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  1. Yuun can shine later on. Once you get to 50 he's a good daily companion, especially once you get him in excess epics, he turns into a buzzsaw. Jorgen seems too slow to wind up and attack for me.
  2. It took me 7 wins to get my 3 wins yesterday.
  3. So, about that response..................................Shortly...........
  4. Easy, make it tol barad. Have a RvR style battle kick off several times per day. Limit sides to even. put some sort of pve bonus for holing the zone.
  5. Get a group (so that the imps have an easier time getting to 150)
  6. How also do you make it equitable to Republic players facing the Imp zerg? How do you make it attractive for Reps to play without fearing they're just going to get pounded by the waiting horde?
  7. Sorry, Current developed WoW is the baseline by which other MMO's get judged. It's not like a bunch of noobs made TOR. It's from a AAA studio that's owned by one of the largest game companies in the world. What many of the WoW comparison haters don't seem to get is that these people aren't posting because they love them some WoW so much that they spent money on another game just to troll their forums. There's a lot of people in WoW that like the MMO genre and desperately want to leave. But, they at least expect a baseline experience comparable to what they're playing currently. I'm not talking about 8 years of piled up content. But WoW has figured out how to streamline play and try to reduce the unenjoyable mechanical aspects of the game. Remember, in interviews past the TOR devs even said that they were ripping a lot of WoW for the reasons I've mentioned.
  8. Want to have fun? Be a Juggernaut, Guardian, or JC/SI. Go to the datacron on the sandcrawler that you have to do the balloon thing to get to. Wait Wait Wait See cross faction player come, knock them off, make troll face.
  9. Here's the deal. I don't think you need an LFG cross server yet. One of the big reasons that it's in wow is to aid the leveling process considering the majority of characters are at max level. In a few months it's going to be much much harder to get people to group up for the low level Flashpoints by just spamming in General since there's going to be a lot lower percentage of leveling players. I'm sorry, I don't have deep conversations with people in dungeons, I get more interaction with people on the heroic quests. And I think it's hellishly irritating to have to spam in general in fleet and then travel to every planet in the level range and spam there to get a group. It would be a lot nicer to have a tool that assembles a group out of the eligible and willing people on your server than have to spamfest for 30 minutes just to get a mid level flashpoint group together.
  10. Why didn't you roll Republic?
  11. Which procs are those, the ones you almost never see? Or what about all those buffs and debuffs that all have the same icon, I can totally tell what all those are. Every time I proc a free stockstrike I always know it by the tiny icon that looks the same as 10 other buffs.
  12. A 25 minute queue, only to get a 1023 while in it. Back to the front, 25 more minutes. Play for a little bit. Error 9000. More queue, error 1023.............
  13. Unless it's 25 minutes, zone lock get dumped with an error 9000, 25 more minutes, pull a heroic boss, zone lock, error 9000, 25 minutes.
  14. Or you could just roll Republic. But I like the idea of choosing queues, that way Sith could sit in 2 hours queues since they had to be ****** and roll the overpopulated faction.
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