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The Season 5 Nexu


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I'm midly amused by the people that think it's because bioware can't remove mounts. They can remove and add pretty much anything they want. They simply choose not to.



Mounts if they are not bound are a item in your inventory. Items can and have been removed, example being the removal of ranked warzone comms in 3.3. Commendations are items.

If a mount is bound it is a ability. It goes on your quickbar and you click it, and it casts, and at the end of the cast it applies a buff. No different than a Hunter's cylinder ability. They have removed abilities before.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I'm midly amused by the people that think it's because bioware can't remove mounts. They can remove and add pretty much anything they want. They simply choose not to.


You give em too much credit. They probably would have to do it manually (we saw what happened with their last automatic script) and can't spend their only PvP developer to do it.


Thing is they don't care at all. They just took the easier solution, and how a company accept that from its employees is way beyond me.

Edited by Capote
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You give em too much credit. They probably would have to do it manually (we saw what happened with their last automatic script) and can't spend their only PvP developer to do it.


you snuck in before I finished my edit. :(

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you snuck in before I finished my edit. :(


I agree with you that they chose not to. It's a matter of not caring at all. The brilliant genius that did that script probably got a comforting shoulder pat at the meeting.

Edited by Capote
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I agree with you that they chose not to. It's a matter of not caring at all. The brilliant genius that did that script probably got a comforting shoulder pat at the meeting.


Was probably written up, that is a pretty big mistake.

Obviously the game didn't implode, its just what <5% of players who do ranked are complaining that someone got a Nexu who didn't earn it.


Again, whats the difference between the MANY 1600+ people who win trade to get their special snowflake rewards.


They took the easier solution, but in the great scheme of what is to come (expansion) it was the best choice.


Don't worry the 1600+ people will get another special snowflake reward (win traders included) soon.


As someone who earned a Nexu, I have yet to see anyone on my server ride one who didn't earn it. They know they didn't earn it, so don't worry. :rak_02:

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I see both sides of the argument. I really do. I didn't make it to 1600 myself to be honest, and I wasn't lucky enough to have gotten one by accident. That being said..... they ****ed up, and if some people get to keep it by mistake, then everyone should get one. Everyone. Just put it on some vendor for 1 credit or some ****. All I know is leaving it like this isn't going to make anyone happy. Not the people who earned it and feel slighted, nor the people who got left out of the bad script.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






3.3.1 is tomorrow and patch notes says nothing. Was it delayed again?

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Bioware has to be *********** joking right? The exact same *********** mount but with a slighty different colour? You can hardly tell the difference? It's uglier - most noticable? Now we got two of the same mounts? Wow, splendid Eric! Thanks a lot! That's one hell of a compensation!


EDIT: Another Biofail? My mailbox is empty. Good job!


Bet it'll take me another 10 tickets before I finally get a human replying and receiving this ugly mount in my mail.

Edited by Hirchart
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Calling this ''new'' mount ''unique'' and ''exclusive'' is the biggest joke BW could've ever pulled out of their careless mouths. Seriously, how can you ''fix'' your mistake by adding the same damn mount, but recoloured. Why even add ranked when all you do is piss all over the PvP'ers in this game Bioware?
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What was wrong with removing all the existing Nexu in the game and then resending back to correct recipients?


It would have required more than one patch, and a ton of whining from non-tier players who got a nexu, who apparently vastly outnumber tier 1s


Rather deal with a dozen whiny neckbeards than a hundred whiny kiddies

Edited by Loomi
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