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3.x Operative PvP highlight video: SNAVES ON A PLANE


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I'm back with another highlight video showcasing the many bad players who allow me to be above average in this game and my, frankly amazing, voice dubbing skills. If you've ever wanted to hear a Welsh Bane and Samuel L Jackson this is the video for you.


This video is heavily focused around off node work, specifically 1 v X sap capping with some other nice stuff mixed in for good measure but please bear in mind this isn't meant to be an instructional video, more of a collection of some cool stuff that happened.


Sorry for the cam in the corner, this footage all comes from my stream (http://www.hitbox.tv/snave) and I unfortunately don't have a machine good enough to record and stream separately. I recommend sticking a post it note over the bottom right of your screen if it bothers you. The chat and gifs that appear on the bottom left are also from my stream, apologies in advance if anyone gets triggered reading them.


I'd like to thank the many players who carry me and help me not look as terrible as I am. It's always appreciated!


As I always say, I'm hoping to get more of these done over the coming months but I'm a massive procrastibator so it'll probably take me another year.


Song 1: Kashuks - Explore

Song 2: AWOLnation - Run

Song 3: Ninja Tracks - Live Or Die


http://torcommunity.com/ for ALL your SWTOR needs


http://www.hitbox.tv/Snave to watch me say mean things to bad players live.




Aren't you just killing bad players? - Yes.


Lol you're bad too! - Yes.


Lol you're fat! - I have a rare thyroid condition that makes it hard for me to lose weight. Lol jk I just eat too much and I'm lazy.


You're the best ever! - No.


Is it true that you once single handedly defeated the greatest 8 man ranked team Nostrum Dolus? - Yes, but I don't like to talk about it.


I love you, how can I support you more? - Come a long to my stream and hang out, say nice things about my beard.


As a fat man don't you think having the words "eats everything in his path" overlayed on to a song leaves you open to easy abuse? - Yes.

Edited by snave
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Good video I rarely watch them and even more rarely enjoy them! This was good. I love the positionals and spots you go to hide while in stealth and holding them off nodes awesome.


Yeah I'll probably make a video shortly to explain the decision making behind stalls and off node work. When I released my last video there was a significant increase in stealth players going for the off node but not really understand why they should and shouldn't always do it.

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What I learned from this:


1. you can't 1v1 an operative

2. you can't 2v1 an operative

3. you can't 3v1 an operative




8. at 8v1 you may have a chance to take down an operative

9. There is no good time to use your cc break because operatives have at least 2 stuns of 8 seconds or more. So in 1v1 the operative can stealth out and mez you and start to cap, if you break stun he just uses flash grenade and then you are down for 8s and nothing you can do about it. Or he can do those in reverse order, it matters not. In Xv1 where X>1, the operatives modus operandi is to repeatedly stealth out and mez all the party members until they all have their cc break on cooldown, then hit them all with aoe flash grenade.

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What I learned from this:


1. you can't 1v1 an operative

2. you can't 2v1 an operative

3. you can't 3v1 an operative




8. at 8v1 you may have a chance to take down an operative

9. There is no good time to use your cc break because operatives have at least 2 stuns of 8 seconds or more. So in 1v1 the operative can stealth out and mez you and start to cap, if you break stun he just uses flash grenade and then you are down for 8s and nothing you can do about it. Or he can do those in reverse order, it matters not. In Xv1 where X>1, the operatives modus operandi is to repeatedly stealth out and mez all the party members until they all have their cc break on cooldown, then hit them all with aoe flash grenade.


What you left out was it takes a GREAT ops to do all of what you explain, and it takes a lot of bad play on the enemies to make it more possible to pull off. I bet at most 5% of the ops playing can do all of what you outline above.

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What you left out was it takes a GREAT ops to do all of what you explain, and it takes a lot of bad play on the enemies to make it more possible to pull off. I bet at most 5% of the ops playing can do all of what you outline above.


So true... One small way to combat this is if you see an op trying this.. move away from your group a bit so his flash grenade misses you... If enough of you do that, then he runs out of stuns... Plus you don't actually need to kill him... It's objective pvp... Just stop him capping and you achieve the goal of guarding...

But yes... It was nicely done... I think, actually I know I couldn't do that so perfectly

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What I learned from this:


1. you can't 1v1 an operative

2. you can't 2v1 an operative

3. you can't 3v1 an operative




8. at 8v1 you may have a chance to take down an operative

9. There is no good time to use your cc break because operatives have at least 2 stuns of 8 seconds or more. So in 1v1 the operative can stealth out and mez you and start to cap, if you break stun he just uses flash grenade and then you are down for 8s and nothing you can do about it. Or he can do those in reverse order, it matters not. In Xv1 where X>1, the operatives modus operandi is to repeatedly stealth out and mez all the party members until they all have their cc break on cooldown, then hit them all with aoe flash grenade.


A 8s cap from flashbang can be pretty tricky to pull off, it's obviously much easier on hypergate because of the reduced cap time. It also takes a reasonable amount of situational awareness to work out which is the best approach to take vs which opponents and how many of them there are.


It's also super easy to avoid being double flash banged in to cap. One thing a lot of defenders seem to forget, especially 2v1, is that you don't have to kill me. Killing me isn't the number 1 priority, stopping me from capping is. All they really need to do is avoid that little radius around the node (or at least one of them) where you can be sap capped at then it becomes impossible for it to happen. In that circumstance I have to kill both defenders and cap the node before help arrives which to be honest is very difficult unless the 2 defenders are


1: so bad I can 2v1 them

2: their team is so bad they don't respond to their defenders calling inc

3: they're so bad they don't even call inc


This can be a little bit more complicated than the above but they have to be at least one of the above for it to work.


Defenders also frequently have no idea on how to actually cap the node against a stealth player trying to stall, I did cover how to do this successfully on my video "A Snave In The Grass" but I'm guessing the bad players aren't really the ones going out of their way to watch guides.


To be honest the biggest problem I face in warzones these days isn't good defenders, it's other stealth players on my own team who have no idea what they're doing or why they're trying to stall the cap and they just end up wrecking everything that I attempt to do. The amount of sap caps I've had broken by my own team mates is frankly terrifying. Don't even get me started on the genius stealth players who think standing at the off node for the whole round doing nothing is a great strategy. And there are A LOT of them.

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A 8s cap from flashbang can be pretty tricky to pull off, it's obviously much easier on hypergate because of the reduced cap time. It also takes a reasonable amount of situational awareness to work out which is the best approach to take vs which opponents and how many of them there are.


It's also super easy to avoid being double flash banged in to cap. One thing a lot of defenders seem to forget, especially 2v1, is that you don't have to kill me. Killing me isn't the number 1 priority, stopping me from capping is. All they really need to do is avoid that little radius around the node (or at least one of them) where you can be sap capped at then it becomes impossible for it to happen. In that circumstance I have to kill both defenders and cap the node before help arrives which to be honest is very difficult unless the 2 defenders are


1: so bad I can 2v1 them

2: their team is so bad they don't respond to their defenders calling inc

3: they're so bad they don't even call inc


This can be a little bit more complicated than the above but they have to be at least one of the above for it to work.


Defenders also frequently have no idea on how to actually cap the node against a stealth player trying to stall, I did cover how to do this successfully on my video "A Snave In The Grass" but I'm guessing the bad players aren't really the ones going out of their way to watch guides.


To be honest the biggest problem I face in warzones these days isn't good defenders, it's other stealth players on my own team who have no idea what they're doing or why they're trying to stall the cap and they just end up wrecking everything that I attempt to do. The amount of sap caps I've had broken by my own team mates is frankly terrifying. Don't even get me started on the genius stealth players who think standing at the off node for the whole round doing nothing is a great strategy. And there are A LOT of them.


You hit the nail on the head... "You don't need to kill"... It's objective pvp... Not death match... It's so simple... But most of the current pvp population can't grasp this simple tactic...


Let's face it... Most players these days fall into the category of bads when in objective pvp... No matter how good their actual combat killing skills are, they don't understand the mechanic of the game or tactics and they don't want to listen or learn from most people who do understand... It's all about those "numbers"... Who cares if we lose because I "topped the DPS"...


Lots of people should watch this video to see how real objective pvpers play... I know I'm not as good as Snave and it's good to see a master at work... But I'm a hell of a lot better than most when it comes to objective pvp because I use my brain over brawn...


The best defenders (they can be on any class) in the game are people who really understand what they are trying to achieve... Stop the cap as long as you can... You don't need to always kill... The worst defenders are those who want to kill everything...


And OMG... Do people even know what a CC these days is or how to identify one??... Like when you are capping... You've tried to time it so they have used their CDs so someone can CCs... Either the 4 guys standing their don't cc or someone does and the rest break it...


Snave... If you have the time and the inclination, can you do a series on how to play objective pvp and tactics to educated people... I think coming from someone with your reputation they might actually pay attention

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... I think coming from someone with your reputation they might actually pay attention

Im all for educations videos, but you are aware of the absolutely miniscule % of players that even view these forums, right?

Hoping that anything produced by the admirable few swtor players that record and upload will make a discernible difference ingame is like pi$$ing into the wind unfortunately.

Edited by MystbladeWA
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Im all for educations videos, but you are aware of the absolutely miniscule % of players that even view these forums, right?

Hoping that anything produced by the admirable few swtor players that record and upload will make a discernible difference ingame is like pi$$ing into the wind unfortunately.


I disagree.

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What you left out was it takes a GREAT ops to do all of what you explain, and it takes a lot of bad play on the enemies to make it more possible to pull off. I bet at most 5% of the ops playing can do all of what you outline above.


All the "great" ops already left the game. An average op can pretty easily keep 3 or 4 average players busy on alderaan or HG for a while.

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All the "great" ops already left the game. An average op can pretty easily keep 3 or 4 average players busy on alderaan or HG for a while.


I disagree. Most if not all the "great" ops who left the game primarily played healers, mainly because healing ops were pretty much over powered.. I can think of far More good dps operatives now than before and please bear in mind that back when 8 Man was in the game I was certainly considered to be one of the best operatives . I mean I wasn't but I was certainly considered to be.


In fact , I'd struggle to name 5 good dps operatives from pre 8 Man days where as now I probably have double that amount just in my friends list alone .


Also a average operative absolutely will not stall 3 average players for a reasonable time . By definition of average A 3v1 performance is not possible. Can a average op stall 3 bads? Sure. But if 3 people can't shut down 1 in a reasonable time then there is a skill or gear difference. It is incredibly hard for me to stall vs 3 good players simply because they know how to cap correctly (not hard to know , I'd classify it as average) and they know the basics of countering my class (again, not hard to know) but most Importantly , they know they don't have to kill me to cap the node which drastically speeds up the process. Stalling against 3 good players is no easy feat.


The real problem (and I understand this makes my above point somewhat invalid) is the average in this game has been dropping , significantly , since the removal of 8 Man . I think we probably have more individually good players now but the average is much lower. my definition of average is based more from the sum of my experience rather than just right now but I appreciate that does cause some variance in standard .

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I disagree. Most if not all the "great" ops who left the game primarily played healers, mainly because healing ops were pretty much over powered.. I can think of far More good dps operatives now than before and please bear in mind that back when 8 Man was in the game I was certainly considered to be one of the best operatives . I mean I wasn't but I was certainly considered to be.


In fact , I'd struggle to name 5 good dps operatives from pre 8 Man days where as now I probably have double that amount just in my friends list alone .


Also a average operative absolutely will not stall 3 average players for a reasonable time . By definition of average A 3v1 performance is not possible. Can a average op stall 3 bads? Sure. But if 3 people can't shut down 1 in a reasonable time then there is a skill or gear difference. It is incredibly hard for me to stall vs 3 good players simply because they know how to cap correctly (not hard to know , I'd classify it as average) and they know the basics of countering my class (again, not hard to know) but most Importantly , they know they don't have to kill me to cap the node which drastically speeds up the process. Stalling against 3 good players is no easy feat.


The real problem (and I understand this makes my above point somewhat invalid) is the average in this game has been dropping , significantly , since the removal of 8 Man . I think we probably have more individually good players now but the average is much lower. my definition of average is based more from the sum of my experience rather than just right now but I appreciate that does cause some variance in standard .


Nevermind that guy and his comment. He is being salty for the sake of being salty. Good vid and well played!

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I disagree. Most if not all the "great" ops who left the game primarily played healers, mainly because healing ops were pretty much over powered.. I can think of far More good dps operatives now than before and please bear in mind that back when 8 Man was in the game I was certainly considered to be one of the best operatives . I mean I wasn't but I was certainly considered to be.


In fact , I'd struggle to name 5 good dps operatives from pre 8 Man days where as now I probably have double that amount just in my friends list alone .


Also a average operative absolutely will not stall 3 average players for a reasonable time . By definition of average A 3v1 performance is not possible. Can a average op stall 3 bads? Sure. But if 3 people can't shut down 1 in a reasonable time then there is a skill or gear difference. It is incredibly hard for me to stall vs 3 good players simply because they know how to cap correctly (not hard to know , I'd classify it as average) and they know the basics of countering my class (again, not hard to know) but most Importantly , they know they don't have to kill me to cap the node which drastically speeds up the process. Stalling against 3 good players is no easy feat.


The real problem (and I understand this makes my above point somewhat invalid) is the average in this game has been dropping , significantly , since the removal of 8 Man . I think we probably have more individually good players now but the average is much lower. my definition of average is based more from the sum of my experience rather than just right now but I appreciate that does cause some variance in standard .


I could think of a few pretty easily, I can send them to you in a pm if you want since I can't write names here.


I just think back to when I play on my operative and I honestly didn't have that hard a time holding off 3 average players (well as you said, average players by today's standards). I certainly don't consider myself a great operative, I would probably consider myself average, but w/e.

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I could think of a few pretty easily, I can send them to you in a pm if you want since I can't write names here.


I just think back to when I play on my operative and I honestly didn't have that hard a time holding off 3 average players (well as you said, average players by today's standards). I certainly don't consider myself a great operative, I would probably consider myself average, but w/e.


Yeah sure thing, send them over. The fact that there were pretty much zero dps operatives in ranked for it's entire duration pretty much ruins any credibility that "great" dps operatives left the game but I'll happily read your list of players. I probably wont know any of them though.

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Yeah sure thing, send them over. The fact that there were pretty much zero dps operatives in ranked for it's entire duration pretty much ruins any credibility that "great" dps operatives left the game but I'll happily read your list of players. I probably wont know any of them though.


Sent. But just because they didn't use operative in ranked doesn't mean they weren't "great" players on it, just that they were even better on other classes that were more suited for ranked at the time.

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