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is KOTFE the next NGE?


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I think people are over reacting tbh, but I was there when Star Wars Galaxies NGE (new game enhancement) was released. People left in droves, my whole guild quit literally overnight, and I soon followed. People's reactions to unofficial news has started to reminisce the times before NGE was about to launch. I'm worried some people want change, and other people just can't handle change. Will those people eventually leave and bring the end to swtor, or will they leave and bring a brighter future for swtor? People are stuck in their old ways, and I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


My thoughts on it.


#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


:To be continued.


all i see is an overraction for no good reason. even if there is a reason, it is not warrented until the op tests it out himself/herself first before proceeding with the hot iron poker.

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so what's this about planetary down bolster? can someone PM me a link to something that says this? cause the only thing I've seen on this is with regards to FLASHPOINTS

Here's a full recap of the livestream with screenshots cropped from the official video.


go down to Level-synching





  • When visiting old planets, your level will be synced down to the appropriate level and have your stats changed. The level will be highest level you can do the content at.
  • You will not lose any abiltiies or passives.
  • It is not optional, you cannot toggle off level sync.
  • You will get experience from low level content this way and can help your friends leveling.


Here's the official livestream archive: (down scaling is towards the end) (about last 25 minute) http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/18528261

Edited by Falensawino
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NGE to a sandbox and turned it into a themepark. Nothing of the sort going here. You may not like the level syncing but the game is still a theme park heavily focused on combat.


The fact that planets are challenging for over leveled toons is not even close to the NGE moment you are looking for. Move along, move along.

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I think people are over reacting tbh, but I was there when Star Wars Galaxies NGE (new game enhancement) was released. People left in droves, my whole guild quit literally overnight, and I soon followed. People's reactions to unofficial news has started to reminisce the times before NGE was about to launch. I'm worried some people want change, and other people just can't handle change. Will those people eventually leave and bring the end to swtor, or will they leave and bring a brighter future for swtor? People are stuck in their old ways, and I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


My thoughts on it.


#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


:To be continued.


To put bluntly No IMO it isn't not the next NGE .


1. using words like nobody sounds very foolish very inaccurate. Just speaking for myself I like playing Bioware games on Normal or Story mode and enjoy being completely op....so that in itself nullify your statement,


In the future try speaking only for yourself for example I don't...


2 agreed the fact that is only cosmetic now is a great improvement as long as they can scale up to at least Elite level equivalent.





There is nothing in the definition of MMO that says you ever have to talk , group , or fight other players . All a MMO is is a environment where multiple player can interact with the same environment in real time.


A massively multiplayer online game (MMO or MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played over a network, such as the Internet.


4 More story is always good but NO I don't want more OPs or FP unless there is an option to solo them. or they have nothing to do with the actually story and are just random mission that are meaningless. overall.


5. just grinding armor is boring if there was no progression and just story I would be perfectly happy.




Also this is a quote form another post .


I also have not done any raiding or PVP or really any group stuff IMO its really not the "core" of a mmo that some make it out to be .


(mmo is simply an environment in which multiple people are playing in the same environment in real time ...it has nothing to do with forced grouping or pvp in a general sense.)


I always find stuff to do whether its doing all the dailies weekly just running around one shot things just to hang out with certain companions and with more things being soloable there is even more to do.


If they start putting more forced grouping , raise the difficulty above "normal" level or I don't like what they do with companions that would be a game breaker for me however.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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I think people are over reacting tbh, but I was there when Star Wars Galaxies NGE (new game enhancement) was released. People left in droves, my whole guild quit literally overnight, and I soon followed. People's reactions to unofficial news has started to reminisce the times before NGE was about to launch. I'm worried some people want change, and other people just can't handle change. Will those people eventually leave and bring the end to swtor, or will they leave and bring a brighter future for swtor? People are stuck in their old ways, and I am somewhat optimistic and hopeful KOTFE will turn out great.


My thoughts on it.


#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


Yes and no. I don't want most **** to be a face roll the first time I've done it. After the 20th, yes I do. Sometimes I'd hit max level and go back and do things for story purposes. Especially content I once avoided because it required a group at level. The Heroics come to mind as such content. My main thing is I don't want to aggro all the trash mobs on low level planets and have to fight through them. That's the benefit of hitting max level and then going back for datacrons or whatever. Now it will be just as annoying as it was the first time you were there. Or close to it.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


Well, as a raider I often had better 192 gear or 198 gear to give them. At least the ones I liked to use the most. So that was always optional. You could still change their looks but it came at a high price in terms of credits or commendations to do so.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


People need to stop saying this. The fact is that most people don't want a traditional feeling MMO. People feel boxed in by forced group content. It can be annoying to find a group to do certain things. I've still got the Heroic 4 for the Macrobinocular quest in my log after what? 2+ years for that very reason. I'm all about the group content when I raid, PvP or do flashpoints. Outside of the that I think everything should be solo'able or group'able as you choose. I think this game benefits from it feeling a lot like a traditional BioWare RPG experience. It still has the strengths of an MMO without some of their weaknesses. And honestly BioWare has done a lot of things to encourage group'ing in 4.0. The only thing I disagree with is level syncing outside of the Heroics. There is simply no need for it and it makes traveling there on max level characters annoying. But they did add value to Heroics and SM Ops / Flashpoints the way they've done it. All that's good stuff and helps keep the game like an MMO for those who want it.

#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


Heroic 4's and planet quests are largely generic. For me, that crap was worth doing once or twice. I've got 18 level 60's. I couldn't give a **** about those quests. I still like most of the old operations despite doing them all in progression. I'm not sure how I'll feel about them all being scaled to 65 in HM. I guess we'll find out when it launches.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


Agreed. We've had the 192/198's for awhile. And yes, the regrinding of gear every now and again gives us a new goal and is one of the reasons we keep playing. HM Ops give us new gear and separate us from the more casual players who don't do that stuff. That's all good for people who like that sort of thing.


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


I liked what I heard on the crafting. I'm not a big fan of the crafting system now because leveling it was always a pain in the *** for me. Without 12x XP I simply level via PvP. I can't stand planetary quests. I've done them too many times to want to do them again. The class stories are good enough for me to replay, but that's it. Under 12x XP you want to keep moving so you don't waste your XP boosters. So for me the changes to gathering skills and crafting skills are most welcome. I can level these during operations regardless of my actual level or crafting / gathering levels. Perfect solution in my opinion.


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


:To be continued.


I feel it's a good move ultimately. I can use what I want without thinking about their roles, or making sure I've got them geared. Some of them fell to disuse because they were harder to gear (droids) or because not as much dropped for them. I didn't get a lot of AIM gear on my Marauder while leveling it. So my AIM companions didn't get much. Now that we have the basic comm system that's not as much of an issue. But that means I'll have more basic comms left over when I hit 60. All good in my book.

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NGE.... everyone take a drink


Ohhh a drinking game ... can i add some more phrases ...


" level sync"


"this is a MMO that means you have to have non solo able content and group activities and pvp or it will die"


"x" is the death of swtor


then becomes a endurance test its not if you will pass out but when,,, How long can you read the forum without passing out drunk lol

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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I never saw the big fear for the NGE I played SWG up to server close, subs were dropping like flies to go play WoW while the "real" fans stayed with swg, Company got scared and tried to make some changes as to why they lost so many subs to WoW and other MMO's. They noticed Themepark was central to those MMOs. NGE wasn't bad, Allowing everyone to be a Jedi wasn't bad, taking away the skill based combat was, that was what truly ruined SWG for many people, not the NGE but the CU they had before it.


The only MMO i've seen in the last 20 years that truly failed was the first release of Final Fantasy 14, a game(while I had fun with it) so horrible in the fans eyes that they had to completely redo the entire game and re-release it as A Realm Reborn a far superior version. That my fellow forumites is what a failure truly is.

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#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.



#1 - If I am going back to a planet I have done on 20 other toons, I have zero interest in challenging content. I am there for exploration, mats, datacrons, etc. I value my time.


#3 - The stats i heard from Gafney was 60-65% of mmo players mostly solo. I bet it is higher in SWTOR due to IP and KOTOR. I can't conceive of a AAA MMO not being solo friendly in 2015. SWTOR committing to being more solo friendly is best news about kotfe.


#6 - I doubt crafting will be fine in any themepark MMO. The kids would be horrified if you could craft good gear instead of it dropping from boss#17.

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The devs pay attention to the moods on the many forums concerning SWTOR. No one wants to put things into a game that cause subscriptions to hemorage. There are more people on Pre-CU / NGE SWG emulator servers to this day than on most servers in SWTOR. No one wants to again ignore their playerbase and become the next SWG closing their servers.
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It might be (although, having not played SWG, I am only familiar with it as it being described as "the end times") but it's hard to say at this point.


Some of the ideas do seem largely terrible such as the current uproar over mandatory level scaling. (Look, sometimes, I find a +1 willpower datacron that my SI didn't know about and I just want to pop in there, grab it and leave.)


Some ideas Bioware has walked back some from being terrible (So I'll still be able to access my old companions after the KOTFE when I feel like dusting one off for a Rakghoul event as opposed to being locked into the new companions)


Some ideas could go either way such as companion customization. (On the one hand, my mara wouldn't have had to break out Treek whenever things got rough. On the other hand, I'm not sure how much my mara would have used any other companion beyond Vette if everyone can be all three roles. Sure, there's the few "you must have this companion to advance" missions but, otherwise, all they're going to be is skin changes.)


At this point, we'll wait and see. As I've said before, I just plan to have Tiffany my insta-60 SW go through the KOTFE stuff to see if it's worth running the eight through. Beyond that, unless the changes make it too irritating to continue, I'll still run the eight through up to Ziost (2 completely done. 1 is finishing SOR. 2 are still in class story. 3 haven't started yet.) and then see whether it's time to quit or not.


Because, at this point, that's all that can be done. If KOTFE makes the game better, then everyone will benefit. If KOTFE breaks the game, then there's nothing to be done about it at this point.

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Will this be the end of SWTOR?


No, of course not... but it will change it into something else... Is that good or bad? I can't say, time will tell...


Finally - someone else who sees the truth!


Yes, people will leave, but people will join also who prefer such a system. I have 6 friends whom I want to check out SWTOR. But they have been on the fence. The new features coming up (sync included), however, have them actually willing. They all accepted referrals from me this week after the live stream.

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Finally - someone else who sees the truth!


Yes, people will leave, but people will join also who prefer such a system. I have 6 friends whom I want to check out SWTOR. But they have been on the fence. The new features coming up (sync included), however, have them actually willing. They all accepted referrals from me this week after the live stream.


That's the truth of the matter. If we go back to SWG's NGE. I didn't join SWG till after the NGE expansion. I loved NGE but there are others out there that didn't and as I joined they left. The same is going to be the case here. There will be some that leave because of the changes being added to TOR with KotFE. But there will be others that join. Will KotFE be the downfall of TOR, only time will tell, but I have my doubts.


Personally I believe the I don't want level syncing crowd to be in the minority. I expect the majority of players will stay regardless, but again only time will tell.

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