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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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ik it might seem empty right now

but alot of mmo's started out this way at the beggining. they had to release first and make the filler content later - because you have to admit at the least, that they put alooooot of time and energy into building everything we see go on in the game. to the band at nar shadaa and the people dancing near them, to every detail on every building and every act including some of the shops that are useless atm except for scenic value.


: ) at least, lets appreciate what is and thank them for bringing the game out now instead of say 5 years or more when 'more' would be able to be put into it.


buck up everyone. were some of the first players. doesnt that count for something.

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As a former WAR player, I cannot recommend the use of any of Warhammer Online's endgame RvR systems, which were (and are... as of about 6 months ago) a mess.


I would like to suggest the addition of a "Next Skill Queued" window, which shows the next skill that will fire after the current one is complete (like you had in KoTOR).

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Game pro review slams Star Wars: The old republic


don't take my word for it look for your self's




Oh boy, a review from a media outlet that no longer exists. Gamepro magazine has been shut down man.


I give your post a Fun Factor rating of 0.0.


And I actually couldn't disagree more with Julian Rignall's assessment of the game.

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You missed EU maintenance being done in the day. It is completely unacceptable to me and the reason I cancelled. Enjoying the game up to now but feel most strongly about this.


btw why did they not get one of their community managers to do this thread? I guess they would have struggled with 'regularly updated'. Who exactly asked you to 'provide feedback to Bioware'? Not calling you out or anything but again I would have expected one of there employees to say " we have asked Ruin to provide feedback"? If you had offered a prize for best contribution I would have immediately thought scam!


So to re-iterate.


No money from me until they conduct EU maintenance in the wee hours.




Edited by GumBoil
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I actually do not want a Combat Log.


The Combat Log means that people will run add-ons or automated parsers and start telling people how they must play. At that point the elitists arrive.


Yes, some people will use those tools properly. However, some people will not use those tools properly.


We do not need those tools.


We did not have them (at large) in EverQuest and the game worked.

We did not have them in Dark Age of Camelot and the game worked.

We do not need them.


People want them because they want this to be WoW 2.0.


If BioWare keeps the Combat Log out people will adapt.


Instead of looking at a parser to find out what happened people will start paying attention to the game so that they can see what happened. They will learn how to handle encounters when they can't finger point and place blame. The community will become more inclusive. People will be less afraid of grouping out of fear of making a mistake and being thrashed for it.


This is a game.


This is not a competition. If you can't handle the content without a log then you don't need to be doing the content anyway. If you can handle the content without a log then you don't need the log and thus asking for it is not necessary.

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The problems I see with the current looking for group system attached to the who tab of the social window are:

  1. Most don't know its there. I've seen no more than 5 people using it at a time.
  2. Of those that do some don't add comments so we can't see what they want to do
  3. the comments column is too narrow. Most of the message gets cut off.
  4. The who list maxes out at 100. I found out the hard way the other day anyone 101 and above can't use it at all.
  5. Its in a seperate window away from the quests. Blizzard tried a global lfg window and it was a complete failure until they started bribing people to use it. I don't want to see that here.


Suggestion: Add the looking for group option the the quest log.


Put a check box next to each heroic quest and flashpoint entry on the log.

Put a general check box at the top of the log for those that are looking for a team for general play.

The check box is to add your name to the lfg list and automatically adds an comment entry telling people what quest you're on.

At the top of the log is a button opens the list of people who are looking for a team.

The list would show at least level, class, a large enough comment entry to clearly show all quest you are looking to do, and number of people currently on your team.

Edited by RedClip
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I actually do not want a Combat Log.


The Combat Log means that people will run add-ons or automated parsers and start telling people how they must play. At that point the elitists arrive.


Yes, some people will use those tools properly. However, some people will not use those tools properly.


We do not need those tools.


We did not have them (at large) in EverQuest and the game worked.

We did not have them in Dark Age of Camelot and the game worked.

We do not need them.


People want them because they want this to be WoW 2.0.


If BioWare keeps the Combat Log out people will adapt.


Instead of looking at a parser to find out what happened people will start paying attention to the game so that they can see what happened. They will learn how to handle encounters when they can't finger point and place blame. The community will become more inclusive. People will be less afraid of grouping out of fear of making a mistake and being thrashed for it.


This is a game.


This is not a competition. If you can't handle the content without a log then you don't need to be doing the content anyway. If you can handle the content without a log then you don't need the log and thus asking for it is not necessary.


Strongly agree. Combat logs are not needed at all.

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Currently flashpoints are faction based. I would love to see Cross-Faction flashpoints added to the game that have republic and empire teaming up to repel a mutual threat. Some of the flashpoints that are virtually identical to both sides would be cool for this.


I'd love to see a diplomacy system (unrelated to the crew skill) added to the game that gives "cooperation points" that go towards "co-op gear." Hammer Station would be a great template for this. Hammer Station threatens both sides, let us team up to fight it. I would love to take my Knight into battle backed up by a Smuggler, Inquisitor, and Imperial Agent. Light/Dark outcomes would also be more close instead of seeing 4 blue stars at the end of each conversation.

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I think the option to toggle on and off basic looking armor for each class would be nice. Here, since that's rather hard to understand, I'll give an example.


Say you're a jedi, your computer isn't playing the game so well or you don't like the armor you're wearing, you hit this button and it puts you in very standard Jedi robes, it puts all Sith in standard Sith robes, same for ALL other classes. These armors or robes are designed to be very simple, so it decreases lag and gives people (like me) the choice to wear standard stuff instead of fantasy type armor. I miss the old simple Jedi robes and Sith robes. Not to mention it could help greatly with performance.

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This may not be the most nicely phrased feedback, but I'll avoid the death threats and personal insults. That being said...


The UI makes me want to punch babies. Why can't I customize it? Why can't I use an add on to fix this pile of crap?

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Okay since i don't wanna start a new thread on this here are my suggestions for Graphics Options.



-Waving gras on/off option

-Tree Distance Slider

-Particle Effects Slider

-Drawing Distance Slider

-Anisotropic Filtering Option

-Grass Distance Slider (like in Skyrim)

-Bloom shouldn't be tied to the Shadow settings,make it seperate

-Show spell effects for Group/Raidgroup/warband only (helps getting better frames in mass PvP)

-Show other players companions on/off option (i don't need to see every *********** companion on the fleet from the other players,just eats FPS)

-World Texture Quality (Low,MiddleHigh)

-A Bloom intensity slider



That's about it.Since Bioware wanna make this game accessable for Players with lower end computers these graphics options NEED to come if they wanna hold the subscriptions if you ask me.

A player that has a Laptop for example that is just barely over the minimum requirements will NEED those options to make the game playable on his PC.


Everytime i look at the SWTOR graphics options i could sucker punch the guy who was so lazy to just give us 6-7 piss poor graphics options.

Edited by HerrFett
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I'd like to see a cargo hold feature that is account-specific rather than character-specific. This game has turned me into an altaholic and it would improve quality of life issues regarding load times if one could avoid toon-hopping while looking for mats.
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How about a flashpoint LFG queue feature? Yesterday I was on the Imp fleet with about 230 on it for a good 2+ hours trying to get a group for mandalorian raiders and could not get one so spent the whole time crafting.


I then went to tattooine to do missions and during the 2-3 hours there I was also LFG mandalorian raiders and still no luck. That place also had over 100 people during the time I was there as well.


It really sucks cuz you level pretty quick in this game and can pass up on a bunch of things by outleveling them. I mean sure I could keep on looking for a mandalorian raider group but what fun is it doing an instance when u finally get a group and you are 10 levels above the enemies in that flashpoint?

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I'd like to see the character cap for servers removed completely. It's an antiquated system. I'm a huge altoholic and if I want to roll every AC I shouldn't have to commit to one faction per server or split my characters between two factions across two servers.
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- Mainteinance time for Europe: I just think that it's really disrespectful to ALL Europe players their policy on this matter. Not having separate maintenance timeframe for Europe/USA seems to me like they're not respecting me as a client.


- Lazy quests design: I hate that exploiting of revisiting zones/places, sometimes it's SO obvious that they're just exploiting it... Please don't abuse of revisited places on next content patches :)


- Loading times: Hoth? Alderaan? Come on... really? This should be improved or taking care about it for upcoming new planets.


- Crafting: Why are you allowed to "choose" between three different crew skills? If you go for one crafting crew skill, you're FORCED to pick the other two related to it, since you can't build high level items if you have any other... Then there is no "suggestion" on your choice, I don't know why even there is a choice :S You should be able to have a free choice on, at least, your third crew skill, being that one non-dependant.


If you take, for example, Artifice, you MUST choose Archaeology and Treasure Hunting. I thought you only needed Archaeology for farming needed items for the recipes, and I went for Diplomacy for affection and alignment farming, then I noticed that you are forced to pick Treasure Hunting if you want to make good recipes for Artifice. Then, what's the point of choice?? The only choice you have here is if you don't want to craft and just want to farm items for selling, but if you want to really craft... you have no choice. Artifice MUST go with Archaeology+Treasure Hunting, and I assume that other crafting skills are exactly the same. No choice, no options, no freedom.


- Stupid design traveling with your ship to planets: Yeah, I'm talking about unnecesarily walking/zoning through 4 places each time you travel to a planet or you go back to Fleet. (Fleet - Hangar - Ship - Planet hangar - Planet, could be just into: Fleet - Hangar - Ship - Planet)


- Activated/deactivated companion skills not being saved. I think it's an issue with only few companions, but as a consular being your main companion Qyzen Fess it's really annoying. (I don't know if it's a bug so I post it here also)


- Low limit capacity servers? I think that servers don't allow so much players. I have the impression that population is low and, even in a "Full" server, you play almost the same players in Warzones all the time. Planets usually don't have more than 20 players when server is "Standard" (???) Maybe I'm wrong, but just stating it.


- Jedi Consular design: In my oppinion storyline is really bad and consular equipment is the most horrible I've ever seen in a MMORPG. And companions: Really sucks having to play with the stupid same companion during 45 levels.


- Guild banks.


Oh, and antialiasing... please :(


That's all, thanks for reading.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1336551#post1336551

Edited by JabbaCG
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can everyone just chill? lets not give bioware a reason to shut this suggestion forum down so that NObody can suggest anything anymore thus getting rid of a valuable communication line(although like i and others have said before, itd be nice to hear from bioware on these ideas too)






definitley work more on the social aspect of this game, bioware. add arcade machines to the cantinas that have real mini games. centidpede, pinball, or gun con games(its already unknowingly done with the ships firing mechanism) make family units. put pool or some kind of original star wars universe multi player social game in the cantinas- and i guarantee you they will stop being so empty. give players a reason to be there other than quiting at the end of the day.

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Dont know if these have been said but heres what Id like to see.


- **The ability to sit in chairs!! especially in cantinas!**


- A barber so we can switch up how are hair and facial hair look.


- I know this is a big one but be able to free roam in space and do like non controlled space battles.


-The ability to play instruments maybe? They had this in Lotro and it was so much fun, people were RP as bands and stuff. It was just a lot of fun in general :). Just a suggestion..


-Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


-This would be really cool but I doubt it will ever happen. The ability to speak with other player characters! It would be kind of like a call and answer basis. You invite someone to talk they accept or decline. Then the 3 options of what you can say would come up. Probably an insult, a compliment and something in between. Then they would answer with something and then that first thing that you say would lead into a conversation. It would just be fun to speak with others IC. And then there would be a like sims kond of thing where your standing with that character goes down or up. And then tat would open up so much possibilities in the long run.


......All these are just suggestions not raging that I want them it would just be cool to see these :).

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Dont know if these have been said but heres what Id like to see.


- **The ability to sit in chairs!! especially in cantinas!**


- A barber so we can switch up how are hair and facial hair look.


- I know this is a big one but be able to free roam in space and do like non controlled space battles.


-The ability to play instruments maybe? They had this in Lotro and it was so much fun, people were RP as bands and stuff. It was just a lot of fun in general :). Just a suggestion..


-Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


-This would be really cool but I doubt it will ever happen. The ability to speak with other player characters! It would be kind of like a call and answer basis. You invite someone to talk they accept or decline. Then the 3 options of what you can say would come up. Probably an insult, a compliment and something in between. Then they would answer with something and then that first thing that you say would lead into a conversation. It would just be fun to speak with others IC. And then there would be a like sims kond of thing where your standing with that character goes down or up. And then tat would open up so much possibilities in the long run.


......All these are just suggestions not raging that I want them it would just be cool to see these :).




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