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ERIC MUSCO, Main Stats going away??


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I really doubt it the amount of rework would be huge for the limited staff.


And we are not talking small changes, we are talking ground breaking changes, even in excisting encounters.

So I don't know, this seems like will be a huge overhaul.


Well we shall see ,any confirmation on this?

Cause seriously do not mess up like last year.


Too many new changes that made the discipline the scape goats.

Edited by Drake_Hound
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Just wonder how bad their subs are gonna drop. if this is real.


Toon stats changed.

Armor pieces and sets screwed.

Weapons screwed.

Not counting if the Armor or Weapons came from the Cartel Market bought by real money.


Wonder if BW/EA took lessons from Sony and SWG.

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Just wonder how bad their subs are gonna drop. if this is real.


Toon stats changed.

Armor pieces and sets screwed.

Weapons screwed.

Not counting if the Armor or Weapons came from the Cartel Market bought by real money.


Wonder if BW/EA took lessons from Sony and SWG.


That's not exactly what seems to be happening. Rather than Str/Cun/Will you'll just get a generic mastery stat. So the MK-2 gear that drops in Ops will be usable by anyone and you'll be able to use your unused gear on any companion. You'll still want your set pieces though for BIS.


The real questions are how does this affect datacrons, and how will Legacy gear be affected. BioWare did say they wanted to make some changes to legacy gear some time ago.

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Personally am lazy so this change sounds good, no need to do datacrons.

No need to min max gear, just old gear shoves towards the companions.


Hurray even more time to do nothing.


Sadly you will also achieve what people call nothing special anymore.

So basically they don't feel proud of there min max toons, or have to put effort into gearing the toon.

Same as the datacrons, some people just want that little buff while most cannot be bothered to do them.


That is the issue I see, and when people cannot feel pride anymore in anything.

Then you lose another sense of psychological achievement.

Seperate those who are dedicated and just becoming one big general audience.


Well I can easily adapt for selfishe reasons, but it is also important to point out the factor that will be gone from this game. And could infact make guilds even less important, in gathering knowledge.


there was never real need to do datacrons. unless you were in a bleeding edge progression group. but as it said above me - if datacrons still give stats, then technically, if you hunted them for stats, now there's more need then ever, since instead of some of them being useful - they are now all useful.


personally, I just did them once on a legacy, to get a deco. and never again. no stat boosts in a world were worth the aggravation. when I got my last datacron on Tatooine, what I felt was not pride. it was relief.


I'm also trying to figure out how this change makes guilds less important O_O

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there was never real need to do datacrons. unless you were in a bleeding edge progression group. but as it said above me - if datacrons still give stats, then technically, if you hunted them for stats, now there's more need then ever, since instead of some of them being useful - they are now all useful.


personally, I just did them once on a legacy, to get a deco. and never again. no stat boosts in a world were worth the aggravation. when I got my last datacron on Tatooine, what I felt was not pride. it was relief.


I'm also trying to figure out how this change makes guilds less important O_O


There was never any real need to do datacrons because only 1/4 of them were really relevant to your class (excluding endurance, which only really matters for tanks, and presence, which matters for nothing unless you're soloing heroics at level). Now, all of them are suddenly relevant, absent some change in plan concerning either the unified mainstat or datacrons, so they have the potential to be four times as relevant.


A lot of people (like me) who tolerated getting only the class-specific datacrons for each toon we cared about are not going to be happy about suddenly having to get 3 times as many crons across 16 (in my case) or 22 (server max) characters, or even the five or so we play regularly. Much of the opposition to legacy datacrons has centered upon "Get only the ones relevant to your class, you lazy bum," but if we suddenly have to get an extra fifty or so datacrons per character, because suddenly every single one is relevant when the ones for the other three stats weren't before, and prog teams and your PVP premade friends start demanding Datacron Master...


Well, let's just say that if this change isn't coupled with some form of legacy datacrons, there is going to be a lot of shock to the system, a lot of frustration as people get forced to suddenly get 100s of datacrons across all their alts (instead of once on each side, capping out at around 140-150 depending on if expansion introduces more), and probably a fair few unsubs.

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I really don't see the big deal.


Right now, you basically two types of armor for each class. One with a high main stat and low endurance and one where they are close to being equal.


All this does make those armor universal. Instead of boosting a specific main stat based on class, it just boosts a generic main stat depending on who wears it..

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The only thing that this really changes is suggested armor... And making all gear Adaptive is probably next, too.


Means soon enough we'll have Sith Juggernauts dressed as PowerTechs, and Scoundrels dressed as Jedi Sages.


Otherwise: I'm fully for this change. It's use was questionable in the first place.

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Well, no more ninja lootking in fp/ops - we will all have the same gear but different classes wil probably get different things from it - like a jugger tank will get more endurance/armor from his mastery skill while a marauder will get less armor but more strength.


I'm cool with that as long as secondary stats can still be changed via mods/

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Well, no more ninja lootking in fp/ops - we will all have the same gear but different classes wil probably get different things from it - like a jugger tank will get more endurance/armor from his mastery skill while a marauder will get less armor but more strength.


I'm cool with that as long as secondary stats can still be changed via mods/


If Juggs got more armor from mastery and maras more strength and less armor, it'd force juggs to tank in group content, RIP DPS juggs :(

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Two observations.


1) This is a troll post.


2) On the 1% chance that it is sincere, it is hilarious that ~3 years later people are still whining about collector's edition crap. This, and people repeatedly posting about the contraband slot machine, SGR and changing one's advanced class, can all metaphorically go DIAF.


First off, Your Trolling and some of the Fanbois here also that are attacking a Person that has a Very good Question.


2) Ppl should never be able to use the word Troll, as it IS a Mythological Creature and has nothing to do with Posting. Whoever invented that word is hopefully in a Sanitarium.


Now, as I was saying. The OP has a Very Good Question, in which If True, i could see a Lot more ppl Un-subbing, which is bad enough with a Lot of Players leaving already because Bioware has done a Terrible Job with stuff like Pvp and No More Real Class Storylines.


I don't know enough about this Dulfy article yet. But Every Class having the 2 Main stats makes Perfect sense to me, and most other Players.


1) Every Class has to Have Endurance/Health of course for Obvious reasons.


2) Each Class has their own Person Class stat, as it better defines them.


From what i saw from that 2 Paragraphs, i would hope that we don't have to change our Armor/dressing that we already have. But I haven't seen enough about this Subject yet.

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I have a CE and I could care less about perks at this point, My Maul statue is on the shelf wit the rest of my SW collectibles and the soundtrack is on my cloud with the rest of my game music.


There are way too many other things to focus on in game. /shrug.

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If Juggs got more armor from mastery and maras more strength and less armor, it'd force juggs to tank in group content, RIP DPS juggs :(


It was just an example. DPS juggs would get less endurance and more strenght but still more armor than maras :)

I imagine what gear you get depends on the discipline you use.


Think adaptive gear but far more adaptive than we know it :p

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The removal of Strength/Willpower/Aim/Cunning is confirmed. Check Dulfy. It's not datamined bull ****.


It's also stupid, but not for the reason the OP thinks. He's crying about homogeneity, when the stats are already functionally identical mechanically for the classes that use them. It's as homogenized as it's going to get. No, what's going to happen is that instead of 25% of your raid rolling on a piece of gear, 100% of your raid is going to roll on it - remember that all gear going forward has been Adaptive.


The stat they SHOULD have removed is accuracy. Healers don't need it at all. Tanks don't need it; they're given 110% for free. Only DPS are punished by needing twice the accuracy rating of every other stat combined.


It has been stated that all loot will be retiemized, and that everybody will always get something from running an Operation.


Also, everybody rolls for tokens as they are now. Nobody really cares about the non-set items, maybe for enhancements and few mods. But those will (probably) still keep their secondary statistics, limiting their usefulness (ie Sage will probably not roll on +Shield, unless he is a moron)

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Sometimes, when im reading these "they change x so i quit", i wonder if i really am of the same species as the rest of this planet (with a few exceptions).


As I understand what was said, is that they are going to rename all "main stats" (Strenght, Willpower, Cunning, Aim) to Mastery. Why is that even an issue? Do you really need to rage on the forums, if the devs of your game decide to rename Crit Rating to Bada-Boom Rating? Or Surge to Big Bada-Boom? :rak_02:


What difference does it make how they call your primary stat? How are you in any way negatively affected by for example no longer farming Strenght gear and instead have to farm Mastery gear? Is a name of an imaginary stat really that important?


If you cant answer the last 3 questions, dont bother responding. :rak_09:

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I'll hold my final judgement until I see how exactly it's implemented. At first glance it certainly seems like another step on the way of making certain aspects of the game easier/cheaper to maintain and selling it as a major advantage to the players (re: disciplines), many like it, but many also consider it a dumb-down.


It hopefully means no more level 43 commandos healing Red Reaper in strength gear, be it because they don't know better or because RNG only let them have strength-based drops. It means drops will be more relevant to the present characters.


It could also potentially fix some problems with ninja-looting, together with companions having no stats-gear.


But if it changes anything beyond replacing main stats with an "adaptive" main stat, taking away choices of how to spend your stats budget (stats/ratio based on AC/discipline etc.) it's going to be difficult to sell as an improvement to a whole lot of players.

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2) Ppl should never be able to use the word Troll, as it IS a Mythological Creature and has nothing to do with Posting. Whoever invented that word is hopefully in a Sanitarium.


Just FYI... the definition of troll outside fantasy:


: to fish with a hook and line that you pull through the water

: to search for or try to get (something)

: to search through (something)


So yes, it does if the person is trying to get or find something...


To the topic at hand though, I am really feeling like BW is playing some kind of major practical joke on us to keep as much of this hush hush as they can.


Now I could be wrong, but every thread of OMG the world is ending, lol hamster balls, etc, etc are still standing. Some of the stuff just seems to ridiculous to be real. And if it is, then all the people that were screaming OMG SWG NGE are going to be right to a point (but at that would finally prove my point that the NGE was LA and not SOE)....

Edited by Psychopyro
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Well, this change is neutral in terms of game mechanics, because it is only a name change. It has bigger effects in other aspects of the game, like:


1) Non-token equipment drops, that will be useful for more people in the group than they were before.


2) Crew Skills. This change will have a great impact on them. To start, there will be only 25% of the armors, MH, OH, implants, earpieces, some biochem consumables,...etc we have today.

Edited by Pirindolo
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