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  1. To be fair the thread you linked was posted on the forums only like a week or two ago.
  2. I think I might have been in that match against you....
  3. Here are some more sessions. Both sessions had a quick issue with my video card which is why they are in parts a and b. Session 3 3a on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11947882 3b on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11472255 3a on Youtube 3b on Youtube Session 4 4a on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11948557 4b on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/siphaniah/v/11948872 4a on Youtube 4b on Youtube
  4. If you prefer Youtube, I've posted them there as well now. Session 1: Session 2:
  5. OOO Teach me! Teach me! :-D In all honesty I would love to learn from you, although I'm not sure what skill level you were hoping to teach. My guess is someone newer to this then me, but I figure can't hurt to ask! :-P I can do reasonably well solo queuing, but need to work on playing better on a team, and learning how to assist my teammates better, especially when in a ship not normally considered a support role (Flashfire etc.) I have a tendency to just go into lone wolf mode when I'm in a ship like that. This is due in part to never having learned any real team tactics other than if a teammate in mumble calls out the name of someone attacking him, to search for that name and attack them. In addition I'm almost completely lost on how to play a bomber in a non Domination match. -Harbringer Siphaniah (Imperial) Babylonia (republic) PS: If you are looking for someone newer I hope you will post some of the teaching videos so I can learn something about team tactics anyway!
  6. I just realized it the picture didn't have my name on it should I have a second one showing my name? (I have it but knew the ship one was required for the ship specific record) If so, Here.
  7. Yeah, sorry about the quality I took a picture with my phone, I was just so excited about the match I forgot that I could just take a screen shot.
  8. I think I have a ship record here for gunship TDM Siphaniah - Mangler - Gone Sithing - Harbringer - 21 Kills & 20 Assists I don't know if I did that right please let me know if I didn't :-D
  9. Unfortunately I am unable to make it, That is the day of my Daughters first Birthday party. Oh well need to get my Bastion ships more req. anyway. -Siphaniah -Babylonia
  10. Hey, Drako enjoyed flying against you on Harbringer on our Imp flight night. I only was on for two of the matches agasint you earlier in the evening one loss TDM and one win Domination. Hope you enjoyed yourself and come back on a regular basis! Babylonia Siphaniah
  11. The fact that you can switch T4 and T5 weapons/system upgrades and T3 engine and shield upgrades after purchasing (buying one does not lock you in on that branch) I didn't figure this out for a few months after starting and would take a long time to figure out which one I wanted lol since I thought it was permanent.
  12. BUMP I love healing. I Love healing in PVP battles. At this point with this bug I regret going Sawbones Scoundrel because I cannot heal effectively when I don't even know how much life my teammates have.
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