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Allow us to romace Vaylin (or at least have a torrid affair with her), or else...


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Not every character you meet exists as your personal conquest or trophy.


Learn to accept that there are some things in this world you just can't have.


T.I. said it best..


"Two things I ain't seen is this....a ufo & a chick I can't get"


I've always had an overabundance of confidence, so my mentality is I can pull any female I choose. ;)



As far as Vaylin is concerned, my warrior would gladly take her over Lana. She could rule Zakuul at my side after I bury her brother.

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...be prepared to face angry mobs with torches and pitchforks.



You get so anxious about a pixelated scripted romance that you started a creepy thread about it threatening people? Am I the only one who finds this freaky weird?

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You get so anxious about a pixelated scripted romance that you started a creepy thread about it threatening people? Am I the only one who finds this freaky weird?


I find anyone who legitimately wants to romance Vaylin (And not because of RP reasons) freaky and weird.

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The fact that multiple companions in DA:2 were not romanceable, but instead had their own lives separate from "the PC is everything", was one of the bright spots of that game.


I'm pretty sure that DA2 had more romances then most bioware games, and I mean full time romances. Though I did enjoy that instead of waiting arond in a camp, the companions were actually moving about with their own lives.

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Calm your boxers, you Vaylinettes can take a backseat until we get some romanceable male force users. :p


Obviously Marr and/or Scourge. I'm thinking we need a fanclub at this rate.. oy vey. :o


Sign me up!




You get so anxious about a pixelated scripted romance that you started a creepy thread about it threatening people? Am I the only one who finds this freaky weird?


Hes just making the Trope that guys like sticking it in crazy a reality :rolleyes:


"WHO CARES THAT SHES A PSYCHO NUTBAG, HAS BOOOOOBS MUST BANG!!!!!!!!!!!" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Wow, people are really lonely.


I don't think it's a case of loneliness. It's part of immersion, at least for me. It's not much different from people being all gaga for a character from a book or movie and given the chance they'd love to 'personally' interact with said character. Yes it's a fantasy world but there's nothing wrong with 'caring' about a character whether it's in a game, in a book, in a movie or on a TV show.


Now if you were to ditch bed time with your RL partner because you'd rather sit and flirt with an in-game NPC then sure, start worrying but otherwise, it's just some healthy fantasy-world fun.

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T.I. said it best..


"Two things I ain't seen is this....a ufo & a chick I can't get"


I've always had an overabundance of confidence, so my mentality is I can pull any female I choose. ;)



As far as Vaylin is concerned, my warrior would gladly take her over Lana. She could rule Zakuul at my side after I bury her brother.


I think your use of the word "chick" just proves that you'd end up like a preying mantis, only she'd skip the foreplay and go right to ripping your head off and eating it.

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Now if you were to ditch bed time with your RL partner because you'd rather sit and flirt with an in-game NPC then sure, start worrying but otherwise, it's just some healthy fantasy-world fun.

One nice thing about SWTOR romances with Companions is that they take place almost entirely in private. I admit to having stumbled across a player who seemed to be trying to engage in ERP with his Companion, Vette. But, generally, we romance our Companions in the privacy of our Strongholds or Ships. Even legitimate romancing of Companions that take place in public remain under the veil ... it's not as if anyone else is observing the convo I'm having with Nadia leading up to us walking off screen, having the screen fade to black, then we return.


For the record, I'm big fan of the "fade to black."

Edited by Thoronmir
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/not signed.


Why not? It gives players choices and makes the game more fluid. What I would like is the option such as make her a companion, get rid of her, or maybe do nothing with her. I thoug swtor had a motto like "It's your own story."


Yes signed!


Having said that I think every major character should have all three options to either recruit them as a companion, kill them, or do nothing with them. I really like kotor for all the replay value. The problem with swtor is there isn't much replay value. Regardless of your choice, the story will always have the same ending. In kotor you had two major endings, light vs dark side endings. If I remember right characters could be killed off depending on your choice.

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Why not? It gives players choices and makes the game more fluid. What I would like is the option such as make her a companion, get rid of her, or maybe do nothing with her. I thoug swtor had a motto like "It's your own story."


Yes signed!


Having said that I think every major character should have all three options to either recruit them as a companion, kill them, or do nothing with them. I really like kotor for all the replay value. The problem with swtor is there isn't much replay value. Regardless of your choice, the story will always have the same ending. In kotor you had two major endings, light vs dark side endings. If I remember right characters could be killed off depending on your choice.


What does any of that have to do with the thread topic of making Vaylin (and by extension every female character, or every character period) in the game "doable"?

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What does any of that have to do with the thread topic of making Vaylin (and by extension every female character, or every character period) in the game "doable"?


Because it's a bioware, if we can't stick our sabre or grenades in every other hole or sabre, THEN WHAT'S THE POINT!?

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What does any of that have to do with the thread topic of making Vaylin (and by extension every female character, or every character period) in the game "doable"?


I figure it has to do with the romance part of this thread. Like some companions are recruited, courted, and romanced.

Edited by Knockerz
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I think as hard as it is to see now she has to be redeemable and therefore a romance option should exist.


I'm not completely sure how the writing team are looking to tie the eternal empire into the wider conflict come the end of the kofte arc. Will the galaxy be at peace I don't know but tie it in they must, there is no way the placer character can be left in charge. Makes for any future content impossible as he can just send the fleet or the army or whoever to deal with it while sitting on the throne. Arcann has to die or be crushed so completely he can't repeat his invasion.


Which will likely lead to the final battle resulting in the destruction of Zakuul, darksiding it back to the stone age or placing someone else in charge. Which I think has to be the redeemed Vaylin as unless there is someone we haven't met yet.


She also fits the redeemable option given her insanity is a result of what her parents did to her as a child and given the strong correlation between kofte and Empire she is taking the place of Vader etc etc.

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I think as hard as it is to see now she has to be redeemable and therefore a romance option should exist.


I'm not completely sure how the writing team are looking to tie the eternal empire into the wider conflict come the end of the kofte arc. Will the galaxy be at peace I don't know but tie it in they must, there is no way the placer character can be left in charge. Makes for any future content impossible as he can just send the fleet or the army or whoever to deal with it while sitting on the throne. Arcann has to die or be crushed so completely he can't repeat his invasion.


Which will likely lead to the final battle resulting in the destruction of Zakuul, darksiding it back to the stone age or placing someone else in charge. Which I think has to be the redeemed Vaylin as unless there is someone we haven't met yet.


She also fits the redeemable option given her insanity is a result of what her parents did to her as a child and given the strong correlation between kofte and Empire she is taking the place of Vader etc etc.


The only way Vaylin will be redeemed will be in death for me. Plus, I think a good way to end season one is to give us control of just Zakuul, with the Empire and Republic turnign against us as we're basically a bunch of traitors in their leaders eyes. Saresh and Acina are both very anti-other side

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