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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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Pro Tip for bads: Patchs change things and fix things and improves things. Give it time for things you would like to see improved to be improved.



you kids all want it NOW NOW NOW. BW is new to the table and so far i think they have toppled what i thought the game would be.



This game is far beyond any MMO i ever seen at release. but you all are use to WOW you want it to be WOW. so give it time for them to improve this great game and time for them to add new things.


WOW was not wow at release. Same with other MMO'S like GW/COH/WAR.


Sit back enjoy it while you can so you can tell new people to the game how it use to be. Walking in the snow up hill both ways.




P.S The world being dead is a lie. on fat man people and NPC's really make it feel alive. Turn your sound up and have a great computer set to max settings and you will drop your jaw.




Edited by Mrpoodles
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The point was they quit over the reasons the fan site reviews given, bad combat, overkill on cut scenes, way to much walking for no good reason, dead world with static mobs that don't move, single player game poorly done. Pvp is pretty terrible and boring. These are just a few of the reasons you see 6.1/10 ratings by thousands of fan's reviewing the game. I know those who love it don't like to hear this but ignoring it won't make it go away or be invalid when such a large number lead to these ratings. Anways if you like it that is good, keep playing it!


All of these points are extremely exaggerated.


1.) I love the combat. The fact that your character can act out the abilities point by point (Master Strike) while still getting the job done shows this game has awesome Combat. I will admit the reaction time is a bit slow but thats something that can easily be fixed with future Updates. Nothing to become worried about.


2.) Im not sure what you mean by overkill on cut scenes. The game is based around VO acting. It was known for months that almost every mission you involved yourself with had a VO Cutscene, even the insignificant ones...This here even proves your argument about a dead world being wrong because EVEN the non-important NPCs have a life breathed into them thru VO.


3.) Too much walking......Im not sure I understand why your complaining about this. At the level you quit. You were capable of spending 40k + 8k (if you werent a CE holder) for your first mount...It might not be super fast and get people from place to place in a flash but it diffenitely sped you up. The first 25 levels were a bit much because of the sheer size of the worlds but if they hadnt done this, I have a very good feeling youd be in here complaining about how the Worlds didnt feel like Worlds the maps were just TOO small.


4.) Im not sure where you were in the game but all the Mobs I ran into definitely moved. They werent going to move around the entire map as if they had a mind of their own. But theyre mobs...Please point me in the direction of a game that had Mobs that would just not be in the area that your Quest Tracker pointed you towards because they had moved? Im pretty sure you cant. People would be in here flipping out because they couldnt find Mob X or Mob Y because it wasnt in Area A or Area B like the Quest Giver said..It had moved.


5.) Im not sure how youve come to the conclusion PvE was poorly done when in the original post you state that the Main Story Line is awesome. Yet you bash it here...Your sudden slip up makes me think this whole thing was a troll and your just looking to kill sometime between PvP. Which by the way..


6.) I only have one problem with PvP...You can battle anyone at any level in PvP. I like the maps, the objectives and the idea on paper for a lvl 20 vs a lvl 40 is a great one. But the simple adjustment of ones health is not going to change the fact that without the equivalent gear and abilities...Your just a meatier target. Hopefully the realize this soon and change it so that theres tiers for different levels so that people arent being run down in PvP.


Also, The ratings mean nothing at Launch. Theres no way to tell the Fanboys from other games from the actual gameplayers for this game. Theres no evidence that these reviews are honest and objective. Most likely they arent. The games been out maybe two weeks now and the only people complaining are those with the opinion the game doesnt have enough STUFFZ. In my opinion, Generation NOWZ is killing the MMO market. Perfectly good games with perfectly good chances of becoming more are killed off long before they get a chance because players now expect things the very second the game launches. Either because they dont understand the true nature of an MMO or because they dont care.

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As some others have said, I really don't understand what people are saying about the world being "dead". I love how the NPCs interact with each other and I hear these little snippets of conversation that make me smile all the time when I'm walking through the quest hubs. The General Chat combines all the shards, so it's usually fairly lively. And despite the sharding its only on particularly large planets like Tatooine (OMG THE DUNE SEAS ARGH) where I will go more than 10 minutes without seeing another person. Usually there are quite a few. But at least I am not waiting in a line to finish a quest! That would be horrible!


I have never played an MMO for more than a week, because they all bore me, but this one has pulled me in and I am hooked. I need to limit myself playing with an alarm because otherwise I'll just play all through the night. It's actually kinda bad. XD

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why is it hard for people to see this is a









crazy to think a game based on story would be based on story and have alot of GREAT cutscenes.




just crazy i tell you!!!! CRAZY!!!

Edited by Mrpoodles
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This was probably a bigger letdown than final fantasy 14. I'd honestly rather play that game daily than sub another month into swtor.




And that's where your credibility goes out the window.


This. Nothing will likely ever top the disappointment I got from FFXIV as a big FF and pretty much jrpg fangirl.

Edited by Fyuria
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As some others have said, I really don't understand what people are saying about the world being "dead". I love how the NPCs interact with each other and I hear these little snippets of conversation that make me smile all the time when I'm walking through the quest hubs. The General Chat combines all the shards, so it's usually fairly lively. And despite the sharding its only on particularly large planets like Tatooine (OMG THE DUNE SEAS ARGH) where I will go more than 10 minutes without seeing another person. Usually there are quite a few. But at least I am not waiting in a line to finish a quest! That would be horrible!


I have never played an MMO for more than a week, because they all bore me, but this one has pulled me in and I am hooked. I need to limit myself playing with an alarm because otherwise I'll just play all through the night. It's actually kinda bad. XD


Im in the same boat as you. When I played WoW Id get between lvl 15 to 25 and suddenly not want to pursue the characters progress anymore. Usually this was a Warrior or Rogue. Paladins, Mages etc never got farther then 10 with. There just wasnt enough behind the character to actually attach myself too. But with these characters I actually feel like its me driving them. Its my choices, some I have consequences to I didnt intend or I didnt care if I did harm something. Others I reap from. But atleast I know I made that decision on my own and not forced into a cookie cutter ending for a particular Quest.

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for me this is one of the best / greatest mmo's ever!!!!


When I visit the movie theatres i dont watch an action bruce willis movie and afterwards complain the story wasnt deep enough. I payed for the action, not for the rest. If i wanted the rest I checked on other movies to see.


swtor has 80 % of the regular well known mmorpg styles out there.

is that something to dislike? no! since its already great! Could there be improvement? Yes! but blaming tor didnt fulfill all those dreams is a bit lame. they added story greatly for wich i can tell that if they had reading quests, I never would of continue playing this for a long time.


Im basically leaving like 50-80% of the quests non touched since i have enough with the story quests and some additional quests to continue my playing.


The thought of ever seeing these extra quests someday excite me! For me , this will be the first mmorpg to return to areas to quest even further even if you know your loot / XP is worth nothing anymore, just due to the great story telling !!!


swtor = love !

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Don't know if this applies to the OP but I think we have a HUGE community of SWG refugees and they were hoping that this game might finaly rince the bad taste that game left in their mouth.


The truth is that SWTOR has much more in common with WoW then SWG and that is a let down that many will not be able to get over. :(


Its not BioWares fault. A dog thats been kicked will sometimes nip no matter what you do.

Edited by ThreeToedSloth
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its sad, I really did want to love this game, its why im none to happy none. But the fact is moving around wow and eq etc was much different then tor. Not everthing has to move but in tor almost NOTHING moves NOTHING! I mean come on. It is so freaking unreal. I am sorry, just how I feel. And all the ppl who just dismiss it will at some point have to face the fact that is how tor's world is. Cut and pasted into place. I dont mind copied areas, tor has them too, as long as they feel alive. nothing in this game feels alive. The cut scenes are also so instanced that they to feel single player and fake.


My question is .. why are you still protesting so much? just go do something else .. go play wow. But yet, here you still are .. going on and on and on .. drop it already. We know you do not care for it so .. drop it and move on.

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I am actually very VERY glad to hear this. if this game is not for me I am very glad that it will have an audience. It seems like such a waste if it didnt have a group to keep it going and make all biowares work worth it. I am not so silly as to expect every game should fit my tastes. I really hope those who remain love it and play it like crazy. thanks for listening all.


aww you guys.:)


isn't it awesome when gamers agree to disagree in a civil manner. I enjoy the game too for my own reasons.


it is a shame it wasn't more to your liking, perhaps in time it might eventually cater to all our tastes.


sad to lose such a polite young man never the less. :)


Side note: (not being sarcastic, maybe just had too much wine over christmas) everyones asleep here trying to recover from all the eating.

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Actually, I kind of know what they mean when they say copy paste. I have seen a few buildings in which they recycle room designs, but that at least changes throughout the planets. I personally just see it as consistent architecture for the planet! :D But that's just my optimism showing.


Actually, speaking for how the world is not static. The other day I was doing a quest on Tatooine as my Imperial Agent Sniper and as I was going down through the mobs I ended turning around to see a pair of Republic players and their companions, I think a Trooper and a Smuggler, taking out some mobs I had missed behind me. All into it, I was like, "Oh ****! It's the Republic!" I immediately turned myself around and set up cover, ready to defend myself.


I had seen a Republic medical station out in the Dune Sea only about a half an hour earlier, but I hadn't expected to actually run into any Republic players. We ended up getting into a fight. XD I died in a two on one, but I took quite a chunk out of one of them. Little surprises like that make me happy. (Although I was surprised, I'm on a PVE server, I must have accidentally had myself flagged for PVP or something.)


And regarding the mobs "not moving", I have NO clue what you are talking about. Not even mentioning the patrols, I see them wandering around and even talking to one another. I've even seen some mobs SPARRING with each other.

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^^This... Whatever happened to having a little patience and as Darkeus said "Watching it grow"?


Patience left the world a long time ago, if it cant be done NOW then people feel its not worth waiting for or doing, look at many games where before they launch people demand its released now or they wont play, or post launch where if it cant be done the first time then their must be something wrong with it, even people believe that if its not there now it never will be

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I am glad to see that some people understand where I come from. Others who troll the forums just to dismiss should again look at my join date and what I say. If you have dedicated players who quit over reasons many fan sites support 6.1/10 user ratings , there is reason for concern. So play in denial if you wish. it makes my opinion no less valid then yours. Good luck!


You cant go by the metacritic user score or any user score for that matter because it is a joke. To prove my point the metacritic user score for MW3 is a 3.2 which is pure nonsense. Is MW3 the best game ever NO but 3.2 is a complete and utter joke. User score's can be manipulated and bias and MW3's user score is proof of that. Having said all of that everyone is not gonna like this game and that comes down to personal preference. If you like it continue playing and enjoying it. If you don't like it leave save your money and find a game that better fits your wants and needs. Posting that you are leaving to me sounds like a cry for attention. If you dislike the game just leave don't go on the forums and announce it because honestly no one cares and it just makes you look like a attention whore

Edited by carolinafan
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Ok guys, I would like to share my feelings about this game with you. I`ve been following since like 2010, did not expect something SUPADUPAMAZING, but what I got is in fact below average. Played imperial agent to lvl 12, did not like the game very much, at first quests were cool, I admit, but after like 2 hours of gameplay I realised that these quests are basicly not enough to compensate for absolutely dead, soulless, copypasted locations, game just seems static, nothing ever happens. Yesterday I decided to give a game another try and started as a Jedi knight, well it was again fun till I hit level 10. I mean in wow, though it was released 7 years ago, quests are not voiced, it is true that most of time I did not even read them, but you often find these realy interesting quests with some pop culture references or humor or whatever and these quests do not need any voicing, they are great as they are and they do not let you die from boredom. On the other hand, in SWTOR I get the worst quests from Wow, but with some guy telling me how his mother will die from cancer if I do not bring him these furs, only class questline worths attention IMO, side missions are pretty boring but you have to do them. Regarding pvp, well it is even more retarded then in wow, it is meant to be dynamic but it does not feel so, in WoW a skilled player can win 1vs2, in swotr idk what one must do in order to win 1vs2, may be you have to be korean? To sum up this wall of text, I would rather be a panda than run endless corridors doing boring quests in SWTOR.
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the best thing about this thread is it won't be long before all these people leave and never come back. and if they stay they totally invalidated their argument.


i can't pray for jan to come fast enough to get all these trolls off the forums and away from TOR and back to spitting vitriol and bile all over the WOW forums.

Edited by chrisftw
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the best thing about this thread is it won't be long before all these people leave and never come back. and if they stay they totally invalidated their argument.


i can't pray for jan to come fast enough to get all these trolls off the forums and away from TOR and back to spitting vitriol and bile all over the WOW forums.


Thats what STO fanboys said now there alone.

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