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4.0 The dumbification of SWTOR.


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Massively Multiplayer simply means that you are online with many others at the same time.


Not that you MUST group with them.


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone in that view.


And, people shouldn't mistake simplification for dumb-ing down, they just don't want what they perceive to be THEIR game being overrun with people who aren't pro-group/pro-challenge-ideologues.


The experienced players could actually, if they wanted to, rather than move on, actually teach some new players who wanted to be taught. Such new and experienced players are out there in the game...

Edited by sentientomega
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Biggest problems run so much deeper than removal of main stats etc.


Ever since 12xXP got released, SW:TOR has essentially been killing off it's own community. Technically and on individual level, people love 12xXP. Sure is awesome to deeply enjoy the cinematic narrative Bioware storytelling experience and all that, right? Right. It's just that typical, average 1-60 subscriber feels no incentive to do anything besides the class story anymore. Why should he? Reward of everything else while leveling has made everything else appear like utter waste in comparison to rewards people get for doing the story.


As a result , typical, average subscriber spends most of his entire game time inside class story instances or travelling between them. For all intents, he is largely dead, blind and deaf to the world around him. Either he is talking to an NPC or driving around in his nice CM bought space wagon, heading for that next NPC to talk to. For him, Flashpoints, Warzones, GSF and any social activities appear as colossal waste of time in comparison to 12xXp. He doesn't queue for these things anymore. As a result, pre-60 subscriber chars are largely AWOL from any multiplayer activity of this multiplayer game. Result is incredibly withering. This is a very good way to kill an MMO community.It is slow, gradual melting glacier type of a thing.(...).


I'm one of these typical average suscribers, and yes, I I love 12xXP because it allows me to over-level the content that I wouldn't have done before, and I don't have to grind so much to level an alt. And yes, I play blind and deaf to the other people around me. But that's not because of 12xXP. I like to solo, roleplay and pretend I'm the only one on my instance, and sometimes I'm the only one on my instance and I love it. I just wasn't doing the social content (flashpoints, warzones, GSH,...) before 12 xXP, I was just grinding so much more on my own, and I'd rather grind than have to group. Once in a blue moon, I do group with my guild to lend a hand or decide to get some pesky achievement/see a story that I can't get/see on my own (ops) but otherwise I solo everything still now, 12xXP or not.


Massively Multiplayer simply means that you are online with many others at the same time.


Not that you MUST group with them.


That's how I see it, I couldn't have said it better. If I was forced to group for everything, I wouldn't have kept playing or subscribed at all. And I'm pretty sure I'm not killing the community, in the contrary, I'm giving money every month to help sustain the community and the game. Who cares how I play, really. I don't care how other people play and if they like to group all the time, good for them!

Edited by lanawinst
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None of the things you are pointing to matter at all to establish "difficulty" in the game. None of it.


If boss mechanics disappeared, you'd have a point. If you could get max level gear via solo flashpoints with the god droid companion, you'd have a point. If there was an iWIN button added for subscribers in PVP, you'd have a point.


But things like my example aren't happening. So, no...the things you point to do not make the game "dumbed down". Only "less annoying to level".


May i buy you a case of beer or soda or cool aid, just give me your poison and i'll get it for u. Just for u and your man cave. You Said that, Splendidly......... :D


Take Care and Be Well.........

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Does anyone agree with this? with all the rumors about it feels like they are dumbing the game down so that toddlers can even play it.


#1 Stats Crush

#2 Companions Auto Scaled, no gear

#3 Letting people buy 60's

#4 Skill Trees squished even further

#5 downscaling-upscaling

#6 Bolstering, why does gear even matter




complexity does not equal difficulty, none of this matters, it's taking artificial difficulty out of the game. The enemies in the game should be what you fight, not the system behind it. So honestly I love all these changes, anything that removes a system question (stats formula, like x + y * a % of z = best crit rate where x y and z have stat caps on effects) is not something anyone should have to care about.


What ability to use to kill x mob, now THATS what matters and none of these changes simplify that question.


What it boils down to is vets have memorized equation problems at the system level and are complaining that -that knowledge no longer matters, when no one should of HAD to do that in the first place.

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Generally when I play a game I'm less interested in how complex it is than I am in how much fun I'm having... you know, because it's a game. If I'm still having fun in 4.0, I'll keep playing regardless of whether some of the systems aren't as deep, and if I'm not having fun adding or removing stats from the game will have very little to do with it.
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What will be fun will be EC NiM. Tears will be real when bads will die on the first boss in SM.


Also #BringBackNiMBuffOptionforDF&DP :D


Dying to Toth and Zorn in SM? That is some SERIOUS fail. Seriously. SM is kriffing easy. I know NIM is a nightmare, but SM??? *headdesk* I passed it easily when 50 was the high level.

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Firstly, dumbification isn't a real word - Urban Dictionary is not a real dictionary.

Secondly, what's this nonsense about the 'console generation'? Gaming consoles have been around as long as any other kind of video game.


Pfft. They probably mean consoles like Xbox and PS4.


They seem to forget the ooooooooooooooold consoles like Atari and sorta consoles like Commadore 64. :rolleyes:

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Anyone have a link to information on this?

"#2 Companions Auto Scaled, no gear"


From August Livestream wrap up


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


Along with ability to pick whatever role you want for companions, you will not need to specialize their gear for that role, and play with whatever companion you want in whatever role you want.


It is a good thing, only thing going away is commendations (or crystals, now) sink that as gearing them out.

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complexity does not equal difficulty, none of this matters, it's taking artificial difficulty out of the game. The enemies in the game should be what you fight, not the system behind it. So honestly I love all these changes, anything that removes a system question (stats formula, like x + y * a % of z = best crit rate where x y and z have stat caps on effects) is not something anyone should have to care about.


What ability to use to kill x mob, now THATS what matters and none of these changes simplify that question.


What it boils down to is vets have memorized equation problems at the system level and are complaining that -that knowledge no longer matters, when no one should of HAD to do that in the first place.


So we should have 1 stat that effects everything we do from HP, to defense to attack speed and mana regen why not run speed also?


Without forumlas we wouldnt have 90% of the crap we have, did you learn any math? How about programming? You need formulas no way around it, it gives life complexity.


Otherwise just pay bioware to give you the best of everything and then complain when everyone else has the same

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I am actually looking forward to levelling new characters in 4.0 there are a lot of nice QoL changes in my opinion, while I suppose many of the changes could be considered as dumbing the game down, I see it as huge helps to the more casual player or those that just don't understand MMO's in general I mean:-


1) Mastery stat - Now you only need to see the comments in the group finder thread of people who just don't know how to gear their character, using wrong mainstat etc.


2) Companions can do any role - Nice because you can use the companion you like best rather than someone you dislike just because he is your healer (I am looking at you Quinn)


3) Companion gear scaling - a nice little change because sometimes the game "forces" you to use a companion for a quest or forces you to do without someone at certain points in the game, now before you had to worry how to gear this companion as you have only just used your comms to upgrade your other companion. With points 2+3 I can choose to use a different companion on each planet if I so wished bringing a wider range of options available to all players regardless of skill levels.


4) Solo modes for flashpoints - great for those that want to level at their own pace, like it or not the game is full of both noobs and veterans of the game, if you just happen to get a group with vets who has done a flashpoint 1,000x its likely they would be speed running but the noobs want to watch every cutscene (and I really can't blame them)


I feel as if a lot of these changes have been done with casual people in mind, with the fact that there is a new movie on the horizon there is a hope that it will attract people to the game and they want it to be as "assessable" as possible.

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I am actually looking forward to levelling new characters in 4.0 there are a lot of nice QoL changes in my opinion, while I suppose many of the changes could be considered as dumbing the game down, I see it as huge helps to the more casual player or those that just don't understand MMO's in general I mean:-


1) Mastery stat - Now you only need to see the comments in the group finder thread of people who just don't know how to gear their character, using wrong mainstat etc.


2) Companions can do any role - Nice because you can use the companion you like best rather than someone you dislike just because he is your healer (I am looking at you Quinn)


3) Companion gear scaling - a nice little change because sometimes the game "forces" you to use a companion for a quest or forces you to do without someone at certain points in the game, now before you had to worry how to gear this companion as you have only just used your comms to upgrade your other companion. With points 2+3 I can choose to use a different companion on each planet if I so wished bringing a wider range of options available to all players regardless of skill levels.


4) Solo modes for flashpoints - great for those that want to level at their own pace, like it or not the game is full of both noobs and veterans of the game, if you just happen to get a group with vets who has done a flashpoint 1,000x its likely they would be speed running but the noobs want to watch every cutscene (and I really can't blame them)


I feel as if a lot of these changes have been done with casual people in mind, with the fact that there is a new movie on the horizon there is a hope that it will attract people to the game and they want it to be as "assessable" as possible.


I dont mind 2 or 4. 1 if you cannot read descriptions in a game just seriously stop, dont even try to play zelda for SNES without a walkthrough you will kill yourself. It is not that hard to get companion gear once you have your first 55 or 60 or whatever. If you dont the game should be a small challenge not a cake walk. What i dont like is being told, you just wasted X amount of your own time and money leveling to get epic gear and now it and the levels are worthless because some people are crying and or incapable of playing a game.


This is no way directed at you when all mobs are my level it pisses me off, what is the point of having a LEVEL in the first place if everything is the same, gear should be the same way, just have appearance crap bioware can make money off of. Hell why not make everything about earning commendations to buy cartel coins but you can only get so many coins per week otherwise you have to buy them unless you subscribe.


MMORPG the Roleplaying game stands for not really just spend money to look neat we will do the rest!


The explanation continues, comparing current freemium games with the RPG reward loop of old, in which your time and effort would be rewarded with experience points. But now, with micro-payments, players have the option of paying for each step of that loop. One of the tips on making money from freemium games involves waiting: "Make the game about waiting, but let the player pay not to wait."


If you dont thing the same thing is happening you are blind.


Swtor will now be explore/kill things -> collect -> spend money -> not really improve just look cooler -> explore/kill things Swtor is becoming slowly but surely a freemium game and EA is the Canadian Devil....


Dont wanna buy cartel coins? Ehh i stab you budday! *poops fire*

Edited by Astaldoath
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Pfft. They probably mean consoles like Xbox and PS4.


They seem to forget the ooooooooooooooold consoles like Atari and sorta consoles like Commadore 64. :rolleyes:


1) The C-64 and the rest of the Commodore lines were true PCs (as in PC gaming), not "sorta" consoles.

2) The Atari 2600 was introduced well before the IBM PC (1977 v. 1981), and the rest of the first gen consoles weren't really competing with PCs because there was no established PC gaming industry. PCs were for hobbyists and business and cost substantially more than a console.

3) Once PCs became mainstream enough (affordable and suitable for gaming), consoles were pretty much relegated to use by children.

4) Once PCs became ubiquitous (as opposed to mainstream), even people that couldn't (or didn't want to) learn how to use PCs wanted to play games, so consoles made a comeback.


So, yeah, the "console generation" refers to people who use consoles by choice, not necessity, which pretty much means "current gen consoles". So "generation" is probably not accurate, since there are "console kiddies" of every age bracket.

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Clearly you dont understand what is meant by dumbing it down or you just blindly accepted everything EA does with out question because even if you support many of these changes. Its beyond obvious the game is being dumbed down yet again.


But no one should be surprised as EAs go to move since closed beta has been to dumb everything down


4.0 is the release of Buy to Win concept for SW:TOR


want a level 60? buy it


Want gear, here we will remove the stats so you not confused or forced to even slightly think, just buy outfits off cartel market and your good to go


Dont work well with others in MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAME? Here lets make all content soloable and ultra simplistic


dont grasp the difference between aim, cunning, str and will? NP at all, now we just have 1 stat fits all for that


Dont grasp difference between power and crit. We can dumb that down for you to


List goes on and on and on


You might like the game, but no one can (if they being honest or truthful) deny 4.0 is the largest dumbing down of SW:TOR yet. And SW:TOR has been dumbed down to stupidly simplistic levels in the past already


I'll be honest and truthful: I have 22 60s, of those, 18 have played every single class mission and every planetary mission on each faction. If I want to play the expansion with a LS Jugg, something I haven't finished yet, it's on Belsavis, how is it dumbing down the game for me to use my free 60 to play it? Did I suddenly forget everything that I learned from playing a DS tank and a DS DPS jugg to 60? By the time they introduced the bolster thing on Makeb, my Shadow, off the top of my head, was already "over geared" for it to do anything but give me a heal bot during combat, something that I ultimately didn't need anyway, since my HP bar didn't move when I hit the bolster. So much so that I asked my guild what the point was, since I used it and it didn't affect anything.


So really, no. It's not "dumbing it down". I'm still going to need to know good rotations for tanking, dpsing and healing. They didn't remove that necessity from the game. That would be "dumbing it down". I've seen the crafting brought up, and actually, I feel like it's "smartening up" the game, since Conquest won't be "Have enough mats together and start crafting before you log out to get your conquest done w/out playing the game at all", guilds will have to actually earn it now, not that I see that it has any relevance at all, especially calling it "Conquest". A better implementation would have been having guilds fight each other for control, based on the time it took to kill x mobs through the week, and then set up "sieges" over the weekend. That's conquest. Crafting stuff to clutter your inventory, not so much.

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Clearly you dont understand what is meant by dumbing it down or you just blindly accepted everything EA does with out question because even if you support many of these changes. Its beyond obvious the game is being dumbed down yet again.


But no one should be surprised as EAs go to move since closed beta has been to dumb everything down


4.0 is the release of Buy to Win concept for SW:TOR


want a level 60? buy it


Want gear, here we will remove the stats so you not confused or forced to even slightly think, just buy outfits off cartel market and your good to go


Dont work well with others in MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAME? Here lets make all content soloable and ultra simplistic


dont grasp the difference between aim, cunning, str and will? NP at all, now we just have 1 stat fits all for that


Dont grasp difference between power and crit. We can dumb that down for you to


List goes on and on and on


You might like the game, but no one can (if they being honest or truthful) deny 4.0 is the largest dumbing down of SW:TOR yet. And SW:TOR has been dumbed down to stupidly simplistic levels in the past already


Well said, completely agree.


I totally fail to comprehend the apologist fanbois and their indignant defense of all things EA/BW. It's not like we were harshing on Mother Teresa for her philanthropy or something. This is a for-profit corporation, from which we purchase goods and services. We have every right to criticise.

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Does anyone agree with this? with all the rumors about it feels like they are dumbing the game down so that toddlers can even play it.


#1 Stats Crush

#2 Companions Auto Scaled, no gear

#3 Letting people buy 60's

#4 Skill Trees squished even further

#5 downscaling-upscaling

#6 Bolstering, why does gear even matter




First of all, the game's already very easy in solo mode with maybe 1 or 2 acceptions. Group content is really the only challenge.


1 and 2 assuming on 1 you mean the mastery stat for everything... well both of those are QoL improvements. As stated above, solo content, where you'd use companions, is already easy if you keep your companion geared at all. The naming of the main stat does not equal easier fights.


3 Buying a 60 does not make solo content any harder or easier, just able to play KotFE right away instead of leveling.


4 They changed some stuff around with skill trees, a few things swapped around extended to a later level. If anything the changes I've seen to this will make it harder, not easier since you have to wait until later to get certain perks.


5 I suppose you are referring to balancing of the classes? I am pretty sure that goes back and forth with it mostly going to the end of nerfing classes overall instead of upgrading, again, making the game harder in effect.


6 Bolstering in PVP does not equalize you to someone partially or even fully geared in 162 or 174 PvP gear with set bonuses. There's no reason to believe the bolstering in ops and FPs are going to automatically make a 55 equal to the potential of a 65.


Overall though, I think the game is too easy in solo mode, sometimes its so bad you can literally sit around while your companions and god droid kill everything. Very badly executed. There are some good gripes on this topic. Unfortunately you failed to raise a single one.

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Well said, completely agree.


I totally fail to comprehend the apologist fanbois and their indignant defense of all things EA/BW. It's not like we were harshing on Mother Teresa for her philanthropy or something. This is a for-profit corporation, from which we purchase goods and services. We have every right to criticise.


I always love this argument. "What, you don't agree with me??? How dare you have a different idea of what "dumb" means than what I tell you it means???". That's it, in a nutshell, yes? I dare to disagree, even provide examples of why, and yet, I'm some EA/BW fanboy/White Knight because you really can't refute what I presented any other way. It's all good and all, I understand, I really do: You don't like it, so it's bad, no matter how subjective that may be, it's your opinion, and everyone should share it. I don't. Deal. With. It.

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Well said, completely agree.


I totally fail to comprehend the apologist fanbois and their indignant defense of all things EA/BW. It's not like we were harshing on Mother Teresa for her philanthropy or something. This is a for-profit corporation, from which we purchase goods and services. We have every right to criticise.


You can criticize all you want. Don't cry, though, when you are criticized in return.

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1) The C-64 and the rest of the Commodore lines were true PCs (as in PC gaming), not "sorta" consoles.

2) The Atari 2600 was introduced well before the IBM PC (1977 v. 1981), and the rest of the first gen consoles weren't really competing with PCs because there was no established PC gaming industry. PCs were for hobbyists and business and cost substantially more than a console.

3) Once PCs became mainstream enough (affordable and suitable for gaming), consoles were pretty much relegated to use by children.

4) Once PCs became ubiquitous (as opposed to mainstream), even people that couldn't (or didn't want to) learn how to use PCs wanted to play games, so consoles made a comeback.


So, yeah, the "console generation" refers to people who use consoles by choice, not necessity, which pretty much means "current gen consoles". So "generation" is probably not accurate, since there are "console kiddies" of every age bracket.


You, sir/ma'am, win the internets for your nerd speak. I thank you. :p

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I'll be honest and truthful: I have 22 60s, of those, 18 have played every single class mission and every planetary mission on each faction. If I want to play the expansion with a LS Jugg, something I haven't finished yet, it's on Belsavis, how is it dumbing down the game for me to use my free 60 to play it? Did I suddenly forget everything that I learned from playing a DS tank and a DS DPS jugg to 60? By the time they introduced the bolster thing on Makeb, my Shadow, off the top of my head, was already "over geared" for it to do anything but give me a heal bot during combat, something that I ultimately didn't need anyway, since my HP bar didn't move when I hit the bolster. So much so that I asked my guild what the point was, since I used it and it didn't affect anything.


So really, no. It's not "dumbing it down". I'm still going to need to know good rotations for tanking, dpsing and healing. They didn't remove that necessity from the game. That would be "dumbing it down". I've seen the crafting brought up, and actually, I feel like it's "smartening up" the game, since Conquest won't be "Have enough mats together and start crafting before you log out to get your conquest done w/out playing the game at all", guilds will have to actually earn it now, not that I see that it has any relevance at all, especially calling it "Conquest". A better implementation would have been having guilds fight each other for control, based on the time it took to kill x mobs through the week, and then set up "sieges" over the weekend. That's conquest. Crafting stuff to clutter your inventory, not so much.


In your case, the ability to immediately bump a new character to 60 is not a problem at all. In fact, for people like you, me, and others who have been around for quite some time, I think it's great that we get one free bump to level 60. Now personally, I haven't run the Jedi Knight or Jedi Counselor stories (Chapter 1 thru 3) before and, even though I know I can read up on what those stories involve, I wouldn't want to start one at level 60 because I, personally, would rather feel the story than simply read about what happened. That's my personal choice, I am not saying that everyone should be limited by my personal choice.


What does concern me, especially if the game sees the influx of new blood they are hoping to get from the upcoming movie actually happens, is the first time player who comes in, subscribes, has never played the game at all, and "wham" they are level 60. They aren't doing anyone (including themselves) any favors at all. Even the players who have tinkered around and gotten some characters through one or two chapters but never finished a character because they lose interest in it, would fall into this category. The thought of level 60's asking how to get to fleet sort of gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, and you know it's coming.

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In your case, the ability to immediately bump a new character to 60 is not a problem at all. In fact, for people like you, me, and others who have been around for quite some time, I think it's great that we get one free bump to level 60. Now personally, I haven't run the Jedi Knight or Jedi Counselor stories (Chapter 1 thru 3) before and, even though I know I can read up on what those stories involve, I wouldn't want to start one at level 60 because I, personally, would rather feel the story than simply read about what happened. That's my personal choice, I am not saying that everyone should be limited by my personal choice.


What does concern me, especially if the game sees the influx of new blood they are hoping to get from the upcoming movie actually happens, is the first time player who comes in, subscribes, has never played the game at all, and "wham" they are level 60. They aren't doing anyone (including themselves) any favors at all. Even the players who have tinkered around and gotten some characters through one or two chapters but never finished a character because they lose interest in it, would fall into this category. The thought of level 60's asking how to get to fleet sort of gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, and you know it's coming.


Nothing is going to prevent that, and sadly, we have it now. People that don't do anything but PVP and don't know how to get their ship. Ok, to be honest, I've only seen that once, so far, but I have seen it. What I hope will happen, and it will for some, is that they'll get a taste, and then roll up a level 1 to learn to play/experience what the fuss is about. I keep an empty character slot in Aion, because I take long breaks from that game, and when I do go back, I roll a new character so that I can relearn how to play. Once I get the basics back, I delete it and play my established toons. No, not everyone is going to do that, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that will/would. They'll have a few slots to play around with, so who knows.

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Nothing is going to prevent that, and sadly, we have it now. People that don't do anything but PVP and don't know how to get their ship. Ok, to be honest, I've only seen that once, so far, but I have seen it. What I hope will happen, and it will for some, is that they'll get a taste, and then roll up a level 1 to learn to play/experience what the fuss is about. I keep an empty character slot in Aion, because I take long breaks from that game, and when I do go back, I roll a new character so that I can relearn how to play. Once I get the basics back, I delete it and play my established toons. No, not everyone is going to do that, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that will/would. They'll have a few slots to play around with, so who knows.


I occasionally take a step back as well. What I do when I come back is perhaps even more drastic. Typically, I will look at my character list, get overwhelmed with remembering abilities, chains, keybinds, etc, transfer everything to one character for holding, delete the rest and start over. Later, after I have one or two characters progressed enough that I know I am keeping them, I will transfer everything to THOSE characters, and delete the one old character I was holding on too.


Of course, being an OCD alaholic, I am a bit of an oddball. :D

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I keep an empty character slot in Aion, because I take long breaks from that game, and when I do go back, I roll a new character so that I can relearn how to play. Once I get the basics back, I delete it and play my established toons.

I do much the same. I, too, take long breaks from SWTOR and my other MMO. I keep low level characters around so I have someone with whom to re-acclimate back into the game after a hiatus.


What all these threads bemoaning the "dumbing down" of SWTOR fail to grasp is the distinction between "dumbing down" and simplifying. "Simpler" does not necessarily mean "easy." For example, they have made Companions less complicated, which mitigates potential mistakes. While I'm certain some players will disagree with me, I've never viewed clever Companion management as an integral part of the SWTOR experience. While properly gearing one's Companion affects the game, it's never been the reason I play the game. If simplifying Companions makes SWTOR more fun for other players ... Huzzah!!

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Does anyone agree with this? with all the rumors about it feels like they are dumbing the game down so that toddlers can even play it.


#1 Stats Crush

#2 Companions Auto Scaled, no gear

#3 Letting people buy 60's

#4 Skill Trees squished even further

#5 downscaling-upscaling

#6 Bolstering, why does gear even matter




Not one bit because what they did was were the game should of launched with in the first place

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