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Everything posted by Darth_Cheesecake

  1. Nah. People should grow a thicker skin. The internet is at its best when it's a glorious **** storm.
  2. How can they screw up this badly? How can anyone think taking the companions from "Gods" to "Less than useless" was a good idea?
  3. Male Warrior and Dark Jaesa also marry. Most of them can be argued that they DO it just happens in a fade to black after the proposal.
  4. "I'm the Wrath." "No I'm the Wrath!" *This goes on for five years instead of LOLCarbonite*
  5. They better bring her back. My Warrior needs someone who isn't Not-Mission around.
  6. No idea really. But the sheer number of people who think Not-Mission is the superior waifu to Jaesa is disheartening.
  7. As I said it was a rather long time ago. Raptus was actually relatively easy, Calphayus caused the most wipes.*And I haven't run it more than once since then* That all came out rather mangled. Should probably just condense it. Wiped a lot at Calphayus, entirely because people wouldn't go to the correct side. Wiped a lot at the Council. Went through 29 people total. It took 4 hours.
  8. Well I gave the new space combat a try. It turns out that Space PVP is just as unpleasant for me as ground PVP, I'm sure that plenty of people will have oodles of fun with this but personally I'm hoping they release a version that lets me fight the AI.
  9. SW: Dark Jaesa, Kaliyo, Khem, Bliz, and Lokin. Just imagine the parties!
  10. This might sound a tad silly but I feel the need to get it out. While Star Wars does have a rather detailed EU I find it very easy to pick and choose what I accept. Since it is a work of fiction and not fact I don't feel like I've lost anything by doing so. What that boils down to is that I won't let whatever the official view is on something get in the way of my enjoyment of it.
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