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How would your characters reply to Valkorion's offer?


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My smuggler would say: "Yeah, I'm so epic you'd want me, but you're bad for business. That, and I'll have my own throne pretty soon."


My merc and my Nox would say yes though. My warrior and agent would say "Dark side no". And my 2 most played Jedi would white hat it all the way.

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I would love that, but I think the only way that would work is if they had two separate faction stories based on your choice there... And they've already stated that there won't be any faction switching or merging of any kind, so I'm doubtful this'll have any impact.


Exactly why it bums me out. It would be interesting to at least fake a commitment to the enemy side until betrayal or something. Or he figures out.

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Exactly why it bums me out. It would be interesting to at least fake a commitment to the enemy side until betrayal or something. Or he figures out.


I would assume they'll just make it so that he betrays you if you don't betray him. A large problem I see is that your new companions would have no reason to join him, so...

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I would assume they'll just make it so that he betrays you if you don't betray him. A large problem I see is that your new companions would have no reason to join him, so...


"What was that? Fine. Sell her out, but to Jadus?" Kaliyo says. Kaliyo remains loyal to his decision.


"There is taint in the hive." Bug man said of Jadus. If you join him he doesn't leave.


Lots of companions stays when one would think they wouldn't. But can they leave if you make decisions they don't like in kotfe?(like in dragon age?) That would pose the problem.

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Well, I suppose I'm risking ban, here but... We can at least say we accept his offer. I don't know what happens if you do that, but we can definitely tell him that we accept.


Bioware confirms in interviews that you can kneel, it's not forbidden info.

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I'm kinda shocked at how few of you would accept. The kind of power he's offering is ridiculous, and he's a really cool character. Everyone's answer seems to be some variation of "Eat my shoes" or "Ehuehuehue yes... I totally won't betray you..."

My Inquisitor would accept for power, and my Warrior is a bit like Quinn in following orders, so he'd definitely join. My Consular is pretty dark side, so it'd be an easy choice for him to join. For my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, it depends on the credits. My Trooper probably wouldn't, cause Murric- I mean, the Republic. My Jedi Knight wouldn't cause he's too light side. My DS Agent would pretty easily. My LS Agent who is aligned with the Republic wouldn't for the same reasons as the trooper. My crazy neutral Agent would probably close his eyes and pick randomly.


Everything that glimmers isn't gold. Sometimes that glimmer is a greedy would be villain encased in carbonite in the emperors trophy room for five years because they thought their oppressor destroyed everything they represented and subjugated them simply to share galactic cookies. I'm thinking bio should double that carbonite sentence to a decade for those that kneel so they can temper their greed and reflect on the repercussions of careless actions. :o

Edited by Aeristash
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Depending on everything involved in kneeling and the situation that landed us in that position, most of my force users would probably kneel.


My Agent would probably refuse and then start running for the nearest escape route.

Bounty Hunter would ask for the pay and then at Mako's disapproving frown, start shooting.

Trooper would demand that he surrenders "In the name of the Galactic Republic".

Smuggler I could see going either way really, it would depend on how his little criminal empire would work with Valky.

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BH: I will stick to you until some one put a bigger price to your head...

AGENT: If you show required respect to my organization, i will destroy any threat for the order.

CONS: I watched, touched, changed the tides of war. In the end, there is only death and misery left. Empire... Republic... War... Light Side... Dark Side... Those are just reasons for war. I kneel before emperor who brings prosperty and peace!

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Sith Inquisitor: I spent years as a slave to the Empire, never once called my name but rather some insult to either my position or because I am an alien. In the academy many tried to kill me for existing and in their eyes I was unworthy of learning the ways of the Sith. Even once I had passed my trials and make a name for myself I still had not gotten the acknowledgement, no the respect that I deserved for becoming Sith. "Filthy alien, alien scum, Slave", as if my power was to be ignored tossed aside because of what and who I am. You claim to share power with me if I will kneel before you, that together we will rule that you have built? My answer is this Valkorion: I have suffered in agony to obtain lost secrets to binding the dead to me, I have bound a Dashade to my will, I took down an arrogant Sith who sought my death to preserve his precious order. I did not face such challenges, such discrimination for anyone to take pity on me. The day I killed my former master I swore that never again shall I submit to the will of another. No longer will this slave be a slave, I have risen higher than anyone could have even dreamed I could. In the end I am Darth Nox, Master of the Force Walk, Heir to both Kallig and Tulak Hord, if you wish to kill me then so be it. But I will not ever kneel to you!


Jedi Consular: I followed the Jedi Code and tried to be the perfect jedi, but as I traveled the galaxy I with an open mind I saw everything. Allies we could have if not for our fear of their very nature, knowledge that we could use if we didn't fear their secrets and options that were open to us if we allowed ourselves to compromise. How could we have ignored what the Voss had to offer simply because they wandered the line between light and dark. The Republic is no better than the Empire with keeping Belsavis a secret prison planet. My master was affect by a darkside plague, the "cure" I found would weaken me for each person I shielded in the end I chose to sacrifice those the sith had touched rather than granting him a mercy he would never have shown me. I had to lead an alliance of people who had lost faith in the Republic's ability to protect and support its allies. Finally I was faced with the Children of the Emperor, sleeper agents within the Republic that were undetectable event to the most powerful of masters. Leading them was the First Son, Master Syo a man I both respected and come to know as a friend had become my greatest enemy. The Jedi Code is an ideal that I could no longer follow after what I had been through, the darkside has gripped apart of my being but I know see the darkness in me for what it is: A part of who I am. I will not kneel to you Valkorion, I would not oppose you neither if you weren't a threat to every one. Perhaps in a different life I could have worked with you but as it stands we are enemies.

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"What was that? Fine. Sell her out, but to Jadus?" Kaliyo says. Kaliyo remains loyal to his decision.


"There is taint in the hive." Bug man said of Jadus. If you join him he doesn't leave.


Lots of companions stays when one would think they wouldn't. But can they leave if you make decisions they don't like in kotfe?(like in dragon age?) That would pose the problem.


If Bioware is sticking to their claims, pfft, then if you choose to join King Goober and get all evil and whatnot, I'm assuming people like Vette, Vector, Kira, Mako, etc would give you an evil look, turn around and say '**** this, I'm out of here'. But.......I haven't played KotFE yet, so I can't say *** Bioware plans to do with companions. But from what I've seen (other sources) they DO make appearances, after that I don't know what happens. And damn my bday is taking forever to get here so I can play the expansion!!

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Personally, my powertech wouldn't bow and to even ask him to kneel would be considered a huge insult. He is a proud Mandalorian that kneels before nobody. My mercenary on the other hand just cares about money, while he is a Mandalorian, he regards his position with little enthusiasm, and will work for anyone for money.


My sith warrior still clings to the hope that he can continue to serve the Emperor, for without him he would not have survived his betrayal from Darth Baras, so he will probably kneel. My assassin will not kneel, as his arrogance from his power with the force ghosts will likely get him into trouble with the new emperor.


My agent will probably kneel so as not to get immediately killed so she can find some other way to undermine this new emperor and will stay loyal to Darth Jadus

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My Shadow would turn her back on him and walk away. Valkorion is worth neither fighting for nor against.


My Juggernaut would leap at him, attempting to tear his throat out with her bare hands. For Korriban!


My Sentinel? I honestly don't know. If she thought it would save the Republic and countless lives, perhaps she would acquiesce.

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my Jedi -- LS V, what can I say ? I'm not giving in now ...


my Smuggler -- she's too gone on Theron -- and really doesn't want to lose him --- again LS V


my BH --- too independent to kneel to anyone -- nope, not going to do it -- and LS V to boot ( she wants to go home to Scilla one day, hopefully -- don't want to mess that up )


my Agent -- well, maybe -- she's LS IV -- so she's more open in that matter -- now IF he made an offer to save Scilla from destruction and save her home world; I might have to consider -- she's a Chiss first and an Imperial second

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Sophria (BH, Merc, Mando'a): I have better things to do than kneel before yet another Force-User, when those I call family are currently lost to me.


Adilies (Agent, Op, refused to be a free agent, refused Jadus'): You have seen what I do. No more. I will defy destiny itself if I must, to get the power I desire for myself, and I refuse to kneel before Sith, Jedi, any who use the Force and look down on those like me.


Nysteria (JK, Guard, DS, hates the Empire): No.


Toryah (SW, Jugg, LS, loves the Empire): Everyone I have ever bent my knee to, is now dead. Baras, Malgus, Vitiate, Revan. Why would you want me to kneel to you?


Jatora (JC, Sage, DS by thinking the DS options at the time were truly the best ones to her): It all depends on if you are just another Sith Emperor, like Vitiate, or if you are truly a fair ruler of a peaceful Empire.


Ahnauh (Inq, Sorc, Imperius): I do not bow. We may have common goals, but I do not kneel.


Jarote (Smug, Scoundrel, Pirate Voidhound): If I kneel, you will fix Port Nowhere, and I will have a free pass to run my business, right? It's a bit of a deal breaker for me.


Pixil (Troop, Commando, hates Saresh and politicians but loves the Republic): If I were almost anyone else, I would, but no.


Lyraine (BH Merc, LS and mando): Mandalorians don't kneel. Do you have a job for me or should I just take the Bounty on your head?


Colein (SW Jugg, LS, Imperial reformist): I recall killing the last Emperor I knelt to, but if you will make the galaxy a better place where the Sith are a united order with the Jedi, then I will.


Chisher (Trooper, Commando, played as trying to do what is right for the Republic): No.


Marock (LSish JK, Guardian, not as loyal to the Republic as he used to be): It depends on what your plans are for the Sith and Jedi, and what's left of the Empire and Republic.


PT-anfore (IA Sniper, Imperialist, refused Jadus' in the name of the Empire): Your Empire is not the one I choose to follow. But my Empire betrayed me, so I want to hear the full offer.


Eizzey (Smugg, Slinger, Pirate): Well, Val, I would lov- I absolutely will knee- I want to-- nope. Can't do it.


Nau'ur'dha (Imperius, Inq Sorc): I would rather rule instead.


Aishilyne (Cons, Sage, LS): Your ways violate the Jedi Code. I can not follow you in good conscience.


My main sixteen or so. The others are pretty similar, so I didn't add those. As you can read, my people are generally too proud to kneel to another Emperor. Or loyal.

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None of my characters would end up standing in front of Emperor Badfather as shown in the cutscene to begin with.


They'd have found a way to take him out that doesn't involve walking into the middle of his center of power, alone, surrounded by 1000s of his troops...


(File under " Reasons I won't be bothering with the utter tripe that is KotFE" . )

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Knight: Immediate and definite "no", followed by "never".


Consular: Delivers a long, winding speech about how Valkorion is wrong and the Jedi are right and they'll triumph in the end.


Smuggler: "Let me keep my underworld, let me and Risha have Dubrillion, and you've got yourself a deal!"


Trooper: Shouts in his face that she'll never betray the Republic.


Warrior: Tells Valkorion to shove his high-and-mighty attitude where the sun don't shine.


Inquisitor: Sneers that he's a Dark Councilor and doesn't bow to anyone, much less a wannabe like Valkorion, and then delivers some sarcastic insult about his décor or outfit or something.


Agent: Pretends to accept while plotting a way to eliminate him at an opportune moment. Basically exactly what he did to Jadus at the end of Act I.


Hunter: Says that while she may be a merc, she's also a Mando; she has honor, and she's not going to run from or bow to him.

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None of my characters would end up standing in front of Emperor Badfather as shown in the cutscene to begin with.


They'd have found a way to take him out that doesn't involve walking into the middle of his center of power, alone, surrounded by 1000s of his troops...


(File under " Reasons I won't be bothering with the utter tripe that is KotFE" . )


Even though it's pretty clear that you and Marr have been captured?

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Even though it's pretty clear that you and Marr have been captured?


The video I saw started out pretty much with the nitwitted Jedi standing there armed in the throne room, and lots of melodrama, and blah blah blah.



Whatever. Still not interested.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The video I saw started out pretty much with the nitwitted Jedi standing there armed in the throne room, and lots of melodrama, and blah blah blah.



Whatever. Still not interested.


There's the scenes with the player and Marr bound as guards drag them into the throne room. Then later it's the Player, Valkorian and Arcann in the throne room without the gards, which looks similar to the end of the Jedi Knight Act 2. I'm guessing that after the first meeting, the player and Marr escape, then return with armies to break into the ship, the player goes up to face the Immortal Emperor solo (Because all the classes have to have their idiot moments) spouting how he'll kill Valkorian, then the trailer ends before the player get's ***** slapped.

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None of my characters will kneel. Some will be a bit louder about it then others, like... my warrior and knight. While my shadow will roll her eyes, and reply sarcastically, 'Yeah, sure. When Darth Marr does.'. While both my assassin and sorcerer, maybe my smuggler, will chuckle at him with an 'lolno'. My smuggler needs to hunt Theron down, anyway.


My agent took Kothe's offer to be a double agent. So long as it's her choice. And she ain't kneeling either. My BH is honor bound, and a Mando. I don't see her kneeling FOR ANYONE. She'd be more inclined to shoot him in the face.

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None of my characters will kneel. Some will be a bit louder about it then others, like... my warrior and knight. While my shadow will roll her eyes, and reply sarcastically, 'Yeah, sure. When Darth Marr does.'. While both my assassin and sorcerer, maybe my smuggler, will chuckle at him with an 'lolno'. My smuggler needs to hunt Theron down, anyway.


My agent took Kothe's offer to be a double agent. So long as it's her choice. And she ain't kneeling either. My BH is honor bound, and a Mando. I don't see her kneeling FOR ANYONE. She'd be more inclined to shoot him in the face.


I bet it will be

Player: *Kneel* Can I get my candy no- *Carbonised*


Player: Pfffffft, hell no. Not a chance in hell you nerf hearding mother clu- *Forced to kneel and carbonised*

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