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Will KOTFE lock us out of the rest of the game?


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I am curious to this, the jump of 3 years in KOTFE seems very damaging to the game Itself. I have to ask, will it be like ziost in that it asks if we want to leave SWTOR forever and enter KOTFE? Or is it going to be like how tython and korriban look untouched after forged alliances in that there we be no changes at all? Please respond bioware or anyone who could help.


Thanks in advance

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Eric has posted an answer to this question on these very forums...


But honestly, think about it, are you really going to be locked out of the fleet, the daily areas, and the old ops? How would you even do the old ops if you couldn't go to fleet?


It doesn't even make sense...


Of course you can go back to the old areas, the new expansion takes place in your own phased area, it is separate from the rest of the game.

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I don't think that Eric / BW has answered this in a satisfying matter yet.


If you read his answer a couple of times, you will notice that even though it sounds clear, it's actually lacking.


I honestly still don't know and understand how this thing will work out.


I am currently in the decision-finding process: Which of my chars will I sacrifice for KotFE. For sure not my main. Who knows what's gonna happen.

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Where'd you get that info?


New social hub has been confirmed during Cantina Tour


Ability to summon old companions have been confirmed in the Livestream Wrap-Up, but no details on how exactly it will work (datamine suggests something about it) However, they will serve only as skins and will not have anything to say. Many older companions will show up during KotFE story and you will be able to recruit them


Ability to visit old planets that will not really be changed has also been confirmed by a yellow post. But from cantina Tour, we know that there will not be anything to do on those planets once KotFE story begins, which will remove all previous quests from you quest log (we do not know it this applies to dailies and heroics). You will be asked twice if you are really, really sure you want to start, probably outlining what will be locked.

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It hasn't really been covered extensively, officially, yet. But Eric promised a blog post will be coming that gives more informationen prior to the release of KotFE. Meanwhile, most of what we know is from the cantina tour in Germany. Dulfy has a collection of information people were able to gather, and some of it is also on reddit.


You won't be locked out of the old game world. You will be able to visit all the places, gather materials, do heroics/dailies etc. You won't be able to start/continue/finish any pre-KotFE story missions, particularly class and companion missions, but also Makeb and SoR. You will get two warnings and detailed information on what starting KotFE entails, so you won't be rushing in blind.


The old places will also remain as they are/were during the 1-50/55/60 leveling experience. They specifically stated "no cataclysm experience" (as in WoW) with regard to old planets/zones.

Edited by KyaniteD
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New social hub has been confirmed during Cantina Tour


Ability to visit old planets that will not really be changed has also been confirmed by a yellow post. But from cantina Tour, we know that there will not be anything to do on those planets once KotFE story begins, which will remove all previous quests from you quest log (we do not know it this applies to dailies and heroics). You will be asked twice if you are really, really sure you want to start, probably outlining what will be locked.


A new hub, sure. But the same as Makeb's orbital satellite was a new hub - It has (almost) everything there, but no-one actually uses it for that purpose.


I'm pretty sure that all we know of the old planets, is that the class story, and probably the planetary arcs will be deemed complete. Regular side-missions and heroics I doubt will be affected. Makeb for example, they've said that the dailies/weekly will remain, albeit in a different form.


Long story short: Details? We don't have any.

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A new hub, sure. But the same as Makeb's orbital satellite was a new hub - It has (almost) everything there, but no-one actually uses it for that purpose.


They would have to create a new "fleet pass" for the new hub, if they do that then it will perhaps be a active place to visit.

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Short answer, no. Eric said we aren't losing anything aside from the weekly on makeb, which is going to be replaced by something. The only thing we will be locked out from completing is our story missions and expansion missions. Hence the double warning before starting KotFE. All side quests, dailies, planets, etc will still remain.


As far as the new hub goes, that is a fleet where everyone who has started KotFE can hang out together no matter the faction. They have stated we will have access to both fleets.


The good news is we have 4 weeks and a few days to go and we will know everything.:p

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Game is going to work like it has previously, "time bubbles."


KotFE will be it's own separate thing that only affects things within the expansion, everything else will stay unaffected because the rest of the game will be based in earlier instances of time (hence why nothing will happen to companions unlike the false hype, etc.).

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As far as I understand it.

1. You will be able to visit old planets.

2. You will not be able to finish any class quest.

3. You will not be able to finish any planetary quest arcs (basically any quest)

4. Any quest that you had related to said planets will disappear.

5. You will be asked not once...but TWICE whether you choose to continue this path to make sure you understand the gravity of the choice you are about to make. There will be no going back.

6. While you can go back to planets, it seems it will probably be used as nostalgia purposes and resource gathering for crafting.

7. You will be able to keep all your companions, (eventually) but not all of them will have updated stories pertaining to the expansion.

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7. You will be able to keep all your companions, (eventually) but not all of them will have updated stories pertaining to the expansion.


Not exactly what has been said.

What they said was that some of the Vanilla companions (Mostly romances) will not be recruitable within the new storyline (They'll be minor/major NPCs) but will still be playable outside KOTFE content. Several vanilla companions are set to return (Listing them would be talking datamined info, only T7 has been shown in the livestream) as full companions. Now, will they have new ship conversation is unknown but since they do have a role, I suspect they'll at least react to event in the new storyline if present.

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Game is going to work like it has previously, "time bubbles."


KotFE will be it's own separate thing that only affects things within the expansion, everything else will stay unaffected because the rest of the game will be based in earlier instances of time (hence why nothing will happen to companions unlike the false hype, etc.).


Who says a companion we kill won't stay dead? I think you're putting too many things together that weren't said. In a stream, Backus was just saying that the companions that won't necessarily be available in chapters 1-9 (like Kira, Vette, Mako, etc) will still be available "outside of it". Note that it doesn't look like many companions will be killable, but...

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5. You will be asked not once...but TWICE whether you choose to continue this path to make sure you understand the gravity of the choice you are about to make. There will be no going back.


^ That applies for EA/Bioware too and the lack of new endgame content this year? Of course there will be no going back with all those empty servers...

Edited by psikofunkster
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I am curious to this, the jump of 3 years in KOTFE seems very damaging to the game Itself. I have to ask, will it be like ziost in that it asks if we want to leave SWTOR forever and enter KOTFE? Or is it going to be like how tython and korriban look untouched after forged alliances in that there we be no changes at all? Please respond bioware or anyone who could help.


Thanks in advance


So, what's the answer?


Will we still be able to play SWTOR to our heart's content without having to enter the KOTFE expansion?


I recently got back into playing SWTOR (and subscribed for the rewards and KOTFE expansion, when I'm ready for it). I am still making new characters now, but there's no way my Level 34 Jedi Sage will be ready to enter the expansion when it is released next month. And, I'd like to keep playing my other characters that I'm still creating for however long that I want. I don't want to be rushed.


It says that we'd "start at Level 60" so I'm guessing it would be like how ROTHC and SOR expansions worked, where you can only enter them once you're at a certain level?


If I don't want to enter the KOTFE expansion, will I need to un-subscribe?

Edited by Jaqurec_Landelle
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You'll likely be forced to enter it by changes to other systems (crafting/companions). I don't think you'll have any true choice one FE is released.


It's been said at events that there is a double prompt to confirm whether or not you want to initiate the KOTFE storyline.

The only way for it to be "forced" would be for the prompt to appear on login and the two options to be "Yes" and "Sure".

Bottom line: No one will force you to initiate Knights of the Fallen Empire if you don't want to. Every indication points to that and not the opposite.

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It's been said at events that there is a double prompt to confirm whether or not you want to initiate the KOTFE storyline.

The only way for it to be "forced" would be for the prompt to appear on login and the two options to be "Yes" and "Sure".

Bottom line: No one will force you to initiate Knights of the Fallen Empire if you don't want to. Every indication points to that and not the opposite.


Oh, thanks! That's a relief!


I'd just really like to play SWTOR as much as I like before initiating KOTFE.

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If I don't want to enter the KOTFE expansion, will I need to un-subscribe?


Mechanic changes will still apply to you (because those will be part of Game Update 4.0), just like disciplines affected everyone even if they didnt have SoR bought.


But yes, you will be able to roll level 1 alts, and go throguh the story all over again, you will be probably able to get to level 65 without entering KotFE, etc.


Not sure why would you refuse to play potentially a very good story.

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