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10 Good
  1. 100 is the base number for percentages, which is basic math. People break things down easier when it's based on 100. eg. You could tell them that they're rolling 1-375 for no commendation, and 376-500 to gain one, but that's just being annoying.
  2. There is the matching mainhand for your offhand, it just goes by a different name, but the stats are identical and it has no defense/absorb at all. Take a closer look through the list and you should find it.
  3. On the -rare- occasion that I do use Ravage, it's only the first two strikes, in which the damage comes out almost immediately. It can be helpful with burst if your Annihilate is on cooldown and you're about to finish someone off. Eg. Ravage for two slashes followed by Vicious Throw.
  4. I'd rather they didn't change anything about the Marauder rotations to be honest. It's dynamic and far more thought and skill is required to play a good Marauder over my other two toons (50 Tanksin [Though using Dark Ward is annoying] & 45 Merc). After playing the three specs thoroughly, I'd say Rage has the easier rotation of the three and least preparation for it's damage output. A Force Choke/Force Crush followed by an Obliterate/Charge and then watch the numbers fly with Slam. Carnage at the moment is a little unpleasant due to Marauders being the equivalent of pinballs in PvP, and the up-time you need on your target with Carnage is pretty much 100%, save for the Force Screams that help a bit. Annihilation probably has the longest preparation/rotation of all, but the most satisfying results if your timing is decent. Anyhow, leave the class alone. >_>
  5. If you want to look like a "completed" Terminator, then just wear no armor at all, that way your skin is showing and it looks like the skin grafting on the T800 was complete. Ofcourse you'll hit like a wet noodle, but at least every time you're about to die you can legitimately scream out "I'll be back!"
  6. For those thinking that Annihilation got nerfed, it's only due to a low amount of crit on your part, which is now easier to boost than ever before due to the Champion Bag changes. Spend all of your Champion tokens on the Marauder Gloves, strip the mods out of them and place them into the rest of your gear. The Marauder Champion gloves contain Crit/Surge stats. Doing this to all of your gear you'll easily sit at 31%+ crit not including Juyo Form's +15% to bleeds. To the OP, yes, I'm absolutely loving the fix, my damage has become even more absurd, with regular 3x Deadly Saber crit ticks for 1400+, and far higher with Relic/Adrenal buffs stacked.
  7. Funnily enough, that's the excuse that every sexually insecure guy gives when explaining why they're playing a female character. The ones that play female characters for fun don't ever seem to need to justify it though. Makes you wonder what the former is hiding...
  8. I'm just going to throw this out there: The "buff" that we Marauders received was actually a nerf, our Bleedout was providing 30% damage to -all- bleeds instead of just crit bleeds. They corrected it to just being crit bleeds, and gave us a little pat on the head with an extra 9% bleed damage to another talent. I'm not concerned with it because I'm not Annihilation spec, but look into the abilities before you feel "jealous" about them, unless you truly meant you actually want to be nerfed?
  9. Personally I finished this with just under 1k health remaining, as Annihilation spec at level 48. Firstly he is completely immune to all CC (Can't remember if he's immune to interrupts as well, you'll have to check his buffs). Keep Quinn out (have him reasonably geared, he was in 45 greens for my run which isn't great but it sufficed). Dump your bleeds out on him as often as possible, the simplest rotation for this is Force Charge, Deadly Saber (Pop Deadly Saber mid-charge so the charge damage causes the first tick), Battering Assault for your second tick, and then Rupture for your third tick. Keep Cloak of Pain up as early as you can as well. Also, do -not- use your medpac at the last second, use it the moment you lose about 3k HP so it's cooldown will be ready as soon as possible when you need it the second time. After your second round of Charging/Bleeds you should have Berserk ready to go which will heal you up for about 1800 over 6 ticks, and use your 20 minute cooldown for the constant healing as well. The rest just involves running around to avoid his lightning on the ground, keep in mind you also have Force Camouflage to defuse his damage for 4 seconds and give you some breathing room.
  10. Funnier thing is, some purple crystals -can- be stripped from gear and traded over the Nar Shaddaa GTN. Basic hardmode gear
  11. I know as a Marauder I use my 45sec CD Vanish extremely often just to break target lock even for a few seconds, pop a medpac and then get back into the fight.. That couple of seconds when you're not being targetted can ruin someone's rotation severely, especially if they auto-target someone else when you vanish. I did the same with my Assassin but used the Vanish a little more sparingly as the CD is longer.
  12. Someone failed the basics of reverse psychology. "I done gone rerolled as dis class! Don't nerf it plz!" Seriously?
  13. Quite enjoying the game as well. There's the bugs of course but they're able to be worked around for now and overall they're not as dramatic as people make it out to be. Will definitely be remaining subbed for a very long time.
  14. I have to say I love this little Droid, I don't own one but when I saw one get placed in a WZ near the doors, we could actually hear it's music from our spawn point and it travelled from a distance with the proper echoing sound. I want it to work again.
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