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I'm Getting Tired of the Bads


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I'd like to see BW add defense points to the stat sheet at the end, so we can tell more easily who spent the match defending. I don't always know.


Is there someplace that explains how objective points are earned? Is it just a reflection of medals?

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I just want to point out, I've never seen a rant post like this where someone complains they had to farm bads all day. Its only when they're on their team that they suddenly get outraged.


Point being, "bads" make queues pop, live with them or accept that you won't have nearly as many games if they weren't there.


And the next time you rage quit at the first sign you have a horrible team, consider doing the same the next time you 3 cap your opponent a minute into the match and its clearly not competitive in your favor.

Edited by wadecounty
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I often wonder why the better players are on imperial side ? I mean, just look at the Leaderboards ...


Leaderboards don't mean anything. Most of the wins the people on the leaderboards were against other imperials. Whether you like it or not, the imperial population is higher so everyone just naturally queues there rather than wait for 30 minutes a pop on the republic (unless they queue sync). Most of the best players actually play on both sides.

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I just want to point out, I've never seen a rant post like this where someone complains they had to farm bads all day. Its only when they're on their team that they suddenly get outraged.


Point being, "bads" make queues pop, live with them or accept that you won't have nearly as many games if they weren't there.


And the next time you rage quit at the first sign you have a horrible team, consider doing the same the next time you 3 cap your opponent a minute into the match and its clearly not competitive in your favor.


Farming bads is not fun. Having bads on the team is not fun. Competitive matches are fun. I never said I rage quit the moment something goes bad. I quit when the team is beyond redemption. I give them the benefit of the doubt over and over and they still fail. Then I leave. And I do quit out of 3 cap farm fests because they are boring as hell. I'd rather play a super close game and lose.

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Of course imperial side. :D Of course. :D


I started on imperial side, but have several 60s on pubs too. I just happen to like:


knives > fists & shotgun

Red > blue

fire > plasma

lightning > rocks

dual pistols > huge cannon

oddly enough though sniper rifle > double pistols


That, and for the last 2 years ish pubs on the bastion were compiled almost entirely of bads. So, I prefer playing my imps.

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I'd like to see BW add defense points to the stat sheet at the end, so we can tell more easily who spent the match defending. I don't always know.


Is there someplace that explains how objective points are earned? Is it just a reflection of medals?


I'd like bioware to change it so that only the first 2 defenders sitting on a node get defender points. All other defender points should be made for killing enemies/healing teammates on the node you are defending. Would prevent the medal farming that people do when they decide that match is lost after the enemy caps one node in civil war.

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I often wonder why the better players are on imperial side ? I mean, just look at the Leaderboards ...


People who want to do ranked and do not want to super Q YOLO; it serves their best interest to go Imp due to the larger pool of players. More to be on your team as well as the other in same faction matches. More matches means more chances to raise your rating.

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I'd like to see BW add defense points to the stat sheet at the end, so we can tell more easily who spent the match defending. I don't always know.


Is there someplace that explains how objective points are earned? Is it just a reflection of medals?


Hover your mouse over the objective points at the stat sheet. You'll see the off and def points seperately.


Objective points are earned through objectives.


Score in Huttball

Pass the ball

Defeat the enemy ball carrier

Plant the bomb

Defuse the bomb

Capture a turret/pylon

Be near one of your own objectives (controlled turret/pylon, voidstar doors as a defender)

Pick up energy balls in Hypergates


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where did I say anything that endorsed raging on bad players? I'm pretty sure my suggestion that you LEAVE if you don't like it is exactly the opposite. if ppl act selfishly and ignore objectives and you happen to actually care about them, then why on earth would you stay in the WZ and feed your anger over their selfish behavior?


regarding MVP votes, nothing you say here has an impact on my point: if an MVP vote is something that influences what a person does in a meaningless reg WZ, then that person is a flaming idiot and is actually more "questionable" than the herd of players who "stampede to mid."


I'll say it again for the cheap seats: if getting or not getting an MVP vote affects a person's behavior in a WZ, then that person is a flaming imbecile, and his psychological state is more questionable than the lemmings running mid or trying to run orbs during a heated battle for mid (or when both sides are capped). at least the lemming acts out of ignorance or (in the case of the baddies who get capped) lack of skill. but the guy who would let an MVP vote affect what he does? lmao. ok george. have fun with that.


You totally missed the point, and obviously, you are one of those who rages on people in "meaningless regs". If it is meaningless, why you upset that people are "bads"? Calling people morons and stupid is a sign of bad gamesmanship. The objective is to win, and you cannot win by yourself. If you know what will motivates "bads" to play objectively, but refuse to give them that motivation, then you are even worst than they are.


If you pull your head of of your arse, maybe, just maybe, you can recognize the elephant in the room. PvP is somewhat esoteric, and the x12 exp boost doesn't do much to help with the "skill" level of players. Moreover, it is asinine to think that people should be "good" at level 60, because they had lowbie and midbie to perfect their class. When you p-level a character to level 60 in less than 24hours, at what point do you get to master that class?


Sometimes, the people who think they are better than everyone else are the ones who cause the other team to win. And sometimes, people who try to que sync, throw the match because they didn't end up with the double-per-made, as planned. So, they hide somewhere on the mad and talk crap to everyone else. PvP has the good, the bad, and the ugly; and I will take the "bads", any day, over the ugly.

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I often reason in the way that, well - we're in level 60, we all know what to do, right! - Right??


Until I mention the need to save the Breaker in AHC and the wisdom in having 2 guards last 60 - 45 sec when in the lead . . .


And I got a Big WHY? - So I did feel the need to tell about the 6 sec cap and the 8 sec stun . . . !


The Significant lowering off the prices of PvP Gear makes not only the Gear more accessible but even more decides to do their first WZ' when they ding 60. It shouldn't be a surprise, nevertheless . . .


We who know it need to tell it, and since I've treated lvl60 PvP as any low or midbrackett situation, no one knows what to do . . . and for you who think you do - 1000K damage and no or a few objective points; just tells us you're a good damage dealer in all the wrong places!!

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WZs are getting extremely frustrating...


Every time I join NC, ACW, or HG, I ask who's guarding our node as soon as I get in there. You know, so such things can be established before a match and to know that someone will be playin' the D. At least four times out of five, I'll get no response (always MVP votes to anyone that does volunteer, btw, even if they did zero damage and just sat there the whole game).


"Come on guys, don't make the Seer do it." Still no response. "Sigh. Don't blame me if I die quickly." And off to the node I go.


Now, I can stay alive through one decent DPSer, maybe a couple of bad ones. I'm quick to call inc - as soon as they round the corner or start coming down the hill, or the moment they hit me with a Sleep Dart. Occasionally help even shows up in time. A lot of times - too many times - I get stuck in a 4v1, hold my ground for 20 seconds or so, calling inc 3-4x and upgrading the number every time another redname pops up. Then I die, and of course "*** no calls?"


Sigh. At least I got my usual eight Defender medals.


Another great example is in Voidstar. I made a point of stating very clearly before our Defender round that we need to stay on the doors! I said it three times, in three different ways. I'd've said it in three different languages if I knew that many. Guess what happened?


That's right - me and one other person (who got my MVP vote) actually bothered to stay on the door. All six of the others sprinted for the Attacker spawn! Predictably, five attackers made it through our merry band, cut down me and my buddy (a Seer and a gunslinger) with a quickness, and planted the bomb. At least there was no ****-talking in Ops chat - they knew they'd ****ed up.


This is all in Lv60 warzones, where, as mentioned, people really ought to know better. They're just really, really bad...




Fine, I'll queue for PvP again, maybe people will listen to someone who can destroy half the other team with a healer at my back.

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I have started to issue my standard "rules" for any given WZ now at the beginning to help people along with the objectives and such...especially when I see that I'm the "leader" b/c you just don't know how much experience they have. If you like objective-based PvP in this game, you need to help others along because you need others to participate to keep the game mode healthy. And some people are never going to get it. They just aren't good at it and that is okay...it actually makes things a bit more interesting in general.


And I also totally get the whole frustration thing and typing out some random crap when your teammates do something wrong in the WZ. Fine...get it out of your system and make your point. Then be man (or woman) enough afterwards to apologize for being a jerk. And if they accept your apology then try to explain what went wrong and how they could fix it next time. You might even make some new friends this way....as strange as it sounds.

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At the risk of asking a dumb question (I don't play tanks and don't have a Jugg/Guardian), what exactly is the problem here?


You don't want to know but if you feel that curious, just go to the Jugg forum and ask about DPS tanking. Some are for it and find it fun; others say it is complete crap. All I know is I leveled my Jugg in tank stance and spec but with DPS gear and asked about that, but apparently running tank spec in DPS stance is also a thing. Apparently a controversial thing.

Edited by Technohic
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I'm one of the bads. I can give my perspective, but let me put this out there first. Since I started playing WZ, I have ensured my exp is 2018 bolstered. I am now sitting at about 50% ranked gear all augmented. I watched videos on the different maps learned objectives. I've watched videos and am pretty adept at my optimal rotation and use of interrupts, CCs, stuns etc. I like to win, I try.


A. I'm a clicker. I've tried to transition to keybinds, but it is really foreign. I'll keep trying so I can get optimal response and be able to keep my eyes on the screen.

B. I don't pay much attention to the chat, its 99% filled with whining about bads or dancing. I do try to keep an eye out for calls, etc, but yeah. I also call incoming if I was left defending.

C. People should not leave me defending, I suck.

D. Regardless of how bad I suck at it, its extremely fun so I keep doing it and I keep trying to get better.


All in all, I think you are just going to have people like me, people worse than me, and finally trolls. Its a game, try not to let it bother you so much. Your best bet to avoid people like me and other bads is to form your own group.

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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People who want to do ranked and do not want to super Q YOLO; it serves their best interest to go Imp due to the larger pool of players.


Lame argument. If people wre going to Republic side, it'd serve their best interests because Republic side would then get an larger pool of players.


But people don't.

Not even although there are MIRROR classes.

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Lame argument. If people wre going to Republic side, it'd serve their best interests because Republic side would then get an larger pool of players.


But people don't.

Not even although there are MIRROR classes.


How is that a lame argument? People want a better chance of a Q pop so will go where they get the better chance. Imp side has always had the larger pool to pull from so it's just snowballing from there.

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Lame argument. If people wre going to Republic side, it'd serve their best interests because Republic side would then get an larger pool of players.


But people don't.

Not even although there are MIRROR classes.


dumb argument. instead of one side with an extremely shallow queue population and one moderately healthy, you'd have two very shallow queue populations. BOTH factions need to be in the SAME population pool. pull your head out of the "woe is me. nobody plays republic" crusade for a moment and realize the entire population of ppl from BOTH FACTIONS COMBINED is too small for elo rankings to work properly, and your idiotic solution exacerbates that already detrimental dynamic.

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How is that a lame argument? People want a better chance of a Q pop so will go where they get the better chance. Imp side has always had the larger pool to pull from so it's just snowballing from there.


forget it. we both inadvertently joined the special olympics by giving that guy the time of day. dammit. I knew better than that. :(

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