: [certain] Broonmark - he is a wild card at best. he says he will serve you and consider you one of his "clan", however broonmark's motivations are not completely revealed, he mentions that his people have gone soft because of republic interference. if the warrior tells broonmark not to get involved, broonmark would turn on the warrior in an attempt to stop the republic and make his people more savage again. then he would have an army of carpets that could oppose the warrior.


SI: [certain] Xalek - the quite ones you should always keep an eye on, especially when the quiet one is complimenting your skills to provoke a reaction that he could use later on. hes a true sith, he doesnt listen and gives into his passion like he did on korriban.


[possibly] Revel - I can see him leaving the ship and returning to his pirate life. but beyond that he wont get involved in concerns that are not his own.


BH: [certain] Skadge - a black sun gangsta, the most brutish and the less inclined to notice anything else save for what he wants. i can easily see him using his old contacts to ambush the hunter and the hunters crew just so he can have himself a little fun on the way out.


IA: [certain] Kaliyo - she has no loyalty to you or the empire, shes being paid to be a member of the team and she doesnt like being controlled by others. she has a network of the most shady characters around and she could easily pull some strings to have the agent grounded while she takes a payoff elsewhere leaving the agent behind and telling your character to screw because shes got a better offer.


[certain] Scorpio - the droid is more interested in improving itself and the accumulation of power and resources to do it. it doesnt care for life although it has some limited interest in biological life. its main aims are unknown and there is no telling what scorpio could of done to the agents ship or to other systems elsewhere. again the quiet ones you should always keep an eye on.


[possibly] Vector - he is a joiner of the killik alderaanian oroboro nest, he is herald of the nest. and although he travels with the agent. i can see the day the killiks would recall vector to alderaan. he could possibly be helpful later on with other killik nests on other worlds or he will never be heard of again.


[possibly] Temple - former chiss soldier and minor force user, she learns a great deal from the agent on how to be the best agent she can be. because of this she could potentially receive orders to have your character killed or she could be reassigned and never seen again.


[possibly] Lokin - part rakghoul and part former intelligence agent, lokin is the first to test new advances and with his recent take over of a genetics facility on research he originally started, i could see him leaving of his own accord to take up the post full time. it would depend if he wants to do that assuming there are no shartage of enemies and intrigue to pique his interest.

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If we do get betrayed, why does everyone assume it'll be by one of our old vanilla companions? It could very well be by one of the new companions we recruit in KoFE:


Not much opportunity for it - We were told it occurs at the end of Chapter Two, we see (practically) all of Chapter One in the Twitch streams, and there's only one new companion there, and that one's... Laid up at the end of it, which would therefore leave less than a chapter to meet, befriend and be betrayed by someone new.


Betrayal? Only one name comes to mind: Saresh!


I didn't consider her, but I can definitely see her betraying all our Republic characters. Imperials... No, but definitely Republic.

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If we do get betrayed, why does everyone assume it'll be by one of our old vanilla companions? It could very well be by one of the new companions we recruit in KoFE:


Hey! That is a thought, and seems more likely all things considered. Some of the new ones have worked with Zakuul before and may be doing it in secret now. It would make more sense to me that way.

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Betrayal? Only one name comes to mind: Saresh!


Oh god, yes, please. Not only would it give me an excuse to finally kill her, it's easier for Bioware to pull off than writing eight different betrayals.


Still, if we were to get betrayed by a class-specific companion, these are my guesses (note, I'm leaving out love interests, Bioware knows how bad we took the Quinncident, I don't think they'll want to try that again).


JK: Scourge or Rusk. Scourge is a Sith Lord, how has he not betrayed us by now? And Rusk's kind of psycho.

JC: Zenith. Kind of psycho, like Rusk. He really only cares about Balmorra, he might decide the Eternal Empire is better than the Empire or the Republic.

Smug: Guss. He's a coward, I can easily imagine him selling the Smuggler out to save his own skin.

Trooper: Vik. Everyone else is too loyal to Havoc Squad.

SW: Pierce. Process of elimination here; Vette's either your slave or your best friend/wife, Quinn knows not to pull that crap again, either Jaesa is very loyal, and honor's a big thing of Broonmark's--he'd rather die than betray his "clan". Pierce is the only one left.

SI: Xalek. Typical Sith apprentice who obeys typical Sith mandate--that is, betraying your master.

IA: Tough, everyone on your crew has reason to betray you. But SCORPIO's my ultimate guess; the others all have more ambiguous goals that may not necessarily cross the Agent's. SCORPIO's ultimate goal is still to kill you.

BH: Skadge or Gault. I'm hoping it's Skadge even though I don't need another reason to shoot that jerk in the face, but Gault's a con man. I could see him betraying the Hunter to save himself.

Edited by Abvora
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SW: Pierce. Process of elimination here; Vette's either your slave or your best friend/wife, Quinn knows not to pull that crap again, either Jaesa is very loyal, and honor's a big thing of Broonmark's--he'd rather die than betray his "clan". Pierce is the only one left.


The only problem there would be that Pierce is from Ziost. Though as a non-Force User, he wouldn't know what we know from Chapter One.

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Companions who would make sense to betray you or at least stop caring about the PC:




The least of them all is scourge, Scourge sees the bigger picture, love it or hate it he needs the JK.

I actually think Kira might betray the Knight, I was surprised at the amount of dark choices she agrees with (even agreeing with you executing the Sith on Ilum - she gets the most affection out of that one, she's the Jedi that make the Sith look like they have a point, so depending on how this new empire is Kira might join them.





None, except Theran, he's the only coward in the ship and is out for his own self, everyone else I consider a good person with different opinions





Depends on "high command" orders, can't really predict Elara might even join the EE if ordered to do so and beneficial to the Republic.





No way in hell are Corso or bowdaar betraying a LS smuggler, all the 3 others Guss, Risha and Akaavi have reasons to betray, and Risha has already done it to her friends and all she cares is about is mostly money and her self, Guss is scum and Akaavi is drinking the Mando aid





None, maybe Pierce if a LS warrior, having Quinn do it again and not be able to kill him would be lol though





Err Khem is pretty loyal by the end of his story I don't think she should betray you but who knows, most likely would be Xalek and Andronikus again scum.





Gault most likely, people hate Skadge and Skadge might join someone else for a little while but i'm pretty sure he'd rather stay with the hunter or with his psycho self try to kill the Emperor haha! Gault on the other hand is a scum and a coward, would sell his own mother to slavery if it meant profit, Skadge at least isn't a coward





Everyone except Vector lol, Kaliyo because really why not, Lokin is out for his own, Scorpio no explanation needed, temple because if you're not a puppet to the Empire she hates every single decision you make, she's pretty dumb, I would even say Temple would sooner betray the Double Agent than Kaliyo



Disregard all this though, it's probably Theron.

Edited by Azareya
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I think they mean you can betray companions. Not the other way around.


So this. No where does it say that the Companions betray you. Give me a quote to that effect please. All we have is that the official statement suggest we can betray our companions and datamining suggests 2 comps are killable. Honestly I believe its more likely that your comps all went on to do their separate projects and when you look for them again you'll find that some of them have done some nasty stuff.


Example: Doc Lokin creating a were-rakghoul army. You will then be given an option to try to take him down. (ala Betray him)

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