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Playing anything beside FoTM is toxic


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Youre so cute when you are angry you know that?


Tell me this cupcake, what have i EVER "cried" about.. lets see, ill give you a list to help get you started since it seem you havent had your coffee yet.

#1 Mercs having surviavability in pvp.. well thats fact we all know it.

#2 PVP balance is crap, once again well known fact.

Help me out here when you get to what im supposedly "crying" about cause so far all ive ever said is 100% true.


I still ran my Merc out there into the FOTM wannabees and got the job done so tell me when you get to the crying part. Or just go away, i think i would prefer that actually. You accuse other people of things you do like the hypocrite you are and run diarrhea of the mouth l claiming not to care to sound all tough when we both know you have less fortitude than a common kitten. You say you dont care, i really dont, thats the difference between us.


Now go home and let the adults speak little man, your diaper needs changing


you my friend are in every " bioware suck, balance joke, fotm ***********, biolol something" thread, here where i live, if you are unhappy of some game/other situation leave, do not renew ur sub every month if u are unhappy, unless u like whine, in that case gg. All fotm thredas are garbage becasue if i pay, i have all the right to play what i prefer without beeing annoyed by swag alternative guys like you. All classes become op during the life of the game, all understand that, keep re rollers busy while sub more to re roll the form class every time, more re rollers = more subs = more money. im happy u play ur commando and pretend to be pro, i play my merc too and i enjoy him, as well as my assassin, my sorc, my sentinel and my gunslinger ;)

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you my friend are in every " bioware suck, balance joke, fotm ***********, biolol something" thread, here where i live, if you are unhappy of some game/other situation leave, do not renew ur sub every month if u are unhappy, unless u like whine, in that case gg. All fotm thredas are garbage becasue if i pay, i have all the right to play what i prefer without beeing annoyed by swag alternative guys like you. All classes become op during the life of the game, all understand that, keep re rollers busy while sub more to re roll the form class every time, more re rollers = more subs = more money. im happy u play ur commando and pretend to be pro, i play my merc too and i enjoy him, as well as my assassin, my sorc, my sentinel and my gunslinger ;)


Or, and this is just a thought, ill speak my mind whenever and however I want, and you can either deal with it. I will continue to speak out to try to help my class and not you or an army of FOTM idiots will stop or change that. Much better people than you have tried to shut me up, you have no shot if they couldn't do it.


I have NEVER claimed to be pro, or even great... not once. In fact ive said the opposite many times so once again you are making stuff up to make me the bad guy, you failed. Anyone that has ever played with or against me as friend or foe will attest that i do know my class, that's enough for me.


Bottom line ive no idea who you are hiding behind an anonymous name like most of the cowards that attack people here, nor do i care, but you can check your ego and leave me be, or at least make an effort to come at me with accurate nonsense better than this tripe. I am not the droid you are looking for, trust me on that.

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Or, and this is just a thought, ill speak my mind whenever and however I want, and you can either deal with it. I will continue to speak out to try to help my class and not you or an army of FOTM idiots will stop or change that. Much better people than you have tried to shut me up, you have no shot if they couldn't do it.


I have NEVER claimed to be pro, or even great... not once. In fact ive said the opposite many times so once again you are making stuff up to make me the bad guy, you failed. Anyone that has ever played with or against me as friend or foe will attest that i do know my class, that's enough for me.


Bottom line ive no idea who you are hiding behind an anonymous name like most of the cowards that attack people here, nor do i care, but you can check your ego and leave me be, or at least make an effort to come at me with accurate nonsense better than this tripe. I am not the droid you are looking for, trust me on that.


Well i just suggested you to not pay for game if u spit on devs abd the game every second, but not all human beeing can be smart. You can whine all u want, just remebre, bioware will thank you next month for 13 euros/dollars

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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Well i just suggested you to not pay for game if u spit on devs abd the game every second, but not all human beeing can be smart. You can whine all u want, just remebre, bioware will thank you next month for 13 euros/dollars


you realize that almost everyone says the same things, and yet you pick on me, how bad did i tear you a new one once upon a time? lol

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I think we discovered what is the real toxic thing here :p



People if you didn't catch my drift ;)


Well, I would not generalize it. In this instance it is just 2 people, 1 with logic and 1 gone full retard.

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Did you miss the memo? PvP is about mobility and survivability, not raw dps and hps.


LoL... If only people realised this... Alas, everyone plays for raw dps and hps... You only need to watch all the death match people in 8 man pvp fluffing their numbers

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My favorite thing is that FOTM players will trash talk other players such as mercs when they get focused and hammered and don't get off any DPS because they are kitting for their lives and tell you how bad you are.


Yet these same morons when focused die in similar fashion. There is no class really that can survive being 4 man attacked/ganked, sure sins can stealth out but non-stealth classes are dead if 4 DPS are determined to kill them.


I always find it amusing that its always blamed on the teammate and is his fault when hes focused and dies first and not the fault of the other DPS who cant stick on their target and kill him faster. Maybe just maybe the other teams DPS was better and the reason the focused person died was because you took to long to kill your target.


and sorcs/sages can become immune to all damage and cc from 4 man gank and atomic bombs and black holes and super novas and the universe big crush all togheter for 8 secs! in a few months while moving!! ayyyy lmaooo


Swtor is a game that has "PVP' moar liek shadow Vs sorc

Edited by James_Mcturney
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Do not worry because the 99% of ppl who whine h24, just do not want to re roll, but if their class one day become OP stay aassured they will stop to cry, At least i want balance between all classes


Evidence for the 99%?


As a Merc, having been pretty much excluded from playing ranked on a viable basis I'd hate for my class to become OP. We know where it leads, we'll end up being buffed over and over, and then finally, when metrics indicate the class is godlike the nerf hammer will drop from orbit and bury it again.


It's reasonable to expect some form of balance being provided to all players, so we can compete based on skill, not on our class choice.


Isn't it? :confused:

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There is no class really that can survive being 4 man attacked/ganked, sure sins can stealth out but non-stealth classes are dead if 4 DPS are determined to kill them.


Sadly, Arena has taught people to constantly do 4v1, even in objective PvP. It's the new overkill tactic : It works EVERYWHERE. And that's why Premades executing it are so strong - if well coordinated.

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Evidence for the 99%?


As a Merc, having been pretty much excluded from playing ranked on a viable basis I'd hate for my class to become OP. We know where it leads, we'll end up being buffed over and over, and then finally, when metrics indicate the class is godlike the nerf hammer will drop from orbit and bury it again.


It's reasonable to expect some form of balance being provided to all players, so we can compete based on skill, not on our class choice.


Isn't it? :confused:


want evidence ? try to read some " idea to improve merc/sentinel/sniper" threads, most ppl suggestions are beyond insane


- give merc a h2f button and make them able to cast tracer in movement


-give sentinel cc immunity during saber ward ( yes best way to beat a sin, is make another class more op than him aka perfetc balance achieved)


- give sniper same autoheal than sorc while they can 17k ambush you every 9 seconds ( legitimate)

- give jugg more mobility and more damage without even think on drop h2f + saber reflect + 3 health bars

-give sin autoheal


so much balance i see.


half " ideas to improve" can basically be transalted in " ideas to maoke my class the best class in game" And the problem is, bioware sometimes listen that nonsenses

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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. There is no class really that can survive being 4 man attacked/ganked, sure sins can stealth out but non-stealth classes are dead if 4 DPS are determined to kill them..

Pretty much this, ppl think they can 2000+ rating istant if they roll sorc, how delusional, when they see 4 sins open on you :D .In arena class doesn't matter ( solo) TEAM, ur team makes the difference

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At this point i think we can safely say FOTY.

You know all games have balance issues when new content comes out, but they usually dont last a year, that is where TOR has dropped the ball.


FOT2Y is right on the horizon! :D

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Sadly, Arena has taught people to constantly do 4v1, even in objective PvP. It's the new overkill tactic : It works EVERYWHERE. And that's why Premades executing it are so strong - if well coordinated.


What do you think were ranked warzones (excluding hball) for like 80% of the time?

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As a Merc, having been pretty much excluded from playing ranked on a viable basis I'd hate for my class to become OP. We know where it leads, we'll end up being buffed over and over, and then finally, when metrics indicate the class is godlike the nerf hammer will drop from orbit and bury it again.


This metrics thingy.... it has 100% influence only on merc and snipers, it's like they have IRL weakness against metrics and other classes are able to avoid this somehow. :D


I mean for example why constantly nerf mercs healing skills and especially kolto shots :rolleyes: or evasion and orbital strike?

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Pretty much this, ppl think they can 2000+ rating istant if they roll sorc, how delusional, when they see 4 sins open on you :D .In arena class doesn't matter ( solo) TEAM, ur team makes the difference


Alot of ranked matches are lost via bad team play. You enter a match and no one is talking, coming up with a plan, be assured you will prolly lose.


Its always amusing when you get that one assassin who is a one trick pony and only knows how to play with other assasins and doesn't take his team comp into consideration. He goes off to the side and around the team solo leaving his other teammates behind cuz they cant follow without having the fight start in a bad position.


Positioning is king ranked, if you setup a bad defense or you charge poorly you are going to almost surely lose.


I cant count the times assassins take the long route to a fight trying to get behind the team to have the other team jump on one of their teammates and global them because it was 4 on 1 with only two guys to try to peel because the sin wanted to go around and try to stun attack the sorc.


Of course the loss is blamed on the guy who got globaled but the reality is that poor team play by the entire team is at fault and certainly the sins detour plays into that.

Edited by DirtyDiggler
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Alot of ranked matches are lost via bad team play. You enter a match and no one is talking, coming up with a plan, be assured you will prolly lose.


Its always amusing when you get that one assassin who is a one trick pony and only knows how to play with other assasins and doesn't take his team comp into consideration. He goes off to the side and around the team solo leaving his other teammates behind cuz they cant follow without having the fight start in a bad position.


Positioning is king ranked, if you setup a bad defense or you charge poorly you are going to almost surely lose.


I cant count the times assassins take the long route to a fight trying to get behind the team to have the other team jump on one of their teammates and global them because it was 4 on 1 with only two guys to try to peel because the sin wanted to go around and try to stun attack the sorc.


Of course the loss is blamed on the guy who got globaled but the reality is that poor team play by the entire team is at fault and certainly the sins detour plays into that.



coudn't quote more than that. once i was the only sorc onm team vs 4 shadows, ofc i got almost globaleed ( from 100 to 8% in 2 secs) i barrier myself, but ofc im a noob because 4vs1 is easy :D

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You enter a match and no one is talking, coming up with a plan, be assured you will prolly lose.


Or you have one cool plan and one plan-b... And gets facerolled by silent opposition while you have 20-30k damage teammates for the whole game or a sorc(s) who refused(?) to bubble himself. Yeah hear hear... :D

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This metrics thingy.... it has 100% influence only on merc and snipers, it's like they have IRL weakness against metrics and other classes are able to avoid this somehow. :D


I mean for example why constantly nerf mercs healing skills and especially kolto shots :rolleyes:


Specifically the Kolto shots, probably because of the overall budget for healing per class. Doesn't sound like a good reasoning when you look at Sorc and the heals the DPS have does it?


But hey, balance! :D

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Sadly, Arena has taught people to constantly do 4v1, even in objective PvP. It's the new overkill tactic : It works EVERYWHERE. And that's why Premades executing it are so strong - if well coordinated.


erm. I did play ranked 8's back in the day, and I was on a competitive team (believe it or not!). that's how the game was played. there was no such thing as dot or sustained/pressure comps. you either burst/hard swapped or you aoe CC + spam capped. it's not new, and it's not "overkill."


my point is that if you weren't using your 3 or 4 dps on the same target, you didn't know how to play. 4v1 has always been a thing. but that 1 also always had a tank, at least 1 healer and almost always at least one dps with taunts to peel for him.


you're lucky to get a fraction of that in yoloQ. but 4 dps focusing you is and always has been sensible game play.

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erm. I did play ranked 8's back in the day, and I was on a competitive team (believe it or not!). that's how the game was played. there was no such thing as dot or sustained/pressure comps. you either burst/hard swapped or you aoe CC + spam capped. it's not new, and it's not "overkill."


my point is that if you weren't using your 3 or 4 dps on the same target, you didn't know how to play. 4v1 has always been a thing. but that 1 also always had a tank, at least 1 healer and almost always at least one dps with taunts to peel for him.


you're lucky to get a fraction of that in yoloQ. but 4 dps focusing you is and always has been sensible game play.


So - Arena is nothing but the consequential follow-up to this.


What was the main tactic in Ranked - as you decribe it - has now become a game of its own : Arena.


Now I know why there is Arena at all.

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