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Nico Okarr's Coat - What a disappointment


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Only in America are people who work 50-60 hours a week called lazy with such gusto.


Seriously, I get the complaints about the coat, but using the massively overused lazy card is, well, lazy, in the extreme.


Those people may be at the building they work at...or on the clock for 50-60 hours a week but they sure as anything are NOT working that long. BSing....joking around....eating....sure, but working? Bwahahahahah

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This point people are pretty much staying subbed for the early access. Funny thing is I have a feeling were just waiting for that great msg that's going to say due to X Y and Z KOTFE early access has been delayed until further notice sorry for the inconvenience here go buy some nice reskinned shines on our Cartel market!
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By the way, the expansion IS FREE.


It may not be free in the sense that free to players who don't spend a single dime in the game can play KOTFE, but it's free to people who are already subscribing.


Yes, you mister/misses entitled one, are paying your whopping $15 a month on your sub. Yes, you're buying coins to get shinies from the cartel market. Good on you, you're supporting Bioware and the game most of us like if not love.


But aside from your subscription, you aren't paying an extra $20, $30, or $60 for the expansion. THIS is why people are telling you KOTFE is free.


All you're doing is paying your subscription, which in turn gives you permission to play on the servers, which let's you do all the content you want as much as you want. It lets you do skill tree changes without spending credits, you get 6 quick bars, 12 characters (before the 10 extra you buy from gtn or cartel market to equal 22) and you aren't gimped in leveling experience and the like.


So, you ARE getting KOTFE for free. You're NOT paying extra money. If you were paying for your sub AND you had to shell out an additional 20-60 to play KOTFE come October, then it wouldn't be free.


But you aren't and so the expansion is free. Not 100% free since you have to be subbed TO play it, but it isn't costing you more money, so in THAT sense, it is free.

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There is no excuse for this. Lazy. As much as I hate to use that word, lazy... they exploited peoples hopes to keep them paying through their wallets, just to give something without any attempt in return. A reskin... seriously? Just wow... Bioware can do better than this. Or I would think so


I shall facepalm if this reskinned gear of "Nico's armor set" is sold on the CM for millions of credits like lots of other sought after rare gears.

Edited by Krimlord
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Only in America are people who work 50-60 hours a week called lazy with such gusto.


Seriously, I get the complaints about the coat, but using the massively overused lazy card is, well, lazy, in the extreme.


Good for America then, measuring by results instead of mere presence at the office.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Paying $15 for a reward =/= receiving a reward for free.


Especially in a game where you don't have to be subbed to play it.


I'm not trolling. You don't have to agree with me, but this is my opinion. There's nothing "free" about Nico's duster.

Are you paying for the reward or for the subscription? You're paying for the subscription and the perks that normally come with it. The rewards, including this coat, are bonuses given to you as thanks and are not part of the package you actually pay for, therefore free.


And honestly, I don't see what there is to be surprised about here, wasn't everyone convinced it would look like this the moment the rewards first showed up on the site?

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Are you paying for the reward or for the subscription? You're paying for the subscription and the perks that normally come with it. The rewards, including this coat, are bonuses given to you as thanks and are not part of the package you actually pay for, therefore free.


And honestly, I don't see what there is to be surprised about here, wasn't everyone convinced it would look like this the moment the rewards first showed up on the site?


It isn't "free."

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It is a free reward for people who are subscribed, just like there have been plenty of other rewards out there fhat were given to people for being subscribed on X Date, just as the expansion is "free" to everyone who pays a subscription service. You aren't just paying $15 for a duster. You are paying $15 to play the game as and receive all the benefits of being a subscriber including any free rewards. It is still free because they are not charging you for the item.

Something for the "you should be able to afford it, just sub" crew to consider.


You (and I) aren't paying $15 to play this game. We are paying $15 (or 12€, or whatever) ***a month*** to play it.

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Is anyone else not yet convinced this expansion, and everything revolving around it, is a rushed attempt to capitalize on the new movie's hype? Forgoing existing problems to provide apparent luster for the supposed new fans.


- Crap new abilities, because more ability bloat is what we need. Any abilities worthwhile would be too time-consuming to balance and design. Mere mirrored skills taken from other classes.

- Re-skins take less time.

- Main stat change to mastery resulting in less gear they have to come up with.

- Stretching out disciplines rather than add stuff on the road to 65.

- Stuff I'm probably forgetting to mention.


And yet with all this, the episodes are still going to be buggy as hell, and no doubt delayed constantly. Sigh.

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Only in America are people who work 50-60 hours a week called lazy with such gusto.


Seriously, I get the complaints about the coat, but using the massively overused lazy card is, well, lazy, in the extreme.


Agreed. Especially when it comes from armchair gamers who have never worked a day in their lives.

Edited by Aeristash
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Something for the "you should be able to afford it, just sub" crew to consider.


You (and I) aren't paying $15 to play this game. We are paying $15 (or 12€, or whatever) ***a month*** to play it.

Anyone playing the game in the first place 1)has a computer capable of playing it; 2) has a high-speed internet connection; 3) wastes more than $15 a month on Starbucks drinks or some equally frivolous luxury.


It's all a matter of priorities.

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Is anyone else not yet convinced this expansion, and everything revolving around it, is a rushed attempt to capitalize on the new movie's hype? Forgoing existing problems to provide apparent luster for the supposed new fans.


- Crap new abilities, because more ability bloat is what we need. Any abilities worthwhile would be too time-consuming to balance and design. Mere mirrored skills taken from other classes.

- Re-skins take less time.

- Main stat change to mastery resulting in less gear they have to come up with.

- Stretching out disciplines rather than add stuff on the road to 65.

- Stuff I'm probably forgetting to mention.


And yet with all this, the episodes are still going to be buggy as hell, and no doubt delayed constantly. Sigh.


Probably. I'm not expecting epicness that makes the world a better place, etc, but it WOULD be nice to begin playing on October 20th and find that at the very least the chapters we'll be getting won't be broken, story stupid as hell, and other things. Of course I haven't played it yet, so it could be the best thing since sliced bread. But from everything I've seen from previous expansions and some of the changes with this one....it'll probably be a good thing it's being included in our sub and not extra money we have to shell out.

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Something for the "you should be able to afford it, just sub" crew to consider.


You (and I) aren't paying $15 to play this game. We are paying $15 (or 12€, or whatever) ***a month*** to play it.


But if $15 or whatever a month is a MAJOR expense...one may want to look for better work, not have tons of kids, or whatever else they're blowing money on (if not broke) cause I spend $50 a week/week and a half for a carton of cigarettes my husband and I smoke.

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