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Warzone AFK exploiters


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It boots you if you afk in the respawn zones, but if you afk in the battlefield then it doesn't. So I suppose if an enemy kills them they'll get the boot, but enemies usually wont do that if they realize their target is afk since leaving an afk-er alone if much more beneficial. But yeah it is annoying :(
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It boots you if you afk in the respawn zones, but if you afk in the battlefield then it doesn't. So I suppose if an enemy kills them they'll get the boot, but enemies usually wont do that if they realize their target is afk since leaving an afk-er alone if much more beneficial. But yeah it is annoying :(

If they stealth off in an obscure corner of the map, they'll never be spotted.


Plus, there are parts of the map in all 3 warzones where pretty much nobody ever goes.

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It boots you if you afk in the respawn zones, but if you afk in the battlefield then it doesn't. So I suppose if an enemy kills them they'll get the boot, but enemies usually wont do that if they realize their target is afk since leaving an afk-er alone if much more beneficial. But yeah it is annoying :(


Ya Ive been watching this afker, Carinne, we have on mask of nihilis, has some sort of bot program that makes them twitch. Just runs to a hidden area of warzone and twitches. The crappy thing is that usually there is only 1 game going on at a given time, and this pos is in there all the time, can't get a good game in because we constantly playing 7v8. They need a vote kick system, for players to agree to boot someone.

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It boots you if you afk in the respawn zones, but if you afk in the battlefield then it doesn't. So I suppose if an enemy kills them they'll get the boot, but enemies usually wont do that if they realize their target is afk since leaving an afk-er alone if much more beneficial. But yeah it is annoying :(


A couple of the ones I've been seeing (over and over) don't even afk...they're at their keyboards laughing at the rest of the team while they sit in a corner.

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Only 2? think of the time when people have actually done all the fun they could do in the warzones. Think when leveling alts, or just the tiresome grind for random loot. How many people do you think will start afking? There is no risc, only rewards. You get the exact same as everybody else. Except maybe a few commendations off qq.


With the amount of people transfering from wow (remember alterac valley afk'ers?) it suprises everybody they never bothered implimenting anything to reduce the amount of abuse. Well not that they prioritize pvp anyway... no clue what they are prioritizing anyway -.- ui bugs? I mean.. the creation of more UI bugs.


In any case, with people loosing the interest of the grinding of random warzones for random rewards, 4/8 people will start afking in every battleground. When battleground pops, you just wait till the 30 seconds mark and join. You won't be on the raidframes and then you just jump outside the map (possible in voidstar and civil war atm) and you can actually be out side the map. YOu cannot be seen on the raidframes, you cannot be seen on the map, you cannot be seen on any scoreboard:


You are invisible! Time to afk your way to fame and fortune.


F*** you bioware.

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Starting to see multiple people afk in warzones. Seems like this issue should have been anticipated. What does bioware plan to do about it? With only 8 ppl in a match, 1 or 2 afkers is a game breaker.


There will always be people who try to exploit the system. Afking for easy exp doesn't sound like any fun to me, so I can't understand why someone would do it because the leveling journey is what is fun for me. Unfortunately, this happened fairly often in League of Legends and in that game being down 1 is gg (against competent opponents).


All I can say is write Bioware and maybe then can ban them for trying to exploit the game (like certain people have been).:D

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Ladygagas, Aneta, Sauron... All scum from bondar crystal. Republic is outnumbered on bondar crystal so you get these bastard leechers in almost every game. I have reported them multiple times but keep getting the same bs response "we forwarded it to the appropriate team"


This is exploiting folks.


No one should be able to gain levels and valor for not playing the game, not to mention screwing the rest of the team over in the process.

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I can not think of an effective way to deal with these bots it is possible that an automated system is incapable of doing the trick. The only way to solve this is to have gms manually observe some games on occassion and come down hard on people who do this. It isn't a silly little infraction, these afkers are fully aware of how they are hurting the game for others so at best I think they deserve 1 warning in addition to losing their warzone commendations and valor(if valor even matters I don't even know what it does) and then temp bans. Edited by Zhakul
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