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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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I fully agree with this. Either you suck or you don;t suck. Amount of playtime does not make a player better or worse. That player actually taking the time to use Google, ask friends, ask their guild, hover over tool-tips and actually have a curiosity about HOW their class works ... THAT is what differentiates a good player from a bad player.


Player A can spend 2 months leveling just mashing 1,2,3,4, manage to somehow complete the story, and suck completely in an OP.


Player B can spend 2 hours just inspecting their skill tree, inspecting tool-tips, asking a few questions and maybe spending a bit on Google, and do 100 times better in an OP than Player A ever possibly could.


It annoys the crap out of me when someone in an OP is having a bad day and they get defensive with the whole "I've been playing for x-amount of time" . . . . no one cares, he still sucked and would not listen to the critique of his teammates. I'd rather have a newer player on my team that actually CARES about their class than some tard elitist that thinks he is superior because he took longer to level or something.




I know in the Twitch stream, the devs had new players starting 60's just to try out KotFE and to sell it, but I thought I read somewhere that the actual requirement for getting a level 60 would be having a character already to 60? Did I get that wrong?


Either way, in my case it is true. I have 16 level 60 characters. But I like this level 60 option because I may want to roll four more characters: A Sorc/Sage set up for DPS instead of Heals and a Sin/Shadow with tank builds. After leveling 4 characters through 2 story-lines (2 Inquisitors - one Sorc healer and one Assassin DPS, 2 Consulars - one Sage healer and one Shadow DPS), I think I can manage an alt of the same classes without having to trudge through those same stories again. A LOT of players like me have that mentality - they already leveled a similar class, and just want to roll out an alt of the same class with a slightly different skill tree setup.


EDIT: To add: Level 60's are not for sale anyway. As far as I am reading in the Dev publications so far, they are free to all current players. Did I miss something else there?


Subs get one free one. Any others and you pay. At least the way i understand it.

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So looking at the twitch streams and all the *********** newbs playing their toons in a crappy way, ick, I've decided nope, I'm not buying or using my free instant 60. No thank you. Cause the companions seemed too generic to me and the two main reasons I'm here is Companions and Story and the companions on the instant 60s looked like they didn't care at all about you just 'don't die' and that's it. No thank you.


I'll stick with my characters I've leveled 1 to 60 with husbands/wives, companions to 10k, etc.


Just, EEW.

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I hope EA/BW can study more regards to buying LV60s in store. It will not bring good to the community. They can always provide just 1 LV60 boost for new/old subs. That's all we need. We seriously do not NEED to BUY LV60s
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As I am sure others have said...WoW did it, hasn't broken that game in the least. Previous campaign cap toons are perfectly fine for those who are not interested in that class' story and want to jump right in or have to manage their time and cant be bothered to level YET another alt or want to play same class, different advanced class. I am sure there are many other legit / personal reasons.


Me personally, I shall be using my free 60 and buying one more for lore reasons. I don't want to be attached to current companions, and thus want to give the new ones my full attention without any guilt. Sounds silly, but its an option BW has graciously accorded me.

Edited by Fled
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Just because we don't NEED to buy 60s, does not mean we might not WANT the option to do so, and BW:A seems quite amenable to giving us that option.


You know, whenever I see someone say "We don't NEED to buy this lvl 60.", I can't help but wonder whether they're really saying "I don't need to buy it, I don't want it, hence no-one else should be able to, either."

Edited by sentientomega
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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


A max level character with an expansion is pretty common place these days.


Personally, no heartburn over it. I have level 60's. I have level 8's. Other people having level 60's doesn't take away from the fun I've had making my own.

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People having level 60's wouldn't hurt anyone anyway. If you want to just jack around, sure you queue on public queues, but if grouping with people who you are not comfortable playing with doesn't suit you, you should just group with your guildmates. That's how our guild works - we do not ever team up outside of the guild. It's either guild-mates or nothing. Better quality groups that way.
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No-one's forcing you to use it, and going by your last line?


You have no right to be repulsed at the notion of anyone taking advantage of a feature that BW:A is explicitly offering...


I'm repulsed at the set up so it's repulsive to me to not do the entire story. I didn't say those who used lvl 60s repulsed me. As I know you'll probably get your free one and buy tons of 60s just to do whatever it is you'll do, doesn't mean I'm repulsed.


What I was repulsed at is it's all generic. I've leveled too many toons and companions 1-60 to be able to just make some generic Sith A or Agent B.


Besides, I can be happy, repulsed, disgusted, amused, or whatever else I want to be. I have that right. They're MY emotions.

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Besides, I can be happy, repulsed, disgusted, amused, or whatever else I want to be. I have that right. They're MY emotions.


Just be lucky you do not live where I live. Then your emotions would not be yours, but instead belong to the government ;)

Edited by Faelandaea
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I hope EA/BW can study more regards to buying LV60s in store. It will not bring good to the community. They can always provide just 1 LV60 boost for new/old subs. That's all we need. We seriously do not NEED to BUY LV60s


Don't advise others to go do their homework, when you've not bothered to do any yourself. You can't buy a level 60 character. You unlock one default generic 60 per server/account if you purchase kotfe. They're a sub perk that comes with kofe, not a marketplace item. This thread and the sheer amount of people pro/anti 'buy' is really really sad. Somebody says something and you guys just run with it, not bothering to cross reference details to make sure that info is factually correct. Are minds these days that easily molded? smh...

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don't advise others to go do their homework, when you've not bothered to do any yourself. You can't buy a level 60 character. You unlock one default generic 60 per server/account if you purchase kotfe. They're a sub perk that comes with kofe, not a marketplace item. This thread and the sheer amount of people pro/anti 'buy' is really really sad. Somebody says something and you guys just run with it, not bothering to cross reference details to make sure that info is factually correct. Are minds these days that easily molded? Smh...






hey folks,


i have seen a few questions around how the “start at level 60” will work that comes with fallen empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now i wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things i have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get fallen empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. beyond that first one which is included free with kotfe, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the cartel market at any time. i know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the fallen empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.





Edited by cyrusramsey
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Don't advise others to go do their homework, when you've not bothered to do any yourself. You can't buy a level 60 character.

Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.

You were saying? :rolleyes:

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Whether the free 60 or a purchased 60, the best available information indicates that there will be no "backstory questionnaire" -- the character will have all flags set as if they took the "canon" action that Bioware assigns for that class and faction up to that point. For example, every "instant 60" Bounty Hunter ever created will, say..




... have killed the Chancellor, and not Darth Tormen.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Don't advise others to go do their homework, when you've not bothered to do any yourself. You can't buy a level 60 character. You unlock one default generic 60 per server/account if you purchase kotfe. They're a sub perk that comes with kofe, not a marketplace item. This thread and the sheer amount of people pro/anti 'buy' is really really sad. Somebody says something and you guys just run with it, not bothering to cross reference details to make sure that info is factually correct. Are minds these days that easily molded? smh...


Now that it has been pointed out to you that there will, indeed, be level 60 as a cm item I wonder just how you will eat your words. The information is factually correct. Just what does that say about you being capable of doing your homework?

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I was in the army for 7 years, i had plently of time to play video games, I also went to college full time and had plenty of time then as well. If you don't have time then don't play, it doesnt mean you should get a quick and easy I win button that everyone else had to work for besides they won't even know how to play properly.


I have no intention on using the automatic level 60 but I will disagree with you on a point. I am a full time paralegal major and I do not have plenty of time to play on the game, especially if I want to maintain my grade average, so not everyone that goes to college full time has plenty of time to play.


In addition, my boyfriend is in the air force and he doesn't have plenty of time to play as well so maybe that branch is different than the army or maybe it because he is in intelligence but using those two analogies to say people that are in the service or in college have plenty of time to play is false.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I have no intention on using the automatic level 60 but I will disagree with you on a point. I am a full time paralegal major and I do not have plenty of time to play on the game, especially if I want to maintain my grade average, so not everyone that goes to college full time has plenty of time to play.


In addition, my boyfriend is in the air force and he doesn't have plenty of time to play as well so maybe that branch is different than the army or maybe it because he is in intelligence but using those two analogies to say people that are in the service or in college have plenty of time to play is false.


Not to be rude Scarlet but how is any of what you just said relevant to buying lvl 60s?


You can still play the game from start to finish, just would take you longer with your ooc scheduled.

But nothing is taken away or with held


For some weird reason gamers have devolved into thinking they are OWED everything

End game is their right


There is a whole game for people who are busy in their real lives to experience, learn, understand.


Selling level 60s just turns this game into more BUY 2 Play junk.


Its a bad concept,

Its a lazy concept,

but its EAs future with this game.

They have already gutted crafting so everything is bought off the cartel market

now they removing leveling, but only if you sub and then double dip to buy a premade 60.

Everything in this game is now pushed to buying from Cartel Market after you sub.


If they want to do that they should look at Rift where everything is also for sale there BUT everything can also be earned or built in game through playing. And no sub is required.


SW:TOR at 4.0 has just turned into a sub game that pretty much forces you to buy off cartel market (or GTN once someone else bought off cartel market)


Its a bad design

And it will blow up in EAs face this time around.

Not just the prebought 60s but designing to try and force subs to spend even more

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Selling level 60s just turns this game into more BUY 2 Play junk.


I'd be saying that if the level cap was level 60 at launch but it won't be. You also won't be able to do the class storylines as well since you'll get the class storyline already completed for you and the choices for it already decided.

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Not to be rude Scarlet but how is any of what you just said relevant to buying lvl 60s?


You can still play the game from start to finish, just would take you longer with your ooc scheduled.

But nothing is taken away or with held


For some weird reason gamers have devolved into thinking they are OWED everything

End game is their right


There is a whole game for people who are busy in their real lives to experience, learn, understand.


Selling level 60s just turns this game into more BUY 2 Play junk.


Its a bad concept,

Its a lazy concept,

but its EAs future with this game.

They have already gutted crafting so everything is bought off the cartel market

now they removing leveling, but only if you sub and then double dip to buy a premade 60.

Everything in this game is now pushed to buying from Cartel Market after you sub.


If they want to do that they should look at Rift where everything is also for sale there BUT everything can also be earned or built in game through playing. And no sub is required.


SW:TOR at 4.0 has just turned into a sub game that pretty much forces you to buy off cartel market (or GTN once someone else bought off cartel market)


Its a bad design

And it will blow up in EAs face this time around.

Not just the prebought 60s but designing to try and force subs to spend even more


Did you read the post she was responding to? He used his analogy that he was in the army 7 years and had plenty of time to play video games and he was in college full time and had plenty of time to play video games. He used that as an analogy to show why people should have plenty of time to play video games. Just because he may had plenty of time to play video games doesn't mean everyone does.


I will not use a automatic level 60 as I have no reason to. I enjoy taking my time but again I will not tell someone else how to play the game but when someone uses an analogy to show why people in the service or in college have plenty of time , that analogy is wrong and false.

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I think this is a very bad idea for the purchaser. Even with the mastery stat and companions stats being based on level this game is going to have a steep learning curve. Giving someone a level sixty with no idea how to play the game is going to be a painful experience for them.


Only way I see it effecting me personally is if the crafting system stays the same. Everyone having six crafters to start is going to kill my mat selling business but the companion no gear thing kind of already did that.


I like most of you have issues with the Catel Market killing things like crafting but if they just had the revenue from subsribers I don't think this game would turn enough of a profit for EA to keep it running, it just one of those things we either live with or quit. I'm looking into the quit part depending on what news comes out of the 9/30 stream for crafting changes.

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Endgame content has always been trial by fire in every mmo ever. Leveling doesn't really teach you the know-how to your class since it doesn't push you to your limits. That comes after doing late content for hours and hours on end. These people you are so afraid will most likely not play endgame and even if they do they will have to learn their class doing flashpoints the same way we all had to in the start.


The reason why bioware did this is because they want people see the storyline which is really where bioware has focused their attention this time around. It's not like the pvp or pve content has been the selling point for them since launch anyway.

Edited by Crey
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They're a sub perk that comes with kofe, not a marketplace item. This thread and the sheer amount of people pro/anti 'buy' is really really sad. Somebody says something and you guys just run with it, not bothering to cross reference details to make sure that info is factually correct. Are minds these days that easily molded? smh...


Except that the original announcement said that you get one free character and could buy more. So yes, they are a marketplace item. Don't believe me, track down the announcement in the dev tracker.

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Don't advise others to go do their homework, when you've not bothered to do any yourself. You can't buy a level 60 character. You unlock one default generic 60 per server/account if you purchase kotfe. They're a sub perk that comes with kofe, not a marketplace item. This thread and the sheer amount of people pro/anti 'buy' is really really sad. Somebody says something and you guys just run with it, not bothering to cross reference details to make sure that info is factually correct. Are minds these days that easily molded? smh...


Hey folks,


I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.








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You were saying? :rolleyes:


Bantha poo apparently :p I apologize to all offended, I was clearly wrong. :o



Now that it has been pointed out to you that there will, indeed, be level 60 as a cm item I wonder just how you will eat your words. The information is factually correct. Just what does that say about you being capable of doing your homework?


I'll gargle and spit them out in a apology. As I've said before, I'm never too prideful to admit when I'm wrong as long as it's pointed out to me. However I must say, the smugness & derision radiating from your post is warmer than any fireplace. Something nostalgic about it. :rolleyes: So once again, I apologize. I was clearly outdated in my information. :)

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. However I must say, the smugness & derision radiating from your post is warmer than any fireplace. Something nostalgic about it. :rolleyes: So once again, I apologize. I was clearly outdated in my information. :)


It must have fallen out of your post, which was brimming to the top with it in the first place.

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