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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Season 5 Nexu


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Heh. I received the Nexu on my VG and my PT, but not my Gunslinger, which I was 1631 on last season. I sent in a ticket about it, received a droid response saying the problem was now resolved and then closed. Only it wasn't, nothing was sent to me and I still don't have it. Same poor customer service happened when I complained about not receiving the Top 3 title in Season 4.


Your customer service team is worse than dealing with Comcast in my experience. I've had an issue successfully taken care of once in 2 1/2 years of playing/subscribing.

Edited by Aetrus
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mount for all peoples who was brave on ranked even with 900 rating GOOD JOB Eric and team :D it is good gift and i love it. Don't be ego. You are 1 tire be proud ,not only you got Nexu pff why you care much :D



Edited by Wheerlpool
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Well no top 3 titles out yet, no nexus mount to tier 1 people.




Probably won't get top 3 titles till this whole situation is resolved sadly. I'm not expecting to see any titles till Tuesday or Wednesday.

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I did receive a nexu on my character Andreus even though the last ranked PVP I did was in season 4, and I didn't quite make Tier 1 even then (server pop on BC makes Tier 1 quite...unlikely there, just can't get enough games played).


I didn't do ranked in Season 5 at all.


At first I thought it was a gold spammer because the script generates some gibberish for a subject line, but I'm afraid to unlock the mount that I didn't even play in the correct season to get. LOL free stuffs?

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I received the nexu mount on my vanguard and I have not participated in any ranked games since season 2. I also received the mount on my scoundrel who has never once stepped foot into arenas.


Was nice to try out the mount though. I didn't like the concept art for it and the mount in game is nothing special. Glad I didn't suffer hours of waiting in queue for that crap.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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Heh. I received the Nexu on my VG and my PT, but not my Gunslinger, which I was 1631 on last season. I sent in a ticket about it, received a droid response saying the problem was now resolved and then closed. Only it wasn't, nothing was sent to me and I still don't have it. Same poor customer service happened when I complained about not receiving the Top 3 title in Season 4.


Your customer service team is worse than dealing with Comcast in my experience. I've had an issue successfully taken care of once in 2 1/2 years of playing/subscribing.


Stop using the in-game service, it's terrible most of the time. SWTOR's telephone line on the other hand is amazing. (by CS standards anyways)

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Stop using the in-game service, it's terrible most of the time. SWTOR's telephone line on the other hand is amazing. (by CS standards anyways)


Private message me the # bbycakez. I'll have to talk to them tomorrow.

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and the exclusivity of this reward for PvPers.


Hoping you mean this specific, gladiatorial Nexu skin is exclusive and not the Nexu itself. PvEers would appreciate different beast mount choices far more than PvPers.

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Hoping you mean this specific, gladiatorial Nexu skin is exclusive and not the Nexu itself. PvEers would appreciate different beast mount choices far more than PvPers.


I think the best reward would be the first Kell Dragon : ))))

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At someone who played 0 ranked and is getting none of the rewards, I wholeheartedly believe the nexu needs to remain a T1 ranked pvp reward as intended. Thankfully none of my toons received one by mistake so I won't be affected by any of this but as a CE edition owner that's been here since beta, I'm all for the exclusivity of the rewards. Now, back in 1.0 up to 1.4 if memory serves, there was an ill-gotten crystal that was never intended to be received through the means players were getting it. I think it was a white one but don't hold me to that. If memory serves, they simply removed the crystal from the game altogether and players that had it ended up having it disappear. So remove the nexu from the game completely, including from T1 players. Then fix the script and run it correctly.


Just my 2 cents.

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At someone who played 0 ranked and is getting none of the rewards, I wholeheartedly believe the nexu needs to remain a T1 ranked pvp reward as intended. Thankfully none of my toons received one by mistake so I won't be affected by any of this but as a CE edition owner that's been here since beta, I'm all for the exclusivity of the rewards. Now, back in 1.0 up to 1.4 if memory serves, there was an ill-gotten crystal that was never intended to be received through the means players were getting it. I think it was a white one but don't hold me to that. If memory serves, they simply removed the crystal from the game altogether and players that had it ended up having it disappear. So remove the nexu from the game completely, including from T1 players. Then fix the script and run it correctly.


Just my 2 cents.


you're right, of course. obvious solution is obvious. but...yeah. I mean.



  • bubble-stun,
  • PFT not tied to high energy cell,
  • hatred in 3.0,
  • rolls glitching out over any elevation change,
  • makeb mesa in particular grinding a large percentage of player's games to a halt from the moment it was put in rotation
  • SOA breaking with every patch for the first 6 months (basically until it no longer mattered to progression teams even on casual guilds).


the list goes on. some of their epic screw-ups are intentional and others are just...like this one...wow. how little control do you have over your own code?

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How hard would it be to completely delete the Nexu from the game, give it a new tag and resend it to the players that actually earned it?


Mind you, were talking about the same guys who couldn't even mail out the rewards to the right people.

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Hoping you mean this specific, gladiatorial Nexu skin is exclusive and not the Nexu itself. PvEers would appreciate different beast mount choices far more than PvPers.


I imagine that'll be the case. BW's not gonna devuise an entirely new creature mesh for the tiny percentage of people who hit tier 1. it'd be a poor use of developmental resources

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It will be interesting how they handle this.


Well, they failed the first time by forgetting to add it to the mail. Then fail the second time by sending it to everyone but the players who deserve it. I completely doubt third times the charm.


What all the t1 players want is the mount removed from every player and resent out. That will make me and a whole lot of people happy. Plus add a "we are sorry" gift for messing up twice.

Edited by Clogski
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I didn't receive the Nexu mount on 2 of my toons that were above 1600. Luckily both of them are still above 1600 on the historical leaderboards so it should be easy to prove. But i mean, what's the deal? Some of my toons got it, some didn't. A lot of my guildies haven't received the mount yet as well.
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Dear Eric,


Once again Bioware has massively messed up something and once again the PvP community is the victim. Literally hundreds, if not thousands, received the Nexu while they shouldn't have. Many who should, still do not have it. Now, since you are not gonna be able to remove all the mounts again, i.e. there will be no server roll-back, there is one simple compensation: Legacy Gear.


A large majority of the PvP'ers wanted Legacy Gear as Tier 1 reward anyway, like Season 1 and 3. Can't be hard to make it. Just reskin some fancy gear, give it the blueish marker, bound it to legacy and send it to the right people. Everyone happy.

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Can we please get an update on what's being done?



I still haven't received my Nexu on the toons that earned it meanwhile others out there who never stepped foot in ranked are riding around on it .

Edited by J_McSkill
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Who gives a crap, most T1 players exploited in one way or another to get the rating whether it was win trading or other.


Not sure how many ranked games you've played but I've played thousands and I have never exploited and about 99% of the players I know have not exploited (there's been the odd bad seed throughout the seasons but as far as I know they all got reported numerous times and eventually banned)... so I'm not sure what you're getting at? As for win traders, everyone hates them and but they only account for a tiny fraction of people that achieved top tier and from the sounds of it BW has taken steps to curb that behaviour.


As for, "Who gives a crap," I'd say the only people who don't "give a crap" would be those who never reached tier 1. From your post I would gather that you are either a PvE'er or more likely a player who's tried PvP but didn't do well so you wrote it off as, "If I can't succeed in ranked then that must mean everyone cheats to win!".... Either way it boils down to jealousy or ignorance.

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Who gives a crap, most T1 players exploited in one way or another to get the rating whether it was win trading or other.

Sauis the scrub who never broke tier 2 and accidently got a Nexu.


There's plenty of people who got the Nexu fair and square. Some that deserved it still don't have it. That's why we should get legacy gear as compensation. Right, Eric?

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Sauis the scrub who never broke tier 2 and accidently got a Nexu.


There's plenty of people who got the Nexu fair and square. Some that deserved it still don't have it. That's why we should get legacy gear as compensation. Right, Eric?


Eric cant hear you he is too busy doing nothing :).

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Not sure how many ranked games you've played but I've played thousands and I have never exploited and about 99% of the players I know have not exploited (there's been the odd bad seed throughout the seasons but as far as I know they all got reported numerous times and eventually banned)... so I'm not sure what you're getting at? As for win traders, everyone hates them and but they only account for a tiny fraction of people that achieved top tier and from the sounds of it BW has taken steps to curb that behaviour.


As for, "Who gives a crap," I'd say the only people who don't "give a crap" would be those who never reached tier 1. From your post I would gather that you are either a PvE'er or more likely a player who's tried PvP but didn't do well so you wrote it off as, "If I can't succeed in ranked then that must mean everyone cheats to win!".... Either way it boils down to jealousy or ignorance.


The problem is your explanation does not explain why he performs miserably at the game - why he tirelessly loses every single PVP warzone/arena he plays in, and still finds the concept of rotating hotkeys confusing and overly complex.


People need a reason to explain why they do bad at something. It's obviously because everyone else cheats, and pretty copy and paste that for the attitudes of many in the carebear PVE-esque community.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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Exclusive rewards suck... Should be ways for non pvpers to earn appearance items such as this and likewise in a perfect world a pvper should be able to earn appearance items without touching pve.


Until you can provide a system like this for both sides you should stop with exclusive rewards.

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