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Is this even worth it?


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It looks like a sad excuse of a diversion. Are there any worthwhile rewards or anything to participating in Starfighter, or is it just something to kill time?


Isn't the entirety of SWTOR just something to kill time?


Most of the folks in this forum will tell you GSF is very rewarding, not in terms of specific in-game items but simply because it's a great game. Some people play SWTOR solely for GSF.


GSF has a preposterously steep learning curve, so while your initial reaction may be that it's a "sad excuse of a diversion" - you'll find that the more you play, and the better you get, the more rewarding you'll find the experience.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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It looks like a sad excuse of a diversion. Are there any worthwhile rewards or anything to participating in Starfighter, or is it just something to kill time?


The opinions you are going to get in this forum are going to be overwhelmingly positively biased, since the people who post here (myself included) are rather passionate about GSF and believe that it is a great, balanced game mode. The opinions you will get elsewhere may tell a different story, but, more often than not, those people haven't invested the same time and effort into getting to know this little gem of a space sim. I'd say go for it, it may not be for you, but if it is, you will have the time of your life.


Feel free to let us know what server you are on, and we would be glad to group up and show you the ropes a bit. Makes things a little easier in game when you have some competent wingmates at your side.

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I'll admit, starting out is very intimidating. I couldn't stand GSF at first. But now, I just unlocked my Flashfire scout ship and it's starting to get really fun. If you're not having fun yet, keep with it. Just don't get discouraged when you die. A LOT! You'll eventually be the one doing the killing.
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YES it is and HELL NO it is not! heres me thoughts

well judging buy the date of the last post this may be a waste of time but here is my two cents (most give three cents change :p)

when GSF first came out it was a blast every one was playing it and it was supported and a great time!!! (I believe the rebels wone\ a game though been so long I cant remember) it was simple ships (nova dive, star guard, pike, and the gun ship (sorry I cant remember the name :( so a long time ago in a galaxy far far a way gsf was fun, exciting and enjoyable, then came the ticks (folks hiding under sats not doing any thing and frustrating the hell out of all forums exploded with complaints of this though I know bombers always in the plans but that wasn't the problem the issue came and were it became not fun was the advent of the yup im going to say it KILL SCOUT (que end of world music lol) look I get it every one wanted a new ship and the flash fire/sting WOULD have been grate except the made the biggest mistake ever given blc and target telemetry to the fastest most evasion build ship in game. at first it was awful distortion with interference and evasion build put the ship over 110% thought they fixed the problem and I believe u can only get 65% or 70% right now but they eliminated the need for strike fighters all together with 1 ship as a flash or sting vs any 1 strike any build (though iv herd clarion has a good chance but its not like folks switching to it) and its gg though bombers have mines and stuff a flash or sting gets to u b4 they arm and ur dead 3 hits and see ya! (done and witnessed it) ok im not harping on scouts and don't get me started on the 100% hit on the rail gun for the bombers just saying they should of I don't know tested the build b4 they made it) any way the problem with gsf right now is U have to match ships eith the other team or its good game. so if they have 3 mine layers 1 bomber 2 kill scouts 1 or 2 gun ships with a strike if they don't have 2 gunners but normal 8 man have 2 gunners at the lest. u need 3 bombers 2 kill scouts and gunners to match were before if they rand gunships (TDM) before bombers came u could use some scouts to counter the gunners but now I feel if u don't match ur not done.


well all in al now its not worth playing and to bad I used to love it but with the premade and the fact that the strike is useless I like diversity and they killed it plus they are NOT EVER going to again support or make new ships.

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Besides what the other posters mention: I've bought a bunch of big fancy mounts and outfits with credits from GSF. Some of my guildies have even more millions because they used the credits from GSF and selling Fleet Comms items to play the market, and make even more credits. It is not the best way to farm credits, but it's probably the most credits you'll make without wanting to tear your eyes out from boredom and/or bot the game.
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Besides what the other posters mention: I've bought a bunch of big fancy mounts and outfits with credits from GSF. Some of my guildies have even more millions because they used the credits from GSF and selling Fleet Comms items to play the market, and make even more credits. It is not the best way to farm credits, but it's probably the most credits you'll make without wanting to tear your eyes out from boredom and/or bot the game.


This is a very good point. Most of the GSF players I know have far more credits than they know what to do with, since it costs no credits to play, yet rewards you with them every match.

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Rewards that can be expressed in numbers:

For playing matches:

- credits

- experience and legacy experience

- conquest points

- ship requisition for the ship(s) you used and fleet requisition

- achievements


For completing a daily quest:

- credits

- experience and legacy experience

- ship requisition for every ship you unlocked

- fleet comms


For completing a weekly quest:

- credits

- experience and legacy experience

- ship requisition for every ship you unlocked and fleet requisition

- fleet comms

- conquest points (sometimes)


Indirect rewards:

- GSF doesn't cost credits

- things bought with fleet comms (and credits for selling them)

- titles and fleet requisition for achievements


Some rewards vary depending on one or more of the following factors: character level, pilot performance, outcome of game, conquest event/planet and other events.


I want to add that playing just for rewards can lead to a burnout feeling. Although some players like playing for rewards, so it depends on the player.

Edited by Danalon
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Do you like flying and shooting things?


If so, give this game time and try to learn it.

If no, maybe it isn't the game for you. It's a very odd game to hide in an RPG, cause the rest of the game is mostly 2D, so most of the people SWTOR is advertised to didn't come here looking for a crazy fast-paced 3-space dogfighting+twitch shooting game.

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It looks like a sad excuse of a diversion. Are there any worthwhile rewards or anything to participating in Starfighter, or is it just something to kill time?


no way! stay away from it! you wouldn't like it! serious!

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It looks like a sad excuse of a diversion. Are there any worthwhile rewards or anything to participating in Starfighter, or is it just something to kill time?


Experience of playing SW:TOR as a GSF pilot is completely unlike anything else any modern video game has to offer. Everything else TOR has is being done somewhere else just as well. What do you think OP; does that count as a worthwhile reward?


GSF in and of itself, after we isolate SW:TOR from the picture, is reasonably unique creation withing it's own genre. Most all other modern (space) flight shooters are either too....Newtonian(Elite: Dangerous), tooo arcade or or too much you-are-your-ship-not-the-pilot ( Eve, World of Planes, etc) or too never-going-to-be-released(Star Citizen) to truly scratch the same itch GSF does.


Star Citizen has collected like 80 million dollar from it's future player base. Most of these people are ultimately paying for a daydream that isn't - too - far removed from the actual experience of playing SW:TOR as a GSF pilot. If you do some 1+79999999=80000000 calculations, you'd figure the potential in GSF for EA in this regard. If you can't pull that off don't feel too bad, it's not like utterly incompetent talking head loving BW higher ups or EA suits never managed either.


No matter how angry you just got because some vet absolutely killed you like 20 times, you have to agree there is no video game that matches experience of playing SW:TOR as GSF pilot out there.


Jury is very much out about whether or not SW:TOR makes a good MMO, or a remarkable/relevant Bioware Cinamatic Talking Head experience as such. However, if you approach, look and see SW:TOR as a 200 million dollar waiting lobby for Galactic Starfighter let me tell you, it takes the cake. If IGN or somesuch handed out rewards for best space shooter waiting lobbies, TOR would take the cake. Every time.



Besides all of the above,

It feels awesome when two equally good(or equally bad) teams clash and have a real tight, harsh even match.

It feels awesome to narrowly win/turn some really tough or seemingly desperate game at last moment

It feels awesome to use your space flying machine in fashion that results in other space flying machine exploding

It feels awesome to be able to tell yourself " omg I just pulled off an awesome stunt!"

It feels awesome to visit a server you've never played and notice people end up paying close attention to your bad stock ship after 20 games or so

And like others have noted, you get lots of moneys, XP decos and whatnot out of it.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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I am overjoyed to see the positive responses people have come up with in this thread, unfortunately, there is an ugly truth behind it that I feel it is my duty to uncover.


The OP of this thread has, allegedly, been starting low-content, semi-troll threads across the entire site, simply to draw more people in to click on his referral link which is located in his sig. This explains why OP has not been responding, as OP has not even been reading the well written responses that we have been replying with. A kind fellow forumeer informed me of his nefarious purposes.


I am torn, while I am glad to see such positive energy from this community within this thread, I also do not want OP's ploy to pay off.

Edited by Lavaar
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Right, he hasn't met that situation, because it's both rare, and you actually have to fly into it. It's rare because of what the team gives up to make it happen (it's not the most effective strat in most cases), and unlike the ground MMO style games where the opposing team just has to time their buttons, in GSF you have to fly into a warded area to risk the stacking snare. Instead of being on the opposition to screw up in order for you to get free, it's on you to play correctly to not get hit with this combo. I mean, if you are eating interdiction mines, it's not because they flew over to you, or lack a cooldown, or take a random path, or arm instantly. It's because you ate an interdiction mine voluntarily, or got outplayed by a boy bomber. Edited by Verain
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It looks like a sad excuse of a diversion. Are there any worthwhile rewards or anything to participating in Starfighter, or is it just something to kill time?

star fighter is filled with gunship noob. its not even fun anymore. 8 gunships on each team just sitting aiting for someone to get within range.

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star fighter is filled with gunship noob. its not even fun anymore. 8 gunships on each team just sitting aiting for someone to get within range.

So, I guess you played GSF and had great fun in the Time Before Gunships, when strikes and scouts whirled around in endless furballs like particles in a cyclotron and the birds all sang a pretty song? Those were the days.


How about this: instead of chipping in your semi-literate lament and sulking off into a corner, try learning the game a bit. Read some of the various guides on the forum here. Find teammates to fly with who know what they're doing. Get really good in a scout set up to kill gunships. Find some people to support you while you go gunship hunting.


If both sides are using that many gunships, then there a lot of people who have made very poor strategic decisions. Maybe try making better decisions?



Edited by caederon
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I am proud to say that I have never tried it and never will. There are better ways to waste my time, Star Citizen and Elite and Dangerous come to mind.


I am proud to say that I have never tried Elite: Dangerous or will ever try StarCitizen.


Does that now make me a better person than you? Maybe, as long as I don't go into the Elite and SC Forums writing useless crap like this.


Don't judge people for what they enjoy, lest you become a target of such harassment, too.


My drunken 2 cents to that.

Edited by OKonst
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Sure it's worth it. If you want to get an easy start, get a gunship and start killing stuff. It takes 0 skill and you will get points for upgrades pretty quickly (you don't even really have to fly the thing, just hang back and snipe). Once you figure out the piloting, you can move on to more difficult ships. I personally have the most fun in a scout, but you have to be ready to take a beating when you first start out on one.


m2c :p

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Sure it's worth it. If you want to get an easy start, get a gunship and start killing stuff. It takes 0 skill and you will get points for upgrades pretty quickly (you don't even really have to fly the thing, just hang back and snipe). Once you figure out the piloting, you can move on to more difficult ships. I personally have the most fun in a scout, but you have to be ready to take a beating when you first start out on one.


m2c :p

Your two cents are counterfeit currency. Maybe you're just hoping to fill the skies with new pilots in gunships who are easy pickings for anyone who is even remotely familiar with how to play the game? Maybe your server features nobody who knows what they are doing? Try choosing a stock gunship, then 'don't even really' fly it against veterans and see how well you do. It's really sad to read so many whining, derogatory posts about any particular ship class instead of learning how to actually deal with the problem.


You have to be ready to take a beating as a new pilot in whatever ship you choose. It takes skill to fly any ship class well. It takes knowledge to understand how to be an effective pilot. Learn the game, practice your skills, and you won't have any need to whine endlessly about this ship class or that.



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It takes skill to fly any ship class well. It takes knowledge to understand how to be an effective pilot.


This, so much this! Granted, it IS easier in most games to contribute by flying a gunship or bomber, but that's mostly because of largely inexperienced opposition and not because these ships are overpowered.


I know so-called "aces" who almost exclusively fly type-2 scouts in every match against every kind of opposition 'cause they don't give a **** about new players. They don't even really care about objective play in domination - kill them once or twice and they are guaranteed to follow you around the entire map for the rest of the game trying to take their revenge on you...meanwhile their team looses 2 satellites to the enemy.

Then again, those same "aces" (while they definitely can put up some really high damage and kill numbers) openly accuse the enemy in general chat after and even DURING the game of being noobs and complete lamers because they play gunships and bombers. Also they get angry if someone "interferes" while they are 1on1'ing an enemy, because they are "dueling".....


Always makes me both sad and angry when I see that kind of behavior :mad::(

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