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12x xp isn't enough


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I think it works fine on some classes, but on others, if you do only your class missions, you fall vastly behind the leveling curve. I think it's because some classes complete quests less often than others.


Playing a new Agent side by side with my friends BH, I noticed my Agent falling further and further behind because her quests complete less often.


On my inquisitor (a class I find very boring but want to see the story of) I've gotten to level 43 and I'm fighting things +4 and +5. It's become essentially impossible at this point, and I don't see it getting any better. Getting pretty close to unsubbing.


I resubscribed for this, and it's a joke. It needs to be 12.5x or 13x. That would probably do the trick.


And that's the lazy way. If it were done right, you would just increase rewards multipliers for some quests on some classes to catch them up.


Turn off the 12xp using a buff. If I'm reading this right you can't keep up your gear to match your level in PVE and are very squishy because of that.

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Most ppl I've talked to don't upgrade every tier, which is what? 2-4 lvls on the mod vendor? Personally I upgrade about every 10 lvls or so, I try to make the gear last as long as possible so if I'm not having trouble with missions I don't bother with it


Edit: meant to quote the guy above me, shouldn't post half asleep

Edited by MASOLIZ
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So you're skipping upgrade tiers. You do realize that proves my point, right?


You just don't have the same opinion about what geared means.


I use Treek, I don't need to upgrade her gear until 29/33 depending on the class I'm playing, then every 8 levels or more.

I'm upgrading my gear every 8 level until 49 then it's 53, sure we are skipping tiers, so what, it's still not a problem, there's enough to level without trouble.


You don't get enough comms/gear to have both you and your companion in blue gear without 12x XP buff anyway, so I'm not sure why it should with the buff..

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You don't get enough comms/gear to have both you and your companion in blue gear without 12x XP buff anyway

Read what I originally posted very carefully...

Class quests alone don't give you nearly enough to keep you and even a single companion geared.


I don't understand the argumentative tone. You're confirming what I've been saying.

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This cannot be a serious post. Are you running away from every mob in your path? Stealthing through everything? If so, stop doing that and you'll be fine.


I been doing this and don't have a problem with leveling, then again I only level with rest bonus xp.

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Most ppl I've talked to don't upgrade every tier, which is what? 2-4 lvls on the mod vendor? Personally I upgrade about every 10 lvls or so, I try to make the gear last as long as possible so if I'm not having trouble with missions I don't bother with it


Edit: meant to quote the guy above me, shouldn't post half asleep


When there was no 12X xp or xp boosters of any kind it made sense to upgrade your mods whenever possible. However, this has change and now it's more of a hassle to keep your gear upgrade. I do the same and only upgrade every 10 levels or so.

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I remember having some trouble keeping up on a few of my already leveled chars (starting at various levels below 40), back at the former version of the epic XP.


As for this one, when I start a new char, and I've leveled at least 20 during this bonus (Altoholic, I know), I stay consistently around 4 levels ahead of the current content until the last two planets, where it evens out a bit, such that I usually finish Corellia at somewhere between level 51-53. And I do not run Makeb before I'm done with the class story.


I have leveled stealthers and non-stealthers and multiples of every class (and deleted quite a few toons at 55) and thus I'll confidently say that the number of mobs killed have some, but not very much impact on your leveling progress. The same goes, pretty much, for how much of the content besides class-quests that you do.

And even guild-bonus.


Why? Simple:


With guild-bonus and xp-bonus running non-stop and doing only class-stories, you get an extra 20-35% xp on all class-quests, which amounts to a lot across every planet. If you do non-class quests, your xp-bonus usually runs out and thus you don't get it on all class-quests. My experience here is that the non-class quests even that out somewhat, but not quite, meaning you end up at level 51-52 rather than 53+, depending on how much non-class content you do.


The same goes for guild-bonus, which may cost you about a level in total across all planets, if you don't have it.


So it comes down to balancing it a bit, as well as timing when to use the xp-buffs. (Remember that only the general 25% bonus buffs work, as do the guild buffs. None of the type-specific buffs stack with the epic bonus, nor do, I believe, the ones you can buy in legacy.)


So, if you want to run more side-quests or planetary quests, you simply have to make sure that you run a bit faster, use the transportation-system and quick-travel whenever it will save you a bit of time and pop one of the free xp-bonuses right before you take a class-quest reward. Looking at the xp-rewards before and after you pop such a bonus and you can easily see the difference in numbers.


Just remember that pretty much no matter what you do, running anything besides class-quests will actually mean you gain less xp overall (unless you run a lot of high-xp content or use GTN-bought xp-bonuses), as you will lose out on a lot of class-xp, since the free bonuses will run out sooner and thus not cover all the quests.


I leveled a knight, where I did pretty much every quest on about 2/3rds of the planets and she was 54,9 at the end of Corellia. I didn't have bonuses on every quest, but I saved up 2-3 quest rewards on the bigger ones and then used a bonus before accepting the rewards.. And while the bonus was running, I sped up as much as I could.


Usually though, I ding 52 or so right before I finish Corellia, even with stealth-classes. (Since they complete content the fastest, they have the highest up-time of the bonuses and this easily balances out the lack of mob-kills, if you use fast-travel and the travel-system intelligently.)


TL;DR: Use fast-travel, pop xp-bonuses before accepting story-quest rewards and, if you can, get a guild. You will remain consistently ahead of the level curve.


Note: Remember that when you get 2 planets to go to at the same time, they are different levels. Do them in order. (Yes, sometimes people miss this, apparently.)


And a note on gear: I usually gear up at 21, 33, 41 and 49. That's more than enough, if you have the Presence bonuses on your companion, use the Legacy powers in tough fights and use the skills of your class. And if you play intelligently, the Presence is not vital, only helpful. I know that the vendors don't match exactly with the levels I've stated but it works out anyway. It averages out to about one new set of gear every two main-planets. I usually notice that I have to think a little harder at the end of a cycle, whereas I faceroll everything at the beginning of one.


If you have the Starfighter legacy sets, it helps to use these and then save them on an alt for when you need them again. This way I've managed to gather sets (21-33-41-51) for most of my char-types and almost all of my alt-combinations so that I have to spend even fewer comms on it. And save time buying and setting them.


But overall it's just a Qality of Life thing. Not an essential part.

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You are doing something wrong then.


Are you using the XP boosts you get (free) from your class missions?


I have played both the agent and the inquisitors classes under 12XP and had no such issues. In fact.. on my inquisitor, I ended up with one class mission that went gray on me before I ran it.


I had that problem too on my agent, but it was entirely my fault for running a tac few times. I didn't realize I had to finish the class quest on balmorra. I was force to finish the class quest in balmorra as gray before moving on to tatooine.

Edited by Knockerz
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I'm a new player and I started SWTOR with an Assassin Sith.

- I was under-leveled at some point but most of time I barely hit the level recomadation for the quest.

- TBH I skiped all mobs.


To stay "competitive", I did a lot of WZ, use 3 XP boots et did some planet's quests but at the end with the solo FP, it was really fast.


I understand what OP said because I was in the same situation.

Edited by Crowzer
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During 12X xp.. you should be moving directly to Makeb at 47, take advantage of the free Makeb-boost and 12X there until you hit 55, which is when 12X shuts off.. then do the intro series for SoR and finish up capping 60 on Rishi. You can go back and finish any incomplete class missions afterwards if you like.


If you're really smart you level to 54 on makeb, then store 3 makeb missions after handing them in and accept them all at once. Instant level 56 and halfway to 57.


As for the OP, you're kidding right?

I levelled my new Sin to 51 in 9 hours. And I WAS stealthing through all my quests to avoid mobs.

Edited by BennyKrak
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The OP simply didn't take his or her meds. If you follow the history of Eleonora's threads, you will see that he or she tends to overreact and find problems where there are none.

I've got mental issues and right now I'm off my meds cause I can't afford them, so I'm very confused all the time. Sorry to be a bother. .
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I just finished SoR on my Agent. Only did class missions after the first planet, and I prided myself on a minimal kill count (stealthed through everything I could, didn't even do the bonus missions where you have to kill X enemies). I was always at minimum 2-3 levels above the mission - up to five levels above after using a boost once in the late 20s. Hit 60 right around three days /played time. Right after Blood Hunt.


OP is trippin'.

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I'm a sorcerer. I'm not stealthing. In fact, I'm massacring everything in my path and I'm still behind the curve, so I don't know *** is going on.


I haven't used the XP boosts I get from leveling because I assumed they didn't stack. There's nothing to suggest they would.


Then something is wrong. I have leveled every advanced class under 12xp, some more than once. Sorcs easily stay ahead of the curve. Use your free xp boosters you get.

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Maybe some of you people have the 10% guild xp boosts. Because I can confirm that even with xp buffs my sorc was 49 at the end of Corellia. Playing on very populated instances with other guys clearing the way of mobs may have something to do with it as well. Also having or not having rest xp. Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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Because I can confirm that even with xp buffs my sorc was 49 at the end of Corellia.


My agent that I finished yesterday was level 49 aswell when the story was over on Corellia. I was never underlevelled though during the time I did the story.

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My agent that I finished yesterday was level 49 aswell when the story was over on Corellia. I was never underlevelled though during the time I did the story.


The only other planet where some of my toons are underlevelled is Belsavis. Only inquisitors, angents, and consulars though. As far as i remember at least. Not really a problem but I found it curious. They must get fewer xp for their quests or something.

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I've leveled waaaaaaay to many sorcerers with 12XP, and I've NEVER had an issue with being under leveled or keeping my gear up with coms. OP, if you're not already in one....join a guild. If you're like me and enjoy playing mostly solo, there are guilds out there for people who just want the boost. I always have rested XP too.


While lvl'ing, there are a few planetary quest I ALWAYS do. (Hey Thanna ;) )And I never use stealth characters anyway so that's never an issue anyway. I only do the heroics that have a piece of equipment I want, and that's generally one or two on D.K. Ertime I finish Chapt 3 between lvl 50-51. And THAT'S without using any of the 1hr or 3hr XP boosts we get as mission rewards.

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Has there already been any update on future leveling (post 4.0) regarding XP?

I am wondering whether I should level a few new toons right away or "calmly" by end of the year.

So acutallly I dont' really like 12x XP - too many solo players ...


Although I like this game and I'd like to try some other classes;

I don't want to waste the summer on swtor :confused:

Edited by Margorn
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FWIW: When i make new characters, right now, even with th 12xXP, i do all the start planets quests - gives me quite a boost, and i ride that "wave" of over-level out quite a ways, actually, and none of my (new) characters are ever under-level. The few extra side quests i pick up are rather few and far-between; just ones i really liked. I also catch a few datacrons along the way, easy ones. Except the Tatooine balloon ride ones. Easy, yeah, but looooooooooong. That balloon needs a motor. :jawa_mad: Edited by TikkyLightmaker
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Here's the trick:


1. Do every single mission and heroic on your starter planet. This should get you to level 15 by the time you go to coruscant or dromund kaas, which gives you access to free speeder training.


2. Do at least 1 side mission per class mission on the capital world. This should get you to level 20 by the time you leave with your ship.


3. From then on out, make sure you keep an xp boost active and just do class missions. You'll always be above the leveling curve by at least 1-2 levels, often more.

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Not enough? I'll have to check but I'm pretty sure I could start a new char, pop an XP boost, and gain lvl 2 just by answering my mail. I had my AC well before even thinking of getting off starter wold and was probably lvl 20 before leaving capital world.


If you are worried about under leveling, stop stealthing past everything and kill some mobs (especially the strong, silver, and gold ones).

Do optional side quests (usually just kill everything in the instance).

like people have said use xp boosts (free).


you are more in risk of being over leveled than under.

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