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I hope you give us something from The Force Awakens on December 18th, BioWare


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Don't you guys think it would be a massive let down if BW just have ignored the fact that the The Force Awakens: Ep VII is coming soon and didn't give us a single thing in a game related or at least inspired by the newest episode? It's been over 10 years since last SW movie and expectations of all fans around the world are beyond imagination. What are your thoughts guys? What would you want to see? Do you think they have something in plans already? Edited by Satelle
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Don't you guys think it would be a massive let down if BW just have ignored the fact that the The Force Awakens: Ep VII is coming soon and didn't give us a single thing in a game related or at least inspired by the newest episode?


A "massive let down"? How so?

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I doubt it.


TFA is the new canon, SWTOR is the old EU - both are totally different entities right now. Doesn't make much sense adding stuff from the parallel universe


You're right, it makes NO marketing sense whatsoever to have any tie-in to the new Star Wars movie... in a Star Wars game...



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Don't you guys think it would be a massive let down if BW just have ignored the fact that the The Force Awakens: Ep VII is coming soon and didn't give us a single thing in a game related or at least inspired by the newest episode? It's been over 10 years since last SW movie and expectations of all fans around the world are beyond imagination. What are your thoughts guys? What would you want to see? Do you think they have something in plans already?


To be fair, the new speeder bike from the trailers for VII has already been on the CM for a few months already. Still, it'd be nice to have some more items show up from VII.

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Actually: "The saga continues December 18, 2015..." ;)


It's released on the 16th in many European countries, the 17th in the UK, and the 18th in the US/Japan.


I think the UAE gets it the 14th or 15th. Dunno why, but I seem to remember that was the very first official release.

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I'm sure that there will be plenty of things added that will bear some resemblance to some of the new stuff.


No names will be attached, of course, and it likely won't be a perfect reproduction, but a lot of the in-game stuff is supposed to remind players of some of the stuff sen in the movies, cartoons, or even comics, and I don't expect that to change. The new movie(s) will give the devs even more stuff to look at and play around with.


It helps get people in the "Star Wars" frame of mind.


I mean, it's not cartel market stuff, but do you think that a smuggler getting a round-ish ship and a Wookie companion are coincidences?

The look is part of what makes Star Wars what it is, so they want to use those iconic designs, or something similar enough to them, to make people think "Star Wars" when they see images from, or as they play, the game.

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Don't you guys think it would be a massive let down if BW just have ignored the fact that the The Force Awakens: Ep VII is coming soon and didn't give us a single thing in a game related or at least inspired by the newest episode? It's been over 10 years since last SW movie and expectations of all fans around the world are beyond imagination. What are your thoughts guys? What would you want to see? Do you think they have something in plans already?


Yes! They should totally give us something from 4000 years in the future.


Seriously, no, just no.

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I have this running theory that somehow the First Order in Force Awakens might have roots in the Zakuul Empire. It's also interesting that Kylo Ren's mask looks very similar to Reven's mask. Order of Revan - Knights of Ren...thousands of years can change the names a little. Hell look what they did to Korriban changing to Morriban but they left Darth Bane in the Clone Wars.


Totally just a theory but it would make great marketing sense as well lol. I'd buy.

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