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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you for the balanced PvP! Finally a game gets it!!!


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Just wanted to say thank for the balanced PvP. Ive been PvPing for years in many games and I must say that Bioware has done what Blizzard has failed to do for the last 8 years -- balance their PvP. Only 3 maps at this point, but all 3 are crazy fun and with the balanced toons, they are awesome!


From a veteran PvP'er I salute you Bioware. Job well done.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<

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Let me guess, you're a sage or Sorc.


I currently PvP with 2 of my 3 toons. My main PvP toon is a Marauder. Quite the little baddie for sure. My other is a Sorc. I dont enjoy the Sorc in PvP as much though. It's fun, but I just enjoy my killing up close, in your face, and personal. lol

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Reroll as republic then if you don't want to play huttball so much. Sith get stuck playing hutball because it is the only map that allows empire vs empire matches, and with the population imbalance you folks end up playing each other, a lot. Another perk of rolling republic is I have never had to wait longer than about a minute for a warzone to pop and its easy to find sith to kill in open world pvp.
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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.




Let sit put it an other way.


1 LvL 50 dps with 1 Lvl 50 bealer VS 1 LvL 50 dps with 1 LvL 13 healer.


Which healer will have the hardest time here?

When a LvL 13 healer is as equal good as a 50, then the system works.

Edited by Mamono
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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.


Have the 13 spec healing and you got your wish.

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Have the 13 spec healing and you got your wish.


Bounty Hunter? With 1 healing ability? VS any other LvL 50 healer? You got to be kidding.


And everyone know that 1 healer vs 1 dps is a lost cause unless the healer gets help.

Edited by Mamono
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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


Mauraders/Sents do oustanding DPS, but they do die, a lot. It seems unbalanced to die a lot, but I have no trouble doing 200k+ damage without much effort.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


Hi, my main is Runetang (LoLettow) 32 Marauder. PvP is balanced, and I destroy all the classes you list, except occasionally when I come across a very good player.


I'm also valor rank 30+ (Gladiator), would be a hell of a lot higher, but I've been away for the past 5 days. I've played a ton of Huttball, and it's my favourite Warzone.


Stop stating your opinion as fact. You are a prime example of what makes this forum a mess of badly thought out QQ. You're level 18, don't have most of your abilities (you're probably not even PvP specced: Rage), and you're complaining about balance.


PvP in this game is remarkably well balanced, in my opinion.

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And dont forget, unless you like cherity, healing is a waste.

No one cares about you as a healer , no one vots on you as a healer, you don't get any bonuses as a healer. Ok, you have 3 bonues as a healer, but as a dps you have 8.

Wounderfull system. I guess you all agree that healing should be a lower priority in this game when it comes to PvP. DPS is the way to go.


"Oh, but you cant win the game without healer, they keep the dps alive"

Then for crying out load give the healers some recognition.


Then you will say, "if you are a healer and wont heal and we lose, it is your fault".

Then you agree that healers should be kept down as slaves. Healers are there for you as dps to succeed and shine.

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And dont forget, unless you like cherity, healing is a waste.

No one cares about you as a healer , no one vots on you as a healer, you don't get any bonuses as a healer. Ok, you have 3 bonues as a healer, but as a dps you have 8.

Wounderfull system. I guess you all agree that healing should be a lower priority in this game when it comes to PvP. DPS is the way to go.


"Oh, but you cant win the game without healer, they keep the dps alive"

Then for crying out load give the healers some recognition.


Then you will say, "if you are a healer and wont heal and we lose, it is your fault".

Then you agree that healers should be kept down as slaves. Healers are there for you as dps to succeed and shine.


I got into my guild because I'm a good pvp healer.


I routinely get mvp because I'm a good pvp healer


I have a high win percentage because I'm a good pvp healer.


I have a lot of friends because I'm a good pvp healer.


People listen to me in /ops because I'm a good pvp healer.


Start getting 100k+ heals per match and maybe someone will actually care about you.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


I played a marauder/sentinel in beta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrvnxfSDomQ


I did extremely well and they're pretty overpowered at higher levels.

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I got into my guild because I'm a good pvp healer.


I routinely get mvp because I'm a good pvp healer


I have a high win percentage because I'm a good pvp healer.


I have a lot of friends because I'm a good pvp healer.


People listen to me in /ops because I'm a good pvp healer.


Start getting 100k+ heals per match and maybe someone will actually care about you.


I im in a guild because Im a good PvE healer.

I had friends alredy before I started to play.

Win % because you heal? So you are the one carrying the PvP run alone? You have some mighty high impressions of your self.

And no, people do not listen to you in the /ops. The channel is normally used to throw insults and random chatter. Unless you are in a premade.


But 100k dps > 100k healing any day as the PvP system works.

No one cares about you doing 2000k healing either. The guys doing the most dps still gets the votes and the bonus. You get jack **** for working your ars of.


But you like charity work so.

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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.




Let sit put it an other way.


1 LvL 50 dps with 1 Lvl 50 bealer VS 1 LvL 50 dps with 1 LvL 13 healer.


Which healer will have the hardest time here?

When a LvL 13 healer is as equal good as a 50, then the system works.


The higher lvl should always have an advantage. Not sure what you are complaining about. Not sure if you are trolling but to say that the game is unbalaced because you lvl 13 w/e cant beat a lvl 50 is beyond stupid.

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