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Is SW:TOR canon?


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TOR is not canon. It is, however, set in the same universe as the original Star Wars movies. I like to think of SWTOR as being like the video game version of the new Star Trek movies. They aren't canon (at least I don't think the new movies are canon), but that doesn't stop people from enjoying them.
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TOR is not canon. It is, however, set in the same universe as the original Star Wars movies. I like to think of SWTOR as being like the video game version of the new Star Trek movies. They aren't canon (at least I don't think the new movies are canon), but that doesn't stop people from enjoying them.


Star Trek actually presumes that everything is canon, just with multiple timelines/realities. They've got three main ones (the Abrams reboot and comics, the various TV series and original films into the novels, and STO) and mirror universes of all of it. I thought that was a more holistic approach than choosing one "official" canon reality.

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does it matter?


Of course it doesn't matter...it's FAKE! Star Wars is 100% fiction and can change at any time due to the fact that it's all FAKE. There is no "canon" in business, just look at DC, Marvel, Star Trek...all fake fictional universes too.


Canon is a lie.

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Of course it doesn't matter...it's FAKE! Star Wars is 100% fiction and can change at any time due to the fact that it's all FAKE. There is no "canon" in business, just look at DC, Marvel, Star Trek...all fake fictional universes too.


Canon is a lie.


was more does it being cannon/not cannon effect this game at all, no. should it have any effect, no. does it make it better if it was, no.


hence does it matter.


episodes 1-3 are cannon, doesn't make them any easier to bear half the time.

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was more does it being cannon/not cannon effect this game at all, no. should it have any effect, no. does it make it better if it was, no.


hence does it matter.


episodes 1-3 are cannon, doesn't make them any easier to bear half the time.

I knew how you meant it, I just took it my own direction. Hell, even the movies aren't "canon"...the original Star Wars (prior to it having the name "A New Hope") didn't have Jabba in it at all...the current "canon" version does. My point was, $>canon. Have enough $, and you can change ANY canon.

Edited by TUXs
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I knew how you meant it, I just took it my own direction. Hell, even the movies aren't "canon"...the original Star Wars (prior to it having the name "A New Hope") didn't have Jabba in it at all...the current "canon" version does. My point was, $>canon. Have enough $, and you can change ANY canon.




Greedo shot first is cannon.

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Greedo shot first is cannon.

Wait...wut?! You damm kids and ur special edition copies...back in my day, Han shot first and didn't think twice about it...that's how we all knew he was a bad ***!

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Wait...wut?! You damm kids and ur special edition copies...back in my day, Han shot first and didn't think twice about it...that's how we all knew he was a bad ***!


For some perspective: Han Solo's real-world analogue is a sketchy dude running drugs for the Mexican cartels, and who shot a guy at a truck stop. :p

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It's not a definitive yes or no. It basically "is until they say it isn't" and they work very closely with Disney and LucasArts and have their stories checked before they go live or tell us about them to see if it conflicts with anything. Which it won't because it's so far back.


They said even JJ Abrams looked at the new trailer for SWTOR KotFE to see if it was good. Disney knows what they have.


It's canon till they say it's not. It's not really a yes or no. Also, just because something isn't canon doesn't automatically irrelevant for the galaxy of star wars. :) Remember that. It's all so cool!

Edited by Sarfux
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I have heard mixed answers lately about SWTOR being canon. I know that Disney at one point posted it under legends, but I was not sure if it still was. Thanks in advance for some answers!


Think this article explains it best really.


TCW and Rebels was/are constantly making back references to EU material.


SWTOR has a LSG credit, it can easily be grandfathered into the canon just as TCW was.


This is our only hope! Help us Obi wa...:(


Only issue I have is that, by NOT being canon, we won't be having any more novels or comic books set in this time period. A shame really, since I could use a few more of those.


This is truly sad . . .

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This is truly sad . . .




They also recently stated that no NEW novels were in the works, which was already a given really. Going forward, every piece of fiction being published MUST be part of the new canon, which TOR isn't, no matter how many people say otherwise.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It's not a definitive yes or no.


Actually its a fairly definitive 'no'. This info is from the discussion we had on the topic when the big split in the lore first happened.




But as many others have said, it doesn't matter. I like SWTOR better than about 75% of the 'canon' stuff regardless.

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Actually its a fairly definitive 'no'. This info is from the discussion we had on the topic when the big split in the lore first happened.




But as many others have said, it doesn't matter. I like SWTOR better than about 75% of the 'canon' stuff regardless.


Will leave this one here as well:

Question: Are the Old Republic expansions canon?


Answer: NO -- Bioware "has created their own universe that is so fantastic," we're not going to change it, says Hidalgo.

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Please stop bringing these threads up :( It's all said guys. Just move on. This just gets into arguments that's NOT NEEDED. You don't have to do this. Just go on google and search for yourself!


Never! Canon is important for lore fans! Nevaaaaaahhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrr!


And I shall join those who rage at the sudden wipe of all Canon, as I mourn the series I will never see end as well (Because Karen Traviss Ragequit mostly)

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Never! Canon is important for lore fans! Nevaaaaaahhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrr!


And I shall join those who rage at the sudden wipe of all Canon, as I mourn the series I will never see end as well (Because Karen Traviss Ragequit mostly)


Three million clones. LOL. :D

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"Frozen - Let it go" is canon. Just because you buy up something doesn't mean you can change the whole back story because you wanted to. The Old Republic era and EU is and should be canon in my opinion. This is the only thing I really hate with Disney right now.


It wasn't canon before Disney bought the IP. The Almighty George, the creator of the IP always maintained that anything that happened in the EU was not a part of the "official" Star Wars universe.

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Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable. I mean mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy. The anthology films they announced thus far are OT focused such as the plans to steal the Death Star blueprints as well as a rumored Han Solo "origin story". Then Clone Wars (prequel trilogy focused) was cancelled in favor of Rebels.....which is original trilogy focused. Finally, the novels that are coming out now ALL are centered around content of the OT or this new sequel trilogy and even the sequel trilogy is closer to that of the OT due to returning characters and such.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame. Say what you want to say about George Lucas or the prequels, but at the end of the day, the Star Wars lore was thriving under GL. Hell, prior to the Disney buyout, we are going to explore the "Pre Force/Pre-Jedi" era in the Dawn of the Jedi series of novels and comics which took place about 25,000 years before the movies!!!! And about 21,000 years before KOTOR! Then you had all the Clone Wars content of comics, novels, and shows and of course the much post ROTJ content. However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


Hell, even Star Wars Battlefront from DICE has levels and factions ONLY from the OT era, despite the fact that the fact that Battlefront 2 featured Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars content HEAVILY in it and it was (is it still is?) the highest selling Star Wars videogame of all time.


Essentially, Disney has issued and Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form and it is a damn shame because Star Wars is so much more than just the stories, locations, factions, and characters of the OT.


HOPEFULLY, Disney's honeymoon period with the SW fans will end and people will see just how constrained the Star Wars brand has become under Disney and people will get tired of seeing/playing/reading Star Wars content that basically all takes place in the same damn era. People would want to move further in the timeline or backwards to experience fresh Star Wars stories the same way we did back in 2003 with KOTOR or in 2012 with Dawn of the Jedi.

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It wasn't canon before Disney bought the IP. The Almighty George, the creator of the IP always maintained that anything that happened in the EU was not a part of the "official" Star Wars universe.


He did say that the EU and 'his' Star Wars weren't the same, but he didn't always say that. Lucas was in the habit of making contradictory statements on the subject (or repeatedly changing his mind on it, whatever you like) and it's very easy for people on both sides of the issue to cherry-pick whatever they like to make it seem as though Lucas ignored, approved of, or disapproved of the EU.

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easiest answer...


it is until it isn't.

and it isn't until it is.


"cannon" is whatever they IP holder wishes to make it. If it shows up in a movie, or makes it into a book or is referenced at somepoint, it will be considered "cannon".


if contradicted by something in the future, well then it isn't "cannon".


So much like Schrodinger's cat, until the issue comes up it is and it isn't.

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It's not a definitive yes or no. It basically "is until they say it isn't"


I have seen you post this lie multiple times while continuing to ignore the facts. You are incorrect, SWTOR is NOT canon and they have indeed said that it isn't.



Are The Old Republic expansions canon?



No — BioWare “has created their own universe that is so fantastic,” we’re not going to change it, says Hidalgo.


It is about half-way through the Q and A.



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Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable. I mean mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy. The anthology films they announced thus far are OT focused such as the plans to steal the Death Star blueprints as well as a rumored Han Solo "origin story". Then Clone Wars (prequel trilogy focused) was cancelled in favor of Rebels.....which is original trilogy focused. Finally, the novels that are coming out now ALL are centered around content of the OT or this new sequel trilogy and even the sequel trilogy is closer to that of the OT due to returning characters and such.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame. Say what you want to say about George Lucas or the prequels, but at the end of the day, the Star Wars lore was thriving under GL. Hell, prior to the Disney buyout, we are going to explore the "Pre Force/Pre-Jedi" era in the Dawn of the Jedi series of novels and comics which took place about 25,000 years before the movies!!!! And about 21,000 years before KOTOR! Then you had all the Clone Wars content of comics, novels, and shows and of course the much post ROTJ content. However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


Hell, even Star Wars Battlefront from DICE has levels and factions ONLY from the OT era, despite the fact that the fact that Battlefront 2 featured Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars content HEAVILY in it and it was (is it still is?) the highest selling Star Wars videogame of all time.


Essentially, Disney has issued and Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form and it is a damn shame because Star Wars is so much more than just the stories, locations, factions, and characters of the OT.


HOPEFULLY, Disney's honeymoon period with the SW fans will end and people will see just how constrained the Star Wars brand has become under Disney and people will get tired of seeing/playing/reading Star Wars content that basically all takes place in the same damn era. People would want to move further in the timeline or backwards to experience fresh Star Wars stories the same way we did back in 2003 with KOTOR or in 2012 with Dawn of the Jedi.


So your major concern is that star wars will be about . . . Star Wars, - go figure there's just no pleasing in a Star Wars Fan.


I guess this is a generational thing, but to now, before the movie has been shown, claim that it will have no ties to the prequels is, to say the least, a bit premature, never mind that the OT and what's to come features Anakin's offsprings.


But to be mad about that the new trilogy focus on what happened after the OT, when it actually is the story of what happens after the OT is a bit much.:rolleyes:

Edited by t-darko
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I think they said all dark choices for empire and all light choices for pubs are canon and they same for game (light is canon). But as said, the consular reading about the chosen one or someone having a vision of the republic coming over kass and saving the galaxy then an age of peace followed by a dark presence (Vader) that consumes the Galaxy for 20 years.


Any way to connect us would be better. But our chars are based on characters from the films:


Smuggler= Han Solo

Trooper= any clone / stormtrooper

Consular= Yoda

Knight= Obi-wan / Anakin

Bounty hunter= Boba / Jango Fett

Inquisitor= Sidious / Dooku

Warrior= Vader

Agent= Tarkin (non sith who can make a difference in the empire)


One could argue this connects us to the films but as I said- an actual connection would be great.


Oh! I know- the inquisitor or consular is meditating then suddenly, kass City crumbling and the Republic banner rising. Then, a black cloud sweeping over coruscant as Jedi die. An entire planet exploding. Then suddenly the player is woken by Vader's mask appearing and Vader breathing. That would be awsome

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So your major concern is that star wars will be about . . . Star Wars, - go figure there's just no pleasing in a Star Wars Fan.


I guess this is a generational thing, but to now, before the movie has been shown, claim that it will have no ties to the prequels is, to say the least, a bit premature, never mind that the OT and what's to come features Anakin's offsprings.


But to be mad about that the new trilogy focus on what happened after the OT, when it actually is the story of what happens after the OT is a bit much.:rolleyes:


You really cherry-picked my comment to talk about something in a way to make it seem like I am against this new movie.


My point goes beyond Force Awakens and towards Disney's attitude towards the Star Wars brand. Prior to Disney, the Star Wars brand covered everything from the Dawn of the Jedi era of 25,000 years ago to a century or so after ROTJ. Now under Disney, they are compressing things to make everyone only fit around the OT.


If that is okay with you, then congrats. But many other SW fans enjoyed content that was more separated in terms of using the timeline and nothing thus far indicates that Disney wants to explore the brand beyond OT related business.

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