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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Marauders more capable


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Its stupid not to take it. The other utilities aside from defensive roll are complete toss ups and you're wasting your zen on trans by leaving it on the centering system, especially in your video as watchman, you're losing your crit on dots. By all means, keep wasting your stacks though. But hey its regs, who cares no ones good in regs.


Wasting my Zen huh? Tell me that whenever you run into me. In my vid I didn't miss out on my DoT crits by not activating Zen, yet I out performed all the sent/maras in that match who weren't watchmen. The situation @ 2:15 didn't call for either Trans or Zen but I chose one to spend my centering on trans and I chose the right ability to activate. Chosing ardor/relentless takes away that situational choice but I don't expect you to understand that. The blind leading the blind on this one :p I'm glad you're telling all the sent/maras to pickup ardor/relentless. It's not useful in regs or ranked but you'd know right? You main a high performing sent/mara right? Yeah I thought you did :rolleyes: I'll just keep doing me and out performing all the other sent/maras who do pick up the utility.

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Wasting my Zen huh? Tell me that whenever you run into me. In my vid I didn't miss out on my DoT crits by not activating Zen, yet I out performed all the sent/maras in that match who weren't watchmen. The situation @ 2:15 didn't call for either Trans or Zen but I chose one to spend my centering on trans and I chose the right ability to activate. Chosing ardor/relentless takes away that situational choice but I don't expect you to understand that. The blind leading the blind on this one :p I'm glad you're telling all the sent/maras to pickup ardor/relentless. It's not useful in regs or ranked but you'd know right? You main a high performing sent/mara right? Yeah I thought you did :rolleyes: I'll just keep doing me and out performing all the other sent/maras who do pick up the utility.


Hey man if you wanna keep being terrible then by all means keep being terrible. Ardor allows you to utilize both trans and zen, but you keep pretending that "choice" makes you more skillful :rolleyes: I bet you don't take the root breaker either. Sorcs must love you for being their free kill.

Edited by Raansu
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I have recently returned to the game, and sentinel is my main character then and now, prior to quitting level 50 was the max so i came back in full war hero gear and expertise crystals (Naturally i re-geared according to how the new bolster thing works)

Prior to leaving i enjoyed the double luxury of sentinels being marginally op, and the massive gear gap between war hero gear and the majority who did not have it, On coming back i have had to take that into account when seeing how people dont die anymore in just 1 master strike, as even the worst geared players are wearing top pve gear which is better than the gear gap before at least, though still not ideal obviously.


In my experience now Sentinels are still very powerful and enjoyable and i am in agreement with original poster. I find i am still a very effective healer killer, i am still able to win 1v1 the majority of the time on any class, even operatives most of the time though it depends on how you constitute a win :) (The best operatives i encounter tend to be able to avoid being killed via running off, if they want to escape they simply do unless they leave it too late) No class i feel has a real advantage over mine and any players i face that prove challenging i believe it to be down to the player more than the class.

Though on that topic the class i find consistently more challenging to beat is Jugg/Guard who play in tank spec but dps geared, If i encounter these and they know how to play i will need most of my cooldowns to be up.

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I have recently returned to the game, and sentinel is my main character then and now, prior to quitting level 50 was the max so i came back in full war hero gear and expertise crystals (Naturally i re-geared according to how the new bolster thing works)

Prior to leaving i enjoyed the double luxury of sentinels being marginally op, and the massive gear gap between war hero gear and the majority who did not have it, On coming back i have had to take that into account when seeing how people dont die anymore in just 1 master strike, as even the worst geared players are wearing top pve gear which is better than the gear gap before at least, though still not ideal obviously.


In my experience now Sentinels are still very powerful and enjoyable and i am in agreement with original poster. I find i am still a very effective healer killer, i am still able to win 1v1 the majority of the time on any class, even operatives most of the time though it depends on how you constitute a win :) (The best operatives i encounter tend to be able to avoid being killed via running off, if they want to escape they simply do unless they leave it too late) No class i feel has a real advantage over mine and any players i face that prove challenging i believe it to be down to the player more than the class.

Though on that topic the class i find consistently more challenging to beat is Jugg/Guard who play in tank spec but dps geared, If i encounter these and they know how to play i will need most of my cooldowns to be up.


Yeah Jugg tanks in DPS gear are a pain in the backside... But if you do have your CDs up, they are totally beatable as they take much less damage to kill than a properly geared tank and your burst is higher

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I have recently returned to the game, and sentinel is my main character then and now, prior to quitting level 50 was the max so i came back in full war hero gear and expertise crystals (Naturally i re-geared according to how the new bolster thing works)

Prior to leaving i enjoyed the double luxury of sentinels being marginally op, and the massive gear gap between war hero gear and the majority who did not have it, On coming back i have had to take that into account when seeing how people dont die anymore in just 1 master strike, as even the worst geared players are wearing top pve gear which is better than the gear gap before at least, though still not ideal obviously.


In my experience now Sentinels are still very powerful and enjoyable and i am in agreement with original poster. I find i am still a very effective healer killer, i am still able to win 1v1 the majority of the time on any class, even operatives most of the time though it depends on how you constitute a win :) (The best operatives i encounter tend to be able to avoid being killed via running off, if they want to escape they simply do unless they leave it too late) No class i feel has a real advantage over mine and any players i face that prove challenging i believe it to be down to the player more than the class.

Though on that topic the class i find consistently more challenging to beat is Jugg/Guard who play in tank spec but dps geared, If i encounter these and they know how to play i will need most of my cooldowns to be up.


How are you doing in the league table at the end of the match, or ranked PvP if that is your thing?


I remember when I used to PvP on my marauder, I worked bloody hard killing their healers/squishies, taking objectives or denying others the objective, protecting our healer/ball carrier/door user (not by actual protection but by killing their target). Because I was working hard I believed my contribution was equally as vital to the match.


That was until I took a break, came back to PvP and decided to try some of the other classes out. My Shadow was a dot monster, even being fairly lazy I could get top 3 in the damage catergory and high kills by switching round dots to hit everyone once, aoe attacks and ground target aoe made dps far easier and many of my attacks had a 10+ meter range, stealth, speed, heals just added to the fun often I could pick up an extra medal from heals just on myself.


And then I tried a Sorc and I loved it. Ranged dps, bubbles, dots but better than that I'm a healer spec those things are for fun. By healing the team or taking the focus of dps on myself and healing through I can make a real difference in the fight. It feels good and I also get to keep my allies up and maximizing their dps or objective taking and not being stuck behind a shield.


Now I can guarantee a lot of people that hold their head up high how they did really well in a fight haven't noticed their bubble of protection or the heal they got or that they got healed up after the fight when they would have been killed within seconds of getting shot/kited or jumped. I know sometimes people feel their skill is what won that fight or helped them max out on dps and ignore the healer stood behind them trying to keep them and their 6 friends alive. Its fine people always feel they were most important and that MVP should go to them. I'm the same in most fights I put out vast amounts of healing (I know there are some that I haven't and I have felt a little useless but all people needed were bubbles of protection).


My experience as a healer is that marauders are the hardest to heal cause they have los and range issues as they have to get close and then end up chasing opponents getting even further away forcing me to run after them away from the rdps and into the enemy groups. When I do heal them it seems to do little to improve the group objectives, dps or kills as they get cced, kited, build resource and have a hell of a time getting through a rotation before losing range, knocked back and have to start the chase all over again. Where as ranged dps general have more tactical options, can sit back a bit which allows me to sit further back and as much possible allow me to attract notice of 4 or more dps at once where I have to deploy my god bubble.


So from a healing point of view I think Marauders/sents have it much worse, healers are only human and chasing someone to heal them is time away from healing the rest of the group. Its not effective for me to do it. From a being attacked by people sents are generally the easiest to counter. They are standing within 4 meters of me, I know where they are unlike ranged or stealthers who can hit me with some serious damage while I'm happily healing someone else. Their attacks are all close ranged so a knock back or force speed can buy me some time to get thinking about what cd's they have up etc, In general they have had to jump into our lines to attack me so most my own team notice them and gank them. And worse case I can dot, dot, bubble self, heal heal, lightning and probably not be doing too badly and if things turn really bad god bubble, waiting on knock backs or stuns. And that said in 3.0 they have to have some pretty good damage to get through my heals and bubbles before their defensive cool downs and I can light them up.


If people are finding marauders able to take on any class then I may well dust mine off, but my experience as a healer is somewhat different.

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How are you doing in the league table at the end of the match, or ranked PvP if that is your thing?


I got to rank 90 Warlord prior to ranked being introduced so my 'rank' back at 50 did not carry through for 60 obviously, and i dont enjoy the new 4v4 arena so i do not actually do ranked pvp currently (if i get a good premade team like i had before i will re-evaluate that)

In terms of leaderboards i tend to view them apprehensively as they do not tell a very complete story of what has gone on during a match, as a healer it is generally a lot easier to tell who is pulling their weight though it will still be effected by the same factors as damage dealers to an extent. Let me give you an example...

As a Sentinel in Combat spec my burst dps is very high, i would argue one of the highest burst potential of any class if it is not countered. A dot spreading build/class will put out higher figures than me on a leaderboard but their damage may not actually 'get a kill' due to healers being able to deal with it easier,which can be the difference in objective games.

I can often kill some targets before they get a chance to receive healing which may be a 42k damage to my leaderboard, another player may be slower and give the healer a chance to support him and as a result that player may be doing upwards or even over 100k damage and still not even getting that kill.

Also travel to objectives will impact this as due to traited transcendance i deem myself one of the better choices for a fast response to 'inc' calls. People who want to chase numbers where 'the action' is fine by me as long as they keep them from capping their point, but im fine sacrificing my time to keep a point :)

That said i do generally come in the top few but rarely the top for reasons outlined above.


My experience as a healer is that marauders are the hardest to heal cause they have los and range issues as they have to get close and then end up chasing opponents getting even further away forcing me to run after them away from the rdps and into the enemy groups.


Marauders/Sentinels that run off too deep into enemy ranks may be inexperienced and better off left to die, it will actually serve them well as a learning experience. It is often far better for them to hold back to begin with and take out enemies that try make their way forward and their healers if they run forward as you described.

A good healer will try to keep LoS on all targets but if the Marauder is being particularly awkward in going behind pillars or around the sides of the centre in alderaan for example, it is HIS responsibility to get back into LoS in a reasonable way.

Edited by Ainianu
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All I have to say OP, is that if you were burning level 59 players on yer lvl 30 mara, it says more about them than it does the Mara/sent class. Wait until 60. And if you do well, guess what?...you'll be matched against those players over and over and soon they'll recognize the name, and once you're focused, you'll be burned down quicker than any other class besides maybe a merc dps. I truly wish this weren't the case and I still love playin my sent but survivability is a definite issue even in 60 regs.
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All I have to say OP, is that if you were burning level 59 players on yer lvl 30 mara, it says more about them than it does the Mara/sent class. Wait until 60. And if you do well, guess what?...you'll be matched against those players over and over and soon they'll recognize the name, and once you're focused, you'll be burned down quicker than any other class besides maybe a merc dps. I truly wish this weren't the case and I still love playin my sent but survivability is a definite issue even in 60 regs.


At lvl 60 now.. Having no issues, except the really bad packet loss at the moment which is giving me ability activation lag... But that's another story

I've been able to solo 2 at off nodes to capture or defend... I've been able to grab the Hutt ball from the respawn and score while being focused... I've won more Arena than lost

Trust me, I've been recognised like I am always, not matter which class I'm on... They'll either try and 2man+ me or move on when they find I don't go down so easy...

The thing to remember is that most classes go down if they are focused by 3-4 people... It's just the way it is... I accept that... But I also play smart... I try not to put myself in that situation if I can help it... Ie I don't suicide into 4 of them by myself... If I get jumped I use force camo to escape and then kite/LoS to survive... In regs most people give up on you if you stealth out or they lose focus... It's really only Arena that you need to be worried about being focused hard... But even then most of the time I am not the first to be focused...

Lots of people don't recognise that melee can and should LOS as well... Especially against ranged... Not many do... I guess because I play all classes and LOS/kite on all the others... So for me it's a no brainer to use this tactic to stay alive if I get focused

There are so many ways and abilities to use... I'm not sure why you would have issues

Edited by Icykill_
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At lvl 60 now.. Having no issues, except the really bad packet loss at the moment which is giving me ability activation lag... But that's another story

I've been able to solo 2 at off nodes to capture or defend... I've been able to grab the Hutt ball from the respawn and score while being focused... I've won more Arena than lost

Trust me, I've been recognised like I am always, not matter which class I'm on... They'll either try and 2man+ me or move on when they find I don't go down so easy...

The thing to remember is that most classes go down if they are focused by 3-4 people... It's just the way it is... I accept that... But I also play smart... I try not to put myself in that situation if I can help it... Ie I don't suicide into 4 of them by myself... If I get jumped I use force camo to escape and then kite/LoS to survive... In regs most people give up on you if you stealth out or they lose focus... It's really only Arena that you need to be worried about being focused hard... But even then most of the time I am not the first to be focused...

Lots of people don't recognise that melee can and should LOS as well... Especially against ranged... Not many do... I guess because I play all classes and LOS/kite on all the others... So for me it's a no brainer to use this tactic to stay alive if I get focused

There are so many ways and abilities to use... I'm not sure why you would have issues


Sounds to me like your server is nothing but bads. I should transfer there for the free kills.

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Sounds to me like your server is nothing but bads. I should transfer there for the free kills.


It's possible,,, but i wouldn't be too sure... We've had a lot of transfer in the last few months from all the pvp servers that are failing in population... More are still transferring as these servers die a slow death,.


Edit: I'm starting to hate using my iPad to write in these forums... The predictive txt, plus the swtor predictive txt comes out with some ridiculous words and sentences... LoL... so if you see some words that are just wrong... You'll know why... I think I spend more time proof reading and correcting, than the actual post... :confused:

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I have to share this... lol... Yesterday in regs someone started calling for nerfs to Maras... He complained that we were OP... He then had people agreeing... This spread through a few people and a few matches over the space of an hour... He seemed serious to... He said he was sick of them targeting him and smashing him, which turned out to be true... He was on a Vanguard and could barely reach 200k in a match... Of course after that every Mara targeted him...

What did surprise me were the few Gunslingers and even a sage that were also agreeing... It's not like they weren't doing some good damage... Maybe they were trolling, but they were in other matches without him...

Also apparently there are way too many Maras and Sents now... Lmao... We "all" run in groups just globaling people... "Something must be done to stop us"...

Later in the day I saw him again complaining about Sorcs this time being OP, particularly this one who kept targeting him each match... He whinged and whinged in caps for everyone to target this Sorc because he wasn't allow to die if he was to carry the team... Lmao... He'd be lucky to carry a paper bag... Unlucky for him all the Sorcs after that targeted him each match... Oh well...

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Question just in general anyone know if the trauma between maras snipers and tanks stack the actual healing debuff and not just a different debuff based on the person that applied it? If so wouldn't it be possible to get up to 80% healing reduction?


I think it does not stack at all.

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