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Looking to teach one person everything I know about GSF!


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I'm looking for an apprentice basically someone that wants to learn how to play GSF really well.


For anyone interested I'm looking for the following.


- Willing to play atleast 1 hour of GSF a day.

- Has a microphone, can get on voice chat (I use mumble) and can speak English well.

- Is Ok with being on my stream.


Bonus stuff to help me out (But not required)


- We will be playing on Harbinger Republic side.

- Have a stable schedule so we can plan when we play easier.

- Have the ability to record yourself or stream so I can watch how you fly.

- Atleast understand the basics (Can easily get 10000 damage per game)



What I will be teaching.


- How to win the most games possible.

- My ship builds and how to use them.

- Team strategies and coordination.

- Peeling, Killing, Escaping, ect...



A quick note, we will definitely do some 1v1 sessions however members of my team or friends may join us while were playing.


So if anyone is interested after all that please post a short (or long) message on why I should pick you in this thread. Look forward to the posts.

Edited by Drakkolich
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Sounds tempting. I've overspecialized in strikes, and could definitely use a master class in GS, Scout, and Bomber operation. On the other hand I mostly understand the principles and need to practice consistency in execution more than anything, so if there's a person who really would benefit from the learning more of the basics they'd be a better choice.


The other problem is that work is going to be fairly insane schedule wise until the second or third week of October, and until then I'm lucky to get 2-3 hours of queue time on Saturday night, and that's pretty much a hard limit on my availability.


If you're still in a teaching mood then I may hit you up for pointers, especially for GS play. I've been meaning to become a more well rounded GSF pilot for a while now, just haven't gotten to it. Enough so that I'll probably keep at the other ships even if there's a shiny new strike balance pass. Well, unless it's really shiny.

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Sounds like a great idea, I'll be really looking forward to (hopefully) see the results!


Btw, you didn't finish your Quads'n'Pods-Stock-to-Mastered-Project on TRE, Drak :rolleyes:

I really did take a liking to that kind of build after watching your recordings, comes in handy as T3-M4 is really gunship and bomber-heavy most of the time. Was thinking about a Burst'n'Pods-Build too, but I'm unsure if the playstyle synergizes as well...argh, I'm already drifting away from the topic :o

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OOO Teach me! Teach me! :-D


In all honesty I would love to learn from you, although I'm not sure what skill level you were hoping to teach. My guess is someone newer to this then me, but I figure can't hurt to ask! :-P


I can do reasonably well solo queuing, but need to work on playing better on a team, and learning how to assist my teammates better, especially when in a ship not normally considered a support role (Flashfire etc.) I have a tendency to just go into lone wolf mode when I'm in a ship like that. This is due in part to never having learned any real team tactics other than if a teammate in mumble calls out the name of someone attacking him, to search for that name and attack them. In addition I'm almost completely lost on how to play a bomber in a non Domination match.


-Harbringer Siphaniah (Imperial) Babylonia (republic)


PS: If you are looking for someone newer I hope you will post some of the teaching videos so I can learn something about team tactics anyway!

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Good luck Drak.


I once teached someone GSF, and that's not easy to do, especially when we learned ourselves with guts and feeling. It's hard to put words on some things and why you do them.

And in my case, I had chance. I could teach IRL so I could clearly see what the apprentice saw, did, refrained to do, where his judgment failed. Going to teach remotely will make it even harder.

Edited by Altheran
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I'm down for it. I'm not exactly new but I'm definately in need of help. I'm only average. While I do know the game, I miss quite a lot on the best way to maximize my performances. I can do extremely well in matches without great names but my average is rather poor in my own opinion.

I never really played in team so that would be a whole new world to learn :)

And as far as ability goes, I average 30k a match once my ships are decently upgraded (25-30k) with a KDR ranging from anywhere between 1.5 and 5 depending on the ship and the current meta.


I would really like to learn how to play better. Only thing is my English isn't amazing, I can handle myself but I'm way more comfortable in French.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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What a great opportunity.


One year too late for me....sadly. :(


But still... a great opportunity for every new gsf member who seriously wants to become a better pilot.


And since he is Canadian, he can't yell at you if you screw up. :)





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Hey guys I've been working with Ashamam a little bit, he's actually improved quite a bit since we started!


For anyone interested so far what we've been doing is he's been streaming and I've been watching and giving him advice on what he's doing and how to improve. Here are the links to the twitch broadcasts, keep in mind I'm seeing everything with about a 20 second delay so all my comments are on what happened 20 seconds ago.




Session 1:



Session 2:


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Hey guys I've been working with Ashamam a little bit, he's actually improved quite a bit since we started!


For anyone interested so far what we've been doing is he's been streaming and I've been watching and giving him advice on what he's doing and how to improve. Here are the links to the twitch broadcasts, keep in mind I'm seeing everything with about a 20 second delay so all my comments are on what happened 20 seconds ago.




Session 1:



Session 2:



Time to steal secrets and leech information! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Hey guys I've been working with Ashamam a little bit, he's actually improved quite a bit since we started!


For anyone interested so far what we've been doing is he's been streaming and I've been watching and giving him advice on what he's doing and how to improve. Here are the links to the twitch broadcasts, keep in mind I'm seeing everything with about a 20 second delay so all my comments are on what happened 20 seconds ago.




Session 1:



Session 2:



If you prefer Youtube, I've posted them there as well now.

Session 1:


Session 2:

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Here are some more sessions. Both sessions had a quick issue with my video card which is why they are in parts a and b.


Session 3

3a on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11947882

3b on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11472255


3a on Youtube

3b on Youtube



Session 4

4a on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11948557

4b on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11948872


4a on Youtube

4b on Youtube

Edited by Ashamam
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I'm looking for an apprentice basically someone that wants to learn how to play GSF really well.


For anyone interested I'm looking for the following.


- Willing to play atleast 1 hour of GSF a day.

- Has a microphone, can get on voice chat (I use mumble) and can speak English well.

- Is Ok with being on my stream.


Bonus stuff to help me out (But not required)


- We will be playing on Harbinger Republic side.

- Have a stable schedule so we can plan when we play easier.

- Have the ability to record yourself or stream so I can watch how you fly.

- Atleast understand the basics (Can easily get 10000 damage per game)



What I will be teaching.


- How to win the most games possible.

- My ship builds and how to use them.

- Team strategies and coordination.

- Peeling, Killing, Escaping, ect...



A quick note, we will definitely do some 1v1 sessions however members of my team or friends may join us while were playing.


So if anyone is interested after all that please post a short (or long) message on why I should pick you in this thread. Look forward to the posts.


I would like to apply for a future apprenticeship if for no other reason than because if you're teaching me, it means you don't kill me 8 times in a match.

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