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That sometimes makes me wonder if anyone has actually sued SOE for causing them psychological harm. The way some people fear it could be another NGE...it's almost like PTSD.


Another person announcing his inability to read beyond the title of a thread.

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no they are still crazy, always have been, always will be.


Agreed. I laugh with great volume at any cries of NGEdness until i log in and am told my agents and troopers classes have been removed entirely and i need to reroll them as a no advance classed jedi knight or sith warrior so they can be "More Iconic" :p

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Agreed. I laugh with great volume at any cries of NGEdness until i log in and am told my agents and troopers classes have been removed entirely and i need to reroll them as a no advance classed jedi knight or sith warrior so they can be "More Iconic" :p


I'm only going to say this once in this thread, too many idiots will ignore like they did in the other threads on the issue.


The other thread was asking for Bioware to not keep secrets about major mechanics changes and not spring them on us on launch day like SOE did with the NGE. That was the beginning and end of the comparison. But way too many fanboys see NGE and start foaming at the mouth and proclaiming how we said it's going to be another NGE and doomed and yadda yadda yadda. Then they just go into herd mentality and all parrot the same attacks against me and others for things we didn't actually say.


Of course they won't read this either and will continue to throw insults because of what the voices in their heads tell them I posted.

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The other thread was asking for Bioware to not keep secrets about major mechanics changes and not spring them on us on launch day like SOE did with the NGE.

I'm just going to point out, the NGE did not just go straight to the servers. There was lead time. I know because I announced the change (everyone swore someone hacked my account). I was there. As soon as I found out, I sat in chat in game for 3 friggin days answering as many questions as I could on many different servers.


It really does not matter how much lead time they give us. They could give us 1 day, or they could give us 1 year. It won't matter people will complain and compare and cry and whine. But until we know what "core game changes" means, all we can do is speculate. Given history with LA and Star Wars games, jumping straight to NGE is going to happen. It's the only example people have when discussing "core game changes".

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I'm only going to say this once in this thread, too many idiots will ignore like they did in the other threads on the issue.


The other thread was asking for Bioware to not keep secrets about major mechanics changes and not spring them on us on launch day like SOE did with the NGE. That was the beginning and end of the comparison. But way too many fanboys see NGE and start foaming at the mouth and proclaiming how we said it's going to be another NGE and doomed and yadda yadda yadda. Then they just go into herd mentality and all parrot the same attacks against me and others for things we didn't actually say.


Of course they won't read this either and will continue to throw insults because of what the voices in their heads tell them I posted.


just fyi, calling people who disagree with you, even remotely, "fanboy's" or "white knights" not a great way to get your point across. the parrot attack was a nice touch.


stay classy.

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Maybe "those" comparisons weren't as crazy as certain (many) people think.


They've already made it clear that no classes are changing. They've already made it clear that endgame PvE and PvP will still exist as they do today. And changes aren't necessarily negative. Crafting in it's current form is tedious and I don't think there is much they could do to make it worse. So I'd still say the comparisons aren't accurate, but there does appear to be more of an impact than I would have first thought.

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In this case they are.


It was explained to them many times what the thread meant. But since it was something they saw as negative, they went nuts attacking and insulting me and what I (never) said.


Not once in all the insults could they remotely even refute what I said, but they did like 6 pages of insults and replies that all basically said "nuh uh", "OP has PTSD over NGE" and various other insulting nonsense.


This forum has been a little fanboys club for way too long, and now that more people are coming back, they are just going to have to get used to the fact that not every single post and thread is going to be telling Bioware how great they are for ever and ever.


Of course they work hard at stopping that by trolling anyone not in the white knight uniform and trying to get them banned.


This post is coming off as pretty antagonistic, hostile and insulting.


If this is an example of how you do things, then maybe the other people aren't the problem.

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Well nice to hear I'll get an extra character slot for the instant 60 as a sub and have to buy more shake and bake 60 character slots with cartel coins but it doesn't answer if I can just buy the slot without a 60 attached to it or if I get that extra slot on top of the 22 I've maxed out if I haven't filled those 22 up yet.
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Core game is being revamped: this includes rewards, companions, and crafting.


The companion bit has me curious. Are they going to re-add the old system of being able to kill companions? Change them so that you get them sooner, instead of recruiting some all the way at the end of the story? :D


Thanks for sharing, Infernixx!

Edited by Callaron
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This post is coming off as pretty antagonistic, hostile and insulting.


If this is an example of how you do things, then maybe the other people aren't the problem.


Yes, I'm sure 6+ pages of people attacking me on a subject for a position I don't even hold had nothing to do with making me antagonistic about it.

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Yes, I'm sure 6+ pages of people attacking me on a subject for a position I don't even hold had nothing to do with making me antagonistic about it.


No one's attacking you 'here.' Take a breath, dude. If the forurms are bugging you that bad, there are other places to be.

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No one's attacking you 'here.' Take a breath, dude. If the forurms are bugging you that bad, there are other places to be.


Ill assume since he quoted me he was lumping me in on the "attacking him" train.


Which i wasmt, i was just pointing out that until i log in to pants on head changes in game, i will -NOT- assume the sky is falling and we are being NGEd.


I lived through the NGE, had a Master Creature Handler and all her pets euthanized by it. All within 3 days of buying their latest at the time expansion that was totally negated by said NGE.


Were getting boatloads of communication compared to SoE and the NGE. SoE sprung a total game revamp 3 days after people paid for a product that operated on the mechanics and premise of the pre-existing gameplay.


So yeah not seeing shady/underhanded communication at all, especially since they arent doing a "Hey guys buy this quick(Before we make it useless!-Dr Evil laugh-)" like SoE did with the Trials of Obi wan expansion.


And yes they did make it useless, they specifically advertised new creature handler pets as a selling point, knowing full well they were removing creature handlers from the game.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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wonder if this is their way of getting back into a "sub only" format and have a finite line of f2p/preferred so that you can play up to level 60 but beyond that, sub or don't have access (at least for now).


will be interesting to see what they do and how they do it. i guess we know what they've been doing last few years, since i don't think this will be a "small update" and probably a pretty significant undertaking.


i'm both anxious and apprehensive given this new info. more the former than latter but a bit more of latter than what was there a few weeks ago.


I don't know if it's that, really.


I mean, look at it objectively. To get the content you have to sub for one month...basically, the expansion will cost you 15 dollars and give you a month of sub time in which to enjoy it without restriction. Then, when the next chapters come out you buy it again for 15 bucks...rinse and repeat.


It's really a novel way to do it. It lets people buy the chapters at their convenience and doesn't gimp them if they can't buy them right away aside from the fact that they will be "behind" so to speak.


Instead of having to go through the whole rigamarole of purchasing an expac, you just pay for a month's sub whenever you are ready for the next set of chapters.

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Core game is being revamped: this includes rewards, companions, and crafting..


I would imagine the changes to the core game would be just to make it possible for someone without rich alts to be able to level crafting skills and max character affection before hitting level 60 and possibly changing their companions. As it is now, the fast levelling doesn't give much in the way of companion affection and requires large numbers of very expensive gifts (you run enough gift missions to keep up with demand so they have to be bought unless you wait until max level to max your companions). Levelling crafting and gathering skills also presents problems as you just don't see enough nodes when just doing story missions to keep up to your current level, which means that you have to run constant missions on your companions just to try and keep up.


I would imagine there will be some changes to the amount of affection gained from conversations and gifts or possibly some new options. They said that KotFE would have quests to gain reputation to recruit companions. Maybe there might be something like this to increase affection with existing companions.


Crew skills changes might be as simple as gaining more skill with each action taken (ie crafting, gathering, missions) or a revamp of the system to make it faster to get what you want or less dependant on companions.

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I don't know if it's that, really.


I mean, look at it objectively. To get the content you have to sub for one month...basically, the expansion will cost you 15 dollars and give you a month of sub time in which to enjoy it without restriction. Then, when the next chapters come out you buy it again for 15 bucks...rinse and repeat.


It's really a novel way to do it. It lets people buy the chapters at their convenience and doesn't gimp them if they can't buy them right away aside from the fact that they will be "behind" so to speak.


Instead of having to go through the whole rigamarole of purchasing an expac, you just pay for a month's sub whenever you are ready for the next set of chapters.


If they keep incentivizing subbing with rewards, hope it just isn't cosmetic stuff anyone can get, they they can truly 'earn' the continuing sub at least IMO.


That's the biggest problem IMO is that for X a month is the sub 'worth' it and sometimes based on my schedule it is and sometimes based on the expansion/current content it isn't. This is when compared to how else I can spend ~=$160 a year for gaming/entertainment.


I'd even be fine if they required us to sub 2 months before the chapters release to get them as part of the sub but I see how that is harder to 'sell' pr wise than 'free with sub'.

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