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Could you please STOP putting weird turtle like stuff on the back of trooper armors


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So far the only thing that really pisses me off a lot is armored pants, trooper's included. Why the "armor" in fact jusr stupid texture? Is it so immposible te make the plates a bit more detailed like all armored hands?

And yeah havoc head is weird. Fels like it designed for kubaz with their "elephant-face" :)

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And while you are at it, could you please remove the unnecessary gray ugly thing on the back of Havoc Squad armor chestpiece?



Haha, it looks like we've found your pet peeve. You can expect even more turtle like stuff on the backs of Troopers and an even uglier gray thing on their chest pieces. Once we have found a weakness we like to exploit it, to watch it fester and grow until the dark side runs strong within your veins. Your anger makes you strong. Give in to it and join us, only then will you be powerful enough to destroy all ugliness and turtleness in the galaxy.


And turtleness is too a word. :confused:



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That's not a landmine. :p


That said, agreed witht he OP, so many nice armors that I don't use because of the backpacks they come with :/


It looks like one though...

And compared to Hope trailer, is just looks grossly oversized. I would be fine with it, if it would be like 2/3 of the size, not covering half of the chest.

Edited by Aries_cz
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It looks like one though...

And compared to Hope trailer, is just looks grossly oversized. I would be fine with it, if it would be like 1/3 of the size, not covering half of the chest.


Hate to break it to you but your eyes deceive you. In the hope trailer it's just as big.

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My suggestion would be, make 1 version of the armor with and one without the stuff OP's referring to, just like the Contract Hunter Legacy Set, link: http://tor-fashion.com/contract-hunter/... even though i must admit i really like the way that backpack looks, very slim :cool:


I cant find the chestpiece without it though... but im certain my Scoundrel got that version on her...


Also, BW artists designing the armor... please stop making the front your focus. most of the time in game you look at the character from the back. Its as important as the front. The latest armor sets are improving on this aspect, but its still funny sometimes, when i want to buy a set, and then i look at it from behind and go.... no no... :)

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It looks like one though...

And compared to Hope trailer, is just looks grossly oversized. I would be fine with it, if it would be like 2/3 of the size, not covering half of the chest.


Well.. technically.. it's a chest mine. :D


I think it is there so that when some mob ganks the trooper and stomps on their chest... it goes BOOM! and blows the mob into low planetary orbit. :p

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And while you are at it, could you please remove the unnecessary gray ugly thing on the back of Havoc Squad armor chestpiece?



If you're talking about the big old boxes like on the back of the Tactical Infantry set, I head-canon role-play those as containing the climate control, air filtration and comms gear, and also the power supply that allows you to wear what amounts to armour-plated NBC suits and run around on Hoth and/or Tatooine without baking or freezing to death.


Back in the 80s, my wife was in the Massachusetts ANG and had experience of wearing real NBC suits in Massachusetts summertime. That weather is pretty unpleasant (98F and 98% humidity is common, for three weeks at a time) in less sealed-up clothing than that, so imagine what Tatooine in an NBC suit must be like... (OK, not 98% humidity, duh.) She had nothing good to say about those suits, by the way.

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I just figure it's extra batteries for plasma generation so you don't have to wait for weapon recharge. At least, that's what I say it is, along with extra sensor equipment not used by civilians for tactical operations. Not that I like it all the time, but some of it kind of makes sense, in a way. But definitely I'd like more armors that are havoc squad ready that I can use as dress uniform, like when I get called into Gen. Garza, every ten minutes, and on the stand in front of the senate hearing and such. Don't think I needed extra power or sensors there, mostly.
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"Soldier, why have you brought your assault cannon and a full recharge power pack for it into this senate hearing?"


"A soldier should always be prepared, sir!"


"We're in the middle of the Senate building on Coruscant, we're surrounded by armed guards... prepared for what, exactly, soldier?"


"Prepared in case I flip out and go crazy and decide to kill the entire senate, sir. For the Republic, Sir.Um, not that I'm going to, of course. Sir."


"Thank you for that candid, if un-reassuring answer, soldier. By the way, you look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle."


"Sir, yes sir, thank you sir!"

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Armor is SWTOR isn't complete without adding a backpack, suspenders, butt flaps or a single shoulder pad.


If they make something really nice, people buy it, use it, and stop buying more Cartel market crap.


That's a lie! My collection tells me so :p


<_< I don't want them all looking the same >_> Except for my troopers! They all get the same armor!

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Armor is SWTOR isn't complete without adding a backpack, suspenders, butt flaps or a single shoulder pad.


If they make something really nice, people buy it, use it, and stop buying more Cartel market crap.


HA! That's actually a very astute observation lol.

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