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No way all Companions will be open to all classes for KoTFE.


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Cross-class recruitment is ridiculous to begin with. I'd really rather they didn't do this as it makes no sense (and making the romantic interests romanceable by different classes? what?) but I don't have any say in the matter, so whatever. Retconning sexualities would be just as ludicrous and unrealistic("but it's a game!"). It was silly in DA2, it would be silly here (and yes, I had a Hawke for every RO just to see them). I'm hoping they don't give in to the vocal minority and actually concentrate on SGR with the NEW characters, not alter existing ones. It's like people are okay with secondhand characters instead of ones that were intended that way to begin with.


But I've veered into off topic territory and am basically axesual anyway, so apparently I'm not allowed an view on it.

:rolleyes: I may be axsexual, but my characters aren't.


... Talos better be around, though, is all I'm saying. Who else is my Inquisitor going to nerd it up/ talk about artifacts endlessly with? D:

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No idea yet on how it would work but speculating I thought they might let us pick them ourselves. Like give us 10 or so character slots and from a list choose10 from all possible companions or have our actions in kotfe determine which characters we get.
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No idea yet on how it would work but speculating I thought they might let us pick them ourselves. Like give us 10 or so character slots and from a list choose10 from all possible companions or have our actions in kotfe determine which characters we get.


The "X number of slots, pick your companions" option is what I'm expecting, maybe with a quest attached to each choice.


Say, Lana or Theron rescues you and gets you through the expansion intro, then says you need to rebuild your network of allies and contacts and gives you a bunch of dossiers. Worked well as a framing device in ME2 and could work well here.

Edited by Cythereal
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If Talos doesn't show up to get nerdhugs, I'm going to be freaking crushed.


...Not forever, but I may let resentment for other characters who took 'his' place fester just for fun. ;)


Him and Blizz are topping my list of "Recruit for everyone I can".

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... How the hell did I forget Blizz. Little guy gets all the piggy back rides he wants, don't even argue with me.


I honestly hope everyone shows up at some point, though (especially the RIs), and not just as a quick cameo. My characters want the comps they had before, dammit. >:(

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Keep in mind, just because they're recruitable does not necessarily mean they'll actually be able to say anything. I have a feeling that most are going to be dummies.


That's what has me very worried. BW has all been like, "Companions! Companions will matter in this expansion!" and I think they're actually saying, "The new Companions! The new companions will matter in this expansion!"


But I want my old companions. My main is an Agent who

kept the black box.

She doesn't trust or like Lana all that much and she dislikes Theron even more and trusts him even less than Lana. My Agent only trusts, ironically, Vector, the man who is part of the hive mind. I want Vector to have more lines. I don't CARE about the new companions. ETA: ESPECIALLY not Nico. It's great that he'll be available for people who've subbed, but story wise it makes no sense for my Agent to be all buddy buddy with that guy.


It's really, really starting to feel more like ME2. EXCEPT in ME2 I still (eventually) got Garrus. Had Garrus all the way through.


If I'm given Kaliyo as a consolation prize, I'm going to be very upset. I hated her and that was even before

she tried to sell me off for my eyeballs.

The feeling was completely mutual. I think after THIRTY (30!)+ levels I had MAYBE 2000 affection with her (whereas Vector was maxed out before the end of Act 2). Any other affection I gained with her was through spamming her with gifts-and that was ONLY so I could get the legacy perk. I vow that I will do everything I possibly can to make all the wrong choices that will get her killed if she's fobbed off on me.

Edited by AngFour
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Of course we won't get everyone available to every class. It was never implied in any way, some people just decided to spread that as fact.

I don't even think every "unlocked" class comp will be available for every class.

Why would Kira join with the BH or the Agent?

Why would Nadia follow around the SI or the SW?

Would Quinn team up with any republic class?

Anyway, yup, not all companions will be open for all classes, that's a given.

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Kira joining up with the Consular. :)


That would be great.

It would be awesome if one (both) of Jedi classes could recruit Ashara

Other than that, smuggler for Vette (let me kick Risha out pls)

Kaliyo for BH

really a lot of companions fit much more with other classes, I hope they take this opportunity to make it happen

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A companion buffet? Oh man, my Inquisitor is going to act like a high class lady-douche at a slave restaurant!


"Yes, I'd like an Ashara with a side serving of Vette, please. Served with a tall glass of Blitz, obviously. For desert, I'll take a bowl of Nadia with some Talos sauce. Oh, and I'd also like a serving of Skadge and Quinn. Not for me, just so you can drop it on the floor."

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I doubt that they'll make the old romances available to anyone except their original class hero. Ashara, for example, wouldn't be romanceable to anyone but the Male Inquisitor. I also have a feeling that if you hadn't romanced them before, you won't get to romance them now. My feeling is that going forward, the devs will focus on creating new romances, and if you missed out on romancing the older ones, tough luck.


I also think that you'll only be able to recruit from within your own faction. There are some companions, especially the military ones, who would never follow an Imperial or a Republic in a million years. It would make them completely OOC.

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"I'm the Wrath."


"No I'm the Wrath!"


*This goes on for five years instead of LOLCarbonite*


I feel as though arguing over that would be a tad silly, given the things that have happened.

Edited by Rodyn
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It would be stupid to remove companions from the players who worked to get their gear and max affection.


A more realistic approach to this would be to "recruit" companions you can summon while out doing missions/etc and the rest would simply stay on your ship, and not be able to be summoned. You can change your roster when on your ship.

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I hope we get guaranteed all of our previous companions (I've spent so much money for gifts on them) and maybe some from other classes in our faction.

I would love to see Kira and Nadia hang out together, and Jaesa and Ashara.

But if anything, cross-faction companions is never gonna happen, it doesn't make sense except for a few cases. (Vette+Smuggler, Scourge+Warrior, Ashara+Jedi)

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